Gloxinia home flower: cultivation and care, how to propagate?

Gloxinia home flower: cultivation and care, how to propagate?

The gloxinium plant is very beautiful, as it looks like a violet. How to care for it is described in the article.

Gloxinia It tolerates frosty winter. In some regions, it is grown as a domestic plant, which can be taken out into the street in warm weather. Gloxinia tubers are usually bought in winter or early spring. They are planted 2-3 cm in a pot that contains well-drained soil with peat. Thanks to this technique, the flower will bloom well and will always be healthy and beautiful.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "What indoor flowers must be in every house, apartment?". You will find out which flowers should not be kept at home, and you will find a forbidden list, learn about the reasons.

How to grow gloxinia correctly? What are the features of care? What diseases and pests do you need to protect the plant from? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article below. Read further.

The gloxinia indoor flower is a violet or not?

Many novice flower growers call the indoor floxinum a violet, but this is wrong. Gloxinia and violet - Relatives belong to one family of Hesnerium. Their common features are velvety leaves collected in a socket. Stands out Gloxinia Flowers - large bells, they are compared with gramophones.

Gloxinia indoor flower: description and features, photos of flowering of a lilac, pink plant, white bell buds

The birthplace of the indoor flower Gloxinia Brazil is considered. It belongs to the same family as African violets. Here are a photo of flowering lilac, pink gloxinia, buds of white bells:

Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower
Gloxinia indoor flower

This plant is characterized by funnel -shaped flowers (10 cm in length) of lilac, purple, red or white. Description and Flower features:

  • He has velvety, ovoid, oblong leaves.
  • Hybrids are usually sold under the name Gloxinia.
  • They are characterized by large flowers of various colors, including bed tones.

This is a popular plant for growing and for selling florists in pots. They can be found in nurseries and in ordinary stores.

Terry gloxinia: varieties

Terry gloxinia - A surprisingly beautiful copy. There are various types or varieties. All of them are truly beautiful with their bright colors with an unusual combination. All varieties clearly demonstrate this.

Terry gloxinia
Gloxinia Taush "Beads Odessa"
  • « Beads Odessa" - is an inflorescence in a small speck, as if scattered beads, where this name came from.
Gloxinia Taush
Slaxinia "Sudarushki"
  • Pink flowers " Sudarms"So they are fragrant with tenderness.
Gloxinia "Parisian"
  • Bright monophonic " Parisian»It seems so strict and at the same time enchanting.
Tensor Gloxinia
Tensor Gloxinia "Curtain"
  • Lilac "Courtesan" With its terry flowers, it seems to confirm its name.
Gloxinia "Hera"
Gloxinia "Random Meeting"
  • "Random meeting" and "Hera" They also have a lilac shade and literally fascinate.
Gloxinia Taurus
Gloxinia Taurus "Cadrille"
  • But many varieties like many flower growers like "Quadrille" - So tender, mysterious and at the same time expressive and very touching.

You will literally fall in love with this creature. Therefore, you need to learn everything about him: growing at home, the necessary conditions in the room, reproduction, top dressing instructions, etc.

Planting, care and cultivation at home: how to propagate a home fluxinum with a leaf, from seeds, with tubers?

A pot with a homemade flower with gloxinia must be kept in a bright sunny place where there are no direct rays. Provide constant watering. Cut the plant after the first two leaves appear. This will contribute to further growth and flowering. When the plant blooms, reduce watering until the foliage disappears completely. After that, it is necessary to place the pot in a dark place with temperature +15 - +20 degrees Celsius. This is the process of growing and caring for a plant at home.

ADVICE: Regularly moisturize the soil to prevent the drying of tubers. After a period of rest, the roots usually begin to show signs of new growth in winter, if they transplant them to another well -lit place and regularly water them.

How to propagate a homemade floxinium flower with a leaf, from seeds?

  • New plants can multiply with the help of existing processes in the spring or early summer.
  • To do this, you need to take a sheet or stem and put in a glass of water so that roots appear.
  • Some gardeners prefer another, simpler method - the purchase of ready -made flowering plants in a pot to enjoy while it blooms.

For propagation, you can use seeds, leaves, stalks or even inflorescences. But the most popular way to propagate such a plant among flower growers with a leaf. Here are the tips on how to do it correctly:

  • Gently separate the sheet from the stem.
  • Transfer it to a container of water.
  • After a while, he will let the roots. Then plant the process in specially prepared soil consisting of peat mixture and sand. Pre -do the drainage.

Water once a week or as the soil dries in the pot. Read more more.

Video: How to plant gloxinia?

Gloxinia indoor plant: Watering

We must not forget that this flower of tropical origin, which requires not only regular watering, but also sufficient lighting. You can install pots with a gloxinium indoor plant on a special stand, since the sunny side of the windows and the windowsill under the window sill under direct sunlight can harm your favorites.

  • Watering is carried out only by defended water and exclusively from the edge of the pot, that is, water should in no case fall either on the greens or in the middle of the tuber.
  • These rules must be observed in order not to contribute to the decay of the flower and not cause other problems.

If you have recently put a young copy, then with such care and watering, it will grow well. The flower will soon need a transplant. Buy large flowerpots, fill it with soil and transfer a lump with gloxinia. Pour the ground well, put the flowerpot in the light and wait for flowering, pouring abundantly as the earth dries.

Gloxinia has faded - what to do, pruning: Useful tips

Gloxinia has faded
Gloxinia has faded

If a small creation has nothing to cut, then the trim of a large plant must take place. Moreover, if late autumn has come, and this representative of the flora has a clearly pronounced rest period. So, Gloxinia has faded - what to do? Here are useful tips:

  • Pruning is to remove all leaves and stems.
  • As a result, only tubers remain, and a pot with them is placed in a darkened cool place.

If your pet is not ready for wintering, continue to take care of it as usual. Despite the winter, magnificent lilac-white flowers will show out on your stand. If the flower continues to bloom in late autumn or even in winter, do not worry, then your flower needs so. Peace will be provided only in the spring, but this will not affect his future life.

Possible problems with gloxinia: diseases and pests, why are the leaves twisted?

Avoid excessive watering, due to which root rot or mold can occur. Because of this, leaves can be twisted. Other possible problems with gloxinia:

  • The reasons for the appearance of pests and diseases of the gloxinia lie in the errors of care.
  • In dry air and with improper watering on the leaves, web and cyclamen ticks appear.
  • By multiplying quickly, these parasites capture and inhibit indoor flowers, and in particular, subject to these diseases of gloxinia.

Breeding such a miracle will capture you so much that you cannot stop on just one or two copies. Therefore, this indoor flower will be presented in the amount of several pieces of different varieties. Moreover, you will learn how to care for your pets that while one is sleeping, others bloom or prepare for this. You will get a beautiful process when the flowers will be blossomed one in one. So all year round will delight the eye with lilac, pink or burgundy terry inflorescences. Then you will want to plant such beauty in the garden. Can this be done? Read further.

Can gloxinia be planted in open ground on the street?

Often, flower growers, with the onset of warm days, plant their home plants in the garden so that they decorate it with their unique and violent flowering. Can gloxinia be planted in open ground on the street?

  • Yes, you can. In open ground, it is planted near photophilous plants, which the plant is slightly shaded.
  • Then gloxinia tubers do not need to be dug up, they winter in the ground.

The gloxinia flower is very beautiful. If you plant several pieces of different shades, then you will have a whole front garden on the windowsill or stand - beautiful and original. All your guests will admire and delight. It looks so gentle and unique.

Video: Gloxinia. Care at home. The secret of flowering

Video: Gloxinia by leaf. Leaf propagation of gloxinia

Video: 9 secrets of gloxinia care. You will not find out - it will not grow!

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