Flower plants with large colors: list, brief description, photo

Flower plants with large colors: list, brief description, photo

For a pollutant enthusiastic about his business, there is no greater joy than when flowers bloom on his flowerbed on his flowerbed. Many people love them to be large, like some tropical handsome men, but our latitudes do not disappoint, because here you can also find plants with large flowers that are not inferior in beauty to overseas exotics.

It is enough to plant several such large colors in their flower garden, and they will create a wonderful background for their smaller brothers. Exotic colors planted on your site, you can surprise your friends and neighbors, but, however, you will have to tinker with them so that they take root and feel comfortable in our climate.

Flower plants with large colors: list, brief description, photo

You can decorate your flowerbed with such floral plants with large colors.

English rose

  • With their cup -shaped fragrant flowers, English roses resemble ancient varieties. And these modern tea-hybrid roses are resistant to various diseases, they differ in a variety of colors and repeated or continuous flowering.
  • They are low, medium, tall, curly, open, thick, sparse. This is amazing, but different climatic zones can give the same varieties a significant difference.
  • Many English roses throw flowers in diameter from 10 to 12 cm. Unfortunately, the conditions unsuitable for English roses often lead to a decrease in buds.
Beautiful rose
Beautiful rose

Buddlaya David

  • Numerous large inflorescences are densely located on this deciduous shrub. For more than a month, he throws flowers with a honey aroma. Their coloring is the most diverse. The incredibly thick smell attracts all sorts of insects to this plant, for which she was nicknamed Buddhilo with a magnet for butterflies.
  • The shrub tolerates the cold perfectly (if the frost is not lower - 20 ° C). It serves as a good background for other colors, so Budley will be useful in a mixborder or on the lawn. It is also good to mask the household buildings and pipes, and it will also be made out of it a wonderful hedge.


  • The birthplace of Brugmansia is South America, subtropics. Being a thermophilic plant, it does not tolerate cold weather, so it is quite difficult to “settle” it in Russia. That is why the bushes, or even small trees of Brugmansi, are grown in greenhouses or on the windowsill of the house.
  • This plant is also called the angel pipes due to the unusual shape of its tubular-lobby fragrant flowers 20 cm diameter. There are many varieties of Brumansy: their flowers 50-cm lengths are simple, terry and two- or even tricolor.
  • During flowering, Brugmansia is covered with pink, green, peach, yellow, red, cream or orange. On the same plant, flowers with different shades may appear.
Beautiful large plant with large colors
Beautiful large plant with large colors


  • Everyone admires large balls or panicles, which for a long time flowering hydrangea is covered. You can decorate your garden with all kinds of decorative plants with large colors: tree -like, large -leaved, panicem, dubolite, etc.
  • With only one single bush, you can achieve attractiveness for the whole garden, and even a real paradise will turn out from the hedge in your yard.
Incredibly beautiful hat
Incredibly beautiful hat


  • Blooming dahlia can be admired from the second half of summer and almost until the end of autumn (if the fall is warm). Their bushes are covered with large colors, and they can be of different shapes and colors, since there are a great many varieties.
  • In order to achieve magnificent flowering of these plants, you need to choose a sunny and protected place for them - at least sunlight should fall on them for 6 hours a day.
Incredibly beautiful flowering
Incredibly beautiful flowering


  • All flower growers know about a gladiolus, which has long been popular with us tropical and subtropical plants. This flower, I like our moderate climate, and lovers of flowers also really liked it.
  • Any cultivated soil is perfect for gladioli, but the best for them is a light sandy loam, generously fertilized with humus.
  • In order for gladioli to bloom abundantly, you should not plant them in the same place for two years in a row, otherwise diseases will begin to overcome them. The bulbs of gladioli cannot be left in the winter; They must be dug up in the fall and stored in the basement.


  • Herberes bloom like a large chamomile; The petals of their flowers can be of the most diverse coloring, however, there are no blue or black gerber. This plant is perennial, its flowers are in a diameter of 4 cm, and it happens that they reach 15 cm - the variety and type of gerber affects the size of the flower.
  • But if some of their types create suitable conditions, it happens that their flowers reach as much as 30 cm in diameter. Herberes bloom for a long time-from 3-4 months. In the bouquet, Herberus does not fade for a long time.
  • Since these flowers cannot develop normally without heat and light, in conditions of cold climate the best place for them is in the greenhouse. For growing in the room, gerberes of dwarf varieties are usually chosen.

Giant water lily (water jug)

  • The largest nymphs in the world is called "Victoria of the Amazon", and in Gayan it is considered a national flower; It is even decorated with the emblem of this country. If there is at least a small pond on your summer cottage, then this gigantic water lily can be grown in it.
  • Its good growth requires bright sunlight, water at least meter depth and 25 ° C temperature. Since the climate is quite unstable in our middle lane, it is quite difficult to grow Victoria Amazon. But among the nymphs, there are less picky plants, in which the "dimensions" are also very large.
Beauty for home lake
Beauty for home lake

Decorative sunflower

  • If you want to decorate your yard with a bright "sun", do not forget about the decorative sunflower. It blooms in the summer, the stems have strong, high (up to 2 m).
  • Thanks to these large blossomed "sun" in each garden it will immediately become more comfortable and more fun. In order for the sunflower to feel good, you need to plant it in a lit place. When landing, it is necessary to make the intervals between plants of 30-40 cm. Now quite a few varieties of decorative sunflower are displayed, which allows everyone to choose flowers to their liking.

Tree pion

  • When these delicate beautiful plants with large bright colors bloom in spring, the garden is filled with fragrance. Their smell is similar to the aroma of a tea rose-it is so thin and exquisite that you want to inhale it for hours.
  • The bush is quite tall, numerous flowers bloom before many other colors. There are tree-like peonies with different shades, but the most popular with us are bushes with purple, red, raspberry and pale pink buds.
Awesome smell
Awesome smell

Tree Syrian hibiscus

  • This tropical plant needs good care, a large amount of sun, waterproof and nutritious soil. If such conditions are respected, then tree hibiscus can grow from 1.5 to 3 m.
  • In diameter, flowers reach from 10 to 12 cm. The color spectrum of a garden plant with large colors is very diverse: they can be white, yellow, red, purple, lilac, raspberry; If you wish, you can become the owner of two -tone varieties.


  • Camellia is an evergreen plant, and it refers to the tea family. Florists engaged in decorative gardening often decorate the landscape with camellias, but from Chinese camellia they make tea - for this they use its leaves.
  • If there are soft winters in your region, then these plants can be grown in the open air, but if the climate is stern enough, then winter gardens are suitable for them. Attractive terry flowers of camellia have huge sizes, their diameter is about 12 cm.
Beautiful bush
Beautiful bush

Lilia is hybrid

  • Breeders are produced more and more new hybrid plants. Now amateur gardeners are carried away by the eastern and Asian lily hybrids-La, Lo, OA, from.
  • They can bloom for months, covered with large and numerous flowers.

Broke artichoke

  • In this evergreen shrub, the leaves are leathery, and the flowers are large and hairy to 30 cm in diameter; Blooms with cone -shaped inflorescences. Usually it grows in height from one to three meters. His homeland is Africa, and South Africa even chose it for herself as a symbol.
  • In our climate in the winter, she can’t survive in the open air, since she simply won’t endure cold and die. Because of this, the artichoke proteus can be grown only in a greenhouse or room, and in the spring, when the air is already warm enough, you can plant it on a flowerbed.
  • In the spring and autumn of this culture, 20 ° C is required an air temperature, and in the winter, the room should be 5-10 ° C. In winter, you need to provide such coolness, since the next season it will not please you with its color.

The hazel grouse imperial

  • The hazel grouse has quite high growth; He gained his popularity among flower growers because of his spectacular flowers, blooming in late spring.
  • For 20 days these yellow, white, orange, red or burgundy The flowers will become a real decoration for your flower garden.


  • These plants have 3 m of heights, there are strong stems on which in summer and autumn pink, white, orange, yellow or red large buds bloom.
  • Cannes are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, practically not susceptible to diseases, and pests-sliced \u200b\u200bon these flowers are not falling. But in the frosts, Cannes will die, and for this reason its tubers will have to be dug up in the fall so that until spring they lie in a ventilated room with plus temperature (a basement or cellar is perfect for this purpose).
High flowers
High flowers


  • Clematis is a liana, and when it blooms, densely dotting with its color the trellis (and this can happen in any warm season, it all depends on the type of plant), then it can be admired for a very long time. But it is simply impossible to take the eye from the large -flowered hybrids of clematis, the diameter of the flowers of which is from 15 to 20 cm.
  • Such hybrids include: ASAO, Arctic Quin, Andromeda, Barbaru Dibli, Cassiopeia, Hagli Haibrid, etc., such unpretentious types of clematis as viticella, atragen, integrallia and jackets are perfectly used - they differ in rapid growth and resistance to disease.
Beautiful curling plant with large flowers
Beautiful curling plant with large flowers


  • Calais during flowering is thrown out by an unusual conical flower that does not wither for a month, and large leaves of the plant only set off its beauty.
  • They do not leave the calla to winter: its tubers need to be dug and stored in a place where it will be dry and dark until spring, and the temperature will stay around 5 ° C of heat.

There are a decorative plant with large white colors of 3 species, and on their site all of them can be grown:

  • Ethiopian Call - blooms only in white, in its size a flower can reach 15 cm;
  • Remanna - its height is about 70 cm, the flowers have pink or lilac shades;
  • Eliot - its height is about 50 cm, has large green speckled leaves, their unusual shape is heart -shaped. This calla is thrown out in the mainly yellow color.
Beautiful white flowers for the garden
Beautiful white flowers for the garden


  • The chastity is included in the Amaranth family, its homeland is warm countries, and for this reason it can grow only as an annual.
  • Its flowers are located in large inflorescences, from afar it seems that the whole plant is covered with flaming colorful lights of scarlet, red, golden, yellow or pink.
Large flowers
Large flowers


  • Another to Enotor is sometimes called a rapunice or a lunar flower. She is a perennial vine. Her favorite time of day is twilight, since it is then that her petals are revealed. This is done with such incredible speed that you can see the whole process without any technical devices.
  • There are different types of this beautiful vine. An uninitiated person can confuse her with a big mortgage. In the diameter, the flower of the Enoter grows from 10 to 15 cm. The flowers can have a variety of coloring, and they all smell pleasantly.
Yellow flowers
Yellow flowers

Naturally, in order to be able to engage in such large plants, it will take not only your time and careful care for them, but also a sufficient land plot. But the above flowers are so beautiful that it would be worth planting for the contrast between their miniature and delicate counterparts.

Video: the largest roses in the garden

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