How to properly and beautifully sculpt khinkali at home: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

How to properly and beautifully sculpt khinkali at home: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

From this article you will learn how to sculpt khinkali correctly

Initially, Khinkali was prepared only in the mountainous regions of Georgia. Now this dish is known around the world. And now, in order to taste this delicious Georgian dish, you do not need to go to Georgia - everyone can learn to sculpt Khinkali at home. This article will help you with this.

How to sculpt khinkali correctly and beautifully: a little secrets

Delicious khinkali will turn out if you adhere to the following requirements:

  • Correctly prepare the dough for khinkali
  • The correct proportion of minced meat to the test (they should be equally)
  • Know how to sculpt khinkali correctly

Secrets of cooking delicious khinkali:

  • For Khinkali, they take meat - a fat lamb, but you can equally beef with pork.
  • Finely chopped onions are added to meat minced meat, about 30 % of the amount of meat.
  • Khinkali is a Georgian dish, and Georgian cooks are added to the minced meat with a crushed cilantro, and fresh bitter pepper for sharpness.
  • Of the ground spices - coriander, zira, black pepper, salt.
  • The minced meat for Khinkali should be juicy, so pour in 1 kg of minced meat about 1 cup of broth. If there is no broth, you can add cool water.
  • After adding all the components to the minced meat, it needs to be kneaded well, if you take time, then it’s close to 15 minutes, and then let it settled and saturated with spices, about half an hour, in a cold place.
  • Knocking the dough for flour, salt and cold water, the proportion of flour and water 2: 1. Dumplings with an egg are also suitable for Khinkali. Some cooks add 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil - for greater elasticity of the dough.
  • In the water for cooking, we put salt so that it is strongly salted, so cooked khinkali will not be fresh.
  • So that when thrown into boiling water, the khinkali does not stick to the wall or bottom of the pan, we stir the water, and at the same time we throw raw products into it.
  • When the khinkali was thrown into boiling water, they need to be mixed carefully, or shaking off the pan in which they cook, so they will drop the pan from the bottom if they are bored.
  • So that Khinkali does not stuck to each other, you need to take them for cooking for one call a little - how much will fit in a pan in one layer.
  • Another way to cook the khinkali so as not to stick together - before lowering the khinkali to cook, dip them several times in boiling water, so the dough will become slippery and will not stick to the bottom.
  • How much to cook Khinkali? After the khinkali surfaced to the surface, cook them for another 10 minutes - if the minced meat is ground in a meat grinder, and if the minced meat is finely cut - 15 minutes.
  • It should also be noted that when Khinkali are ready, they turn over, and the tail will turn out below.
  • How to eat khinkali correctly? Khinkali eat with their hands. We take the khinkali by the tail, bite a piece from it, drink juice, and then eat the rest.
  • The tails, for which Khinkali hold, do not eat Georgians.

Attention. In Georgia, before getting the khinkali from boiling water, a little cold water is poured into the pan so as not to burn the steam.

If you sculpt khinkali correctly, then after cooking they remain intact

How to sculpt khinkali at home: step -by -step instructions, photo

Consider how to correctly to sculpt khinkali manually at home:

  • For khinkali, roll out circles from dough with a diameter of 12 cm, 2 mm thick.
  • We put 1 tbsp on the circle. l. minced meat with a small slide.
  • Raise up the dough, and collect small folds above the filling. Georgians believe that real khinkali should be with many folds - from 14 to 19 pieces, and experienced cooks make up to 32 folds.
  • If you sculpt Khinkali for the first time, then at first, until you learned to do them, you can take a small deep bowl, cover it with a circle of dough, put the minced meat in the middle of the middle, raise the edges and make folds. If you sculpt Khinkali in this way, then the minced meat does not moisturize the edges of the dough, and they will become blind among themselves well.
  • When the folds over minced meat are made, we press them tightly so that the minced meat broth does not spill.
  • We press the folds not tightly to the minced meat, but so that the air remains inside the product.
  • The rest of the dough on top can be cut off with a knife or torn with your hand.

Attention. You need to sculpt as much khinkali as you can boil 1 time, otherwise the remaining and waiting in line will be soaked from minced meat, and the juice can spill out.

Step -by -step instructions how to sculpt khinkali

How to sculpt two -story khinkali: step -by -step instructions, video

To to sculpt two -story khinkali, for one khinkali we need 2 the same dough mug in size. Then we act as follows:

  1. We take a whole circle, and in the other we make a hole in the middle.
  2. Fold 2 mugs together, the upper - whole.
  3. We put the minced meat designed for Khinkali, and pinch it, like ordinary khinkali.
  4. The tail formed at the top is almost completely cut off.
  5. We turn the khinkali on the tail, now we can see the second circle without the middle - we turn it out.
  6. We got another bag - we fill it. Usually it is filled with potato mashed potatoes, but it can be minced meat.
  7. We pinch the second bag - it turned out a two -story khinkali.

Video: How to sculpt two -story khinkali?

How to sculpt khinkali on a special device: step -by -step instructions, video

In large restaurants, in our time there are special devices with which you can sculpt khinkali easily and quickly. But still, the cook will have to make the following processes:

  • Grind the meat on the minced meat
  • Knead the dough and roll it into circles
  • With the help of the machine, quickly sculpt khinkali

Video: Khinkali modeling apparatus

So, we learned to sculpt Khinkali manually and on a typewriter.

Video: The secret of delicious homemade khinkali

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