Khachapuri: Adjarsky recipes, Georgian, Megrelsky, Imeretinsky, Adyghe, Guri, Armenian. Step -by -step recipe for home khachapuri and its calorie content

Khachapuri: Adjarsky recipes, Georgian, Megrelsky, Imeretinsky, Adyghe, Guri, Armenian. Step -by -step recipe for home khachapuri and its calorie content

Khachapuri is a Georgian cake with cheese. There are many khachapuri recipes. Each village has its own recipe. Cheese for traditional baking khachapuri take cottage cheese, such as Adyghe.

Features of the preparation of khachapuri in a pan, oven, slow cooker, microwave, bread machine

The secret of Khachapuri very simple - there should be more fillings than the test.

Khachapuri cooked in a pan

Khachapuri in a pan You can cook small and large, depending on the size of your frying pan. The taste of khachapuri depends on the test and cheese for the filling.

Hachapuri fried in a pan are thin, very soft and tender.

Secretswhich can be used for cooking delicious and diverse khachapuri:

  • So that every time you cook khachapuri, there is a different taste, the finely chopped dill and green onions can be added to the filling.
  • Instead of cottage cheese and Suluguni, you can take Adyghe cheese equally with Imeretinsky, or Mozarella in half with Brynza.
  • If the filling consists of fatty cheese, then butter can not be taken.

Khachapuri in a pan


  1. Dough. For airiness and softness of the finished product, we sift over a bowl 300 g of flour.
  2. Mix separately 125 ml of kefir and sour cream, half a teaspoon of salt and soda, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 100 g of melted butter, And we knead everything.
  3. We gradually add the flour into the mixture and knead with a spoon, and when the dough thickens, knead it on the table with your hands, until the dough is homogeneous and stop pestering it to the hands.
  4. We leave the kneaded dough so that we will settled, and in the meantime we will take up the filling.
  5. Filling. Rubbed with a fork in a bowl 175 g of cottage cheese.
  6. Cut into small pieces 175 g of Suluguni.
  7. Mix cottage cheese, suluguni, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of soft butter, salt to taste And knead.
  8. Cooking khachapuri. The settled dough is divided into 4 parts.
  9. 1 part of the test is straightened on the table with a rolling pin.
  10. From the ¼ part of the filling, roll the ball and put in the middle of the stratum of the dough.
  11. We collect the dough over the filling, connect the edges and carefully so that the filling does not come out, roll this ball with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.
  12. We put a hachapuri frying on a hot pan without oil for 1-2 minutes, covering with a lid, and then turn over with a spatula, and fry on the other side.
  13. Still hot khachapuri crown with butter (20 g), And lay in a stack.
  14. In order not to cool down, we cover the khachapuri first with a film, and a towel on top.
  15. When all khachapuri will be ready, we serve them to the table with tea or coffee.
So you need to collect the edges of the dough in the preparation of khachapuri
Khachapuri cooked in the oven

Khachapuri in the oven from yeast dough


  1. Cooking the dough. Stir 2 teaspoons of dry yeast in 0.5 cups of warm milkadd here 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugarAnd we leave, until the yeast will rise, for about 10 minutes.
  2. When the academ is suitable, add to it salt, 30 g of vegetable oil, 500 g of flour, and knead the dough on 150-200 ml of warm water. It turned out a thick dough, put it in a warm place, and after 30-40 minutes we crush it.
  3. Filling. 400 g of fat cottage cheese Remain, add 200 g of covered Adyghe cheese or suluguni, 1 egg And mix.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into pieces, the size of a cam, knead each piece of dough or roll out a rolling pin into a cake so that its middle is thicker.
  5. In the middle of the cakes we put 1 tbsp. A spoonful of filling, the edges of the cake are collected over the filling, pinch and turn it on to the other side.
  6. We gently roll the cups so that the filling from it does not come out, lay out on a sheet, previously covered with paper, with a seam down, in the middle we make a small hole - for the output of the steam.
  7. We put the cup in a hot oven, heated to 220 ° C, and bake for no more than 10 minutes.
  8. Baked cake is still hot lubricate with butter (10-20 g).
Khachapuri from a multicooker

Khachapuri from the slow cooker is tasty, juicy and aromatic.

Khachapuri in a slow cooker


  1. We cook the filling. 300 g of Imeretinsky cheese three on a grater, and mix with shallow cut into dill (small bun).
  2. Cooking the dough. Mix in a deep bowl 1 glass of Matsoni (Georgian sour -milk drink)but you can also familiar to us kefir, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of sugar and vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of salt and sodaWe knead everything.
  3. Add to a liquid mixture 3 glasses of sifted flour, And knead a thick dough, let him brew a little.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We cut the dough into small pieces, roll it into the layer, grease with the filling, cover with another layer of dough, pinch the edges.
  5. We include the slow cooker in the “casserole” mode, if there is no such mode in your multicooker, then “frying”, place raw hachapuri in a dry bowl and fry. The approximate time of frying on both sides is 15 minutes.
  6. Fent khachapuri hot crown with butter (10-20 g), and serve to the table warm.
Khachapuri prepared in the microwave

Khachapuri in the microwave


  1. Cooking the fresh dough. Sift 3 glasses of flourmix it with 0.5 teaspoon of soda, make a recess in flour and pour 1 egg, 1 cup of salted waterMix to a uniform state, and let it stand a little.
  2. We cook the filling. 500 g Suluguni or Brynzi knead with a fork, add 1 yolk, 50 g of butter, And mix everything.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out 2 cakes, put one cake on a large plate, lubricate first butter (10-15 g), and then filling, cover the second cake, also greased with butter from the inside, connect the edges.
  4. We coat the top of the khachapuri 1 shameless protein, put in the microwave at full power, for 4-5 minutes, then we take it out of the microwave, pierce in several places and put again in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.
Khachapuri dough can be cooked in a bread machine

To cook khachapuri faster, the dough for them can be cooked in a bread machine.

Khachapuri from the dough prepared in the bread machine


  1. Dough. We warm up 0.5 l of milk and dissolve in it 80 g of butter or margarine.
  2. Mix warm milk with butter in the cups of bread. 2 tea. tablespoons of dry yeast, a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of walnut oil, 1 yolk, 600 g of flourWe place the bowl in the bread machine, and include in the "dough" mode.
  3. Filling. Three on a grater 0.5 kg of Imeretinsky or another similar to this cheese.
  4. Cooking khachapuri in the oven. Lubricate the table vegetable oil (1 teaspoon)And sprinkle with flour slightly.
  5. We take out the dough from the bread maker, divide it into 4-6 parts, roll it into a layer, sprinkle with a filling, fold the envelope, and subtly roll out again.
  6. The resulting layer lubricate with a drop of milk with 1 proteinSprinkle with filling, fold the envelope and put in a hot oven, heated to 250 ° C for 10 minutes.
  7. When khachapuri bake, lubricate them butter (20-30 g), and immediately hot we serve to the table.

Puff Khachapuri

Puff Khachapuri prepared in the oven

Puffer Khachapuri in Georgiamore Call the foam.

If you already have puff pastry, then such khachapuri can be cooked quickly, half an hour - and a juicy, tasty dish is ready.

Puff Khachapuri


  1. Cooking puff pastry. 1 pack (250 g) frozen margarine three on a coarse grater, and rub out from 3 glasses of flourAdd 2 eggs, We quickly knead a thick dough, and put it for 2 hours to cool.
  2. We cook the filling. 500 g of Suluguni, Fet, Mozarella, or Brynza cheese three on a grater, drive 1 egg, 1 tbsp. spoon of melted butterWe knead, and the filling is ready.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. The dough is not very thin so that it does not break, approximately 5 mm, cut into squares, about 15 cm long.
  4. We lay out the filling for each square, pinch 4 ends of the dough above the filling, grease 1 yellow, stirred with 1 tbsp. spoon of water, We lay out on a sheet moistened with water in advance, and put in a hot oven.
  5. We bake over medium heat for about 20 minutes, until the envelopes are browned.
  6. Such khachapuri can be eaten both hot and cold.

Khachapuri step -by -step recipe

9 steps of cooking khachapuri

Khachapuri with hard cheese


  1. Dough. We melt in a deep bowl butter (2-3 tbsp. Spoons).
  2. We drive 1 egg.
  3. Sift 3 glasses of flour and mix it with salt, soda (0.5 teaspoon), add the flour to a mixture of oil with an egg, stir, add 1 glass of kefir, And knead a thick dough.
  4. We give the test to brew for half an hour.
  5. Divide it into 2 parts, and roll 2 layers.
  6. Filling0.5 kg of solid cheese Grate, add dill greens, cilantro, several tablespoons of sour cream And knead.
  7. Cooking khachapuri. Put the layer of dough in a round shape, grease the filling with a thick layer of filling.
  8. Cover with the second layer and connect the edges.
  9. You bake khachapuri in the oven, turning on medium fire, 15-20 minutes until it is browned. We get it out of the oven and immediately lubricate butter (15-20 g).

How to cook khachapuri with cheese and suluguni, a recipe in the oven with a photo

Khachapuri cooked with cheese and suluguni

Khachapuri with cottage cheese and suluguni baked in the oven


  1. 300 g of margarine Divide into 3 parts.
  2. Cooking the dough. To 50 g of melted butter Pour in 1 cup of warm water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, a pinch of salt, add 300 g of flour, And knead a thick dough.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer, 1 cm thick, lubricate the 1st part of the margarine, fold several times in the form of an envelope, and remove the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. After 1 hour, roll out the dough again, lubricate the 2nd part of the margarine, fold the same way, and put in the refrigerator for another 1 hour. We do the same with the 3rd part of the margarine.
  5. Filling. 200 g of cottage cheese knead with a fork 300 g Suluguni Grate. Add 1 eggMix.
  6. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out 2 layers.
  7. We cover the shape of the parchment paper, spread the dough layer, lubricate with the filling, cover with the second layer, connect the edges, lubricate the top 1 yellowAnd we bake in the oven over medium heat for about half an hour.

How to cook khachapuri with cottage cheese in a pan?

Khachapuri cooked with cottage cheese in a pan

Khachapuri with cottage cheese in a pan


  1. Dough. Mix in a deep bowl 2 eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 1 cup of soda water, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, pour into the liquid part gradually 3.5-4 cups of flourWe knead a thick dough, and put it for half an hour to cool.
  2. Filling. 300 g of solid grades three on a grater, add wiped to it cottage cheese (200 g), salt and pepper taste.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into parts and roll each part into the layer on which we put 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of the filling, collect the dough at the top and connect, turn it over to the other side, level it again into the layer, first with our hands, and then with a rolling pin. You need to roll the dough carefully so that the filling does not come out.
  4. Pour into the pan vegetable oil (1 tbsp. Spoon), and fry khachapuri over low heat, covering with a lid, first on one side 4-5 minutes, and then on the other.
  5. Khachapuri, having removed from the pan, grease butter (10-15 g)and serve hot.

Khachapuri "boat"

Khachapuri "boat"

In the Caucasus there is an opinion that the most delicious khachapuri “boats” are prepared in Batumi.

For them, they use a delicate, with a creamy taste, Imeretinsky cheese.

To cook Adjar khachapuri "boats", such as they are prepared in Georgia, you need to adhere some tips:

  • Khachapuri eat hot.
  • The Georgian Khachapuri dish is prepared for 3 hours.
  • Khachapuri dish looks like this: crispy browned sides, dry bottom and soft juicy middle from molten filling.
  • Khachapuri filling: molten, puffing, stretching cheese interspersed with butter.
  • Khachapuri eat, breaking off small pieces from the edge, and dipping into a cheese filling, in the middle.
  • The egg in the middle of Khachapuri serves both food and decoration.
Khachapuri "boats"

Ajar khachapuri "boats"


  1. Cooking the dough. Sift 1 kg of flour Above a big bowl. Pour into the recess 1 tbsp. spoon of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar and saltWe pour it 0.5 l of warm waterand 1 cup of warm homemade milk, knead, and at the end add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oilSo that the dough is better to be kneaded, and does not stick to the hands and bowl.
  2. The dough, covering with a towel, put it in a warm place for an hour and a half, and during this time we multiple it twice.
  3. We cook the filling. Imeretinsky cheese (1 kg) Three on a coarse grater, dilute with boiled cold water to make a gruel. Water will go from half a glass to 1 cup.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We roll balls from the dough approximately 200 g, roll out a rocking with a rolling pin. We pinch the circle on both sides and stretch in length to make a boat with a recess.
  5. We lay the boats on the sheet greased with vegetable oil, apply the filling and put in a hot oven, heated to 260 ° C for 15 minutes.
  6. When the khachapuri are browned, we take them out of the oven, we break them into the recess into the cheese 1 egg, and put for 1-3 minutes until the protein turns white, the yolk should be liquid, well, and if you do not like such a yolk, then we leave to bake for 5-7 minutes.
  7. How to serve to the table? Put hot baking on a dish, add a small piece (10 g) butterAnd immediately serve to the table. We drink khachapuri with mineral water "Lagidze". Well, if you do not have such water on sale, then you can ordinary tea, coffee, cocoa or lemonade.

Khachapuri recipe with chicken and meat

Khachapuri with beef

Usually Khachapuri prepared with cheese, but there is khachapuri and with meat, in Georgia they are called Kubdari.

Khachapuri with beef


  1. Dough. Stir in 1 glass of warm water dry yeast (2 teaspoons)and let us get up.
  2. Add to yeast 2 cups of warm milk diluted with water, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. spoonful of vegetable oil, gradually add 7-9 glasses of flour And knead a thick dough, let him come.
  3. We cook minced meat. From 1 kg of beef We make minced meat by passing the meat through a meat grinder, 2-3 bulbs finely cut and also add to the minced meat, season salt, black ground pepper, coriander, hop-sunels.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We cut the dough into the balls, roll them out, lay out the minced meat, collect the edges at the top and pinch, and then carefully yell with our hands in the cakes.
  5. We spread the cakes on the sheet, lubricate with confused 1 egg, And we bake in a medium heated oven for 20-25 minutes.
  6. When khachapuri is buried, lubricate them butter (20 g) oiland serve hot on the table.
Khachapuri with chicken and cheese

Khachapuri with chicken and cheese


  1. Dough. Mix 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, 1 cup of waterAdd a pinch of salt and baking powder,and 2 cups of flour, knead a thick dough, and let him stand for half an hour.
  2. Filling. 100 g of boiled chicken We cut it finely into pieces, 300 g of solid cheese Three on a fine grater and add to the meat. Add here 1 egg, cut greens of dill, cilantro, salt and black pepper groundWe knead.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into parts, roll each part into the layer, on each layer we put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the filling, pinch it, and then carefully level it into the cake.
  4. Fry khachapuri in a pan, lubricated vegetable oil (1 tbsp. Spoon), from 2 sides, 2-3 minutes.

Khachapuri with greens, egg: recipe

Khachapuri with greens and egg

Khachapuri with greens, egg, Imeretinsky cheese and suluguni


  1. Dough. Dissolve 1 tea. spoonful of yeast, 2 tea. tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt in 2 cups of warm milkwhen the yeast rises, add 530 g of flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of softened butter, 1 tea. spoonful of vegetable oil, knead a thick dough, if you still need liquids, add water.
  2. We cover the dough with a tolerable and let it rise for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Filling. 510 g of Suluguni and 170 g of Imeretinsky cheese Grate, add 1 egg, 20 g butter (if the cheese is fat, oil is not needed), and mix.
  4. Finely chop 25 g of green onions, parsley, cilantro and dillMix and suck.
  5. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 5 parts, and roll each with a thickness of 5 mm, pierce it with a fork in several places.
  6. We spread 150 g of cheese and 20 g of green filling on the cellet, connect the edges at the top and pinch, and then we level the cake and roll out, 8-10 mm thick.
  7. We bake in the oven over high heat for about 10 minutes.
  8. We coat hot khachapuri butter (20 g), and you can serve to the table.

Khachapuri with potatoes: recipe

Khachapuri with potatoes

Khachapuri with potatoes


  1. Dough. Dissolve in 300 ml of warm water, milk, dry yeast (1.5 tbsp. Tablespoons) and 1 tea can. a spoonful of sugarlet us get up.
  2. In a deep bowl, in the sifted flour (1 kg), in the deepening of flour, add dough, 1 egg, a pinch of salt And knead a thick dough, let him rise for about 1 hour.
  3. Filling. While the dough rises, we prepare the filling. Clear 6 large potatoes, pour water, salt, boil them until cooked, drain the water, season 70 g of butter, 50-70 ml of hot milk, black ground pepperWe beat.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 4 parts, roll out, put it on each part of the ¼ part from the entire filling, draw the edges and straighten it with our hands in a dry pan, in size of the pan.
  5. Fry khachapuri on low heat, covering with a lid, 5-7 minutes on one side, and then the same amount on the other.
  6. We take the khachapuri from the heat and lubricate butter (20 g).

Khachapuri in Ajar at home, recipe

Khachapuri in Ajar

Khachapuri in Ajar bake in the form of boats. Khachapuri are preparing in 2 doses: first with cheese mass, and at the end a raw egg or one yolk is added And the baking lasts a few more minutes.

Khachapuri in Ajar


  1. Dough. 250 g of flour we sift, and pour into the recess 100-120 ml of warm waterand stir in it dry yeast (1 teaspoon), a pinch of salt.
  2. Knead the dough, pour vegetable oil (several tablespoons), And put in a warm place to rise.
  3. Filling. Imeretinsky cheese (300 g) rub out with our hands, add milk So much that the filling is juicy.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We roll out the dough of the oval shape, pinch the ends on both sides, put 3-4 tbsp into the resulting recess. tablespoons of filling.
  5. We cover the sheet with parchment paper, put the khachapuri on it and put it in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, bake for about 20 minutes.
  6. We take out a sheet from the oven, in the middle of the product we make a spoon with a spoon, release 1 whole egg or only yolk, and put for another 3-4 minutes in a hot oven.
  7. We get it out of the oven, put a piece on hot khachapuri butter (20 g)and serve on the table.

Khachapuri Hurian, recipe

Khachapuri is in the Hurian

Khachapuri is in the Hurian Prepare in the form of a crescent, inside the cheese and boiled egg.

Khachapuri is in the Hurian


  1. Cooking the dough. Dry yeast (2 teaspoons) and 1 tea. dilute a spoonful of sugar with warm water, you can milkLike pancakes, let us come.
  2. 1 kg of flour Sift over a deep bowl, make a deepening, pour yeast, 90 g of melted margarine, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, warm water or milk so much to knead soft dough.
  3. Knead the dough for about 30 minutes, at the end add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, Once again we knead, put it in a warm place and let us come 2 times, we also bend the dough, and we roll it for the third time.
  4. Filling. 200 g of Suluguni three on a grater, cut into circles separately 3 boiled eggs.
  5. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 5 parts, roll out each part in a circle with a diameter of 35-40cm.
  6. We lay out 1/5 part of the grated cheese for one half of the dough, on it the circles of the eggs and cover with another part of the dough, we got a semicircle.
  7. We pinch the edges of the dough, pull the corners to make a crescent.
  8. We spread our product in a form covered with parchment, lubricate with yolk mixed with sour cream, and put in the oven heated to 230 ° C, bake for 6-7 minutes.
  9. We coat hot khachapuri butter (20 g), cut into 6 pieces and serve to the table.

Khachapuri in Migrelian

Khachapuri in Migrelian

Megrels - This is ethnic group living in Georgia.

To the most famous dishes of Megrels are Adjika, Suluguni, Satsivi and Khachapuri.

In Khachapuri, a meter is even more cheese than in Khachapuri in Imeretinsky. In these products, cheese is both inside and outside.

Khachapuri in Migrelian


  1. Cooking the dough. Mix 200 g of kefir, 140 g of sour cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and soda, And leave for 5 minutes.
  2. We add to this mixture 80 g of melted butter, pour sifted flour (430 g) And knead the soft dough, let him stand.
  3. Filling. 600 g Suluguni Three on a grater.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each, lay out grated cheese in the middle, but not all, we leave approximately 200 g.
  5. The edges of the circle of dough with cheese are collected on top and make a node, which then we add and carefully roll out so that the filling does not come out.
  6. We transfer the rolled cake to a sheet with parchment paper, lubricate 1 yellowWe sprinkle with cheese and put it in the oven heated to 190 ° C, bake for 20 minutes, until the khachapuri is browned.
  7. Soft, crispy khachapuri cut into pieces and serve hot to the table.

Khachapuri in Imeretinsky

Khachapuri in Imeretinsky

Khachapuri in Imeretinsky most common in Georgia. Prepared simply. These are round cakes with an abundance of cheese. The peculiarity of these khachapuri is a finely rolled dough. It is prepared for Matsoni, but since we do not have a mate, we will take kefir.

Khachapuri in Imeretinsky


  1. Dough. Knead the dough from 2-2.5 glasses of flour, 0.5 tea. tablespoons of soda, 0.5 l of kefir, at the end add 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, Once again, scurry, let it brew.
  2. We cook the filling. 500 g of brine Imeretinsky cheese knead with a fork so that there are no lumps, add 1 egg, 30 g of melted butter And knead.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each subtly, put the filling on the layer, tightly pinch over the filling, then flatten the resulting bag with your hands.
  4. Lubricate the pan butter (10 g) oil And lay out a flattened bag, and then roll it right in a pan into a thin cake.
  5. Fry khachapuri, covering with a lid, first on one side, and then on the other.

Georgian khachapuri

Khachapuri Georgian

Filling In Georgian Khachapuri is cheese Chkinti-Kveli or its other name Imeretinsky.

The dough is knead on Matsoni - fermented milk Georgian drinkBut since we are not selling Matsoni, we will take ordinary kefir. Georgian khachapuri are fried in a pan.

Georgian khachapuri


  1. We cook the filling. 0.5 kg of Imeretinsky cheese three on a grater, add 5 yolks, greens to taste And mix.
  2. Cooking the dough. 1 kg of flour Sift, in the middle we make a deepening and pour 1 tea. spoon of soda and a pinch of saltWe drive 4 eggs, pour 0.5l kefirStir first with a spoon, and then knead with your hands, and leave for half an hour.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 4 parts, and then each part into 2 more parts: one more, the other smaller.
  4. Roll out 2 cakes - more and less, 1.5 cm thick.
  5. We spread ¼ part of the filling on a large cake so that the edges (3 cm) are not smeared, cover the smaller cake, we wrap the edges of the lower cake up and pinch.
  6. Lubricate the pan butter (10 g) oilWe heat, put the raw hachapuri on it with a seam down, cover with a lid and fry over low heat for about 8 minutes, turn it on the other side and fry without a lid.

Khachapuri Adyghe

Khachapuri Adyghe

Khachapuri Adyghe - This is baking with Adyghe cheese, preparing quickly.

Khachapuri Adyghe


  1. Dough. Mix 250 g of softened margarine, 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 tea. spoon of soda and 3 glasses of flour, knead the dough and while it is infused in the refrigerator, we make the filling.
  2. Filling. 500 g of Adyghe cheese Three on a grater, 2-3 bulbs Fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp., and add to the cheese, we also add here the crushed greens of dill, parsley and cilantro.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We roll the dough into a layer and cut into squares, the length of the side is 12-15 cm.
  4. Put the filling on one part of the square, fold it with a triangle, pinch the edges.
  5. Put the triangles on a dry sheet and bake at an average temperature of 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for a quick lazy khachapuri from Lavash

Fast lazy khachapuri from Lavash

Khachapuri from Lavash will come in handy to those housewives who do not like to mess with the dough.

Khachapuri with lavash cheese


  1. Cooking the fill. 2 cups of kefir Mix with 2 eggs and a pinch of salt.
  2. We cook the filling. 500 g of Brynzes knead with a fork 400 g of solid grades Three on a grater, mix everything.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. Lubricate the deep shape vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons), 2 lavasha Cut into several parts.
  4. On the bottom of the form we spread 1 part of the lavash, it should be larger than the size of the form, smear in filling, sprinkle with filling, then again lavash, pouring and filling, etc.
  5. The top layer should be abundantly smeared with a flood of lavash, it must be wrapped under the lower layers.
  6. Put the pieces on top of the pie butter (20 g), and put in the oven, turn on medium fire, bake for 20 minutes.

Armenian Khachapuri

Armenian Khachapuri

Khachapuri in Armenian


  1. Dough. Mix 2 eggs, 1 tea. a spoonful of sugar and soda, 0.5 l of low -fat sour cream, 1 kg of sifted flour And knead a thick dough.
  2. Filling. Three 300 g of Suluguni cheese On a grater.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 8-10 parts, roll out into layers.
  4. Lubricate the layer butter (10-20 g), put the filling, collect the edges of the dough in a circle and connect at the top, and then knead the resulting bag again in the cake and put on a dry baking sheet.
  5. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 170 ° C for 15 minutes, first on one side, and then turn the khachapuri to the other side, and we bake for another 10 minutes.

Lenten khachapuri

Lenten khachapuri

Lenten khachapuri with potatoes and mushrooms


  1. Dough. In warm water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of dry or pressed yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugarlet us come.
  2. 800 g of flour Sift in a deep vessel, add dough, salt And knead the dough on the warm water, let him come in a warm place. It will take about 2 hours to raise the dough.
  3. Filling. Fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. to golden color 2-3 finely chopped bulbs, add chopped finely mushrooms of champignons (5-6 pieces)And fry until cooked.
  4. 6 medium potatoes We clean, boil it with salt until soft, drain the decoction in a separate container - it will come in handy, and make mashed potatoes from potatoes, if the potatoes are very dry, add the decoction.
  5. To potato puree, add fried mushrooms with onions, chopped finely Dill, pepper And mix.
  6. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 10 parts for 10 khachapuri, and we cut each part into 2 more parts.
  7. We roll out a small part in a circle of 10-12 cm, put the filling on it, cover with the second circle, pinch the edges of the circles, level the cake, pierce in several places.
  8. Pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons) We heat, lay out khachapuri on it, fry over low heat under a closed lid, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Dietary khachapuri

Dietary khachapuri on Ducan

We will prepare khachapuri in a pan in the Ducan. The dough in combination with salty cheese is very tasty.

Dietary khachapuri on Ducan


  1. Dough. Mix 200 g of low -fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 20 g of ground oat bran, 10 g of starch, a pinch of salt, 0.5 tea. tablespoons of sodaWe knead everything.
  2. Filling. 100 g of dietary cheese "Feta" We knead with a fork.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. In the dough, add the filling, knead, divide into 2 parts. From this test you get 2 khachapuri.
  4. Lubricate the pan vegetable oil (1 tbsp. Spoon)We lay out half the dough.
  5. Since the dough is very pestering and does not ride, we do this: we lubricate the cellophane package vegetable oil (1 teaspoon), cover the dough in a pan and level it through cellophane with our hands evenly throughout the pan.
  6. We cover the pan with a lid and fry over low heat until the top stops sticking to the hands (several minutes), turn over to the other side, and fry to a rosy shade and the other side.

Khachapuri calorie content

Khachapuri - a high -calorie product

Although khachapuri high -calorieand lose weight, eating them, will not succeed, but there is a useful property in this baking - an increased content of proteins.

Hacapuri calorie content depends on the test from which they are prepared, and on the filling.

The calorie content is calculated on 100 g of the finished product. The calorie table was distributed as follows:

  • Diet Khachapuri on Ducan 198kcal
  • Lenten khachapuri with potatoes and mushrooms 217kcal
  • Khachapuri with cottage cheese and greens 219kcal
  • Khachapuri in Migrelian 233kcal
  • Khachapuri in Imeretinsky 277kcal
  • Khachapuri with chicken and cheese 278kcal
  • Khachapuri with Suluguni cheese 319kcal
  • Puff Khachapuri 320kcal
  • Khachapuri in a pan 367kcal
  • Khachapuri in Ajar 381kcal
  • Khachapuri with meat 402kcal

Khachapuri with different types of cheeses can be eaten by everyone, only you need to remember that they are high -calorie. In addition to calorie content, they are useful for high proteins. So, on this day, when you have a khachapuri menu, the rest of the meals should be low -calorie.

Video: Khachapuri in the metering. How to cook khachapuri


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