How to prepare juicy khinkali, chinkali dough: step -by -step recipe, culinary secrets.

How to prepare juicy khinkali, chinkali dough: step -by -step recipe, culinary secrets.

Khinkali can be prepared in different ways. The most important thing for any recipe is that the dough is not tough, and the filling retains its juiciness.

The dish does not tolerate haste and has its subtleties in cooking. Let's prepare juicy khinkali together.

How to cook khinkali deliciously - culinary secrets

  1. Flour foundation for khinkali You can knead with and without eggs. The key rule for strong dough is the correct ratio of water and flour. Two parts of dry ingredient for one part of the liquid ingredient.
  2. Correct hinkali dough It must be simultaneously elastic and tight. If the dough is torn during the modeling process, then during the cooking period the flour product will break up.
  3. In order for the juicy filling to resist the chinkali, the dough should be not thinner than 2 mm. It is worth considering that the thicker the dough, the higher the likelihood that it will boil well.
  4. For perfect juicy filling in meat minced meat Add a lot of onions. A kilogram of meat will need 300 g of chopped onions. Too many onions can score a meat taste.
  5. In the original recipe, the meat for the filling needs finely chop or grind in a meat grinder with a large nozzle. Lightly frozen meat is easier.
  6. For the perfect taste of Khinkali, you need bearing the amount of dough and meat filling.
  7. It is worth paying due attention to the form of Khinkali. Quantity The folds should be more than 20.
  8. So that the dough for Khinkali does not break in the process of cooking, we exclude moisture from getting into the fastening sites.

For one portion, 3-5 pieces of khinkali are enough. The size of one product is equal to the palm of your hand. Not cooked semi -finished products are frozen on a stand with flour, and after a couple of hours they are transferred to the bag.

How to make a khinkali dough?

Consider 3 options for preparing dough for khinkali - with eggs, without eggs and kefir.

Khinkali dough without eggs

List of components:

  • half kg of flour
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • a glass of chilled water
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil

Phased kneading the dough for Khinkali:

  1. Pour ice salt water into the sifted flour with a deepening.
  2. In the process of kneading, add vegetable oil.
  3. After 15 minutes of working with the test, we get an elastic non -lip workpiece.
Elasticity is important
Elasticity is important

Khinkali dough with eggs

List of components:

  • 600-700 g of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 350 g of water
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil

Phased kneading the dough for Khinkali:

  1. Into the funnel of the wheat component We break the egg and salted water.
  2. We knead the dough, connecting sunflower oil. If the workpiece sticks to the hands, pour a small amount of flour to the surface. We give the test time for rest.

Khinkali dough on kefir

List of components:

  • 600 g of flour
  • 1 cup of kefir
  • half of the pp. Soda and soda

How to cook khinkali on kefir:

  1. Fat kefir mix with soda. We give time to react products.
  2. Portage pour the flour ingredient with salt, kneading Elastic dough.
  3. Make the dough with your hands. Hinkalo workpiece should not stick to your hands.

How to sculpt khinkali correctly?

  • Round blanks for cooking khinkali should be With a radius of at least 15 cm. In the middle of the flour workpiece is laid out a tablespoon of chopped meat. If the filling is too juicy, then the usual saucer will help to keep the juice in the middle of the dough. Moisture should not fall on the edging of the dough.
  • With the help of fingers from the edges of the dough, we form in a circle Uniform folds. Excessive pressure on the dough in this case is useless.
  • The shape of the khinkali should resemble a bag pulled from above into a knot. With the help of rotational movement, we pinch off the excess top.
  • So that the blind khinkali does not fall apart, you need to very carefully lay out the blanks on the surface with flour. If Khinkali lay on the table for a long time, then they will lose their shape.
The modeling process
The modeling process

How to cook juicy filling for khinkali?

  • In the classic version, the filling for cooking khinkali is prepared from the assorted lamb and beef. At home, you can use pig Great Box.
  • A well -crushed meat is added to the meat ingredient onions and spices. Here are appropriate black pepper, coriander, Zira.
  • The juiciness of the filling regulates mixing broth or water. You will need as many liquids as the meat will absorb.
  • Depending on the taste preferences, you can add garlic or cilantro.

How to cook Khinkali in Georgian?

The traditional Georgian dish is prepared in the form of large dumplings with juicy filling inside. It is not difficult to purchase products for the recipe, but how to prepare a khinkali dough and how to sculpt a khinkali will tell a step -by -step recipe.

List of components of the dless test:

  • 0.5 kg of flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/3 tsp. Salt

For filling:

  • 600 g of lamb
  • 1 onion head
  • a bunch of greenery
  • 80-100 ml of broth
  • spices and salt
It is made in many countries
It is made in many countries

How to cook Khinkali in Georgian:

  1. With the help of a sieve saturate the flour with oxygen, We attach salt. In the center of the flour slide, we form a hollow, which we fill with warm water.
  2. We knead a dense dough that does not stick to the hands. We leave the workpiece to get out.
  3. We miss the meat through a meat grinder. Lamb can be replaced with pork with beef.
  4. Grind the onion and mix with minced meat. We season with spices.
  5. Mix the broth to the meat workpiece. The more fluids the meat absorbs, the juicier the filling will be. At the same time, the meat should not spread.
  6. Divide the dough into portions, each of which roll into a pancake thick 2 mm. Squeeze circles with a diameter of 15 cm. The unused dough is rolled into the ball again.
  7. For each portion of the dough we lay out 1 tbsp. l. meat filling.
  8. We farely raise the edges of the dough and sculpt the folds, collecting the filling in the bag. We raise the product by the tail, letting it sag. Thus, the dough is better glued.
  9. We put ready -made semi -finished products on the surface with flour.
  10. Cooking Khinkali 5-7 pcs. in boiling salted water. The cooking time is about a quarter of an hour.
  11. Khinkali in Georgian Serve with black ground pepper or garlic sour cream-tomato sauce.

Khinkali Dagestan: Recipe

The dough for the Caucasian dish is kneaded on a sour -milk basis with the addition of meat broth. The method of preparing the dough and serving the finished dish has its own national features. The number of ingredients is selected individually, depending on the number of servings.

List of ingredients:

  • beef - half kg
  • 200 ml of kefir
  • flour to create elastic dough in combination with kefir
  • salt
  • sour cream
  • tomato paste
  • garlic
Avar Khinkal
Avar Khinkal

How to cook Dagestan khinkali:

  1. We begin the process of cooking by boiling beef. Since meat broth will be needed to knead the dough, it is important timely collect scale And generously salt the water.
  2. To prepare the dough, pour kefir into a large bowl. Portage pour the flour and knead the elastic dough. Let the workpiece lay down.
  3. After the meat is boiled, it is cut medium -sized pieces, And the broth is filtered through a small sieve.
  4. Divide the flour workpiece into 2 parts. Roll each part into a flat pancake with a thickness of 3-5 mm.
  5. Make slicing squares, each of which is divided into 2 triangles.
  6. Figure blanks from the dough are boiled in the broth for 3-5 minutes and caught from the surface with a slotted spoon. To maintain the splendor of the dough, each piece in the center is pierced with a toothpick.
  7. Boiled on the dish is laid out Pieces of fresh dough and meat cut.
  8. Khinkali in Dagestan is served with fragrant garlic sauces based on sour cream and tomato.

On a note: To prepare the traditional form of khinkali on kefir, minced meat with a lot of onions and spices is prepared from raw beef.

How to cook pork khinkali?

List of components:

  • 600-700 g of flour
  • 400 g of fat pork
  • 1 onion
  • 300 ml of chilled water
  • 30 ml of vegetable fat
  • salt
  • a mixture of peppers
Mini bags
Mini bags

How to cook pork khinkalis:

  1. Luke's meat and head skip large grinding through a meat grinder or chop with a knife. Season salt and pepper.
  2. 100 ml of water is well cooled and attached to minced meat. In order for the meat to absorb moisture better, it can be beaten off and sent to the refrigerator.
  3. Mix the sifted wheat blank with salt and vegetable oil. Pour 200 ml of cold fluid and knead the adhesive mass. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Add 1 cup of flour to a rested workpiece and manually form Elastic dough. Give a rest for another half an hour in the refrigerator.
  5. We cut the finished dough, roll it into a cake and fill with minced meat. We pinch the workpiece at the edges, forming khinkali in the form of bags.

How to cook chicken khinkali?

List of components for the test:

  • 3 eggs
  • half a glass of water
  • 450 g of flour
  • salt

List of components for the filling:

  • 400 g of chicken
  • 1 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 70 g butter
  • 2/3 glasses of water
  • spices
  • salt

How to cook chicken khinkali:

  1. Mix liquid ingredients for the dough, add up.
  2. Flour saturate with oxygen, Form in the center a funnel for egg mass. Knead an elastic dough. Leave relaxing while the filling is being prepared.
  3. Carrot Grate with shavings, Smooth in a pan with vegetable oil until soft.
  4. Pass the onion with meat through a meat grinder. Add liquid butter. Add carrots, spices and chilled water.
  5. We sculpt Khinkali in the traditional described method. From this number of products, two dozen chicken chinkali is obtained.

How to cook khinkali with cheese?

  • 70 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • half a kilogram of Suluguni
  • 400 g of flour
  • 100 ml of water
  • salt
Additional option
Additional option
  1. Combine the sifted flour with salt and water. Knead the elastic mass well.
  2. Grate the cheese large shavings, add yolk And melted butter.
  3. Cut the rested dough in portions, roll it into flat circles.
  4. In the center of the cakes, we lay out 1.5-2 tbsp. l. cheese filling. We form hinkali with tails. Cooked khinkali with cheese is boiled in salted water for 10 minutes.

How to make a steamed khinkali, in a pan?

The preparation of khinkali for steam allows you to maintain the tenderness of the dough and juiciness of the filling. According to such a recipe, you can also cook khinkali in a slow cooker.

List of components for the test:

  • 1 kg of wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

List of components for the filling:

  • 700 g of lamb and beef meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 onions
  • 3-4 garlic teeth
  • spices

How to cook khinkali steamed:

  1. We send the sifted flour to a bowl and form deepening in the center.
  2. Pour the egg mass, pour salt. Pour cold milk with vegetable oil.
  3. We knead Elastic dough And we leave to get out.
  4. Finely chop the meat blanks with a knife.
  5. With a knife or blender, chop the onion and garlic.
  6. We connect all the workpieces for the filling. Add broth for juicy khinkali.
  7. From the dough we form a tourniquet, which we cut into cubes. We roll each piece into a cake
  8. In the middle of each workpiece we place a tablespoon of filling. We collect the edges of the dough on the principle of folds in one common tail.
  9. Khinkali for a couple is prepared on the grill for about half an hour. Lay out on a dish and sprinkled with herbs.  
In a saucepan
In a saucepan

To steal the khinkali steamed in a pan, we use the same components. First you need to boil the water, place any device with a lattice surface above the boiling liquid. Lubricate the base with butter and lay out blind khinkali at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Cook Khinkali steamed in a pan for 30 minutes.

How to cook khinkali baked in the oven?

In addition to the traditional method of cooking khinkali, the dish is prepared in the oven.

List of components:

  • 2-3 dozen khinkali
  • 3-4 pink tomatoes
  • 100 g of Dutch cheese
  • a bunch of greenery
  • ground pepper
  • salt

How to cook khinkali in the oven:

  1. Cut the vegetables flat slices. We lay out on the bottom of the baking dish, greased with vegetable oil. Salt.
  2. We put the khinkali on the tomato pillow.
  3. Sprinkle chopped herbs and grated cheese.
  4. We bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes to a fragrant cheese crust. We lay out portioned On plates.
With a crust
With a crust

How to cook fried khinkali?

List of components:

  • clotted khinkali with any of the previously indicated ingredients
  • 500 ml of sunflower oil
  • paper towel or parchment

How to cook fried khinkali:

  1. In a pan with high sides over low heat, heat vegetable oil.
  2. Put 3-5 dumplings into hot oil and fry them until golden.
  3. With the help of a slotted spoon we shift the fried khinkali first to a paper towel, then to the dish.

How to cook layered chinkal?

List of components:

  • 600 g of flour
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 150 ml of sunflower oil

How to cook layered chinkal:

  1. In the sifted flour we form deepening. Fill it with salt and sugar, dry yeast. We add 50 ml of warm water and activate the yeast.
  2. Portionedly add the rest of the water and we knead the elastic dough. At the last stage, we crush it with oiled hands. We cover with a film and leave for half an hour in the warmth.
  3. The rising dough we mix again and leave for another half an hour.
  4. We divide the yeast blank into 4 parts. We roll each portion into thin layer.
  5. The surface of the flat pancake is lubricated with vegetable oil and we twist into an oblong roll.
  6. Cut the roll squareswhich we unfold in the form of a rose.
  7. We lay out the layered chinkal to the surface of a double boiler greased with cream fat. We maintain a distance of half a centimeter. We give the test before cooking.
  8. Cooking Khinkali for a couple of 15-20 minutes. Serve puff chinkal with sour cream-shaped sauce.

How is Khinkali correctly?

  • To serve to the table, prepared khinkali is laid out on a flat plate with a small distance from each other. The tails are located up and sprinkled with pepper with greens.
  • Khinkali eat with their hands. The product is turned upside down. The lateral part is bitten and the meat broth is drunk. After that, they proceed to eat the main part.
Food guide
Food guide
  • Ponytails from the dough can be left on a plate. For the sake of fun, you can compete with the number of products eaten.

From the following articles you will learn how to cook:

Video: Real Khinkali

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