Aloe Vera and a tabletop: growing, landing, transplantation, care, reproduction, feeding, watering, fertilizer and flowering at home. Diseases of the flower of aloe vera, a hundred -year -old - the ends of the leaves turn yellow and dry out: what to do?

Aloe Vera and a tabletop: growing, landing, transplantation, care, reproduction, feeding, watering, fertilizer and flowering at home. Diseases of the flower of aloe vera, a hundred -year -old - the ends of the leaves turn yellow and dry out: what to do?

Aloe care.

Aloe has long been known about the benefits of Aloe, but not everyone has known in detail about its properties and the scope of use. This will be discussed later.

What is Aloe Vera and a tabletop, what is the difference between them, where is the birthplace of the origin of the plant?

Aloe is an excellent tool that helps relieve pain and accelerate the healing process of cuts, and also cures chronic diseases. There are a lot of varieties of this plant. But the most common in our region are:

  • Aloe tree (and it is also called a "centenary")
  • Aloe vera

Aloe refers to succulent plants that do not require abundant watering. In winter, it needs to be watered no more than once a month, in the summer a little more often.

Important: plants have no more than 500 species that mainly spread in Africa and in the Arabian Penitentiary.

Therapeutic properties of the plant:

  • Pain relief and acceleration of healing cuts
  • Facilitates the course of bronchonal disease
  • Reduces pain in diseases of the stomach
  • Improves the situation with eyes disease
  • Aloe is indispensable in cosmetology for skin and hair
  • The plant has many useful components that strengthen immunity
Useful properties of aloe
Useful properties of aloe

Aloe is useful for both the pulp and juice. Lower thick leaves are suitable for the pulp. When the tip of the sheet began to dry a little, this means that the plant gave the maximum share of useful substances and the sheet is ready for use.

To use the pulp, you need to put the sheet in the refrigerator for several days and, washing with boiled water, remove the skin. Now the pulp can be used.

The hundred -year -old is most often used for external use, namely for:

  • Wound healing and e
  • Salting dermatitis
  • Healing of boils
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration during burning or frostbite
  • Facilitating the course of varicose veins
  • Moisturizing the skin
  • Reducing wrinkles
  • Reduction of itching with insect bite
  • Hair strengthening, getting rid of dandruff
  • Smoothing postoperative scars

Aloe Vera is used for internal use, namely for:

  • Strengthening immunity
  • Stabilization of blood sugar levels
  • Prevention of digestive disorders
  • Strengthening the heart muscle
  • Solving problems with gums
  • Reduction of inflammation during arthritis
  • Improving the work of the genitourinary system
Therapeutic properties of aloe
Therapeutic properties of aloe

But there are contraindications for the use of both plants. So:

  • Aloe Vera cannot be used by people with a low blood sugar, since this plant can lower the indicator even more.
  • People who have encountered vascular spasm should also carefully approach the use of plants. Since aloe leads to the fact that the vessels become even wider.
  • It is also not advisable to use Aloe to pregnant women. The risk of bleeding is not excluded.
  • The hundred -year -old is prohibited for oncology, as it contributes to the growth of cells in the body and it is possible that it is cancer cells that will multiply when using the plant.
  • With purulent wounds, it is necessary to remove pus to begin with, and then use the tabletop. Since the skin will heal on top, and the pus inside will remain.

What pot and soil are needed to plant aloe vera, a hundred -year -old?

Planting or transplanting any of the types of aloe is desirable in the spring. It was during this period that the vegetation begins, and the plant has already faded during transplantation.

The plant that you plant will be needed for the first time transplant in a year. More adult plants are transplanted every 2-3 years, depending on the growth of aloe.

It is very simple to determine whether the transplant is needed: if you, having removed aloe from the pot, saw that the roots are densely intertwined and there is no mail land, then this means that the plant urgently needs to be transplanted.

Pots are mainly made of plastic or clay. And in both options there are advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plastic pots are light and cheap. But because of their lightness, they become unstable and easily crack.
  • The roots in plastic pots are located more evenly and the holes are easier to do.
  • In clay pots, moisture evaporates faster, so watering will need to be watered more often.
  • Clay pots preserve the temperature necessary for the plant well, so aloe will be protected from overheating. In such pots, plants can even be planted in the ground for the summer.
Aloe pot
Aloe pot

If when transplanting you saw that the root system is wide, then you need to take a larger size of the pot in diameter. The roots growing deeper into the vessel require a higher pot.

Important: the size of the pot for transplanting aloe should correspond to the size of the root system. In the bottom of the pot should be holes for draining the liquid.

If you transplant the plants in large pots, and plant a new scarlet into the previous ones, then the plastic dish should be thoroughly washed with hot water and soap, and the clay is warm in the oven. So you will prevent a possible attack of pests on new residents.

Now we move on to the question of the soil for the plant. For aloe, an ideal option would be a combination of turf land and charcoal, as well as sand and humus in equal parts.

A day before transplanting or planting, the plant must be thoroughly watered. Next, loosen the earth from the above components and gently place the aloe in the pot. Make sure that the root neck is a few centimeters above the poured soil. The earth must be thoroughly trampled and watered.

Growing aloe
Growing aloe

When you plant or transplant a flower, you need to put it in a dark place and do not water it for several days. If there is excess moisture in the pot, then this can lead to rotting of the roots.

How to propagate, plant and grow Aloe Vera, a tabletop, from a process without a root, leaf and seeds?

You can propagate aloe in many ways. Let's look at each of them. The first method is cuttings. In this way, reproduction is possible year -round, but it is better to carry out the propagation process in the summer.

Cuttings are on the sides of the stem of the plant. The propagation process is as follows:

  • Cut the stalk at the base and dry 5 days in a darkened place.
  • Love the cut place with chopped wood coal.
  • Put the cuttings after 5 days in wet sand at a distance of 5 cm from each other to a depth of 1 cm.
  • Moisten the sand slightly regularly, and when the first roots appear, increase watering.
  • After 7 days, plant the cuttings in the pots.
  • The mixture for young plants must be selected in the same way as indicated earlier.

You can propagate aloe with a leaf. For this:

  • Cut or pinch off the sheet at the base and place it in a dark place.
  • You need to keep it there until the cut place dries.
  • Plant the sheet in sandy soil to a depth of 3 cm and water regularly until you see the processes.

You can propagate aloe if you use the shoots, i.e. the children of the plant. To do it is very simple. It is only necessary to gently dig young plants and transplant them into a separate pot with soil, in which the sand mixture exceeds.

Aloe propagation is also carried out when using seeds. This is a rather laborious lesson, which will require seeding at the end of winter at room temperature. It is necessary to monitor regular watering and soil quality. It should consist of sand, turf and leaf soil in equal parts.

After the seedlings, seedlings need to be transplanted into small boxes with the same soil composition. When the plants are already strong enough, you can plant them in pots.

Reproduction with a sheet
Reproduction with a sheet

The last method is the propagation of plants with the top. In this case, you need the tip of aloe with 7 leaves, which must be put in a jar of water. After the plant takes on the roots, it must be transplanted into the pot.

Is it possible to transplant aloe and a hundred in the fall, winter?

Aloe should be transplanted and propagated only in the warm season. Summer and late spring are perfect for this. In winter and autumn, this is strictly forbidden to do this.

What to do so that Aloe bloomed?

Aloe flowering is a very rare event, because even in the greenhouse this process occurs once every twentieth anniversary. And then, only special conditions are needed. And at home, the flowering of the plant is almost impossible to see.

During flowering, Aloe grows from 30 to 80 cm of a peduncle, on which there are large inflorescences of tubular colors. Different types have a different color of flowers.

Flowering aloe
Flowering aloe

If you are still set to see the flowering of aloe at home, then you need to wait until the plant is 10 years old. Choose a winter period to prepare, because the plant needs a period of rest before an important event.

  • The temperature in which the aloe will be low (10-14 degrees). But in the room you should install additional lighting to extend daylight hours.
  • Support dry air in the room to eliminate the rotting of the roots.
  • For watering, use a pan with water in which you will immerse a pot with a plant for 10 minutes.

Under such conditions, it is quite possible to see the flowering of the plant. The aloe flower has a very strong smell due to the large number of nectar.

Important: you can’t be in a closed room with a flowering plant for a long time, as you can feel severe headache.

When the aloe blooms, the temperature can be raised by 10 degrees, but the light should be in a room with a flower as long as possible. If Aloe has grows with you for more than 20 years, but does not bloom, then the conditions for it are not suitable. At rest, the plant can always be, which is why it is called a centenary.

Brightly flowering aloe
Brightly flowering aloe

In places of origin, aloe blooms 1-2 times a year. Most often, the plant blooms once a year for 6 months, from the beginning of spring until the beginning of autumn.

How and how to feed the tabletop, Aloe Vera in the spring, summer, autumn, winter?

When aloe grows, it must be fed 2 times a month. Choose plants that fertilize cacti and succulents.

  • Use liquid mineral fertilizer, but make sure that the drops do not fall on the leaves of aloe.
  • With the advent of summer, the plant must also fertilize the fertilizer for cacti twice a week. This contributes to the stimulation of growth and improve the general condition of the plant.
  • Before the plant is fertilized, you need to carefully moisturize the soil. Since excessive concentration of salts can adversely affect the plant without preliminary watering. Therefore, only when the soil is wet can be used fertilizer.
Feeding Aloe
Feeding Aloe
  • If you just bought aloe, then top dressing should be used a month after planting. When propagating the plants at home, fertilizer is carried out after the appearance of sprouts.
  • After the first feeding of the young aloe, the next should be carried out no earlier than after half a year.
  • If you put a young aloe in special soil for cacti or succulents, then top dressing will not be required for 8-9 months.
  • The use of top dressing is carried out only on a healthy plant, a sick flower must be cured first.

Diseases of the flower of aloe vera, a hundred -year -old - the ends of the leaves turn yellow and dry out: what to do?

Aloe is most often affected by root and dry rot. Let's look at each of these diseases in more detail:

  • The roots rot with abundant and frequent watering. If you diagnose the disease in time, then you can save the plant.
  • If you see that Aloe does not grow, and the stem dries, then most likely the plant fell ill.
  • Check the roots and remove rotten parts. Pour the remaining roots with the remaining roots with the powder, and put in fresh soil, with a significant predominance of sand.
  • Resume watering only after 3 weeks.
  • The plant with completely rotten roots should be propagated by cuttings. Make sure that the cut part is healthy.
  • A completely damaged plant, which could not be saved, should be thrown out with the pot and soil.
    Dry rot affects the plants that are found in the wrong place. Aloe in this case begins to dry out very quickly. There are no measures of struggle in this case, since the death process occurs very quickly.
Aloe diseases
Aloe diseases

There is also a situation that the leaves turn yellow in aloe. In this case, we can talk about the following reason:

  • The plant became crowded in the pot in which aloe grows. Aloe's root system develops quite quickly. Therefore, the drying leaves of aloe signaling the need for transplantation.
  • Excessive watering. Aloe should not be filled. And if you saw yellow leaves, and the plant is transplanted recently, then you should tear the ground and reach the root. If you notice rot in the soil or on the roots, then this can be the reason for a change in the color of the leaves.
  • Incorrect placement. Aloe is extremely unpretentious, but still needs enough light.

Important: in order to return Aloe to the former bright light, carefully follow the place in which you determined the pot with the plant, as well as the amount of watering. You should also not overfeed the plant with fertilizer too much. Since an excess of components can lead to yellowing leaves and weakening of the stem and root of the plant.

Take the care of Aloe deliberately and do not overdo it with care. Then you can admire the saturated color and powerful leaves of the plant.

The magical properties of aloe

Finally, let's talk about the magical properties of this plant. If someone does not know, then, perhaps, after reading this information, he will immediately go to the Aloe flower store. Those who have a plant at home will be useful to find out interesting information about their plant. And also you should observe, perhaps any magical features already exist at your home.

  • Aloe is a defender of the house and its inhabitants from an accident.
  • In places of origin, its leaves hang over the front door, like protection from troubles and attracting good luck.
  • The ancient Egyptians brought leaves as a gift to the gods, as a healing remedy.
  • In Western Europe, hundreds of years ago, a hundred -year -old was considered a plant that brings love and faith in the hearts.
  • According to bioenergetics, aloe in the house with sick are of particular value. Indeed, in this case, the plant is the aura cleaner.
  • To protect yourself from the evil eye, hang a dried aloe sheet above the front door.
  • Talismans were made from the roots of aloe. To do this, they were dried, put in a bag and hung on the neck or hidden in the inner pocket.
  • The plant was used to attract grooms and love. Dining 13 leaves was burned on the 13th day and the ashes were developed in front of the house. But it is important to sincerely ask for forgiveness from the plant while breaking the leaves.
The magical properties of aloe
The magical properties of aloe

If you have a bloomed aloe, it means that luck and happiness will soon smile at you and your home. So let each with this plant bloom at least once a year.

Video: Aloe care

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Comments K. article

  1. And drainage, you apparently do not do ... And this is not right !;)))

  2. Dark erosion appeared on the leaves of scarlet (cut off). How to cure the plant and protect it from death? Before that, the plants began to rot roots. And even earlier, the scarlet was watered with organic fertilizer purchased in the store.

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