Planting and growing carrots in spring and autumn seeds in open ground: terms, methods, depth and landing scheme, the best productive varieties, care after planting, tips. How often to water carrots after planting and how to feed?

Planting and growing carrots in spring and autumn seeds in open ground: terms, methods, depth and landing scheme, the best productive varieties, care after planting, tips. How often to water carrots after planting and how to feed?

Instructions for planting carrots in spring and autumn.

Carrot is a well -known root crop that is used in the preparation of first and second dishes. Very tasty salads and even desserts for children, casseroles, carrots and various puddings are also prepared from it. In this article we will tell you how to plant carrots with seeds and achieve a good harvest.

When to plant carrots in open ground with seeds in the spring: Dates

The sowing timing of the seeds differs, depending on the variety of carrots. Early varieties can be planted in mid -April, mid -season varieties are planted in late April in early May. If this is the root crop that you are going to store in winter, then the ideal period of time for sowing seeds is mid -June.

For better orientation, see the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener gardener.

Then it is better to plant carrots in open ground and what can be planted nearby in the neighborhood?

It is worth paying attention to the features of the soil, to the site, as well as what vegetables last year grew where you are now going to sow carrots. The beds on which tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, herbs and cucumbers grew last year. It is undesirable to plant carrots to the place where Petrushka grew last year. After all, pests from this greenery are very easily moved to carrots. Therefore, you run the risk of getting a damaged crop, as well as the root crop that will hurt some viruses or bacteria.

Please note that the soil in which you are going to plant seeds should not be clay, but with the addition of a large amount of sand. The fact is that in heavy soil carrots are very crooked. With a lack of watering, the fruits are stiff and similar to a tree with a large number of hard fibers.

How to soak the seeds of carrots before planting for quick germination?

Pay attention to speed up the germination of seeds, you can resort to their preparation. Many gardeners use this method.


  • Pour the seeds for 2 hours with warm water. After that, catch all the seeds and put them on a wet fabric.
  • Cover them with a second flap of wet fabric and leave to swell. As soon as you see that the seeds were swollen, and some of them began to curse, you can plant them in the ground.
  • But experienced gardeners recommend placing seeds in the refrigerator for 10 days on the lower shelf. This will allow you to harden the seeds and prevent them from freezing in case of random spring frosts.

What soil is needed for planting carrots, what is better to add to the ground?

An ideal soil for planting carrots is soil with a lot of sand. Clay soil is not suitable for growing root crops. It must be pre -prepared and flavored with a small amount of ash, as well as add sand or peat. This mixture is thoroughly averaged and after that the seeds are sown. Many gardeners generally often mix seeds with sand and sow them in the hole prepared in advance and only then sprinkle with soil.

Planting carrot seeds in starch Kleister: rules, depth, landing scheme, secrets of agricultural technology

One of the rather unusual ways to plant the carrots is the use of Clayster. Many gardeners note that the seeds planted in this way are about a week earlier and the crop can be obtained about 14 days ahead of time.


  • In order to sow carrots in this way, it is necessary to soak the seeds for 2 hours in warm water and then put it into wet fabric. As soon as you see that the seeds are chatted, you need to cook a fabric.
  • To do this, take 100 ml of cold water and dissolve two tablespoons of ordinary potato starch in it. After that, put 900 ml of water on fire and wait for boiling.
  • As soon as the water boils, pour a prepared mixture with potato starch and mix thoroughly with a thin stream. You must get a fairly thick mass. Please note that the presence of a film and lumps is not allowed.
  • If you still turn out lumps, you need to strain the Clayster through a colander or sieve. As soon as you get a fresh solution, it must be cooled. Do not prepare the Clayster in advance, he should not stand for more than a day.
  • After that, pour the prepared seeds that swell into a viscous solution and pour into a measured cup. Now, using a thin nose, pour the solution into a prepared bed. Approximately 250 ml of solution per 1 m of the beds.
  • After that, the seeds are sprinkled with the soil. This must be done by about 1-2 cm. Keep the soil until the seedlings appear constantly in a humid state. Do not overdo it with the amount of moisture, but do not allow the drying of the beds.

Planting carrots seeds in eggs: rules, depth, landing scheme, secrets of agricultural technology

The use of eggs for eggs is quite an unusual way to grow carrots. The best option is the use of trays as mulch.


  • It is necessary to cut the bottom in the trays and already put these trays in the prepared soil, crush. That is, a kind of recesses will be obtained.
  • Prepared seeds are laid out in the recesses. They must be soaked, as in the item above. After that, the trays are sprinkled with earth and watered.
  • Over time, these cardboard trays soak and do not interfere with the development of fruits. At the same time, weeds cannot storm through the trays, but the carrot grows perfectly.

Planting seeds with carrots with tape on toilet paper: rules, depth, landing scheme, seed sticker, secrets of agricultural technology

Some summer residents use toilet paper.


  • To do this, rolls are rolled out at a distance of 5 cm from each other, with the help of stationery paper glue, prepared seeds are glued.
  • Further, toilet paper with seeds is simply unwound in prepared beds and covered with earth.
  • The soil layer should be 2 cm. After that, watering is carried out. At the same time, the paper does not interfere with the development of root crops and is a kind of fertilizer.
We sow carrots
We sow carrots

Planting carrot seeds in granules in open ground: rules, depth, landing scheme, secrets of agricultural technology

Now various shops for gardeners offer carrot seeds in granules or in dragees. Already, many gardeners appreciated the convenience of using carrots in granules. More information about growing carrots in granules can be seen in the video.

Video: Carrot growing in granules

How often to water carrots after planting?

Initially, the root system is formed in the carrots, then the root crop grows. Not only the rate of germination of seeds, but also the size of the root crops, as well as their structure, depends on the amount of moisture. Many gardeners noticed that with a lack of moisture, root crops are wooden, with a large number of hard fibers. Such carrots are not used in the preparation of salads, as it is quite stiff. Therefore, it is necessary to properly water the carrots.

Please note that immediately after the seeding of the seeds, the soil should be wet almost all the time. Therefore, drip irrigation or rain method is carried out every day. You can use a hose with a small thin stream of water.

Please note that the first shoots will appear after a week and a half. Indeed, the seeds germinate for a long time, so you will need to check the soil for humidity almost every day and, if necessary, water it. The soil cannot be allowed to dry, after the first shoots appeared, it is necessary to do more rarely watering. It will be enough to water the shoots once every 4 days. A little later, the frequency is reduced to once every six to seven days. On dry days, watering carrots must be watered more often, that is, about once every four days.

How, when and how to feed the carrots after planting?

On average, the amount of top dressing per season is two. The first top dressing is carried out 20 days after the appearance of the first seedlings, that is, about a month after the seeding of the seeds. To do this, use superphosphate and urea. You can use organic fertilizers, such as manure and chicken droppings.

Superphosphate is used in the amount of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. You can add one teaspoon of urea to this liquid. The rows of carrots are watered with this solution. Chicken drop is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. At the same time, the bushes themselves are watered, but a row.

Subuse of carrots in open ground: terms, scheme

The first thinning is carried out when three leaves appear on the first shoots. At the same time, everything that is in the interval of 5 cm from each other breaks out. That is, the distance between the bushes should be 50 mm. To do this, before the procedure, the bed is well moistened. Plants pull out strictly vertically upwards. This is necessary in order not to damage the carrots that you plan to leave in the soil.

After you have thinned out, the bed is watered again. In a month, the following thinning is carried out. In this case, at least 10 cm is left between the carrots. The technology, in principle, is exactly the same. Initially, they moisturize the soil, pulls out all excess and moisturize the soil again.

Planting carrots in the fall in the winter: terms, technology

Some gardeners often plant carrots not in the spring, but in the fall. That is, immediately before winter. You can find out more about this in the video.

Video: Planting carrots in the fall

Galina Kizima - Tips about carrots: Description

Galina Kizima is a very famous blogger and gardeners. Her advice is used by many summer residents. This helps to achieve a good crop of carrots. Below is a video with tips for planting and growing carrots from Galina Kizim.

Video: Galina Kizima, planting carrots

The best productive early, medium and late varieties of carrots for open ground: List

There are many varieties of carrots. It all depends on when you want to get a crop. Among the early varieties, such varieties can be distinguished.


  • Fairy
  • Finchor
  • Parisian
  • Tushon
  • Dragon
  • Parmex

Among the medium varieties can be distinguished:

  • Vitamin
  • Moscow
  • Winter
  • Incomparable
  • Samson
  • Forte

Among the late ripe varieties are distinguished:

  • Vita Long
  • Queen of Autumn
  • The carrots are special
The best varieties of carrots
The best varieties of carrots

How to increase the crop of carrots in open ground: tips, secrets

To get a good harvest of carrots, you must adhere to many rules. The most basic of them is the use of fresh seeds that must first be soaked. This will accelerate germination.


  • Correctly select a site for planting the root crop. It should be with air and soft soil. It is advisable to prepare the Earth in the fall to plant carrots.
  • Also pay attention to watering. The principle does not work with this culture often, but a little. It is better to conduct watering less often, but in large portions. It is necessary that the soil is moistened to the entire depth of the rorn crime.
  • The last thinning must be carried out before the end of June. After that, in the month of July, there should not be any pulling out, in order to prepare a spring salad. This can significantly damage and reduce productivity.
  • Please note that watering in small portions, but often contributes to the appearance of a beard. That is, additional roots. At the same time, the main root crop, which is the most valuable, can die.
  • Do not forget about the fertilizer of carrots. It is best to do this with organic fertilizers, such as mullein and chicken droppings. Remember that organics do not spill under the bushes themselves, but into the space between the rows.

As you can see, carrots are quite common root crop, which is not easy to grow. Use one of our technologies, and also do not forget to often water the plants and take care of their fertilizer.

Video: Planting carrots

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