Growing strawberries and strawberries from seeds at home: stratification of seeds, planting for seedlings and care, planting seedlings in open ground, diving, fertilizer, country tricks, secrets, agricultural technology, video. Strawberries, strawberries from seeds: when gives a crop?

Growing strawberries and strawberries from seeds at home: stratification of seeds, planting for seedlings and care, planting seedlings in open ground, diving, fertilizer, country tricks, secrets, agricultural technology, video. Strawberries, strawberries from seeds: when gives a crop?

Ways to grow strawberries from seeds.


Strawberries are a tasty, sweet berry that many people love very much, especially children. Used for the preparation of compotes and jam, as well as as a filling for pies. Nothing can be better than strawberries with cream instead of dinner. In this article we will tell you how to grow strawberries from seeds.

Receiving, collecting strawberries, strawberries from berries: Description

In fact, almost 50% of all the seeds that are sold in stores are poorly announced. Sometimes it is possible to grow not quite the species that is indicated on the bag. Therefore, if you have several strawberry bushes, they fruit perfectly, while giving large and juicy fruits, you can use this particular berry and collect seeds from it. In this case, you will be 100% sure that it is from these seeds that you will get a tasty, good harvest of berries on the balcony in winter.

There are several ways to produce strawberries:

  • You need to collect ripe, juicy berries, but in no case, not rotten, only slightly supported. With a sharp knife, cut off part of the pulp along with the seeds, that is, the upper part. Lay it all on the glossy surface and put it under direct sunlight or lamp. In this case, you will achieve the drying of the seeds in a few days. After about 4 days, the pulp will completely dry, and the seeds will lag behind the surface of strawberries. You just have to spend on the glossy surface to collect seeds with your fingers. They are stored in a dry cool place for 4 years. This is the maximum shelf life of seeds.
  • There is another more exotic way. If you do not want to wait for the berries to dry, use another way. To get seeds in this way, you need to throw a handful of strawberries into a blender from which you want to get seeds and pour water. Close the blender and turn it on with water. As a result, you will receive seeds that will settle to the bottom. You need to pour water and strain through a local one. Thus, the seeds will remain on the top of the sieve.
Large berries for seeds
Large berries for seeds

When, in what month you can plant strawberries and strawberries from seeds for seedlings?

To sow seeds in the ground for strawberries is necessary in February or in March. You can certainly sow much later, but in this case you risk not to plant the finished seedlings in the ground. Therefore, if you plan to get delicious juicy berries, then proceed to sowing in February.

Preparation of strawberry and strawberries and soil seeds for sowing: Description

Preparation of strawberry seeds depends on how and how you are going to plant these seeds. If the growing strawberries are carried out at home in boxes, on the windowsill, then there is no need to process seeds, because the soil is disinfected. Additional infections cannot be made from garden land. If you are going to plant seedlings from seeds after that in the ground or sow seeds directly into the open ground, then it is necessary to disinfect. For this, strawberries are soaked for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they are dried and you can proceed to crops.

Preparation of seeds
Preparation of seeds

Stratification of strawberries, strawberries at home: Description

When planting strawberries in the ground and to accelerate germination, the stratification method is used. This is hardening with cold. It is necessary to perform several simple manipulations. They are connected with the fact that in the conditions of the forest, the first strawberries appear after the snow melts. Therefore, you can use two methods.

Stratification methods:

  • Sowing in a package. To do this, put wet wool in a plastic bag and put several strawberries on it. Moisten cotton, tie a package and refrigerate for about 3 days. After that, you can pull the seeds and plant them in the ground. A sharp change in temperature from cold to heat will help the seeds sprout.
  • Landing in the snow. Take a little soil into the pallet and pre -buy in the oven. Pour a layer of snow and smooth it to a thickness of 1 cm. On top of the snow with tweezers, lay out 1 cm from each other a strawberry seed. Cover this container with cling film on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for about 3 days. After that, pull the pallet from the refrigerator and put it in the room without taking off the film. Wait for the appearance of the first seedlings.
Stratification of strawberries with snow
Stratification of strawberries with snow

Planting strawberries and strawberries from seeds for seedlings in peat tablets: Description of technology

Peat tablets solve many problems that arise due to the preparation of the Earth. The soil is not always so good that it contributes to the rapid discharge of seeds. Therefore, quickly land, as well as avoid problems during transplanting and diving strawberry bushes, you can use peat tablets.


  • To do this, pre -soak the tablets in the pallet. It is necessary that they are nourished with water. After that, put in the center of each tablet on a seed of strawberries. No need to deepen them.
  • After that, put the peat tablets on the pallets, close them with cling film or some kind of transparent shelter. It can be a lid from a cake box.
  • Now it is necessary to ventilate seedlings from time to time so that a lot of condensation does not gather and sprouts do not occur.
  • Moisturize the soil from time to time. After 4-5 leaves appear on the bushes, it is possible to plant these peat tablets in the ground.
Strawberries on peat pills
Strawberries on peat pills

Landing strawberries and strawberries from seeds on toilet paper: Technology description

Many gardeners have already evaluated the method of germinating seeds using toilet paper. The technology is quite simple.


  • It is necessary to put toilet paper in several layers in several layers in several layers.
  • After that, put the seeds on the toilet paper and moisturize using a spray gun.
  • Toilet paper along with the seeds should be wet, but not wet. Excess water merges. After that, the pallet is closed with a film, put in a warm place.
  • After you see that the seeds were burst, the first roots appeared from below, you can transplant them into peat tablets or in the ground.
  • In order to pick up seeds, toothpicks are used. The depth of sealing in the ground of such prepared and sprouted seeds is 3-5 mm.
Germination of strawberries on toilet paper
Germination of strawberries on toilet paper

Planting strawberries and strawberries from seeds for seedlings in a snail: Description of technology

The method of growing seeds in snails is quite new and very popular. The laminate substrate is used.


  • It is necessary to cut the substrate for the laminate on the strips, about 10 cm and 1 m long. At a distance of 2.5 cm, a thick layer of soil is laid out. Its thickness should be approximately 1 cm. For the convenience of layout, it is necessary that it does not fall.
  • You can moisturize a little, but do not make it wet. After that, the seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from the upper edge and slightly deepen into the ground. The distance between the seeds should be 2.5 cm.
  • After that, the roller compresses and the snail curls. As soon as you reach the place where the soil ends, you can hold the snail with one hand, and pour the soil with your second hand and repeat the procedure.
  • This must be done until all the material is completely turned into a snail. Further, all this is fixed with a dense elastic band, which is usually used for drugs or bustling of batman.
  • A roll in the pallet is installed to the top. It is in the pallet that water is poured. After such a seal, you need to pour a little soil on top of the snails and it is very good to moisturize it.
  • All this is closed with a plastic bag. It is necessary to wait for the first seedlings. As soon as you see that the strawberries have stooped, you must immediately remove the film and put seedlings on the windowsill.
Strawberries in a snail
Strawberries in a snail

Planting strawberries and strawberries from seeds for seedlings in boiling water: Description of technology

Very interesting and unusual methods are planting seeds in boiling water. Read more about how to do this in the video.

Video: planting strawberries in boiling water

Seals, sprouts, strawberries and strawberries from seeds: what do they look like?

In fact, the size of the sprouts immediately after the shoots is quite small. At the same time, it is quite difficult to see the leaves. They resemble a match head, the size is as small as the head. About 30-40 days are necessary in order to get the first shoots the size of a match head. Below are photos of how the first sprouts of seedlings obtained from the seeds look.

Strawberry sprouts
Strawberry sprouts

Caring for seedlings of strawberries and strawberries from seeds: Description

You can find out more about the care of strawberry seedlings in the video.

Video: Strawberry seedlings care

Diving of strawberries and strawberries grown from seeds: Dates, how to plant strawberries correctly?

The process of picking seedlings is quite simple. It is carried out when it is not one leaf, but approximately 4. It is easiest to dive by the transshipment method.


  • The transshipment method is a process in which the sprouts are transferred to separate small containers, from which after that it will be transplanted into open ground.
  • To do this, you can use plastic cups. If you grow in a greenhouse, you can use special boxes for this. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 8 cm from each other.
  • To do this, you need to take a small shoulder blade with a curved handle and the sprout itself, along with the soil. Try to make sure that the roots do not bend. Put this piece of soil with a sprout in a container with prepared land and moisturize well.
  • It is not necessary to fall asleep the earth. It is necessary that the root neck remains open. Only after your sprout is well rooted in a new place, you can sprinkle a little earth.
  • Remember that at the bottom of the container in which the picking is carried out, it is necessary to pour a little drainage substance. This is sand or walnut shell. Drainage will allow moisture to quickly leave the plants, do not stagnate in the soil. At the bottom of the container there should be holes so that excess moisture flows out.
Strawberry picking
Strawberry picking

How to accelerate the growth of strawberries and strawberries from seeds: Tips

Caring for strawberries is quite difficult. You will have to use mineral fertilizers and pay it a lot of attention.


  • After the appearance of the first seedlings, do not try to quickly remove the lid or remove polyethylene. By this, you very quickly provoke the drying of small sprouts. Therefore, it is only necessary to open this lid or make a ventilation hole in it.
  • Watering is carried out about once a week. Remember that in the winter, there is very little light for strawberries, so you need to pierce it.
  • In the morning, nothing needs to be done in the morning, but in the evening it is necessary to carry out a resting. On average, it is necessary that the daylight hours for strawberries are 12-13 hours. After you conduct a dive and transfer the sprouts to other containers, it is necessary to harden.
  • For this, you can sometimes lower the temperature in the room. Do this not very often. 3 weeks after the transplantation of the sprouts, it is necessary to carry out processing with mineral complex fertilizer.
  • Remember that its concentration should be half as much as indicated on the packaging. Because strawberries are quite sensitive and you can burn them. Planting seedlings is carried out in the tenth to twenties of May. At the same time, peduncles that need to be removed may appear on seedlings.
Strawberry sprouts
Strawberry sprouts

How to feed, fertilize strawberries and strawberries from seeds: fertilizers, folk remedies

Strawberries need constant fertilizer, it is carried out both after landing on open ground and directly in the glasses. The first processing is carried out 3 weeks after diving. Nessesary to use:

  • Complex mineral fertilizers
  • You can use combined preparations such as gumi or humifor. They are a mixture of humus and potassium, nitrate fertilizers
  • As a fertilizer, you can use nitrophoska, azophoscope, potassium fertilizers, as well as superphosphate
  • You can also add bushes with a solution of humus or mullein

How much time does strawberries and strawberries grow and strawberries grow when it blooms?

It is quite difficult to answer in what period and how quickly the seeds will germinate. This is due to the germination of seeds, as well as with the method of their preparation. Seeds are the most quickly after stratification. The average period of germination of seeds is about two to three weeks. If you have not done any preparatory operations, then you will have to wait about a month.

Regarding flowering, the period of flowers also differs from different varieties. Most often, the color appears precisely when it is necessary to transplant bushes into the soil, that is, at the beginning or in mid -May. Also, the flowering period depends on when you transplanted the plants and how well they lit them. If there is little light, then the flowering period is delayed.

Remember that it is necessary to plant seedlings without flowers, that is, before planting in open ground, flowers are removed.

Strawberry seedlings
Strawberry seedlings

When, in what month can you plant seeds and seedlings of strawberries and strawberries from seeds in open ground?

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the middle of May. This will contribute to the fact that strawberries will not freeze and the risks of the manifestation of frosts are reduced to zero. Also, some gardeners plant seeds of Chinese strawberries directly in open ground. In order to do this, you must first prepare the seeds and increase their germination. The process of germination can be accelerated by stratification.


  • It is necessary to moisten cotton pads with water, put seeds on them, cover with a transparent lid from the cake or plastic film and leave in a warm place for 2 days.
  • Further, for two weeks, these discs with seeds are placed in the refrigerator. It is necessary to ventilate these sprouts from time to time and moisturize wet discs all the time.
  • The seeds prepared in this way must be planted in the ground in June.

The planting of strawberries and strawberries from seeds in open ground, technology, scheme, care

You can watch the video about how to transplant strawberries in open ground.

Video: Transfer of strawberry seedlings to the ground

When does strawberries be fruitful, and strawberries grown from seeds?

Most varieties grown from seeds begin to bear fruit only for the next year. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to strengthen and gain strength. Therefore, many gardeners simply cut the first flowers. This allows you to grow a strawberry bush to such an extent that its root system is well developed and the bushes give an excellent result for several years. Therefore, if you plan to get a crop this year, we recommend sowing seeds in January. Then already healthy bushes of seedlings in the ground in May are transferred. You can get a crop in the summer or in September.

Growing strawberries from seeds
Growing strawberries from seeds

Why doesn’t it rush, does not grow, the seedlings of strawberries, strawberries from seeds do not bloom?

Many gardeners note that strawberries grown from seeds are quite capricious. There are many problems and troubles with these sprouts, because the stems are very thin and quickly die from an excess, a lack of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly pay attention to strawberries and sprouts. The main difficulty is that the seeds germinate very poorly and, under the slightest errors in environmental conditions, die.

Mostly gardeners are faced with the following problems:

  • Seeds do not start. This is due to the fact that perhaps you have not prepared seeds. In order to improve the amount of germination, the stratification method is used, that is, excerpt in the refrigerator for two weeks. Many recommend germination of grains in snails, using litter material under the laminate. This method also implies maintaining constant heat and humidity conditions inside this snail. Because the material is thermal insulation. If you don’t have seeds, you should try to prepare a new batch accordingly. That is, to carry out antifungal treatment with potassium permanganate, then stratify and use the germination method on peat tablets or in snails.
  • It is these methods that allow you to achieve good germination. The worst way is the germination of seeds directly in the ground. The fact is that small, thin sprouts sometimes cannot storm through a thick layer of soil. Therefore, peat tablets and toilet paper for germination of seeds are used.
  • Bushes grown from seeds can not bloom for the first year. Therefore, do not be upset. On the contrary, many gardeners recommend that when the first colors appear, so that this year the bushes are not fruiting, and all the energy and minerals go into the growth of the root system and the bush itself. Do not despair if this year your strawberries will not bear fruit and will not bloom. Because the offering in the first year after landing is very weakening the bush, which can affect its further growth.
  • Stop growth. If your bushes or sprouts have grown to a certain level and stopped, it is necessary to adjust the conditions. To do this, seedlings can be placed in a colder room and improve ventilation. After that, the sprouts are transferred to a warm place and watering improves.
Strawberry seedlings
Strawberry seedlings

Is it worth growing strawberries and strawberries from seeds: pros and cons of

There are many problems with the cultivation of strawberries from seeds. Even experienced gardeners do not always take this idea. The easiest way is to grow strawberries by cuttings or from antennae. But there may be a situation that almost all the strawberries on the site are subject to some kind of disease, or you just moved, you have no one to take antenatals for planting. In this case, seed sowing is the most optimal method. Experienced gardeners are often used by seed growing method to improve strawberries.

Pros, growing strawberries from seeds:

  • Obtaining berries and bushes of absolutely healthy
  • The ability to reanimate old bushes and land new strawberries
  • Семена долго хранятся и вы сможете получить кустики без дополнительных затрат. Indeed, in comparison with the cost of seedlings, the seeds are a penny

Лучшие сорта садовой клубники и земляники для выращивания из семян: список, названия

It is worth noting that not all varieties are suitable for growing from seeds. Например, гибридные сорта не выращивают из семян, потому как они не будут плодоносить. Most often use the simplest species.

List of varieties for growing strawberries from seeds:

  • Dawn
  • Gum
  • Pokahontas
  • Festival
Large strawberry berries
Large strawberry berries

Growing garden strawberries and strawberries from seeds: country tricks, secrets

Of course, each gardener independently chooses how to germinate seeds. Многие дачники вывели для себя несколько определенных правил, которые упрощают жизнь и сводят к минимуму заботы и хлопоты по выращиванию клубники из семян.


  • Use only large -fruited fruits for germination of grains. They differ in the best similarity, their seeds are larger.
  • Проводите стратификацию, предварительную обработку в марганцовке перед посадкой. Before planting, bit the soil in the oven. This allows you to get rid of fungi and viruses in the soil.
  • Лучше всего проводить проращивание зерен на ватных дисках, туалетной бумаге или в торфяных таблетках. Способ проращивания в торфяных таблетках самый оптимальный так как после пикирования нет необходимости вырывать ростки или выкапывать их из субстанции торфа. Эти таблетки просто погружаются в почву и просыпаются ею, что значительно упрощает процесс развития корней. Ведь часто после пересаживания и пикирования ростков они на несколько дней увядают из-за смены грунта. Damage to the roots and leaves is possible.
  • To accelerate seed germination, it is necessary to use growth stimulants. Ideal is an epinum. Им обрабатывают семена перед посадкой, еще до погружения в воду и в холодильник, для стратификации.
  • Do not forget to water strawberries with mineral and organic fertilizers. This contributes to the growth and healing of the root system. When mold on the sprouts appears, be sure to mulch the soil and treat the fungus with a remedy.
Strawberry berries
Strawberry berries

To grow garden strawberries from seeds is a rather painstaking business. If you do not want to spend a huge amount of time to grow from seeds, purchase seedlings or ask the cuttings, antennae from your neighbors or familiar summer residents.

Video: growing strawberries in a bank

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