How to plant parsley correctly so that she will rise quickly? Parsley - landing and care in open ground in spring and autumn in the winter: instructions, tips

How to plant parsley correctly so that she will rise quickly? Parsley - landing and care in open ground in spring and autumn in the winter: instructions, tips

Sowing parsley in open ground. Methods of obtaining fast seedlings.

Parsley is a two -year -old plant that is very popular in the preparation of salads, the first and second dishes. It can be used as a basis or as a piquant addition. It is worth noting that growing parsley is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

What to do to quickly rise to parsley: ways

Many gardeners who are just starting to get acquainted with country business believe that parsley is germinating for a long time. The first seedlings appear 15-20 days to appear. This is due to the fact that on the surface of the seeds there are essential oils that repel moisture and do not allow to penetrate the seeds and promote germination. Therefore, the main task is to accelerate the germination of the seed. It is necessary to remove essential oils from the surface. There are several ways for this.

FROM carriers to speed up seed germination:

  • Soaking in vodka. You can pour parsley seeds on a saucer and pour a little 40 degree vodka. Leave for 15-20 minutes, in no case leave for longer. Next, it is necessary to rinse and dry them well. You can simplify the task with gauze. Put the gauze on the table surface and put the seeds on it. After that, roll everything with a roll and carefully dip it into a jar of vodka. Leave the gauze on the table for about 15 minutes. Without expanding gauze, rinse under running water and squeeze. Shake the seeds from the bandage and let them dry.
  • Using hot water. To do this, it is necessary to pour the seeds with hot water, but in no case boiling water. After that, leave in the water all night. Early in the morning, plant swollen seeds.
  • Use of lime. If you are engaged in sowing at home, then you can plant parsley in an interesting and unusual way. In the pot in which you are going to plant parsley, you need to pour a little negative lime, water. After that, sprinkle with lime again, so you need to do it three times. After that, just deepen the seeds of parsley and pour abundantly with milk. Such seedlings appear very quickly, because lime reacts with essential oils, destroying the shell of the seed. This contributes to a faster germination.
Parsley quickly rose
Parsley quickly rose

When and how to plant parsley in open ground?

It is necessary to plant parsley with seeds around mid -May, when the threat of frosts passed. Pay attention to get the first crop, you will need about 80 days. That is, more than 2 months. Therefore, the seeds that you planted in May will give crop at the end of July.


  • It is necessary to loosen the soil well, it should be fertile
  • In no case should you plant parsley after dill or carrots. Grows well after tomatoes
  • After loosening, it is necessary to prepare the bed. The depth of the grooves should be approximately 2 cm, the distance between the rows 5-10 cm
  • After you drop out the grooves, fill the prepared seeds tightly tightly into them, having previously soaked them.
  • Next, you need to fill in the earth and pour abundantly. After that, take polyethylene, or some other covering material, and cover the landing site
  • Moisten parsley from time to time. This kind of shelter is a kind of greenhouse that prevents the evaporation of moisture
  • This will contribute to the rapid emergence of seedlings, as well as a quick growth of greenery
  • After the first shoots appear, the shelter material is removed and regular watering parsley is carried out
  • She loves moisture, so try to water it as often as possible
  • The ideal place for planting is the sunny side, although the parsley grows well in the shade
  • But thicker thickets are obtained in sunny places
  • There is no need to draw parsley, it always grows in large bushes, enough lush
  • This does not prevent her from giving new leaves and shoots

Sowing parsley in the fall, in the winter: Instructions

The most interesting thing is that there is a method called sowing for the winter. The fact is that the greens are practically not afraid of frosts. She is not particularly terrible frosts to -9, so you can sow at the end of October.


  • After the garden is removed, prepare the bed, make shallow grooves and sow the seeds
  • Close them with earth, and leave it thus winter
  • Parsley in such cold conditions will not sprout, so before spring you can not worry before the onset of spring
  • In winter, when the first snow falls out, you need to additionally collect snow from other areas with a shovel and sprinkle parsley abundantly
  • This will prevent the seed of the seed, as well as an increase in soil humidity
  • In early spring, around April, you will need to close the place of landing with covering material (polyethylene is suitable) and leave until the first seedlings are obtained.
  • Usually parsley, planted in the winter, quickly rises. The first crop can be obtained in April
Seed parsley
Seed parsley

Postering parsley in open ground in the spring: instructions, recommendations for care

Many gardeners advise planting parsley at the end of April. At the same time, an interesting method is used to obtain fast seedlings. It is necessary for about two days to soak the seeds in warm water, changing it every 4 hours so that bacteria do not start, and essential oils are perfectly lagging behind seeds.


  • After that, for another 18 hours, the seeds are soaked in the growth stimulant
  • After that, they are planted in open ground, for this they make grooves 2 cm deep and about three seeds are placed in each hole
  • The distance between the rows should be approximately 10 cm
  • Further, the landing is covered with the soil and covered with polyethylene, so that parsley is better to move
  • Even before planting in the spring, it is necessary to loosen well, dig the soil, add a solution of mullein, compost, as well as superphosphate into it
  • From time to time you need to ventilate the landing, removing the sheet of polyethylene, and be sure to water
  • It is also necessary to remove weeds and carry weeds so that the earth is not covered with cracks
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, it is necessary to remove the film and wait for three full -fledged divided leaves
  • After that, you can draw landings if the parsley is planted very thickly
  • Further, you need to often water the plant, loosen the soil and protect it from weeds
  • Do not forget about top dressing. An ideal option for feeding parsley is an infusion of organics
The first seedlings of parsley
The first seedlings of parsley

Parsley top dressing and harvesting: tips

Instructions for the preparation of fertilizer and growing:

  • 1 kg of rotted manure should be dissolved in a 10 liter bucket of warm water and water the beds
  • This amount is quite enough to process the bed of medium thickening
  • You need to cut the resulting harvest by bushes. Once all the bushes are collected, do not rush to dig up the plants for the winter
  • You can let them be wintering directly in the ground. Remember that parsley is a perennial plant, so the next year you can well get fresh herbs. Moreover, much faster than in the year, when sowing seeds for the winter
  • Before you carry out all the final work in the garden in the fall, you need to cut off absolutely all the greens
  • Be sure to mulch the soil, for this a special covering material, pine dried needles are suitable
  • In this state, parsley can be left winter, and in early spring, around March, sheltering material is removed
  • We grow parsley seeds in the same way
  • Parsing plantings are covered with polyethylene, a mini greenhouse is created. After the appearance of the first seedlings, polyethylene is removed
  • Remember that in the second year after planting, parsley gives stalks with seeds
  • Be careful and collect a good seed harvest in order to sow next year

Parsley - tasty, healthy, spicy grass. Be sure to set her in your garden. It will decorate flower beds with flowers, and also fill your diet with vitamins.

Video: Growing parsley in open ground

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