How to stop overeating and looking after your waist without hunger and stress: tips, reviews of weighty. Why are you overeating: reasons

How to stop overeating and looking after your waist without hunger and stress: tips, reviews of weighty. Why are you overeating: reasons

If you do not know how to stop overeating and start losing weight, then read the article. It has many useful tips on psychology.

How to stop overeating? Such issues are born in the head of all those whose uncontrolled appetite led to overweight or, even worse, obesity. How to suppress your appetite and take care of your waist?

  • Compulsive nutrition It is a problem for many people.
  • Nerves and stress are a common occurrence.
  • This often begins to bother us only when unnecessary kilograms or other drawings of the figure appear.
  • Sweets and fast food often cause skin changes.
  • Overflow threatens not only overweight. This negatively affects the mood.

There may also be problems associated with the digestive system. Such food habits interfere with digestive processes and disrupt metabolism. This makes us feel clumsy and tired. How to stop eating in abundance? There are many ways to solve this problem. Read below tips and reviews of weighty people.

Why do I overeat and can't lose weight: what's the reason?

The girl overeats and cannot lose weight
The girl overeats and cannot lose weight

We usually do not have power over compulsive overeating. This is a phenomenon when a person thinks only about food. Wine is a very important element. The girl eats the tile of chocolate and pizza, and then feels guilty. Wine may appear as soon as you ate. These are already psychological moments, and therefore if you overeat and cannot lose weight, you need to visit a specialist. Perhaps the problem has deeply rooted in the psyche, so you cannot cope with it alone.

Remember: Food is similar to addiction. A lot of patience and determination is required for the implementation of the right food habits.

You also need to determine the cause of the problem. Only then can this be effectively eliminated. These are the reasons why people overeat:

Sadness and mood decrease:

  • During sadness and bad mood, we like to reach for a “comforting” refrigerator.
  • Over time, a person can feel worse and worse.
  • Food becomes a short -term pleasure that improves mood.
  • Of course, this is only a temporary effect.


  • Stress sequel is a common occurrence.
  • We focus not on problems, but on food.
  • This brings peace in our lives, but we only feel it when we eat.
  • Learn fight stress.


  • We do not always succeed in everything that is planned.
  • Food failures can be fatal.
  • Yes, excellent chocolate cake gives obvious joy, but does not solve any problems.
Lack of self -esteem leads to the habit of overeating
Lack of self -esteem leads to the habit of overeating

Lack of self -esteem:

  • People with low self -esteem Very often they cease to take care of appearance or health.
  • They do not deny themselves food, because they do not feel satisfied with life.
  • More 5 kg It does not matter, because the silhouette in any case is shapeless and unattractive.
  • So you can eat at will.

Strict diets:

  • It is not easy to change your food habits.
  • Losing weight can be like a sinusoid.
  • Motivation can be lost in an instant.
  • It is then that we discard vegetable salads and get fatty meat, sweets and chips.
  • Most often after eating, a remorse occurs, so strict diets Not needed.


  • Very lonely people often fall into the causing food.
  • This is because they cannot find understanding and relief in another person.
  • Therefore, they are looking for a way to get rid of negative emotions.

Lack of activity:

  • Excess free time can be fatal.
  • That's when it is necessary to start taking actions. Many people ultimately watch TV, accompanied by french fries, popcorn or ice cream.
  • Food begins to be mechanical.
  • You are drawn to food, even when you do not feel hunger.

Have you recognized my habits, problems, shortcomings? Surely, yes. Therefore, urgently stop overeating, because it does not solve the problem. How to do this, read on.

How to stop overeating, biting all day, and start losing weight, living, eating properly a teenager, adult: psychology, tips

Overeating, malnutrition
Overeating, malnutrition

Many people ask the question: how to stop overeating, to be sung all day, and also what to do so as not to eat? How to start losing weight and living, eating an adult or a teenager right? Each case is individual, therefore it should be considered individually.

Below are some tips from psychology that may be useful. Moreover, they will be productive not only for adults, but also for adolescents. After all, the body of a younger child is already like an adult, only thinking differs. Here are the tips:

Think about whether you are really hungry:

  • Before you get food, ask yourself if you are really hungry.
  • Do not make the decision too hastily. Wait 15 minutes.
  • If you still do not know whether it is hunger or just the need for food, do not have a snack.
  • Sometimes you should wait for extra time.
  • Perhaps your mind will focus on something else, except for the next sandwich.
  • There is a good text with an apple: if you felt hunger, then think about whether you want to eat an apple. If so, physical hunger, if not, the body does not feel the need for food. But an apple is conditional, there may be something and another-a fruit, a vegetable, a piece of chicken. All that is not for you is an “object” of pleasure.

Drink a large amount of water:

  • The fluid is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. If a there is not enough water, then there are unpleasant consequences.
  • In addition, very often we feel a great need for food during dehydration.
  • A glass of water can be a solution to your problem.
  • It is worth striving for this when thoughts begin to rotate around food.

Try to focus on something else:

  • Distraction from food is not easy, but possible.
  • How not to eat? When you are hungry, find another lesson.
  • Remove unnecessary photos from the phone, get rid of garbage from the wallet, wipe the dust on the shelf.
  • Thanks to this, thoughts will cease to circle around food.

Do not let yourself:

  • During obsessive overeating, we often give ourselves permission.
  • We reach for barbecue, because the boss does not treat us well at work.
  • We buy chocolate because the guy canceled the date.
  • We allow ourselves to have lunch, because we are already clouds.
  • Such permits should be turned into a strict ban.

Eat rationally:

  • Even people who observe a diet should remember rational nutrition.
  • It is recommended to eat five valuable dishes per day.
  • It is good if they are rich in filling and low -calorie products.
  • Refuse starvation.
  • It is also worth excluding food in a hurry.

Get out the snacks:

  • Set a certain amount and time of eating.
  • Be sure to follow them.
  • Do not reach for food while watching TV, reading a book or communication with a friend. These are bad habits that violate the rhythm of nutrition.
To stop overtaking, refuse snacks
To stop overtaking, refuse snacks

Hide the food:

  • It is known that the cookies on the table look tempting, and makes him reach him.
  • So it’s good not to keep food in sight.
  • It should be hidden in the cabinets.

Chew slowly:

  • How is it not to eat during stress? First of all, it is worth stopping eating with greed.
  • Each bite should be chewed thoroughly.
  • You must also remember that you need to take deep breaths.

Find the moment for yourself:

  • Compulsive overeating may be the result of the accumulation of negative emotions.
  • In this situation, it is worth taking care of the body and soul.
  • Every day you should find at least one hour for your own pleasures, such as a hot bath.

Look for support from a specialist:

  • Perhaps the problem with gluttony is so serious that you need to contact a psychologist.
  • If so, do not pull with an address for help to a specialist.

As you can see, there is something to reflect on. It is important to take yourself seriously and carefully follow each item described above. Otherwise, there will be no result, and guilt may develop, which entails psychological problems.

Gillian's book Part 9 “Eat less, stop overtaking”: excuses and excuses

Rilely Jilian wrote a good book on how less and stop overeating. In her book, the 9th part is popular, which describes excuses and excuses. Read this and you will understand why you are overeating. Many women and men got rid of addiction thanks to the 9th chapter of this book. Psychologists know about these tips, and always advise all their patients to pay attention to this. Here are the lines from the ninth chapter of Jillian:

Part 9
Part 9 "Eat less, stop overeating"

In these terms, I highlighted only one phrase: "A desire generated by addiction always wants to be satisfied with it". Until you understand that while our brain is dependent, he chooses only the most convincing excuses and a reason suitable for a moment. When you understand this, you will stop seizing stresses, or reward yourself with food for something good.

How to stop overeating sweets, in the evening, and take care of your waist without hunger and stress, and lose weight: reviews of lost weight

Correct will help not overeat and relieve hunger
Correct will help not overeat and relieve hunger

So, you already know a little useful information and are ready to start acting. Here is a portion of motivation-reviews of lost weight people who realized how to stop overeating sweet, in the evening or to eat up to dump due to stress, care for their waist without hunger and lose weight:

Anastasia, 29 years old

I was always thin. Recently I got a new job, I have to get a lot of nervous. The only outlet for me is food. I tried a lot of diets, I couldn’t lose weight. Recently stumbled upon a book by R. Jillian. The book is written in an accessible language, everything is intelligible. She began to follow some tips of the writer. As a result, in six months I dropped 10 kg. Of course, this is a little, but the result is important to me, not quick weight loss. It is seriously configured, so I continue confidently.

Julia, 33 years old

I loved cakes and cakes. Until recently, they seemed to me the most delicious dishes, and it doesn’t matter - I cooked myself, or bought it in a store. I ate all the sweet and in a row for the time being, until they diagnosed me with the pre -rye - metabolic syndrome". I was scared that diabetes could develop and decided to pull myself together. Sweets were replaced by nuts and dried fruits. In addition, my nutritionist said that hormones of joy are not only in sugar, but also to sea fish, cheese, lean meat and spices. Now I study the kitchen of different peoples and losing weight without sweets.

Irina, 30 years old

I seized my idleness and recovered for 2 years for 20 kg. This happened when she left work, as her husband received a promotion and began to earn well. We decided that there would be more sense if I sit at home. After all, there is no role from my small salary for the current family budget. As a result, excess weight, bad mood and well -being. Now I have returned to work, and even if not for the sake of money, but to be in business, in motion. I lost 15 kg in six months. Therefore, try to be physically active - it is good for health.

Video: How to stop constantly eating and finally lose weight? Ideal figure for the lazy

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Comments K. article

  1. No matter how much I lose weight, they don’t want to leave in the waist. Even on low -calorie protein diets, the process was slow. In vain, the body created stressful conditions only (. I went to a dietaticologist for a consultation, advised me to drink the Evalarovsky lipotropic factor, ordered it to the It noticeably accelerates the fat metabolism and removes the sides.

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