Egg-grapefruit diet: Rules, prohibited and permitted products, menu for 3, 7 days, reviews

Egg-grapefruit diet: Rules, prohibited and permitted products, menu for 3, 7 days, reviews

If you do not know how to lose weight, then you can use an effective egg-grapefruit diet. Thanks to it, you can throw it up to 6 kg per week.

Feeling the approach of spring, the pores of short skirts and admiring views, a woman was one of the first to come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to get rid of strategic reserves, extra pounds that have been accumulating all a long cold winter.

  • The modern lady will not take risks, rushing into the abyss of newfangled diets.
  • She knows that the main thing in the nutrition is balanced, otherwise, if it is, then short -term.
  • To return the figure, harmony without risks and unpleasant sensations, you should pay attention to two simple products, grapefruit and egg.
  • Take it  it is precisely these two products, and you will get a really effective meals, thanks to which it will be possible to lose weight.
  • Read also information about purely grapefruit diet  in another article.
  • This type of food is popular among show business stars.

The effect of such a diet is explained by a banal rating called “what to eat in order to lose weight”, the leading positions in which these two products occupy. Egg breepefruit diet - effective and really helps to lose weight on 3-5 kilogramsduring the week . Read more below.

Egg Grapefruit Diet: Basic Rules

Egg breepefruit diet
Egg breepefruit diet

Grapefruit It has always been considered a noble fat burner. It itself is low -calorie, but at the same time contains a whole set of vitamins necessary for a person, useful trace elements and fiber.

Eggs - A direct source of protein in its pure form, which will not allow to be hungry for a long time, are easily absorbed and will not allow the muscles and skin to become flabby. And with a combination of these products, a mixture is obtained that relieves the body from excess fluid and toxins.

Here are the basic rules of the egg-grapefruit diet:

  • The basis of this diet is not to substract calories, but chemical processes accompanying grapefruit and eggs with the body.
  • If you adapt this diet by the rules for yourself, the effect will be not the same.
  • Accordingly, we can attribute a diet to the category of strict low -calorie.
  • The egg-grapefruit diet has no age restrictions.
  • And the correct ratio of all elements does not imply additional intake of vitamins.


  • Drink more water.
  • Cook vegetables in water, not in broth, you can use seasonings.
  • Do not add oils and fats to food.
  • Do not put sugar and milk in hot drinks, you can sweet substitute.
  • Strictly observe the diet, do not change the set of products and time for each meal.
  • You can use any amount of product if the limit is not given in the mode.
  • If necessary, replace grapefruit with oranges.

Important advice: Start diet from the beginning if a prohibited or extra product is eaten. Do not use this diet longer than the specified period.

Egg-grapefruit diet: prohibited and allowed products

Egg breepefruit diet
Egg breepefruit diet

During the egg-grapefruit diet, it is necessary to strictly and clearly monitor the grocery composition for each meal. The breakdown, the use of the product from the list of forbidden involves the beginning of the diet again. This applies to any type of nutrition - everyone who wants to effectively and effectively lose weight should remember this rule.

Profitable products:

  • Low -fat dairy products or low -fat
  • Cereals and porridge
  • Loof meat in boiled form - veal, chicken, turkey
  • White -varieties steam fish
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Crackers and cereal bread
  • Grain and bran bread
  • Non -carbonated drinks without sugar

Forbidden products:

  • Fatty meat (pork, lamb), lard
  • Red fish and herring
  • Butter
  • Dairy products with fat content of more 2,5%, including cheese
  • Factory mayonnaise sauces, ketchups
  • Snec, chips, nuts
  • Semi -finished products
  • White bread, pasta
  • Sweet pastries
  • Confectionery

Remember that all products that have sugar and a lot of salt are prohibited. It is not advisable to consume a lot of fat, so with such a diet there are restrictions on nuts and fatty meat and fish. Prepare food for a couple more useful than frying, and tastier than just cooking.

Squirrel-yaid-greepefruit diet for 3, 7 days: menu

Egg breepefruit diet
Egg breepefruit diet

Depending on the needs and capabilities, egg-grapefruit diets are several types:

  • Tough for 3 days
  • Weekly for 7 days

Of course, you can adhere to such a protein-vic-greepefruit diet and 2 weeks or a month, then the effect will turn out to be more productive.

Three -day hard diet:

  • The menu is only grapefruit and egg proteins, any additives and additional products are prohibited.
  • Drink only water.
  • For a day you need to stretch 6 proteins and 6 grapefruits.

1st option - Power plan:

  • Breakfast - a glass of water
  • A little later - protein
  • An hour later - grapefruit
  • Alternate without violating the sequence throughout the day

2nd option Three -day emergency diet - power circuit:

  • Breakfast: half a grapefruit, a piece of black bread, a steep egg, green tea.
  • Dinner: 250 gr. boiled vegetables, green tea.
  • Dinner: half grapefruit, 2 cool eggs, green tea.

As you can see, there should only be in the daily diet:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1-2 grapefruit
  • Boiled vegetables
  • A piece of black bread
  • Water and a lot of green tea

Choose any option 3-day diet From the above, and after a few days your figure will acquire the long -awaited outlines. A weekly diet is more gentle and allows the presence of more products in the diet.

Egg breepefruit diet
Egg breepefruit diet

Menu for the day - 7-day promising diet:

1 day:

  • Green tea, small apple, cool egg
  • 250 gr. rice with steam vegetables, half grapefruit, green tea or coffee
  • A glass of grapefruit juice, 100 gr. potatoes

2 day:

  • Coffee, 1-2 steep eggs, a piece of black bread
  • 250 gr. buckwheat with vegetables, half of the citrus, green tea
  • Half of grapefruit or orange, 1 protein, green tea

3 day:

  • Green tea, 1 cool egg, medium -sized apple
  • 250 gr. rice with boiled chicken or turkey breast, a glass of citrus juice
  • Boiled vegetable salad, half grapefruit, green tea

4 day:

  • 2 proteins, coffee
  • 250-300 gr. rice with boiled chicken breast and vegetables, a glass of citrus juice
  • Fresh vegetable salad, a piece of black bread, green tea

Further, the days are repeated in the reverse order.

Exit from the egg-grapefruit diet: Rules

Egg breepefruit diet helps to lose weight
Egg breepefruit diet helps to lose weight

From any diet it is not recommended to leave sharply, throwing it completely, without continuing to observe proper nutrition. Here are the rules for leaving the egg-grapefruit diet:

  • It is necessary to return one product that was prohibited during the diet daily.
  • Callorase of the daily diet should not exceed 2000 calories.
  • After all, the stomach during the diet decreased in volumes. Do not torment him.

If you do everything right, you will not harm your health.

Egg-grapefruit diet for 4 weeks: Results

Egg breepefruit diet
Egg breepefruit diet

Long-term use of the egg-grapefruit diet is more like a power system. But longer 4 weeks It is not necessary to eat according to this scheme in order to avoid the imbalance of nutrients in the body. Although long-term egg-grapefruit nutrition is less extreme for the body. The weight will go more slowly, but irrevocably. At 4-week Testing with this diet, the diet will be more diverse, but the base is all the same eggs and citrus fruits. Here is an approximate menu of the egg-grapefruit diet:

  • Breakfast Completely repeats other varieties of this kind: half of grapefruit, egg and green tea. Sometimes for a variety, you can replace an egg with a feta cheese, fat -free cottage cheese or light cheese.
  • Dinner It consists of a small portion of low -fat meat and vegetables, plus green tea or citrus juice. Dishes can be prepared in several ways: boil, simmer, bake. Vegetables can be served in the form of fresh salad.
  • Afternoon snack or snack - Grapefruit or several dried fruits.
  • Dinnerit is identical to dinner.

Any diet, being a violation of the usual way of nutrition, including egg-grapefruita, reserves the right to exist, especially since the effectiveness and results are obvious. For a month of such a diet, you will lose weight on 4-8 kg.

Egg-grapefruit diet: reviews

Egg breepefruit diet
Egg breepefruit diet

Someone speaks about this type of nutrition, as the best and most effective of all existing ones. People lose weight at the same time, and adhering to a healthy lifestyle in the future, hated kilograms are no longer gaining. Read reviews about the egg-grapefruit diet:

Olga, 29 years old

I combine the egg-grapefruit diet with regular physical exertion. I just achieved stunning results - in a month I lost 8 kg. Now on proper nutrition and continue to play sports. At the same time, the coach even sometimes allows forbidden products. For example, ice cream, if I go with my friends in a cafe or a glass of champagne for the New Year or another holiday. The diet helped me a lot.

Elena, 33 years old

I had to try several times a year different in duration options for the egg-grapefruit diet. As a result, I realized that a weekly option is suitable for me. If I follow the diet for less days, I do not lose weight. If longer than 7 days, then gastritis exacerbates. But I am glad that I realized which nutrition helps to really lose weight and according to what scheme.

Irina, 28 years old

I am sitting on the egg-grapefruit diet for 3 days. After any holiday and a chic feast, I always gain extra couple of kg. Having selected the most optimal option for myself, I use it with a certain frequency. Three days after the holiday I lose weight on a diet, then I usually eat. But I do not lay down on sweets. I exclude all fat and smoked foods.

As you can see, in the reviews of losing weight or already losing weight, you can even stumble upon specific numbers, victoriously symbolizing the discarded kilograms and melted centimeters. I would like to say that one thing is for sure - everything needs a measure and harmony in everything. Do not fanatically sacrifice yourself fashion trends. The rule of three p No one canceled: Sequence, utility, feasibility. Good luck!

Video: Grapefruit-Bely diet. We lose weight easily!

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