Causes and signs of underestimated self -esteem. 15 real ways to raise self -esteem, self -confidence and improve the quality of life

Causes and signs of underestimated self -esteem. 15 real ways to raise self -esteem, self -confidence and improve the quality of life

It is very difficult to call one factor of low self -esteem in a person, because it is not entirely clear what exactly is the reason. Psychologists say that there can be many factors - the most common: innate features, appearance, place and role in society.

To achieve success in any endeavors, it is necessary to first believe in their own strengths. Undettered self -esteem becomes an obstacle to a happy full life. Cocenting with doubts and disappointments, we miss a lot of interesting opportunities. Any self -esteem can and should be increased. Adhering to effective techniques, you will revise your life positions, your attitude to yourself and the world around you.

The role of self -esteem in our life

Self -esteem reflects your idea of \u200b\u200byour own advantages and disadvantages, plays a leading role in relations with others. The self -confident circle of communication is always wider, as it radiates a special positive energy. It is easier for such people to overcome life difficulties and achieve their goals.

Relations in the family, at work, in society directly depend on your sensation of yourself. Going on the occasion and your fear, indecision and uncertainty, you program yourself for failures. You obviously deprive yourself of victories, prospects and achievements.

IMPORTANT:Low self -esteem is to a greater extent when a person is not able to reveal himself as a person and his potential. If it comes to a difficult and neglected situation, then an inferiority complex arises. In this case, it is better to turn to specialists for help so as not to aggravate the situation that can lead to depression.

  • Proper self -esteem gives a person the opportunity to make decisions, based on his own beliefs and desires. Do not depend on the opinions of others. Be sure of your own choice. Do not stop there and strive for success.
  • Society has a great influence on the self -esteem of each person. Education in the family, communication with peers, friends and colleagues either lower, or raises our opinion about ourselves.
  • Real self -esteem should be built on its own abilities and skills. You need to be able to accept your shortcomings and increase the advantages.
Self -esteem should be real
Self -esteem should be real
  • Reveal your best sides to society, get praise for the successes achieved. Any normal person seeks to choose friends and interlocutors among self -sufficient people.
  • Underestimating their capabilities prevents people from living fully. Exiled ambitions often lead to multiple errors. In both cases, a person refuses to perceive his real "I".
  • Undetered self -esteem can rapidly turn into high and vice versa.

In modern society, low self -esteem has become a common problem. Consider several effective recommendations, compliance with which will help to revise the attitude towards yourself and improve the quality of life.

Typical signs of low self -esteem

A indicative sign of self -esteem is primarily your relationship with others. Society analyzes your attitude to itself and copies this model of behavior. If you do not require respect for yourself, you will not wait for it. Others perceive the personality, as she presents herself. If you do not love yourself, do not expect others to love you.

Important: a person with low self -esteem can unconsciously form an environment around himself with a similar line of behavior. Against the background of uncertain and indecisive people, they will be completely satisfied with their way of life.

Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem

In the case of low self -esteem, the following behavior is characteristic:

  • The fixation on its own shortcomings.Dissatisfaction with itself fetters emotions and movements. The person looks clamped and extinct. The lack of style in clothing and untidy appearance accompany the negative attitude towards oneself.
  • Dependence on the opinions of others. Feeling uncertainly, we react very sharply to the criticism of others. In their decisions, opinions are dependent. We act under other people's leadership, contrary to our desires.
  • Constant complaints about the events.An inferior person constantly complains about the people around and everything that happens around. To blame someone is much easier than taking responsibility.
  • Dissatisfaction with your own life.A person with low self -esteem constantly speaks of his helplessness, bad luck, and imperfect life.
  • A compassionate attitude towards oneself.By showing weakness, we allow others to offend ourselves. We count on sympathy and mercy. We present our weaknesses, trying to cause pity and missing attention. We are trying to make excuses in the eyes of others.
  • Shifting responsibility to others. A person is not able to make firm independent decisions. He is not responsible for his mistakes. He seeks to blame others in his failures. Crites society for their weaknesses and disadvantages.
  • Envy to other people's success. Own inferiority does not make it possible to sincerely rejoice for other people's achievements. The lack of positive changes and results in their own life causes envy of the success of others.
  • Increased anxiety and fear of any changes. Undetered self -esteem leads to emotional disorders and depressive mood. Negative thoughts prevail. A person lives anxiety and experiences for the events.

Understanding its self -esteem makes you feel alienated from people, to perceive temporary failures as a constant result of actions. To be in such a mood constantly, it is bad to treat yourself, then after a while you will begin to notice that people began to perceive you just as you think. As a result, remoteness, depressive state and emotional disorder occur.

Causes of underestimated self -esteem

A person’s self -esteem is formed at the very beginning of life. With birth, we acquire certain external data and social status.

Based on this, the main causes of reduced self -esteem can be distinguished:

  1. Education in the family.Small children form an opinion about themselves according to the assessment of others, primarily relatives and loved ones. Inadequate attention and lack of parental love negatively affects children. Constant punishments and comparison with other children beat faith in their own forces. A child, surrounded by care and respect in the family, feels confident and self -sufficient. Experts insist that it is the family that is the center of development of the child and the key to a successful implementation in life. Inquisition, inertia, loss of cheerfulness, uncertainty and other indicators, they all come from parents' attitudes. Since childhood, the child is “programmed” on a “not healthy” state in society, because the character is formed from birth.
  2. Psychological injuries.Each child sometimes comprehends failures. The attitude to such situations is formed by the reaction and opinion of the parents. Excessive criticism of adults repels the desire to act. It instills a feeling of guilt and dissatisfaction with oneself. The everyday problems of parents should not be transferred to the child. Accusing her of your own failures, you will grow an notorious and closed personality.

    There are only four reasons
    There are only four reasons
  3. Life of parents. Until a certain age, parents are an example to follow. Understructive parental behavior leads to passivity and uncertainty of children. By making efforts for the effectiveness and success of our child, we form the correct self -esteem in it and lay leadership qualities.
  4. Infutable appearance and health features. Very often non -standard children's appearance becomes a reason for ridicule. The correct attitude of parents does not exclude the ruthless environment. The lack of communication with peers and offensive nicknames exacerbate a sense of their own inferiority, lead to isolation - peers are very often ruthless to such external shortcomings of others. Health deviations make the child vulnerable and susceptible to criticism.

15 effective ways to increase self -esteem

To raise low self -esteem, it is necessary to identify the main problems and try to rethink your life.

For the greater effectiveness of your actions, use the verified recommendations:

  1. High -quality environment.Exclude pessimistic and negative people from your environment. If your friends constantly doubt themselves and have no goal in life, then this is not the most suitable environment for you. Strive for a successful and purposeful society. Achievements of others should cause you a desire to act. Being among the purposeful personalities, you will gradually believe in your own strength.
  2. Leave negative reasoning. Stop criticizing your own failures. Change the attitude to your appearance, to personal and professional life. Your words directly affect you, and this destroy your inner world. Avoid any negative statements to your account. Try to think positively. Make up your virtues.

    More positive
    More positive
  3. Stop comparing yourself with others.Improve your personality and originality. There is no more in the world as you. Even if another person has more money, good work and much more, in no case should you compare yourself with it. Your task is to develop yourself in order to achieve even greater heights. Start paying attention to yourself, not monitor others and destroy yourself. If you have a desire to compare, then compare yourself to yesterday with your today. The main goal is to become better today than you were yesterday. Extract each new achievement over your failures.
  4. Set yourself the installation. Speak your virtues aloud. Formulate several motto or goals. Convince yourself that you are the most successful, charming and attractive. Do not forget to praise yourself for any achievements.

    Positive installations
    Positive installations
  5. Go out of the comfort zone.Stop postponing a solution to problems and inventing excuses for yourself. Learn to overcome difficulties as they arrive. Discard unnecessary fears and doubts.
  6. Try to help others as much as possible.This is a very important point. The more you are busy with an important business, the more you feel that people need you. You feel your value, the need for other people, the mood increases and self -esteem grows. Self -flagellation fades into the background.
  7. Attend measures to increase self -esteem.Use the help of qualified psychologists in trainings and seminars. Read books on psychology, watch motivating films.
  8. Put priorities.Use your time as efficiently as possible. You must clearly understand what tasks are paramount for you. Properly planned day and timely completion of cases will give you confidence in the future.
  9. Visit sports sections.Start working on your body. A fit appearance will raise your self -esteem. Sports classes will educate you with willpower and teach you to achieve your goals. Sport will add positive emotions to you and help you make interesting acquaintances.
  10. Fix your achievements. In order to motivate yourself even more, track your changes and achievements. Make a diary in which fix the set goals and steps of promotion. The efforts will add confidence and the desire to improve.
  11. Learn to manage your life.Do not let yourself be manipulated. Do not respond to negative criticism. Act on the basis of your own desires. Manage your life yourself.
  12. Find a hobby.Do those things that bring you happiness. If you do not like your work, then you can do some other favorite thing. Try to make it make a profit. This will be very great, because every day you will feel the joy of the desired work.
  13. Create a positive installation.Formulate affirmation in the present tense, and repeat it every day. Write on a sheet of paper or create an audio recording, and re-read or listen to phrases every day. They can be as follows: " I am beautiful ”,“ I am very brave ”,“ I have many friends ”,“ I will succeed ”, etc.e. Speak everything that you want to translate into reality. Use self -hypnosis and it will benefit you.
  14. Do unusual actions. To achieve results, it is necessary to act, always go forward and not stop. As soon as you start moving, you feel how your self -esteem is growing. You just stopped lying on the couch and are ready to solve some problems. Do not stay away, but act.
  15. Carry out the technique of forgiveness and getting rid of failures.Write two letters. In one, lay out your emotions, failures and all problems. The second will be similar to a letter-you must understand everything and forgive yourself for not succeeding, because this is your experience. Complete the second letter with positive notes that now you will succeed and tomorrow there will be the first successes - so write down, give yourself a positive installation. With the regular conduct of such tests, you will get a high positive result and confidence.
We increase self -esteem
We increase self -esteem

All changes should be accompanied by patience and positive attitude. The arising anxieties and anxiety can be excluded using the technique of meditation. Correct relaxation will help you be in harmony with yourself. Give a feeling of lightness and carelessness.

Every interested person can increase self -esteem. Believe in your own strengths, do not doubt your capabilities. Do not succumb to bad mood and depressing thoughts. Your determination and desire will lead to positive changes in personal and professional life. Work on yourself, and you will achieve the respectful attitude of others.

Video: Raising female self -esteem

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