What will happen in the body if you drink very little water? What can be the consequences if you drink little water per day? How much and how to drink water correctly?

What will happen in the body if you drink very little water? What can be the consequences if you drink little water per day? How much and how to drink water correctly?

In this article, we will consider what will happen to the organisms if you drink little water. We also learn about the possible consequences.

The largest investment of our lives is an investment in our own health. We all understand how our life aspects develop when we feel good. We are full of energy, we have a great mood, we are active and we have enough time and effort for everything. Today we will talk about ordinary drinking water, without which you just can’t do in our daily life.

What will happen to the body if you drink little water?

When our body works fine, there are many wonderful desires in our head, which with great enthusiasm is pleasant to implement. But the lack of the necessary elements makes us lethargic, weak, sleepy, and there are not enough vitality for everyday affairs. These two states radically change our lives in opposite directions.

How does water affect our lives?

  • Water is a second important substance after the air, without which human life is simply unthinkable. Or rather, we just will not have it. Without water, we will not live for more than 10 days and die from dehydration.
  • Water takes an active part in all metabolism reactions and is located in all structures and fluid media of any living individual. All nutritious matters can reach our cells only if they are dissolved in water.
  • The strongest need for moisture expresses our heat transfer. After all, water affects the general cooling marvelous. It passes through all the pores of the body in the skin, which dumps body temperature. And this protects us from overheating.
  • When you were sick, you probably remember the recommendations of your doctor - this is a plentiful drink. Frequent methods of hot drinking reduce the increased body temperature, as well as, along with sweat secretions, add -off elements from the disease are eliminated.
  • In this connection, the condition of a sick person improves. Agree, this is the easiest way to treat. Moreover, it is really recognized as the most effective.
  • By the way, I would also like to remember the case of angine or other diseases of the throat. We all have repeatedly heard about frequent rinse of the throat. Everyone recommends their own drugs and components, what needs to be added to a warm liquid. But the whole secret lies in the water. Even if you do not add salt or soda, it will help you anyway.

And what will happen if you drink little water?

  • This crystal clean product dissolves everything in itself so that our complex system is easier to absorb necessary vitamins and trace elements. But, unfortunately, substances often fall into the body that simply need to be removed. And with a meager amount of water, it is very problematic to remove metabolism products through the kidneys. And as a result, this process threatens intoxication.
  • Our body begins to lose moisture, while not replenishing stocks. As a result, the processes of work of all organs are slowing down. We begin to feel very tired.
  • When we limit ourselves in fluid, in our body there is no purification of toxins and toxins, the body begins to clog increasingly. We have an appetite increase, and we just start to eat constantly. And then get fat and, as a result, get sick. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: if you want to eat, drink a glass of water.
  • And this we described only the overall picture of the water deficiency.
You especially need to drink a lot of warm water during illness
You especially need to drink a lot of warm water during illness

How much water is needed a day: how to drink it correctly?

Many of us have become lovers of coffee or tea, but for the normal functioning and work of our entire body, living water is needed. And not even boiled! Therefore, let's carefully and in detail consider what will happen in our body if you drink little water. And also we will analyze how much such a person needs such a crystal product.

  • The human body is about 60-65% of the water (yes, not 80%, as we are used to hearing), so our organs simply need fluid in order to maintain this balance.
  • We will not go too deep into this question, since each organ has more or less moisture in its composition. For example, blood for 90-92% consists of water, but bones-only 20-22%. We take average indicators.
  • When we drink the required amount of fluids, all organs of our body begin to work correctly. And this allows us to preserve our skin from premature aging, reduce hunger and burn unnecessary fats.
  • Of course, the question arises, how much water to drink a day in order to replenish the necessary balance. On average, the calculation of sweat is carried out by such a scheme - 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. That is, for the weight of 60 kg, the daily rate of water consumption is approximately 1.6-2 liters.
  • This calculation is approximate. Since it is necessary to consider what lifestyle you lead. If you play sports, physical labor or power loads, you need to add several glasses to the daily norm of the fluid drunk.
  • This is due to the fact that with an increase in loads, the body loses more fluid. This rule applies to hot weather.

How to drink water correctly?

  • Waking up in the morning, it is necessary to start the body (the work of the stomach and intestines), so it is advisable to drink 1 -2 cup of water on an empty stomach. And 30 minutes before breakfast. In order for the water to suck the intestinal walls and activate.
  • The remaining daily norm must be consumed during the day in small sips. It is advisable to eat water before meals. It is necessary to take into account such a moment - when playing sports and other loads for each 100 ml of fluid spent by the body, it is necessary to add 150 ml of water to compensate for losses.
  • The intake of fluid is recommended to end up to 19 hours. In this case, until morning, moisture will lead out unnecessary salts from the body, so preventing us from being healthy and energetic.

Important: it is living water that brings benefits to the body. Boiled water is considered dead and even useless. And the sale in a plastic container is completely considered poisoned. Ideally, you need to use water from a mountain spring. Only you need to choose a proven source.

During sports and in a hot period, the volume of water should increase
During sports and in a hot period, the volume of water should increase

How the water deficiency on our organs and systems will affect: possible consequences

If you think that he will “carry”, and the trouble will bypass you from you, then we will disappoint you. Water is needed simply by all systems and structures! Even our bones. After all, we recall that there is a certain share of moisture in them. Therefore, if you do not consume their due and the required amount of water, then be prepared to encounter such even deplorable results.

  • Water very purposefully affects our circulatory system. Recall that this is the same liquid, only with a different structure. We have already mentioned that 90% of blood is water. And it is logical that according to the capillaries, veins and arteries, it is easier to move to a substance in a liquid state. When we greedy or lazy to give our body the water that he needs, he still tries to get it.
    • And he receives it! But it only goes bypass ways and draws moisture from our cells. As a result of this process, our sectional elements are now gradually losing water, which leads to an increase in cholesterol production in our body.
    • Of course, cholesterol occurs not only for this reason, but we are now considering a concrete example - fluid that has been received by the body.
    • With unnecessary water, the work of capillaries separating the nervous system and circulatory is disturbed, which leads to various nervous disorders and depressive conditions.
  • Suffers digestive system. Another advantage of water is that it improves digestion of food entering our body. In the case of dehydration, our intestines experiences a lack of water, so it cannot cope with the removal of food residues laid for it.
    • As a result, extremely unpleasant phenomena are formed - constipation. And this is not recommended to be allowed, since the body is gradual.
    • With water deficiency, the release of gastric juice decreases, which then then affects the digestive processes. In this connection, the risk of diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcer increases.
Enjoy yourself every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water
Enjoy yourself every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water
  • Agree, extremely unpleasant health problems that can be so simply avoided. But that's not all. The lack of water is reflected in the respiratory system.
    • The fact is that the shell of our system, which is responsible for breathing and enriching the whole organism with oxygen, should be in a humid environment. This is exactly what acts a protective shield from many environmental attacks.
    • After all, the shell properly creates obstacles from the penetration of harmful microorganisms from the air, which, in turn, can cause various diseases of our respiratory system.
  • Our the immune system Closely interacts in conjunction with water. And as a result of water deficiency, the work of the immune system is naturally touched. And this is the key to all health!
    • Often the body begins to borrow the necessary water on the blood. And this is already recouped on the dehydration of the whole organism!
    • And as a result, you feel a constant feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. And there is nothing to talk about about the energy reserve. And weak immunity will connect, which will pull the diseases to the helpless body.
  • The next important factor in case of lack of water is a violation PH of blood balance. PH is a hydrogen indicator that has a certain norm:
    • the pH shift by at least 0.1 indicator can lead to severe pathology;
    • with a further shift by 0.2 - a coma may develop;
    • at the next displacement of 0.3 indicators, the death of a person occurs.
  • So you and I have something to think about. The Balance, of course, is affected by other factors. For example, some fat and spicy food, stress or external factors. After all, the coordinated work of such a complex system works only together with all organs and attitudes.
  • Unforgettably excretory system. Probably many know that our body every day loses on average about 500 to 750 ml of water. Together with our discharge from the body, toxins are also removed. And the whole period that you deprive your body in a full drink, they accumulate and are built in multifaceted structures. But these losses are simply required to properly compensate:
    • water loses our body with sweat secretions of about 10%;
    • when breathing, 17% of water is lost;
    • about 17% fluid evaporates from the surface of the skin;
    • 50% of water is excreted with urine;
    • and about 6% moisture is lost with feces.
Do not forget to regularly replenish water supplies
Do not forget to regularly replenish water supplies
  • Naturally, such an organism cannot be called healthy that it is filled with toxins. Moreover, irritations begin to form on our skin, and eczema may even occur. And this ailment is famous for its very severe treatment, almost to no avail.
    • And do not forget that leather - This is the protective "shell" of our body. Although it is extremely difficult to overestimate its meaning. After all, it is involved in heat exchange processes and in aesthetic nuances, but that is not all.
  • So we have come kidneys, the correct function of which also depends on the water we drink. What is there, they function on its basis. True, already in a recycled form.
    • The water deficiency is reduced by a decrease in metabolic rate. As a result, this failure can provoke the development of some infections, for example, cystitis. And do not lose sight of the poor leaching of salts and sand, which can transform into stones.
  • You can’t pass by our joints. If you do not know, we give you information - water forms a synovial fluid that is responsible for their grease.
    • We will also affect the cerebrospinal fluid, which abides between the vertebrae, as well as around the brain. This liquid acts as a kind of insurance agent, which protects against excessive friction and wear.
    • Especially if you prefer salt food. Better yet, if you systematically spoil yourself with fried and salty products. This is a shy bomb. Salt accumulates and is not excreted in any way. And now she will play with joints and lower back, which will remind of herself in bad weather. After all, we need to find the reason.
    • Lack of enough water for them plays a huge role for them. Joints hurt not only in elderly people. This problem includes people of different age categories. In many people, the joints hurt after physical exertion. But the reason lies not at all in overloading with exercises.
    • If you did not have loads or they were in the usual norm, and the joints hurt - this is definitely dehydration. And also, possibly, a lack of calcium. The cartilaginous discs are filled with moisture and need it. And if the water is catastrophically few, the joints rub against each other. So just around the corner and rheumatism will appear.
    • For the most part, a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of calcium along with a lack of water have a proper effect on the joints. By the way, calcium often falls after childbirth or due to age -related changes, as well as on the basis of a hormonal background. But all this intensifies at times if you drink little water.

Important: the enemy of calcium under the number alone is coffee. And we will not even protect him, he is also the worst enemy of accumulated moisture in the body. It is this drink that is diuretic, so not only deprives us of the necessary water, but also does not even allow calcium to digest.

Instead of coffee or carbonated drinks, drink live water, and even better - use spring
Instead of coffee or carbonated drinks, drink live water, and even better - use spring
  • Now let's touch our nervous system. If you systematically deny yourself a full drink of water, then in the body there is an imbalance of substances such as sodium and potassium. This process leads to a violation of the work of the cardiovascular system.
    • With an insufficiently consumed volume of water, the coordinated capillary productivity breaks up, which, accordingly, separate the circulatory system from the nervous system. As a result, various nervous disorders and depression are caused. A person cannot lead a healthy, meaningful lifestyle, memory worsens, life balance is lost.
    • Accordingly, rather unpleasant things happen to our nervous system. No wonder the people say that all diseases are from nerves.

Important: there is another aspect that needs to be taken into account. Every year our systems and structures are much more difficult to absorb and maintain moisture inside. Therefore, with age, it is necessary to increase the amount of spent drinking water.

  • Remember the golden rule, which affects your life. Dry and brittle hair is a merit of moisture deficiency. But the most negative aspect is insanely quick aging. Agree, we all dream of an elixir of youth. But it is in each of us in our hands, the main thing is to use it correctly!
  • The loss of strength and general malaise, as well as constant drowsiness, is water again. More precisely, its due absence. By the way, our eyeballs also lack it if you pass the laid glass of water. From this again excessive friction and redness.
  • If you want to avoid all this, pour yourself into a glass of water! After all, life on our planet originated in it, and precisely for this, every organism needs it to support this life. Remember more - you need to drink live water!

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Video: What will happen to the body if you drink little water?

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