The causes and consequences of compulsive overeating. How to get rid of compulsive overeating?

The causes and consequences of compulsive overeating. How to get rid of compulsive overeating?

How often do you eat an extra portion of hot or drink tea with tea? Compulsive overeating is found in every second person, but not everyone has the strength to cope with unbridled appetite. Excessive eating leads a person to severe diseases and stress.

Most half of humanity suffers with compulsive overeating. All because a huge amount of stress during the day provokes a feeling of unbridled appetite and desire for “something” delicious. It is safe to say that every person is overdoing time-time.

This manifests itself in different ways: an extra portion of the additive, a dense lunch with three positions, cookies and buns with tea and unobtrusive snacks during the day. Compulsive overeating is not justified by a sense of hunger and therefore causes poor health.

Compulsive overeating and bulimia

Bulimia - a disorder of human digestive behavior. It is very easy to recognize, since it is characterized by a sharp increase in appetite. Simply put, the sudden feeling of hunger does not disappear and provokes gluttony.

As a result, a person feels weakness and pain in the pancreas. Of course, bulimia can provoke some diseases of the central nervous system and even nervous disorders. Most often, a person suffering from bulimia suffers from obesity and other endocrine diseases.

Causes of compulsive overeating

Compulsive overeating and gluttony of an adult can be closely related to improper upbringing in childhood. Everything is because turning a family dinner into a cult of food, people do not know another way of expressing love for each other:

  • holidays with lush tables
  • delicious gifts
  • regular visits to restaurants and cafes
  • "Grandmother's care" pies, buns and buns

Food is the method of promotion and approval in such cases. It is worth thinking about how you are acting at the moment and do not “delight” your child with candy for a good business?

On the other hand, uncontrolled overeating can have an emotional character. Compulsive overeating from stress serves as a localizer of negative sensations and bad mood. The basis for stress is:

  • sexual injuries
  • heredity
  • emotional shakes
  • complexes

Who is more susceptible to bulimia and compulsive overeating?

  • Statistics suggest that the most suffering from bulimia and compulsive overeating of people is in the United States. It was there that the cult of food and fast food has reached the highest degree of popularity. Available food prices provide all degrees of obesity to Americans and, as a result, severe diseases
  • Most often, adolescents who do not have the concepts of proper nutrition and consume harmful food are subjected to this problem: chips, hamburgers, carbonated drinks, sweets, chocolate, ice cream and pastries. But, no less vulnerable women aged 20 to 40 years, whose nervous system is not as stable as in men are not as vulnerable
  • Numerous data indicate that about 20% of humanity suffering from overeating has obesity. The rest own overweight, which is not in force to cope on their own

What is the difference between bulimia in groups of people of different ages?

If we proceed from the total number of bulimia suffering, you can determine the following statistics:

  • 20% are children and adolescents
  • 30% - men
  • 50% - women

Children's bulimia is provoked by an incapacitated psyche and inability to cope with psychological stress. Also, most often Bulimics appear in those families where parents themselves suffer from this problem. Unstable baby food and a violation of the general diet - lead to the manifestation of the disease, and the constant coercion of the child to eat in cases where he is not hungry - only exacerbate the situation.

Another reason for increased appetite in children is constant stress: dissatisfaction with themselves, divorce of parents or their bad relations, misunderstanding with peers, violence and conflicts in society. The reasons for children's bulimia:

  • not correct metabolism
  • the unbalanced psyche
  • habit of consuming food in excess
  • interruption by society and advertising of food

Women's and male bulimias are almost similar. Determining their signs is quite easy:

  • obesity and excess weight
  • suppressed mood, apathy to the world and depressive state
  • close dependence on food
  • regular stress and a sense of increased anxiety
  • constant medication

The “strong” floor is not in vain that has such a name and is more often more resistant to various factors, so its percentage of suffering below. Men also do not differ in a special desire to observe diets or cause vomiting reflexes. Women most often accept weak funds, and men play sports and physical exertion.

The consequences of compulsive overeating

Of course, this disease significantly worsens the state of the gastrointestinal tract, gives a load on the heart and blood vessels. Disrupted metabolism depletes the protective functions of the body, as a result of which a person is subject to frequent diseases and suffers from weakened immunity. Obesity interferes with normal life.

Bulimia often provokes the appearance of another disease-anorexia (exhaustion of the body and rejection of any food). Whatever the reason for the appearance of bulimia in humans, it seriously injures the human psyche and exacerbates his symptoms. Therefore, it is urgent to treat compulsive overeating when found even the most insignificant symptoms.

Who to turn to for help with bulimia and compulsive overeating?

You can eliminate many causes of your disease yourself, but only a qualified doctor can provide qualitative treatment with effective result. Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • drug treatment
  • psychological help

Individual or group psychotherapy has an effective effect on a person and solves many of his problems. Upling to the depths of consciousness, an experienced psychologist pays the reasons for your overeating and tries to eliminate them. The medical side includes taking antidepressants if necessary and hormonal drugs. Not unimportant consultations of nutritionists who can adjust your diet and diet are not small.

The result of getting rid of compulsive overeating

If you are worried about your health and want to conduct full activity, then a timely seeking a doctor will allow you to enjoy life without restrictions. Healing from the disease will allow you to feel a lot of advantages:

  • the rejection of constant "hungry" diets and exhausting the body with constant restrictions in food, as well as injury to the psyche
  • a well -chosen diet will not only save you from excess weight, it will eliminate it forever and will not allow you to accumulate “unnecessary” kilograms
  • after treatment, you can accurately recognize the feeling of physical hunger from the desire to “eat stress” and you will eat food only if necessary
  • obsessive and ghostly thoughts about food will disappear and cease to dream
  • lack of overeating will eliminate other problems associated with excess weight

It is never too late to take up your health and appearance. The fight against bulimia and compulsive overeating is a long process, but if you decide on it, you can feel the fullness of life and significantly improve your well -being. Finding strength in yourself is not difficult, difficult to get rid of negative thoughts and uncertainty.

If you cannot cope with your problem yourself, a qualified doctor is always able to make adjustments to your diet and life way. Positive emotions and joy to every day is much better than flour buns and greasy portion of hot!

Video: overeating. How to get rid of a bad habit?

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