Hurma: To whom is it useful, and to whom is harmful, how to choose a ripe, what to cook from ripe and unnecessary?

Hurma: To whom is it useful, and to whom is harmful, how to choose a ripe, what to cook from ripe and unnecessary?

From this article you will find out what and to whom the persimmon is useful, and who can not eat it.

We all know the taste of persimmon. It appears in our stores in late autumn. Do you know who can eat persimmon, and who cannot? And what will happen if there is it, without understanding whether it is possible or impossible? Let's find out.

General acquaintance with persimmon

Gurma varieties of more than 200 species are both trees and shrubs. They grow in tropics and subtropics. Hurma tree is a long -liver, can grow and bear fruit up to 500 years.

The fruit of the persimmon is the berry. Its name from the Greek language is translated as "the food of the gods."
In our stores and markets, the following varieties are sold:

  • "Korolek"
  • "Spanish"
  • "Sharon"
  • "Russian"
  • "Virginia"
  • Caucasian wild (small fruits, almost black in color)
This is what a persimmon looks like a shrub
The fruit of the persimmon

Than and to whom the persimmony is useful - ripe, knitting

Hurma is useful a set of vitamins A, C, E, PP, iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, copper.

The utility of the persimmon

To whom is ripe persimmon useful?

  • Pregnant women-due to the content of calcium, iron and phosphorus
  • People with high blood pressure - potassium, in the fetus, has a diuretic effect, which stabilizes the pressure
  • For the prevention of vascular and heart diseases
  • Sick diseases of the thyroid gland - in 100 g of persimmons of a third (50 μg) from the daily iodine norm (this is the most useful trace element for the thyroid gland)
  • Disinfects the stomach and intestines, and destroys harmful intestinal infections
  • For the eyes - a large amount of vitamin A in a persimmon strengthens the eye muscles
  • For the human genitourinary system - has diuretic properties and does not allow salts and stones in the kidneys to form
  • Improves blood with anemia - rich in iron
  • Cataract prevention - thanks to lutein
  • Cancer prevention - betulinic acid and lycopene in this contribute to
  • As an expectorant with coughing and colds
  • As an increase in immunity.
  • As a soothing nervous system
  • In diseases of the liver - improves its condition, neutralizing toxins

To whom is the astringent persimmon useful?

  • If there are inflammations in the mouth
  • If you are sick with sore throat
  • With diarrhea
  • If there are burns or wounds on the body (apply to the sore spot)

Attention. Eating 1-2 pieces of persimmons per day is useful for the intestines, since persimmon improves food digestion, fights with constipation, more-the opposite effect.

To whom the persimmon is harmful: contraindications

Who can't eat persimmon?

  • People who have an allergic reaction to components available in the persimmon
  • Women after childbirth - the first 3 months
  • Obese people
  • Patients with gastritis and stomach ulcer-due to the astringent effect that causes irritation on sore organs
  • Children under 3 years old
  • Patients of type 1 diabetes
  • People who have a suspicion of adhesions in the intestines
  • People suffering from constipation for a long time
  • Patients after surgery on the stomach or intestines
  • Older people who have constant problems with the stomach and intestines

Attention. You can not drink persimmones with milk, cold water, there may be a strong diarrhea with vomiting.

Who can eat persimmon in a limited one (better - after consulting a doctor)?

  • People with type 2 diabetes mellitus (only an endocrinologist can advise how often you can eat-according to your condition)
  • Lactating women with caution, since the child may have diathesis
  • Children after 3 years old-give no more than 1-2 slices of ripe persimmon

Attention. Dentists advise to brush or rinse their teeth after eating persimmons, as tannins can lead to caries.

Note. If a person has no contraindications, then still more than 2 pieces per day cannot be eaten, since persimmon is rich in Tanin, which forms a viscous sticky mess in the stomach. This mass glues pieces of food with each other, and they are not digested, but form bends or simply stones, in the stomach. Signs of stones - nausea and vomiting with blood after a persimmon eaten.

How to choose a persimmon?

What you need to know to choose a ripe persimmon in the store?

  • If a dark pulp is shone through the skin - the persimmon is ripe and sweet.
  • A lot of strips on the surface of the fetus and dry leaves - the persimmon is ripe, very sweet.
  • The ripe persimmon has the peel almost transparent, shiny.
  • The solid persimmon is less sweet.
  • The light orange color of the persimmon says that it is not enough, and the orange, almost red is ripe.

What to do if you bought unnecessary persimmon?

If the persimmon bought by you turned out to be unfavored, you can use people's Councils:

  1. Put a solid persimmon for 3-4 hours in the freezer, then take it out and gradually defrost at room temperature. After freezing, the persimmon will disappear viscosity and acid.
  2. Leave it to ripen for 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator.
  3. Put the persimmon in the bag with bananas or apples, and leave for 1 day to ripen at room temperature.
  4. Pierce the persimmons with a thick needle in several places, and lower it into hot water, about 50-60 degrees Celsius, take it out of the water when it cools down.
  5. Make dried fruits from the persimmon - dry it in a dryer, oven or in the sun.
  6. Clean the persimmon from the skin, cut into cubes and add to the dough.

Attention. Hurma needs to eat separately from other dishes, not on an empty stomach, and not immediately after eating, but when several hours pass.

Dad persimmon can be determined by light orange color

What to bake from an unnecessary persimmon?

Cookies with persimmons and nuts: recipe

Take in cookies:

  • 2 unripe persimmons
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 0.5 cups of sugar and coarsely chopped nuts (walnuts, peanuts)
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • On the tip of a knife of cinnamon and nutmeg


  1. Washed the persimmon to clean from the skin and three on a coarse grater.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar with a mixer until the mass doubles, add melted oil and beat again.
  3. We mix together mashed potatoes, whipped eggs, flour, baking powder, nuts, nutty nuts with cinnamon, and mix everything well. We got a slightly liquid dough.
  4. Lubricate the metal shape with vegetable oil and, with the help of 2 teaspoons, lay out small heaps of dough on it.
  5. We put the form with cookies in the oven heated to 180̊C, bake for about 20-25 minutes. The cookies are ready.
Cookies with persimmons and nuts

Personal pie: recipe

Take in the dough:

  • 150 g of butter and flour
  • 300 g of cottage cheese
  • A pinch of salt
  • Cold water (1-2 tbsp.)

Take the filling:

  • 2 unripe persimmons
  • 120 g of sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. water


  1. We cut the frozen oil with a knife along with flour, add cottage cheese, salt, rubbed through a sieve, rub it to the crumbs, pour a little cold water, knead the thick dough and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. While the dough is cooling, we make the filling: pour sugar into the pan, pour water, and cook to amber color (about 10 minutes).
  3. We cut the washed persimmons into thin slices with the peel, and lower it into the syrup, cook for several minutes.
  4. We cover the round parchment for baking, pour the syrup and lay out the sugared slices of the persimmon.
  5. We roll the dough into a round layer, cover it with a persimmon with a syrup, and bake in the oven heated to 220̊C for about 20 minutes.
  6. We let the pies cool a little, then turn it on the dish, carefully remove the paper. It turned out a pie with a filling from above.
Permanis pie

What else can be done from an unnecessary persimmon?

Dad persimmon can be dried in the oven or dryer.

What else can be done from an unnecessary persimmon:

  1. We cut and wiped the drunk with circles washed and wiped and wiped dry, approximately 1 cm thick.
  2. So that the persimmon retains its color, water it with lemon juice. 1 kg of persimmon is 1 lemon for 1 kg.
  3. We lay the circles on the metal sheet, and put in the oven heated to 60-70̊C, do not close the door completely, dry for about 7 hours.

How are the leaves and tails from persimmon useful?

Hurma leaves are also usefulAnd here's what:

  • Hurma leaves are rich in vitamin C even more than green tea, they are also brewed like tea.
  • Leaf tea is useful for anemia.
  • A decoction of persimmon leaves well disinfects wounds and scratches, if rusted leaves are applied to them.
  • A decoction of persimmon leaves stops bleeding.
  • A decoction of leaves is useful to drink with hemorrhoids.

The tails on which the fruits of the persimmon were attached to the branches are also useful. A decoction of tails in folk medicine treat enuresis in children.

The fruits and leaves of the persimmon

How can a persimmon can be stored?

Right persimmon can not be stored, it must be eaten right away. But if you bought unsputed fruits of persimmon, then they can be frozen, and get twice as much benefit: both vitamins will not be lost, and the tart will leave.If you have a lot of ripe persimmon, and so that it does not deteriorate, you can make jam out of it.

How to cook a persimmon jam?

Jam is prepared only from ripe persimmon. There are many ways to jam from persimmon:

  • With Vanilla
  • Badian
  • Cloves
  • Zest and flesh of citrus fruits

Hurma and tangerines jam: recipe

For jam, let's take:

  • 800 g of tangerines, persimmons and sugar


  1. We clean the tangerines from the skin, disassemble the slices.
  2. Washed the persimmon to clean from the skin, cut into cubes.
  3. Mix the mandarin slices and the cubes of the persimmon, sprinkle with sugar, and put on low heat to languish for half an hour, then remove from the heat and completely cool.
  4. The next day, we cook the jam again, but for 10 minutes, over low heat, pour into banks and cramm.
Hurma jam

What else can be prepared from persimmon?

House of Hurma and Banana Useful Cream: Recipe

For ice cream, we take a ripe persimmon.

For 4 portions of ice cream, we take:

  • 4 Hurmas
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • On the tip of a knife knife
  • A few leaves of mint


  1. We clean the banana from the skin, cut the pulp with circles and put in the freezer for half an hour.
  2. My ripe persimmon, dry, cut off the tops, carefully so as not to damage the skin, select the pulp with a spoon.
  3. Mix the pulp of the persimmon and banana, lemon juice, cinnamon, beat with a blender, fill it with a cold mixture of the dishwasher of persimmon prepared by us, decorate with mint leaves, and immediately serve to the table.
Hurma and banana ice cream

Chicken baked in the oven with fruits: recipe

For baking, take:

  • 1 gutted a whole chicken
  • 4 persimmons and apples
  • 3 figs
  • For 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and soy sauce
  • 100 g of cranberries
  • Salt and pepper (black and red) ground - to their liking


  1. Firm persimmon, apples, figs and my berries.
  2. We clean 2 persimmons and apples from the skin and seeds, cut into pieces and chop the blender.
  3. We add vegetable oil, soy sauce, salt and peppers to the crushed persimmon and apples, stir, rub the chicken from above and inside with a mixture.
  4. The remaining apples, persimmon, the figs are cut into 4 parts, we take the cranberries, stuff fruit slices and berries of the chicken, put it on a metal sheet, cover it with the remaining fruits and berries, and put it in a hot oven with a temperature of 200̊c for 1-2 hours, depending on From the size of the chicken.
  5. During the baking of the chicken several times we take it out of the oven, water it with the released liquid, and check for readiness: we pierce it with a fork and look if the chicken juice is released with blood, then it needs to be prepared if the chicken is ready.
Chicken baked in the oven with persimmon, apples, figs and cranberries

So, we learned who can eat persimmon, and who cannot be, how it is, and what to cook from an unnecessary and ripe persimmon.

Video: Hurma - Benefit and Harm

You can read more about persimmon in the following articles:

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