What to do, how is it if the persimmon is very knitting your mouth? How to choose a persimmon that does not knit: tips, varieties of not astringent persimmon. Which is a more useful persimmon that is knitting or not?

What to do, how is it if the persimmon is very knitting your mouth? How to choose a persimmon that does not knit: tips, varieties of not astringent persimmon. Which is a more useful persimmon that is knitting or not?

In the article you will find recommendations for the choice of delicious persimmon.

Why does the Hurma mouth knit?

Hurma is a very tasty fruit, but it is not rarely disappointed by buyers with its astringency, instead of sweetness. The secret of such a “astringent” properties is completely explained, because the berries of persimmon are full of tanning acid.

Dunny acid in the persimmon is called "tannin". It is she who begins to curl up with the slightest contact with the mucosa located in the mouth. As a result, unpleasant sensations appear and persimmon loses all kinds of sweetness.

In addition, the same tannin “blocks” the secretion of saliva, narrowing the capillaries. Because of this, some (especially tart) fruits are simply impossible to eat. You need to know that if the persimmon is too “knit”, then you just chose the wrong fruit (unripe).

Why is the persimmon tart? Why can a persimmon to knit your mouth?
Why is the persimmon tart? Why can a persimmon “knit” your mouth?

How to choose a persimmon that does not knit: tips, varieties of non -astringent persimmon

The sweetness and pleasant taste of persimmon is always your right choice of fruits.

Four "secrets" how to choose a delicious persimmon:

  • Good view.The ripe berry will always be bright, orange, without dark spots and dents. She will have a soft “barrel” (if you choose a sharon, this rule does not work).
  • Dry petiole.The stalk of each berry should be dry and in no case green. A brown and hard stalk is a sign of a mature and sweet fruit.
  • Popular variety.About what persimmon you buy, you can ask the seller’s most. Agree, it is not profitable for anyone to carry a bitter and tart persimmon, which no one will buy. The most popular varieties are Korolek and Sharon.
  • Thin peel.It should be without any damage, scratches and cracks. If these are available, then your fruit is pepper. The "good" persimmon has a thin and glossy skin.
How to choose and buy the right persimmon?
How to choose and buy the "right" persimmon?

How and what to do so that Hurma does not knit my mouth: tips

Even if you bought an unripe fruit or persimmons of an unsuccessful variety, there are always ways to “improve” their taste.

Some tips:

  • Freezing.This is the easiest way to remove tart from the pulp and restore the sweetness of the fetus. To do this, put the berry in the freezer and leave for several hours. Eat the fruit cold so that it looks like a sherbet.
  • Warm water.It is also another “express” way to bring persimmon to maturity. Heat the water to 30-40 degrees and hold the fruits in it. You should regularly bring water to the desired temperature. After a while, the astringency will leave and you can feel sweet.
  • Ripening.Some vegetables and fruits have a special substance in their stalks, which is distinguished and allows the fruits to ripen. Just put the persimmon in one box or a bag with tomatoes, bananas or apples. In this state, the persimmon should lie up to 10 hours.
  • Prepare the persimmon.In the process of heat treatment, she will lose her tart qualities. You can cook jelly or compote, make souffle or jam, jam, marmalade.
Ways to ripen persimmon
Ways to "ripen" persimmon

How is there a persimmon so that she does not knit her mouth?

You can’t remove the tannin from the persimmon in any way, but it is quite possible to hide it. To do this, you need to somehow use persimmon in cooking. The best way is to cook jam, adding sugar. If you are not used to bothering, these methods can help you:

  • Pour chopped persimmon with lemon juice.This will not take the astringency, but hide it with "sourness."
  • Sprinkle with sugar. This is not a cardinal way to hide the unpleasant taste of persimmon, but the opportunity to hide them a little.
  • Dry or stick. However, it follows only in a dry state, since when soaking the “viscosity” will return.

How to freeze persimmon so that she does not knit her mouth?


  • Take the persimmon
  • Wash it thoroughly under the crane
  • Dry
  • Put the fetus in a cellophane bag
  • Send to the freezer
  • Keep 4-5 hours
  • Eat right away, without waiting for the persimmon to begin to melt
Dried persimmon
Dried persimmon

How to make a persimmon not knitting fast?

There is another way to quickly restore Hurme's maturity. To do this, it should be pierced several times with a needle (disinfect in advance with alcohol) from all sides and leave at room temperature for several hours.

Which is a more useful persimmon that is knitting or not?

Of course, the sweet persimmon, which does not “knit”, has more benefit. It will not provoke constipation, since it has a lower pectin content. Despite the taste, the persimmon of any variety is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Hurma Korolek: is it knitting or not?

Korolek is a variety of persimmon, which does not have astringent properties at all. The king has a jelly flesh of orange color, which can darken as it ripens, reaching brown. The darker the korolka pulp, the sweeter it is.

What to do with the astringent persimmon?

You can also make delicious and sweet jam from a tart, “astringent” persimmon. To do this, add sugar to taste and slightly lemon juice to the berry mass. It is not necessary to cook jam or marmalade from persimmon for a long time, a five -minute recipe is quite suitable.

Video: "What is the useful persimmon?"

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