Dried and sluggish persimmon: useful properties. How to dry and make dried persimmon at home: recipes. Is it possible and how to make tea and compote from dried persimmon: recipes. How to eat correctly, and is it possible to use dried persimmon with a nursing mother?

Dried and sluggish persimmon: useful properties. How to dry and make dried persimmon at home: recipes. Is it possible and how to make tea and compote from dried persimmon: recipes. How to eat correctly, and is it possible to use dried persimmon with a nursing mother?

In the article you will learn everything about the intricacies of cooking dried and dried persimmon.

What is the name of dried persimmon: name

Dried persimmon - the food is unusual and quite rare. It is abundantly and often consumed in Japan, where they call “hoshigaks”. This is an independent dish that is used separately from other products. But in Korea, it is customary to make punch from dried persimmon.

Dried persimmon is quite a pleasant and tasty dried fruit and the people are not rarely called "natural treats or candy." There is especially tasty little persimmon with tea, and the advantage of sweets is that it can be enjoyed all year round (unlike fresh fruits that can be purchased only in a certain season).

Important: dried persimmon, which can be purchased in the markets, “arrives” mainly from China. Such fruits are characterized by a high concentration of vitamin C and excellent taste.

How does persimmon dry and dry?
How does persimmon dry and dry?

Dried and sluggish persimmon: beneficial properties and harm

In addition to the fact that such a persimmon is delicious, it is also very useful! Incidentally, it has long been used in folk medicine by eastern countries and treated with the help of persimmons by far from one disease.

What is the benefit:

  • A positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.Like fresh fruits, dried or dried favorably affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, “calming” any inflammatory processes and bleeding.
  • There is also an improvement in appetite,if you regularly eat dried or dried persimmon.
  • Besides, anti -inflammatory propertieshurmas favorably affect the rectum and hemorrhoids (eliminates the risk of its appearance and accelerates healing).
  • Sluggish and dried persimmon - this is excellent a means for detoxification of the body.For example, it is able to remove accumulated oxidation products, especially alcohols from the body.
  • Rich vitamin and mineral composition of the persimmon (dried and dried) allows you to "soften" the walls of blood vessels.Therefore, this leads to better blood circulation through the body and also lowers high pressure.
  • Dried and dried fruits contain a lot of potassium (even more than in the “record holders” - bananas). That is why persimmon can be used for prevention and treatment of cough.
  • There is one unique substance in fresh, dry and dried persimmon - “betulinic acid”. She successfully fights cancer cells and therefore these fruits can be considered excellent preventive means against oncology.
  • Surprisingly, the fruits can be used not only internally, but also externally. For example, a paste ground in a persimmon is allowed put on woundsSo that they heal faster and go inflammation.
  • Such fruits contain a large number of amino acids that prolong the youth of the bodyand they do stronger health.
  • For the prevention of colds and to combat viruses, you can also use persimmon, because it has the high content of vitamin C.
  • Another substance in the persolition is “Zeaksantin”, which very favorably affects the eyes, improving vision.

Possible harm:

  • If a person has low pressure, there is a lot of persimmons categorically to him so that anemia does not happen.
  • Categorically, the persimmon should not be washed down with milk, since milk protein reacts with tannins located in a persimmon. So, such a reaction will invariably lead to pain.
  • Individual intolerance can also become an obstacle to the use of persimmon. Check if you have an allergy to persimmons.
What is the benefit and what harm can dried and sluggish persimmon?
What is the benefit and what harm can dried and sluggish persimmon?

How to dry the persimmon in a dryer: Recipe

Dry the persimmon in several ways, for example, hang on a thread or use special equipment. Specialized drying will help you always achieve what you want. In addition, drying will save your time and effort.

How to dry:

  • For drying, use solid and dense varieties of persimmons
  • The persimmon needs to be washed and wiped with a towel
  • After that, cut the fruits with rings and put on the grid (pallets).
  • Turn on the temperature - 60 degrees (make sure that the temperature does not fall).
  • The total time for the preparation of dried persimmon is about 8 hours (meaning thin slides).
  • If you cut a persimmon with too thick pieces, the drying process will take up to 20 hours.
  • You can determine the readiness of the “drying” “by eye” by crispy crust.

How to use dried persimmon:

  • There is a pure form
  • Make a compote out of it
  • Add to tea
  • Soak and use for filling in baking
Hurma (dried and sluggish) at home
Hurma (dried and sluggish) at home

How to dry persimmon into the oven: recipe

For those who do not have a dryer at home, you can use the oven. This is a simple and affordable way to make dried persimmon. There is only one warning - a type of furnace. Dry the persimmon should only be in an electric oven, and in the gas can constantly “jump” the temperature, which means that the result will not be perfect.

How to dry:

  • For preparation, choose dense and hard varieties of fruits.
  • The persimmon needs to be washed and wiped, then cut into slices no more than 3 cm.
  • Slices need to be laid out on the oven, on the parchment and boiled with lemon juice (this is necessary so that the fruits retain their saturated color).
  • The degree of the oven is 90 degrees (no more and no less).
  • In this state, keep the persimmon about 3 aces
  • Fruits will be ready when a dense and ruddy crust appears on the surface.
Tasty dried persimmon
Tasty dried persimmon

How to make jerked persimmon at home: recipes

It is not difficult to slows the persimmon:

  • Select ripe fruits
  • Gently remove the skin from them with a thin film
  • Pill the persimmon on the thread, piercing the tail
  • Leave it to dry for 10-14 days in dry and check (without access of direct sunlight).
  • After 6-8 days, a layer will appear on the surface of the persimmon, which should not be scared-it appears sugar in the fruits.

How to eat dried and dried persimmon?

You can use dried and dried persimmon for the preparation of drinks and desserts, and is also in its pure form. If you are preparing jam, jams or filling in the pie, then the fruits should first be soaked in boiling water. Dried or dried persimmon simply pour boiling water before use and you can safely bite off, drinking tea.

Is it possible to use dried and dried persimmon to a nursing mother?

There are no strict contraindications for the use of persimmons for nursing and pregnant women. It is only important to pay attention to what sensitivity your body has and whether you have an allergy to this product. In addition, nursing mothers should know that persimmon can cause increased gas formation, which is very painfully tolerated by children during colic.

Dried persimmon
Dried persimmon

Is it possible and how to make tea from dried persimmon: recipe

Making tea from dried persimmon is very simple:

  • Rinse with boiling water a few circles or a junk lobules.
  • Put them in a cup
  • Pour boiling water
  • Insist up to 10 minutes, add sugar to taste
  • After you drink tea, persimmon can be eaten

How to make a compote from dried persimmon: recipe

Making compote from dried persimmon is as simple as from any other dried fruits:

  • Rinse the persimmon with boiling water
  • Fold the persimmon in a saucepan
  • Add clean water
  • Pour a little sugar and a pinch of citric acid
  • Cook for about half an hour

Dried and sluggish persimmon: glycemic index, calorie content per 100 grams


Why is dried persimmon white, a white plaque on dried persimmon?

White plaque can appear on a persimmon during drying or drinning on fruits with a peeled skin, but it is completely harmless to a person. The fact is that this is how sugar that was inside appears on the surface of the fetus. Thus, we can safely say that the fetus is “sugared”.

Can worms and mold be in the dried persimmon?

If you break the process of drying and drinning the fetus (for example, the room will be wet or many insects) persimmon may deteriorate: mold will appear on the surface, and larvae will be laid inside the fly. If the plaque is white and smells sweet, this is good, but if the green color appears and smells of rot - the fetus can be thrown away, it is not suitable for food.

How to store dried and dried persimmon?

Several variants:

  • In the freezer (neatly folded in several bags)
  • In a glass jar (clogged or removable) so that insects do not penetrate there.
  • After drying, be sure to cut the stalk so that the persimmon does not deteriorate quickly.

Video: "Drying of the persimmon"

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Comments K. article

  1. Hurmma in any form is not eaten! Normal people eat her !!!

  2. "Parked in persimmon" ???

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