Do-it-yourself fountain for homemade cats and dogs: instructions, videos, reviews. Automatic and clever tank-lamp on batteries: Buy in the Aliexpress online store

Do-it-yourself fountain for homemade cats and dogs: instructions, videos, reviews. Automatic and clever tank-lamp on batteries: Buy in the Aliexpress online store

A fountain-potato for cats and dogs is a convenient thing. You can make it yourself.

Responsible owners of cats and dogs seek to develop, delight and interest their wards. Recently, the methods of developing animal intelligence have become fashionable using complex feeding - bowls with a labyrinth at the bottom, stuffed feeders, drinkers with a mechanism.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The cat is sluggish, sleeps a lot: norm or pathology?". You will find out what to do if the cat eats little and sleeps a lot.

To save funds and enjoy the interesting process, you can make mechanisms for feeding yourself. One of the most entertaining and budget ideas - flying-Fonan. Imitation of running water, which so attracts four -legged, will cost a home -made version a significantly lower amount than in the factory. Below is a couple of options for a fountain with your own hands. Read further.

Automatic and smart tick-pound on batteries for homemade cats and dogs, Xiaomi, Els Pet: Buy in the Aliexpress online store

Often, animals themselves come up with interesting nutritional methods, for example, drink running water or pull out food from a bowl of paw. The owners of their pets are trying to simplify their lives and give pleasure to their animal. Therefore, they acquire automatic and smart drinkers. Of course, this is an imitation of the fountain, and the water in it is not running, but pets like it. They are happy to play with a stream of water, drink such water.

In the online store Aliexpress You will find a drinker for cats and dogs on batteries. Here section with such fountains for pets. They are very popular smart dispensers-Fontans from Xiaomi and Els Pet.

There are many interesting products on the market, but, as a rule, animal goods are expensive. And many home masters want to make the right thing on their own. Read further.

DIY ELECTRAL DISCOUNCE AND DIY DIY - Instructions: a fountain from the aquarium.

Electric drinker for cats and dogs
Electric drinker for cats and dogs

All that is needed to make an electric drinker for cats and dogs with your own hands is a little materials and a little free time. So, we make a fountain from the aquarium - Instructions:

The materials that will be needed to make the fountain-pound with your own hands
The materials that will be needed to make the fountain-pound with your own hands

Materials that will be needed:

  • A spherical aquarium with a volume of 3 liters, an optimal neck with a diameter of 14-15 cm
  • Simple inner pump for the aquarium up to 60 liters
  • Vacuum fastenings "suckers" - 4 pcs.
  • Hose 8 mm length in height of the fountain
  • Screeds

Step -by -step manufacturing plan:

Wrap the pump pipe with an insulating tape
Wrap the pump pipe with an insulating tape
  • Wrap the pump pipe with an insulating tape for a denser contact. So the pressure will be more stable.
  • Try the desired length of the hose and cut it. The pump hose should be arranged by an arc: from the pump at the bottom to the upper third of the aesvarium, without going beyond. So that the stream of water bend rises above the border of the aquarium, but pouring back to the aquarium.
The pump hose should be armed with an arc
The pump hose should be armed with an arc
Put on the “suckers” on the screed and do not grab their hose too tightly
Put on the “suckers” on the screed and do not grab their hose too tightly
  • Put on the “suckers” on the screed and do not grab a hose with a wire together too tightly. Do not fix the upper fourth screed.
Put the design in the aquarium, adjust the flow
Put the design in the aquarium, adjust the flow
  • Put the design in the aquarium, adjust the flow.
  • Call your pet.

Such a fountain is easy to care for, and due to a transparent container, it looks concise in the interior.

Auto -boat for cats and dogs: a fountain with a funnel

Auto -boat for cats and dogs
Auto -boat for cats and dogs

A variant of the fountain with a funnel is similar to the previous one, but it is more practical to use. All because water is assembled in a container with a funnel and stands with holes that do not allow spray to fall around. So, we make a carpet for cats and dogs:

The materials necessary to create a drinker:

  • Plastic bucket of suitable size (optimal height - 30 cm)
  • Plastic plate
  • Shoehorn
  • Funnel
  • Rubber tube - 40 cm
  • 5-volt adapter
  • Budget submersible pump for aquarium
  • Small screws-2-4 pcs.


Cut a piece from a bucket from the upper edge down
Cut a piece from a bucket from the upper edge down
Put the pump with the attached hose on the bottom of the bucket
Put the pump with the attached hose on the bottom of the bucket
  • Cut a piece from a bucket from the upper edge down two -thirds from the volume of the bucket. The width of the cut piece should be approximately a third of the diameter.
  • In the middle of the edge on a cut piece, make a small V cutout under the width of a spoon for shoes and a depth of 3-5 cm.
Attach a cut piece of the wall from the inside
Attach a cut piece of the wall from the inside
  • In the edge of the cut piece, make several round small holes for small screws.
  • Put the pump with the attached hose to the bottom of the bucket, the hose and the food wire remove.
  • Attach a cut piece of the wall from the inside from the opposite side with self -tapping screws on top of the wire and tube.
  • Cut out of the wall of the bucket at the site of the coincidence with the neckline of the attached part of the hole of the same size and shape, but do not touch the edge. It should turn out a small through triangle.
  • Install a spoon for shoes in the resulting triangle, inserting it from the inside with a hook for the hook up. From the edge of the bucket of the spoon should go up to height 5-10 cm (can be adjusted later, depending on the necessary bending of a jet of water).
  • Pass the hose in the hook hole.
  • In the center of the plate, make a hole for the nose of the funnel and several small drainage holes around.
  • Get the plate along the edges so that when installing it in the entire lower part of the bucket to the bottom remains 10-15 cm.
Get the plate along the edges and insert it into the bucket
Get the plate along the edges and insert it into the bucket
  • Set the resulting surface tightly in a bucket and fix it with a self -tapping screw.
  • Insert the funnel and adjust the hose so that the water pours directly into it.
  • Test on a pet.

You can decorate both variants of fountains for individual requests. For example, lower decorative plants into a transparent aquarium drinker or decorate it from the inside with fish -shaped stickers. You can also install a feeder from a bucket decorated with artificial flowers in the country yard. Hand-maye forms a huge scope for imagination and personality.

DIY fountain for cats and dogs: reviews

If you do not dare to make such a fountain for cats for cats and dogs with your own hands, then read the reviews of other people. You will find out what they did. This will add you determination to action.

Ivan, 15 years old

The cat drinks very little, most often only water from the tap. He suffers from urolithiasis, so he cannot be water from the tap. Before that, I tried to find such a drinker in stores, there was nothing cheaper than 2000. I made a fountain from a construction bucket, cheap and angrily, as they say. Only the construction bucket is difficult to cut, cut out metal scissors. At first I wanted to make from the aquarium, but I decided that my wild cat would break it. Therefore, in a drinker from a bucket, to all, he put the weights on the bottom. The technology teacher set off as a project, and this was the only hour of time. And the cat is satisfied, and I!

Maria, 46 years old

I coped with the drinker from the aquarium without any problems, although I can’t call me a needlewoman or engineer. I put plastic plants on the bottom of the aquarium, the cat became even more interesting, like guests. This creation has never left without attention. I get orders from the friends of the catsers. Thanks for the idea. I’m afraid that fasteners can over time cease to be attached to the walls, but at the same time, they can easily be changed. It is also good that it is easy to wash this fountain, because my long -haired cat sinks strongly, and the wool settles on the walls.

Alexey, 54 years old

All ingenious - simple! I chose a transparent hose, ordered a light gray pump, transparent fasteners and a neat masterpiece of cat engineering came out. Pomeranian Spitz is also delighted, though often so that everything is in splashes, although it is even fun. The design is easy to transport and disassemble. I also want to try to paint the surface with monograms for stained glass paints. Very grateful, I am not getting enough!

Fountain-Pillet for Cats and Dogs: Video

Watch the video how the home master makes a fountain for cats for cats and dogs with your own hands. It's simple. You only need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

Video: The Drick Fountain has nowhere to nowhere!

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