A cat wants a cat, what to do, how to calm? How much cat wants a cat? Folk remedies, best drops, pills so that the cat does not walk

A cat wants a cat, what to do, how to calm? How much cat wants a cat? Folk remedies, best drops, pills so that the cat does not walk

Owners of cats are usually the first to learn that their pitomitsa asks for a cat. In average, the age, when the cat begins, is 6-10 months.

During this period, on the carpet, the floor can be seen wet spots with a bloody admixture, the cat as a whole behaves very restlessly, shouts that it becomes the cause of the lack of sleep and nervousness of all households. In this article we will tell you what to do if the cat asks for a cat. 

How much cat wants a cat?

Initially, it is necessary to decide on the period how much the concern of the cat will continue.

How much a cat wants a cat:

  • Usually it lasts 3-10 days. However, the peak of anxiety is observed for 3-4 days. During this period, the cat may observe characteristic discharge, it can lie on the floor, pressed against it with a stomach and stick out the back, while starting the tail to the side.
  • It is believed that in this way the cat is trying to attract a male for fertilization. The main reason for the concern of all households is screams, and anxiety of the animal.
  • That is, a cat can scream in the daytime and at night, not allowing the owners of housing to rest.In this case, there are several ways to calm the animal.
The cat wants a cat
The cat wants a cat

The cat wants a cat - what to do?

We present several drugs that will help reduce stress and calm the animal. 

The cat wants a cat - what to do:

  • Determine the cat during estrus in a separate room, putting a tray, food, as well as water. It is recommended to release only in the evening. Thus, there will be no spots from the discharge throughout the apartment. 
  • Be sure to turn on classical music, it will calm not only households, but also an animal. 
  • You can give animals pheromones. It is believed that they are able to reduce attraction, and discourage the desire for sexual hunting. However, they work in relation to far from all animals. 
  • Apply homeopathic remedies. They can be found in a veterinary pharmacy. 
  • Suprastin. This is an antihistamine that relieves edema. Thanks to this, the cat feels much better, sexual desire is reduced, as well as painful sensations. 
  • The use of sedatives. Typically, herbs can be given that can reduce the anxiety of the animal. 
  • Hormonal drugs that are purchased on the recommendation of the doctor. After all, they are quite dangerous and can cause infertility, or gynecological ailments in the animal. 

The cat wants a cat, how to reassure?

There are special drugs that help remove all the signs of estrus in the animal, or even stop it. All these drugs are divided into two groups, depending on the component.

The cat wants a cat, how to reassure:

  • Natural components. They are distinguished by not a severe effect, sometimes it becomes absolutely useless. But the main advantage is that they consist of herbs, and do not have a strong effect on the hormonal system of the animal. 
  • Hormonal drugs. These are usually synthetic hormones that help affect the endocrine, sexual system of a cat. Of course, the easiest option that will solve all problems is the sterilization of the animal. However, it is acceptable if you do not plan to mate the animal, and grow offspring. That is, if a cat was brought exclusively for themselves, with the aim of entertainment. 

Tablets, drops so that the cat does not want a cat: a review

If you plan to make the cat actively mate, give offspring, it is best to choose homeopathic remedies or hormonal drugs that help reduce sexual hunting in the animal. Please note that cats that regularly mate with a male “flow” less often. Usually, their estrus is observed once every six months. If the animal does not mate from time to time with a cat, then estrus can be observed even every month. 

What should the owner of the animal do? Consider several of the most common drugs that help reduce the manifestations of estrus in cats.

Tablets, drops so that the cat does not want a cat, a review: 

  • Cat Baiyun. This is a medicine that can be purchased in the form of a solution or tablets. The medicine facilitates the condition, reduces pain, and soothes the animal. 
  • Cat mint. Sold in sprays or bags. The most interesting thing is that this tool is not used inward, but only externally. It is necessary to spray the places where the cat prefer to spend most of their time. 
  • Drops of phytx. This is a drug that is used not only in cats, but also in cats. It reduces sexual desire, soothes the animal during estrus. It consists of natural herbs that do not harm the health of the animal. 
  • Stop stress. Also, an animal drug that is given during sexual hunting. It does not contain hormones, but helps to calm the animal. These drugs are absolutely safe, do not cause addiction or negative consequences. But they can be ineffective compared to hormonal substances. 

Folk remedies: a cat wants a cat

There are a lot of folk methods that are designed to reduce sex drive in the animal.

Folk remedies, a cat wants a cat:

  • Distracting. Usually a cat is dipped in cold water, or simply doused from a mug. Thus, the cat's task changes, instead of a scream, it licks herself. However, it is necessary to repeat the procedure constantly until the cat asks the cat. 
  • Squeeze an animal muzzle with butter. The effect is the same, the animal constantly licks itself, at this time the scream stops. 
  • Using a castrated cat. The main question is where to get it. Indeed, after mating with a castrated cat, the cat calms down for a while. However, this is not a one hundred percent method, since some animals, even after a successful knitting that ends with the offspring, can reduce themselves very actively for three to four days to the end, scream, meow and not give household to rest. 
  • Imitation of sexual intercourse. Usually, you need to grab a cat in the withers and carry, as the cat does during mating. Many also recommend soldering a cat with various decoctions. Most often, soothing herbs are used, such as motherwort, tincture of valerian, lemon balm and mint. If the animal does not want to drink such products, they are usually introduced into dry food, or into the food that the animal is fed. 

Cat tablets so that she did not walk and did not want a cat: a list of the best

The most effective technique that allows you to reduce the sexual attraction of a cat is hormonal means. 

Cat tablets so that the cat does not want 

  1. Kovinan - This is a hormonal drug that is used to stop the estrus, to reduce its manifestations. The tool helps to reduce hormone production. Thanks to this substance, the cat ceases to want a cat, aggressive behavior, anxiety decreases. 
  2. Antisex. The tool is used in order to delay and stop estrus. For the effect, the drug is usually taken once a week. In order to reduce manifestations during estrus, the drug is given one tablet per day for a week. 
  3. Sex-barrier. The product is used once every 2 weeks to reduce activity. If the animal had sexual contact, knitting, which was not planned by the owners of the animal, then two tablets must be taken. Thus, the probability of pregnancy is reduced to zero. 
  4. Stop intimate. In order for the cat to become less active, the manifestation of aggression, anxiety decreased, is prescribed by half the tablets once a week. If the estrus began, the animal is very restless, prescribed 1 tablet per week. Please note that all these agents are hormonal, so it is impossible to exceed the dosage in any case.

It is best not to purchase funds without appointing a doctor. They can adversely affect the health of the animal. The consequences of taking which drugs: endometriosis, erosion, benign tumors of the pelvic organs in cats. Accordingly, it is best to give non -hormonal preparations on herbs, which contribute to the calm of the nervous system of the animal. 


Why does a cat want a cat after knitting?

Many owners of pets are worried when, after knitting, the animal behaves very restlessly for several days.

Why a cat wants a cat after knitting:

  • Many people think that fertilization has not happened, and the cat must be re -mating with the cat. In fact, this is a wrong assumption. The fact is that during knitting into the blood a huge amount of hormones is released.
  • To decrease their concentration in the blood, it takes several days. In any case, during this period, you should re -mate a cat with a male.
  • Pay attention to the behavior of the cat. If the intercourse happened safely, the cat has ovulation, the cat loses all interest in it. This is a sure sign that the animal became pregnant. 
  • Often it happens that 2 months after knitting the cat again asks the cat. In no case, during this period, the animal can be re -mated with a cat. There are several options for the development of events.
  • Most likely, the animal is already in a position, and the so -called double pregnancy will occur. Two types of embryos will appear in the abdomen: older and younger.
  • Perhaps the cat will give birth in a timely manner, but at the same time embryos, which are younger, will die. Or, on the contrary, the cat gives birth to the first brood first, and after a few weeks gives birth to again. This affects the health of the pet. 

Why do sterilized cats want a cat?

It often happens that a sterilized cat wants a cat. This is possible for several reasons. 

There are two sterilization options: 

  • With a dressing of fallopian pipes 
  • With complete removal of the organs of the animal reproductive system 

Why sterilized cats want a cat:

  • In the first case, during dressing of fallopian tubes, the ovaries remain in place, that is, they produce a certain amount of hormones. In fact, the cat is barren, even after knitting with the cat, she cannot become pregnant due to the fact that access to the ovaries and uterine pipes will be blocked.
  • However, the symptoms of sexual hunting are preserved. In this case, it is recommended to prick the animal drugCavinton Or depotz. This is a remedy that will reduce the amount of hormones in the blood and relieve the animal’s night screams.
  • If there are signs of sexual desire after complete sterilization, this happens due to incomplete removal of ovarian tissues. 
  • The functional tissue of the ovary secrete a small amount of hormones, so there are signs of estrus. In fact, if the doctor did everything right, completely removed the uterus, ovaries, then there should not be any signs of sexual hunting.
  • Most likely, the operation was done by an inexperienced doctor, or these are the individual characteristics of the cat. In most cases, the operation is carried out again. In the course of it, all parts of the ovary, uterus, and fallopian tubes that remained in the animal’s abdomen are removed.  

A lot of interesting information for breeders can be found in articles on our website:

Do not rush to purchase hormonal agents. Try to use safe folk methods, herbs.

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