The cat is sluggish, sleeps a lot: norm or pathology? The cat eats little and sleeps a lot, what to do?

The cat is sluggish, sleeps a lot: norm or pathology? The cat eats little and sleeps a lot, what to do?

The causes of drowsiness and lack of appetite in a cat.

Cats belong tocompanion animals that cooperate with humans for more than 10,000 years. Now about 200 types of cats are registered, each of which is listed in a special reference book. In this article we will tell you why the cat is sluggish and sleeps a lot. 

Why does the cat eat little and sleeps a lot for several days?

In most cases, the fault of the cat’s activity is banal causes.

Why the cat eats little and sleeps a lot for several days, reasons:

  • The advanced age of the animal. If the cat is more than 10 years old, you should not be surprised if it is from an active, sweet kitten, has turned into a sluggish pet. Animals, like people, move less in adulthood, andacquires A large number of chronic ailments. 
  • Condition after estrus. If you were engaged in a viscous cat, then do not be surprised if, 3-4 days after this process, it becomes sluggish. For 3-4 weeks, the animal will be rather lethargic and behave not as usual. This suggests that the knitting was successful, the animal needs peace, as well as good care to grow strong and healthy offspring. 
  • Increasing ambient temperature. At a temperature of +30, not only people, but animals also feel not too good and cheerful. Animals have a decent woolen cover with the exception of the sphinxes. Therefore, pets feel bad, often in animals in the heat they prefer to hide under the sofa, bed and in places where sunlight does not penetrate quite cool. Pets hide, sleep a lot and reluctantly come to the call. 

The cat after vaccination is sluggish and sleeps, what to do?

Do not worry if, after the administration of the drug, the cat feels sluggish and does not show activity. 

The cat after vaccination is sluggish and sleeps, what to do:

  • This often happens after vaccinations. After all, substances are usually introduced that provoke a mild stage of the disease, while forming immunity. There is nothing wrong with a decrease in the activity of the pet.
  • Take care of it, let's drink a lot of water and pamper your pet during this period with goodies. After vaccination, cats refuse to eat, so they can be lured with some kind of delicious ones that you rarely give. 
  • A decrease in appetite and lethargy is observed after the administration of anthelmintic drugs. If you drink a cat with a means of worms, do not be surprised if it has become sluggish, and refuses to eat. Such drugs have a large list of side effects, contraindications. Among them, we can distinguish: lethargy, lack of appetite, and a decrease in activity. 

The cat after sterilization is sluggish and sleeps: what to do?

If the pet has been sterilized, or other operations, do not be upset and be surprised if your friend is constantly sleeping, sluggish and eats badly. A cat for some time after sterilization may refuse to eat. Make sure she drinks water.

The cat after sterilization is sluggish and sleeps:

  • If the cat refuses water, pour it from the syringe, after removing the needle. Very often after cavity operations, the animal can move away from anesthesia and anesthetics for about one to two days.
  • Try to feed with sparing food in this period with some soft conservatives that are easily absorbed. It is necessary to avoid constipation, do not feed the cat with hard food and food, which is difficult to experience.
  • The perfect option will be canned food, or meat pieces in the sauce.

The cat after the cottage is sluggish and sleeps, what to do?

Any trip for a pet is a stress. If you take the cat to the country, or to visit in the carry, it can scare it. For the animal, this is severe stress, so it can react inadequately, scratch, meow.

The cat after the cottage is sluggish and sleeps, what to do:

  • After the trip, often the cat clogs under the bed for one or two days, hides, and is in no hurry to go out to its owner. Thus, she expresses her dissatisfaction, during this period it is better not to touch her, leaving her alone.
  • Do not be discouraged if the animal suffers from a lack of appetite, after a couple of days everything will work out. Try not to bother the cat, not to extract from secluded places. Let me enjoy loneliness, because the animal needs time to calm down. 
Saw pets
Saw pets

The cat after the fight is sluggish and sleeps, what to do?

Street cats often participate in fights, so they can be injured. Do not be surprised if, after such a showdown, the animal is sluggish, does not show motor activity, refuses food, and wants to rest a lot. This is a completely normal situation for the animal, it is necessary to leave it alone. 

The cat after the fight is sluggish and sleeps, what to do:

  • It is worth being attentive if the animal reacts violently to attempts to touch it. If the cat negatively reacts to touching a certain part of the body, then it is in this zone that is damage.
  • Due to thick wool, small bites and wounds are not visible. Therefore, the owner of the pet may not guess the fight. If you notice that touching a certain area causes excessive activity in the animal, you must try to push the wool, find the place of the bite. It looks like two small points that are at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.
  • This is nothing more than traces of fang bites. Cats are usually bitten by fangs that are on the upper and lower jaw. The whole problem is that these teeth are very thin, which contributes to the appearance of small wounds that are difficult to notice. The surface of the fangs contains a large number of pathogens, which easily enter the blood of the pet. 
  • A few days after the fight in the places of the bite, suppuration, severe pain may occur. We recommend that immediately after the fight, bring the animal for inspection to the veterinarian. If any damage or wounds is noticed, the doctor will provide the necessary assistance. Cats are often fighting, the most common injuries are paws on the head, nose, as well as ears. Often, after a fight, you can see a small amount of blood near the ears or on the nose. The tail and back is often injured if the animal runs away. However, if the cats encountered each other face to face, they can ride the floor. In this case, any place on the body of the animal can be damaged.  

It is worth sounding the alarm if a few days after the fight at the cat there is shortness of breath, the temperature rises or decreases. This may indicate serious injuries or abscesses in places of bites. It is urgent to take the animal to the veterinarian. Do not run the situation, as this may result in the death of a pet. 

Sluggish pet
Sluggish pet

Why has a cat sleep a lot lately?

Do not worry and sound the alarm if a cat sleeps a lot in a cold room. This is one way to maintain balance, balance, as well as heat. The cat tries to sleep most of time, curled up.

Why recently a cat is sleeping a lot:

  • This allows you to maintain heat and not freeze. In the same way, the animal acts in a strong heat. Indeed, when eating a large amount of food and motor activity, the body can heat up. 
  • If the house is very hot, the animal can refuse to eat, drink only water and sleep a lot. This is one of the ways to maintain thermal balance, and not overheat. 
  • Pets react acutely to a permutation in the house, during repair work. 
  • After a visit to the doctor, the animal becomes lethargic and sleepy. Stress is to blame for everything. 
  • During the move, the animal also does not feel very well, it needs time to adapt to get used to new housing. 
  • Little attention from the owners. This may be due to the new work of the owner, and complex life circumstances. The animal lacks affection, so it is upset, protest, refusing to eat and most of the time is in a state of sleep. 

The cat is sluggish, sleeps a lot: the norm or sign of the disease?

There are pathological causes of drowsiness that should be paid attention to. 

Often they are accompanied by such symptoms: 

  • Fever, fever 
  • The pet is trying to hide from the eyes, leave in a dark place where no one will find him 
  • The animal refuses to eat and water 
  • The pet does not play with his favorite toys, refuses to caress, runs away and hides 
  • The pet has vomiting, nausea, digestive disorder 
  • The presence of hoarse breath, runny nose, as well as festering eyes 
  • Pale tissue color in the mouth 
  • Uncertain gait, trembling and staggering 
  • Constant meowing, including in a dream 
  • A very aggressive reaction to touching certain parts of the body 
  • Untidy and crumpled wool 

If the cat is sluggish, sleeps a lot, along with the above symptoms, this suggests that the animals need help, and possibly with the wine of its sleepy state and apathy, is a serious disease. 


Street cat is sluggish, sleeps all day: reasons

On the behavior of the animal, the conditions of its habitat are affected. If this is a street animal, you should not be surprised that it sleeps almost all the time during the day. Cats are night predators that prefer to hunt in the dark, and rest during the day.

Street cat is sluggish, sleeps all day, reasons:

  • Do not be surprised if, after night hunting and eating prey, the animal wants to sleep off during the day. After all, almost all night it was quite active. Street cats often come home in the morning to eat and sleep.
  • In the evening, the animal will go hunting again. Homemade cats that do not go outside behave a little differently. They adapt to the regime of their owner, so they sleep at night, and are awake during the day.
  • The norm is considered if the animal sleeps for 12-14 hours. However, there are pets who are characterized by a calm character, they can rest a little more. Kittens sleep much more adult relatives. After all, they just like human babies, they eat a lot and rest all the time to grow. After all, it is in a state of sleep, both people and animals grow. As they grow older, the duration of sleep decreases, and the animal becomes more active. 

The cat is sluggish and constantly sleeps: banal reasons unrelated to the disease

If you notice the temperature, discharge from the nose, or deterioration of the condition of the wool, you must contact the doctor. The animal can respond sensitively to the change of food. Therefore, if you transfer the pet to another nutrition, do not be surprised, for some time he will refuse food, and also become sluggish.The animal feels bad after traveling by car. This is due to motion sickness and shaking. The condition is similar to motionless in children. 

The cat is sluggish and constantly sleeps, banal causes unrelated to the disease:

  1. The animal can be in Stress state due to the appearance of a new family member. This can be another animal or person, beloved by the mistress. 
  2. Changing the owner. The animal needs time to get used to the new owners and find a common language. The animal will be some time to hide, do not make contact. 
  3. After the visit of the guests. If your friends, friends with young children, came to the house, the animal can refuse food and hide under the bed. This is quite normal, since pets do not really like children and constantly hide from them. 
  4. After swimming and hygienic procedures. For some animals, such manipulations are stress, so the cat does not feel very well and constantly hiding from its owner for a day or two after swimming. 
  5. The first stay on the street. If you took off your pet for the first time, you should not be surprised if he does not behave quite adequately. For the animal, this is stress, experiences, it does not know how to respond to the world. The first few walks of the animal can behave aggressively or vice versa, it seem too fearful. After such walks, the animal sleeps most of the time. 

A lot of interesting information for breeders can be found in articles on our website:

The condition of the animal can be determined by appearance. Therefore, if your pet is sluggish, refuses to eat, you need to pay attention to his condition. Look and evaluate the condition of the wool. If it is brilliant, smooth, while the mucous membrane of the pink, wet nose, pulse and temperature are normal, there are no discharge from the eyes, ears, nose, then the condition of the cat is normal. You should not worry in such a situation.

Video: a cat sleeps a lot and eats little

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