A cat or a cat left home: signs, reasons, what to do if the cat left home, how to return a cat, a cat if he left home?

A cat or a cat left home: signs, reasons, what to do if the cat left home, how to return a cat, a cat if he left home?

There are many cats in the world who do not have a soul in their pets, and the departure from the house of their beloved cat or cat is perceived by them as a real tragedy. But, besides this, anxiety also settles in the soul of the hosts, because scientists have already proved that cats have an incredible instinct, and they can even foresee the danger that threatens the family, and therefore fleeing. Cats are also credited with a connection with an unknown, parallel world, from where they draw information and can even save people living in a house, which, for example, should soon collapse or burn.

But this is not always the case, and therefore, if a healthy and, it would seem, a satisfied animal suddenly, for no reason, disappears somewhere from a lived-in place, then people involuntarily think about a possible misfortune or even close death of one of the members families. But do not rush to blame your cat of betrayal - it is quite possible that she did this in completely different reasons. By what? Read on and you will understand everything!

The cat left home: signs

The cat left home to take trouble

  • There is such a version of the signs, why are cats leave home - Some kind trouble And in fact, she threatened the family, but your super -sensitive pet, having accepted information about her, carried her away with him. Away from the house where everyone loved him so much, walked and cherished.
  • So you should not blame this devoted animal - who knows, perhaps, leaving his beloved and loving owners, he suffered very much. But he could not do otherwise, because he protected your family from some impending black misfortune. A great affection for a person can live in this small animal, and therefore he is able to take on this dangerous burden, which at first intended for people. And sometimes even at the cost of your own life.
  • Therefore, you do not need to carry out some rituals, as if because of a bad omen, you suddenly did not have a trouble-a cat or a cat did everything themselves.
  • Some people who have one of the family members is seriously ill, are sure that the care of a cat during this period marks himself ambulance. And if even the patient believes in these prejudices, then his condition can really worsen significantly.
  • But after all, the behavior of a cat can be considered under a diametrically opposite angle. It can be allowed that the animal does not predict the arrival of death in your house, but, on the contrary, leads it as far as possible. Mentally thank the animal for the good deed done by him and expect an improvement in the health of the sick member of your family. Convince him that the cat’s departure from the house is a good sign, And then he will have real chances of a quick recovery.
So the cat takes trouble
So the cat takes trouble

Signs: The cat left home and disappeared to make room

  • There is also such an opinion-the cat feels that his owners decided to start someone else for himself, and in this case he can leave your house, as if freeing up.
  • It is not known what the animals moves, resentment and disappointment, or, conversely, nobility, but one thing is important - one thing is in the family will soon happen replenishment, but not at all losses.
  • Maybe you should soon be born a baby, or maybe you decided to take another cat or dog? Then it becomes clear why the pet left you.
  • People knowledgeable in mystical manifestations claim that cats have psychic abilities. That's why they learned about your plans in advance and decided to do what best.
Why are cats leave home
Why are cats leave home

What does it mean if the cat leaves the house often: signs and mysticism

  • You can start one cat after another, but for some reason they all leave the house. If you adhere to mystical beliefs, then it can be argued that all these fluffy creatures the brownie does not allow to take root.
  • In ancient times they spoke in such cases that The cat "not to the court" It came, that is, the color of the animal did not like the brownie. Our ancestors believed that he could accept in the house of cats only with the wool of the coloring color, he simply expels all the others.
  • There are ways to propitiate the brownie. To get started, get out a cat of a different color - What if it will be for him to taste?
  • When you first bring a new pet in your home, put your right hand on his head, and then say in a loud voice: say:
Conspiracy for the brownie
Conspiracy for the brownie
  • And at the same time, delight the invisible owner with some kind of delicacy and a glass of good wine-let all this stand on the table at night.
  • And the brownie will treat your request with understanding, unless, of course, he likes the treat and respectful attitude towards him. You can also give parting words to the cat itself.
  • Leaving the house, every time tell her:
Popularity to the cat
Popularity to the cat
  • In this case, one can hope that they will find a common language among themselves, and your cat will finally take root.
  • However, the brownie is not the only reason why young cats leave home. One of the most frightening signs is a curse overhanging over the family.
  • Dark forces can harm health and even take the lives of people of whole generations. Many of them, living in a damned house for decades, do not even suspect what kind of sins such an endless happen to them a series of misfortunes and troubles.
  • Unlike cats, these sensitive creatures instantly catch the negative in the house, and therefore try to leave this ill -fated place as quickly as possible.
  • If the impact of negative energy is very strong, then you need to act in this case without any thought and delay. In this case, only a priest can help expel dark forces from the house, consecrating a home.

Why are cats from home: real reasons

It is not necessary to connect with signs a cat leaving home. People who do not believe in mysticism can call completely different real reasons why animals sometimes do not return home.

Consider some of them:

  • The cat could get lost. Everyone knows the facts when dogs and cats were overcome huge distances in completely unfamiliar places in order to return home. However, one should not think that all animals have exactly the same superpowers. Some of them may well be lost in just a few quarters from the house in pursuit of bird or fleeing from an evil dog.
  • The cat leaves the house to die. Very often, cats, anticipating their ambulance, leave the house. In them, this feeling is laid in them - die alone, Therefore, they take even their beloved owners at this time for undesirable witnesses.
  • The cat could hang out. It is possible that you are in vain experiencing the loss of your cat. If the time came up, then she could find a place somewhere outside the house to make kittens. Moreover, this is possible if you drowned its previous liters, and she remembered it and hid for this reason away from you. In this case, only a few weeks will pass, and it will return to you, transferring in the teeth of already grown kittens.
  • They do not treat the cat well. If the cat is constantly kicking and disgustingly fed, then a proud animal can simply escape from this inaccurate house.
Could leave due to bad treatment
Could leave due to bad treatment
  • The cat is jealous. If another pet or a new family member has appeared in the house, then a cat has lived for a long time can soon disappear. And you know what the reason is? She was offended because of the loss of your attention, because animals, just like people, feel jealousy and suffering, feeling that they are superfluous here.
  • The cat does not like the situation in the house. If the psychological situation in the house is tense, then cats have the ability to change it for the better. However, sometimes simply aggressive relations are formed between the owners, they constantly swear among themselves, and sometimes even their hands are dissolved. Believe me, the cat will perfectly feel such an atmosphere and probably will not linger in such a house for a long time.
  • The cat does not like children. The cat may experience constant stress due to annoying children. They can play with this woolen meowing miracle for a long time, squeeze it, carry it by the tail, and few people can like it. So that the pet does not leave you because of this, you should make it clear to the child that you need to handle the cat kindly, and not torment him with his long games.

The cat left the house: a conspiracy for returning

  • To return the cat that left the house, you need to pour your favorite food into its bowl, next to which the white candle should burn. Next, you should turn to the bright forces of the universe in your thoughts, asking you to prevent anything bad to happen to your pet.
  • With all your heart, ask the animal to return to you the whole and unharmed. Wait for the candle to burn out completely.
  • Take water into a glass, and placing it on the threshold of the house, say conspiracy:
To return the cat
To return the cat
  • And at the same time clearly imagine how your pet returns to your home. Next, you will need a rope that should be bandaged all the legs of the dining table.
  • Hold the second burning candle by the open window, to put it loudly at the same time:
We continue the ritual, we need to pronounce
We continue the ritual, we need to pronounce
  • Believers should not pronounce conspiracies and make rituals - it is better to go to the temple, put a candle and turn to God with a request that your loss return to you.
  • Do not give up, while there are chances to return the Usato-Clotted fugitive home. After all, there were cases when animals did not make themselves felt for several months in a row, and then suddenly appeared. But if time passes, and your pet has not yet appeared, let him go from your soul.
  • Everything can be, either something bad happened to him, or he really he took trouble from you, thereby taking all the negativity on himself. Remember the good moments associated with your fluffy favorite, and live the present. And in life there is always a reason for joy!

What to do so that the cat does not leave home?

  • No matter how your pet may seem manual and home, and two main instincts can still take their own- continuation of the genus and hunting. In love dust or in pursuit of a bird, your cat can fall out of the window or slip into the open door and get lost. And if your apartment is located high, then it can be crippled or even break to death. So that this does not happen, certain rules must be followed.
  • Having decided to get a kitten, you should not only take care of its health and proper feeding, But also think about his safe stay in your apartment. In plastic double -glazed windows, the presence of mosquito nets can protect the cat from falling out of the window. If the apartment remains in the apartment, then they should be embraced by bars.
  • It is also worth thinking about sterilization animal. If the operation is carried out in adolescence, then the animal will not hit long runs with a risk somewhere to get lost. In addition, there is another huge plus in favor of castration or sterilization: cats that have undergone such an operation live much longer than their not operated counterparts.
  • If your cat is a representative of an elite breed and he walks on the street unattended, then he can steal. The owners of such cats should be worth chip Your pets - in this case, it can be quickly found.
  • If the hosts have conceived replace your place of residence And they rejoice at this, then such a crossing can not turn out to be a cat. And if he does not like it in a new house, he may well return to the old dwelling, and hundreds of kilometers will not be an obstacle to the cat. So that your pet is adapted as soon as possible in a new place, the owners need more attention to him.
  • A decrease in nervousness in a cat can also serve sedding on herbs prescribed by the veterinarian. If you value your pet very much, put on it collaron which write your address and phone - These measures can help return your restless tailed favorite home.
The cat also needs care so that he does not leave
The cat also needs care so that he does not leave

Interesting information finally: According to signs, cats of different colors have their own special abilities. For example, at the black cat The purpose of protecting the home from unclean power, the redhead - bring with you love, u gray - Strengthen Well -being and prosperity. White The cat is called up treat and harmonize family way, a tricolor - involve the people who have sheltered good changes.

However, do not believe that the red cat will deprive you of a romantic relationship with its departure, and with the departure of black in your house some kind of evil spirits will settled. In this situation, neither the suit nor the gender of the animal has any meaning.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with other signs:

Video: 7 reasons why the cat leaves the house

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