How to wean a cat to shit in a garden, harm in the garden?

How to wean a cat to shit in a garden, harm in the garden?

We all love the tailed brothers of our smaller ones, but sometimes, in addition to positive emotions, they can cause some grief. For example, many cats like to sway on freshly spaced land, and if seedlings were planted there, then the result is not seedlings, but a continuous annoyance.

That is why flower growers and gardeners have to find ways to repel cats from their site. For lazy and clumsy cats, it is enough to poke a wand near the recently planted plants. But to the energetic individuals, such a frivolous obstacle is not at all an obstacle - they will easily demolish twigs from their path. And then you have to protect your corner with more effective methods. What? You can find answers to this question in this material. We will give you a few effective tips, and you choose which one to you, or rather, your pet, is better than others.

Cat and garden: What is the harm from the animal?

  • In addition to the benefit of fishing and rats on the site, cats in the garden also bring harm. The fact that they can destroy the planted plants, we have already talked. But about their feces - a separate question. They may have a lot of parasites and pathogens, and berries and vegetables grow in this “dedicated” cats to the ground. If they are poorly washed, it is possible that a person can become infected.
  • If you grow in your garden conifers, then they need to be protected from cats, who simply love to mark them. Not only does the needles turn on from their urine, but young bushes and trees can even die because of this.
  • These cute fluffy creatures are inexorable hunters who destroy birds, which are the "orderlies" of gardens and gardens. Let the birds better catch pests of cultivated plants in your garden, and do not act as a dinner for a cat.
Cats love to lie on dashing ground
Cats love to lie on dashing ground

How to steal cats from the garden?

There are a number of measures with which you can protect plantations from cats. How to dump cats from the garden:

  1. To make the land in the beds does not interest the cat. Cats simply cannot calmly go around the loose soft soil, especially freshly scraped. They love to lie on it, and also use it as a toilet. But they prefer to bypass the thorny surfaces, and to give the Earth the “prickly” can be used by different materials. For example, twigs or garden stakesthat are stuck on a flowerbed or bed every 5-10 cm-they need to equip its entire perimeter.
  2. Can Pushing the ground near the seedlings with cones, eggshell, old plastic spiked rugs, or label cut raspberries, rose, gooseberries, barberry, blackberry or even thistle.
  3. You can also use it wire net or old fishing network - Just lying on top on the ground, they will scare away cats from this place. It is best to stretch the grid before the start of landing work: having fixed it, in the right places, do the gaps for seedlings. And in order to disguise a not very presentable type of flowerbed, mulch can act in the form of a “decor”.
  4. So that cats feel comfortable, they need dry soil. If you at least slightly moisturize it every day, then the cat’s fraternity will not stick into it. And as soon as you see your favorite on a flowerbed or beds, grab the hose immediately and spray it a little with water. Thanks to the associations unpleasant for her, it will cease to go into this corner of the garden. Only this procedure will have to do this several times so that she is well remembered for the moment for the cat. To stop raids on your section of neighboring cats, install sprayers in the right places, which are turned on from the movement.
  5. Kotov can also scare away pungent odors unpleasant for their sense of smell. For example, they simply do not tolerate citrus. Therefore, do not throw lemon and orange peels, but lay them out in a limited area. You can also use sprays, which include: citrus fruits, citronella, lavender, peppermint, lemongrass, sharp pepper, garlic, vinegar, or diluted with water by rosemary oil.

    Also, cats are ripe in the garden
    Also, cats are ripe in the garden
  6. If you have a very acute question about protecting the garden/garden from cats, then why don't you try process plants with special repellents, smelling urine of predatory animals? Their manufacturers assure that these repellents are not toxic, and therefore they will not harm either seedlings or a pet. Reference: such sprays usually sell pet stores.
  7. In order not to fool yourself very much, you can simply plant an important area for you with plants that repel cats. Try to plant it around the perimeter, for example, rosemary, lemon dile, mint, ruta, lavender, perovsky or dog Koating. The last option is the most unpleasant for cats; This indoor plant can be planted for the summer, and then return again for wintering to pots.
  8. You can also dried leaves These unloved cats of plants sprinkle the site.
  9. In the role of reputers of cats, you can still use sound signals. For example, bells who begin to ring from wind or movement, it is quite possible to scare away cats. And you can build a protective remedy from cats in the garden with your own hands: on the pins stuck in the ground, place tin cans that rattles even from a slight blow of the breeze. By the way, experienced gardeners claim that this sound even scares mole. You can also use special devices that work to move. In most cases, they are ultrasound; A man will not hear such sounds, but cats from him in an instant scatter.
  10. Get rid of a cat in the garden It is possible to fence, but it should be very high - up to 2 m, and its top - bend under the weight of the body of the cat who dared through it to cross the cat. The fence should be continuous and be flush with the ground, and it will be even better if you get it a little. An ideal solution will be if you use a professionalist for these purposes.
  11. If the cat has his favorite place that you arrange for her, then it is quite possible that your beds will not interest her at all. To protect your favorite plants from cats in the garden, highlight the place for them at the other end of the courtyard site. Dig and loosen the earth there. You can even enclose a small push and fall asleep into it with dry sand. Put this place with your favorite cats with plants - valerian, cat's mint (it is also called a catnip).
  12. If one specific place was chosen by cats, and they are constantly gathering there, this can be eliminated in a simple way. It needs to be thoroughly washed under the pressure of water using the hose - this is how the smell of feline “labels” will be eliminated. It will be more effective if then sprinkle the already washed place with a solution of water with liquid green soap.
Cats can trample the site with their activity with their activity
Cats can trample the site with their activity with their activity

What methods can not protect the garden from cats?

  • What methods can not protect the garden from cats? Forever forget about naphthalin balls! Scientists have long been proven that naftalin is toxic, and not only animals, but also people can suffer from the action of this pesticide.
  • If you love your pet, then do not use advice about mulching the beds of coffee grounds. Firstly, it is unlikely that she can scare them off your garden.
  • And, secondly, animals, if it turns into their heads to enjoy this gut, can be very ill or even die. That's why compost pit - The best place in which you can without any doubt pour the contents of the Turki.
  • Plastic forks It is also better not to use to scare away cats from the garden. After all, plastic has one feature: when heated, it emits toxic substances that fall into the ground. In addition, the forks sticking out of the flower bed will in no case give her aesthetic appearance.

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