The cat shits on the bed: reasons what to do, signs

The cat shits on the bed: reasons what to do, signs

In this article, we will analyze the question why a cat shit on a bed and how to fix this situation.

Cats are considered wayward animals, with character, feeling of revenge and jealousy. Usually you can hear such a version if the cat or cat shows the owners, shoes, clothes or other unheated places. So, the animal was offended and he decided to take revenge. We will not refute that they also have feelings, but very often the reason for such incidents lies in a completely different one. Therefore, how to prevent it and how to deal with such behavior, we will tell in this material.

Reasons why the cat shows the hosts bed

  • At the first place - Health signal. Cystitis, diarrhea, urolithiasis and even just a bruise. All this causes pain and discomfort. And on the bed you can take a comfortable pose, there is warm and soft. That is why the cat shows the bed.
  • No less popular problem - Dirty tray. Cats are very clean and even harmful in this matter:
    • the filler was changed at the wrong time - the cat will not go to it, and the bed was nearby. Especially if the animal suffered "to the last";
    • the filler did not like the new one - wait for surprises not only on the bed, but also in the corners;
    • if you changed the tray or rearranged it to another place - they yourself are to blame, because the cats are large conservatives;
    • they closed the door to the toilet - only kick on yourself;
    • if you have more than one cat/cat, the trays for them should be separate. Sometimes if another pet does not go into his tray, the animal can stop going to it, while marrying the clothes and bed of the owners.
A corny, but frequent reason is an uncomfortable tray!
A corny, but frequent reason is an uncomfortable tray!
  • But often it happens Because of stress. The animal not so long ago in your house, a change in the scenery occurred, a new pet or a family member appeared. The same poor appeal to the pet or even scandals in the family are able to shake the psycho -emotional state of the animal.
  • Sometimes it happens during periods of hormonal surge, When the animal wants to mark the territory with its smell.
  • Sometimes this happens In old animals, Which can lose their skills with age and acquire chronic diseases.

Important: most often small kittens are not in place due to their inexperience, and not sterilized pets. The latter are more affected by sex hormones, trying to lure a partner with all the methods. Elderly cats can shit due to incontinence.

What to do if a cat, a cat shit on a bed: tips, how to wean

  • It is impossible to scream, punish and be an animal in any case. This will provoke only additional stress. But not paying attention to this is also unacceptable. It is necessary to make a strict voice understand the pet that his behavior is unacceptable, and you are very upset.
We punish correctly!
We punish correctly!
  • In this case, the bed should be immediately changed and washed. The blanket and the mattress need to be taken in dry cleaning, or in extreme cases processed at home to kill the smell (we will talk about this below).
  • Process the bed with the Antigadin spray, “Deosan”, “emix”, “zoosan”, “faithful friend”, etc. Or place around the perimeter Sasha with the aroma of citrus.

Advice: You can process the mattress and even wash the bed with the addition of vinegar, essential oil of lemon, orange or lavender.

  • Additionally, the place for the toilet can be treated with lunning drugs: Biovax, Miss Kiss, Smart Spray, Mr. Fresh, etc.
Wash the tray thoroughly
Wash the tray thoroughly
  • If the cat shows the bed due to hormonal surge, it is the best option to stop- Sterilization/castration Or special tablets. Anyway, a sterilized animal is more affectionate and creates less problems.
  • If the reason is a new pet or a family member, try the cat for some time to pay more attention, Take it in your hands more often, stroke. Let the animal understand that they have not forgotten for him and they also love him.
  • If the pet is not so long ago in your house or you have recently moved - Wait a while Observing all preventive measures for cleanliness.
  • Sometimes it is worth it look at the atmosphere in your family - Frequent quarrels can push the cat to bad deeds. This is not revenge or punishment, so the animal tries to point out the owners to the problem.

Important: if a cat or cat began to crap on the bed systematically and spontaneously, no changes and stresses could help it, be sure to show the animal to the veterinarian. Perhaps the pet has health problems. Therefore, for timely treatment, you need to take tests and undergo an inspection.

Be careful!
Be careful!

How to remove the smell of urine and traces if the cat shows the bed?

The algorithm of the "salvation" of the site, if the cat shows down the bed, go sofa:

  • Immediately, the site is well soak with a dry cloth so that the urine does not absorb into the upholstery of the sofa or deep into the mattress;
  • Pour in absorbing powder - talc, starch, soda;
  • Let stand for 5-10 minutes and carefully remove all particles with a vacuum cleaner or brush. Then apply a cleanser.

Store preparations:

  • Duftapet
  • Zoosan
  • Nature’s Miracle
  • Biovax
  • Odor Kill & Stain Remover
  • Pet Stain & Odor
  • Odorgone, etc.

Important: Do not process the bed with cologne or perfumes - this is a useless remedy! And chlorine can ruin the upholstery or mattress.

The best drugs that remove the smell of urine well
The best drugs that remove the smell of urine well

To remove the smell, use:

  • Soda and vinegar. These are affordable and effective means to combat smells-sprinkle with soda, spray from the spray panter vinegar and wipe with a damp cloth in 20-30 minutes.
    • You can use them separately. Mix soda for this with water to a porridge state, while dilute the vinegar in equal proportions with water. Moisten the place abundantly and wipe with a damp cloth after 10-30 minutes (depending on the freshness of the spot).
  • A solution of laundry soap. Well, soap it in a small amount of water to thick foam, carefully treat the site, wipe it several times with a damp cloth and dry.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Suitable only for light fabrics! The easiest way to sprinkle with soda and spray peroxide, leaving for a while for the reaction.
    • Second recipe: Make a paste of 2 tbsp. l. soap chips and soda, 3 tbsp. l. peroxide. Apply until completely dry.
  • Alcohol Any smell interrupts well. Moisten them abundantly fabric napkin and leave on the site for 1 hour, then wipe it with a damp towel.
  • Glycerin and glycerin soap. The product is abundantly applied to the cleaned spot until completely dry. Glycerin soap is rubbed with a sponge and wiped well with a damp cloth.
  • Iodine or potassium permanganate Suitable only for dark surfaces. Dilute the product in a glass of water (enough 3 drops of iodine or 2 g of potassium permanganate), wipe the fresh spot with a damp sponge, rinse in 3-5 minutes.
  • Lemon juice Not only cleans, but also scares away from further dirty tricks. Squeeze the juice of half the lemon directly onto the spot, wait a few minutes and wipe it well with a damp cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Important: citric acid brightens the tissue!

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Preventive measures so that the cat stops shit on the bed

If the cat shows the bed, you need to find out the reason for taking the necessary measures. And ordinary prevention will help in this. By the way, she will save from further incidents.

  • Always keep the door to the toilet or room where the tray is open.
  • Follow the cleanliness of the tray constantly.
  • Do not change sharply one type of filler to another. And try to experiment less in this matter.
  • The tray itself should also not be changed on a dramatically another model - ideally, take even the same color.
  • Sometimes the tray can be small (if the kitten has grown) or vice versa too large (for example, high sides interfere with the need to cope). Choose a tray in size.
  • Regularly process the animal from parasites (They often cause health problems) and show the veterinarian of the pet.
  • Follow the balanced diet and take care of the proper entertainment of the animal during the absence of the owners.
  • If you had a move or other stress in an animal, you should drink a course of sedatives. But only after consulting a doctor!

In any case, pay attention to your pet. His behavior will tell you what he lacks. And this will help to avoid such troubles.

Create clean and suitable conditions
Create clean and suitable conditions

Why is the cat shit on the bed: signs

There is no unequivocal interpretation why the cat shows the bed. Much depends on the details.

  • If the cat stained the pillow, This portends financial profit or career advancement, followed by improving your financial situation.
  • The cat shits on the blanket - A signal of a possible serious disease of the “victim from cat attention”.
  • If the cat has shit to the patient's bed - sign about the inevitable complication of the situation.
  • If a sheet is soaked, This portends a quarrel between sleeping or close relatives.
  • Excrements on the bed or sofa They can also signal the upcoming turn of fate, both positive and negative. Or about unexpected guests, which you are not very happy to see.
  • If the cat shows in the area near the feet, This indicates hard work and vain work. You need to rest.

In different countries, their own superstitions:

  • In Bulgaria Earlier it was believed that the cat who put down on the bed warns of a possible damage to a sleeping person. At the present time, the sign has been transformed into a large financial waste.
  • In Spain This is a hint that you need to look after your soulmate. Perhaps the partner is cheating on you or someone leads you by the nose in an important business.
  • In European countries They still believe that the cat thus protects the owners from evil spirits.
  • But in England - It is worth waiting for bad news.
  • Chinese They see in this a joyful event in the near future.

Important: but it can definitely be said that the cat feels in this place the accumulation of strong energy. And rather, negative. Therefore, it is worth moving the bed to another place. Sometimes this indicates a bad atmosphere in the house or the negative energy of the person whom the pet “marked”.

Cats feel good energy
Cats feel good energy

What to do superstitious people if the cat shows the bed?

  • We repeat that sometimes a cat shits on the bed to point out negative energy in this place. Therefore, if possible Make a rearrangement.
  • If this is impossible or not helped, decompose nearby Amethyst or quartz stones - They absorb negative energy.
  • Go around the house with a lit church candle, Carefully crossing all the corners and reading a prayer.
  • Place in the house Tibetan bowls and bells On the door openings - they will help energy flows better circulate.

But in any case, common sense should take up. If the animal ships on the bed and in the corners of the room, and no methods help, it is still worth showing a pet to the veterinarian. In most cases, this indicates malfunctions in the body.

Video: What to do if a cat shit on a bed?

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