How much you need to walk a day to strengthen health, training of heart, spine to lose weight: benefits, advice, types of walking, calorie consumption, a set of measures. Can pregnant women walk a lot on foot, with varicose veins?

How much you need to walk a day to strengthen health, training of heart, spine to lose weight: benefits, advice, types of walking, calorie consumption, a set of measures. Can pregnant women walk a lot on foot, with varicose veins?

Don't you like walking? Find out from our article how useful it is to make daily walks for health and a beautiful figure.

The lifestyle of a modern person often includes a sedentary or sedentary work, moving in public transport or a car, an evening vacation in front of a TV or computer. There is not enough time and opportunities for activities of active sports, but movement is the basis of health. The output may be ordinary walking on foot, which is useful for the physical and psychological balance of the body.

What will happen if there is too much walk a day?

Walking, like an alternative, is a universal means of maintaining health and youth. In addition, such a load is suitable for absolutely any person at any age.

  • Having made it a rule to take daily walks, you can strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of cardiovascular pathologies, and improve emotional mood.
  • Hiking helps maintain normal weight, lose extra pounds without diets and exhausting physical exertion, improve posture, strengthen the bone system, and maintain joint mobility.
  • A walk in the morning, for example, before working or studying, allow to improve performance, will charge with vigor and energy. It is not necessary to spend a special time on walking. If you use public transport, you can go to one stop earlier and go through the rest of the path. This will not take more than 20-30 minutes. For those who live not far from work, it is enough to rise half an hour earlier and get on foot.
  • If you leave the house before going to bed for a short walk, walking will allow you to remove daytime tension, get rid of insomnia.
  • Breaks for walking in the fresh air are useful during periods of heavy mental stress. The change of the situation and movement helps improve the mental processes and functions of the memory, and strengthen concentration.
  • Walking classes do not require the purchase of special equipment. It will be enough to choose practical clothes, while paying special attention to the quality and convenience of shoes.
Walking is useful at any age
Walking is useful at any age

The benefits of walking for women and men

  • When walking, blood circulation increases, this leads to an improvement in the supply of cells with oxygen and has a beneficial effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body.
  • Hiking helps to lower cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels and normalize cardiac activity, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Walking contributes to the proper operation of the digestive system - digestion of food, outflow of bile and eliminating toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Hiking is useful for strengthening the musculoskeletal system-the spine, bones, joints, contribute to increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.
  • Walking on foot is a good means of removing psycho -emotional stress in stressful situations and depression, helps relieve excessive nervous excitability, improve sleep.
  • Daily movement in the fresh air helps hardening the body, increases immunity, enhances metabolism, slows down the processes of aging tissues, and increases endurance.
Movement - the basis of health and youth
Movement - the basis of health and youth

What muscles are involved and swinging when walking?

  • During the usual walk in motion, more than 200 muscles are involved - legs, buttocks, hips, as well as back and lower press.
  • With Scandinavian walking, the muscles of the hands, shoulder girdle are additionally included in the work.
  • When walking with the rise on a smooth surface or steps, the load on the muscles of the abdominal press, IRC, the hips, buttocks increases.

How much, which distance is it useful to walk daily a day (steps, kilometers) to strengthen health, heart training, spine: types of walking, a complex of measures, tips

The main rule is the regularity of walking, regardless of weather or mood.

At first, it is difficult for most of us to force ourselves to leave the house without much need, but noticing a positive result, it will be difficult for you to present your day without a health walk.

  • To begin with, the duration of the walk can be 15-20 minutes at a moderate pace. Gradually, the distance, walking speed and travel time can be increased.
  • Doctors recommend going through about 4 km daily. When driving at an average pace, this will take 1.5-2 hours.
  • It is useful to alternate the speed of movement, moving from a fast pace of walking to a more calm one.
  • It is good if the walking road is not entirely flat, but has some smooth climbs and descents.

Starting by walking, you should follow the position of the body:

  • keep your back straight
  • head up
  • spread and relax his shoulders
  • tighten the lower abdomen
  • the leg should have a support on the heel, and be repelled with a toe
  • hands shift parallel to the movement of the body
  • with an increase in the speed of walking, you need to bend your elbows
10,000 steps a day on the way to health
10,000 steps a day on the way to health

Types walk on foot and calorie consumption

Healing walking

This type is the most affordable exercise for daily physical activity. There are several types of healing walking:

  • Slow-60-70 steps/min. This option is suitable for older people or in the recovery period after an illness or injury.
  • Average-70-90 steps/min. It is recommended physically weak, having chronic pathologies or untrained people.
  • Fast-90-110 steps/min. Suitable for all healthy people and those who seek to lose weight.
  • Very fast-110-130 steps/min. This species is recommended for people who are in excellent physical shape and athletes, accustomed to regular loads.

The main principles of healing walking are gradual and regularity. Healthy people should pay more attention to increasing pace, and weakened - the duration of walks.

  • Regular classes of health -improving walking up to 45 minutes improve blood circulation, help prevent cardiac and vascular pathologies (stroke, heart attack, vascular blockage), and lower blood sugar.
  • Walking at a fast pace allows you to reduce the risk of inflammation and oncological formations of prostate in men and breast cancer in women.
  • Walks lasting 30 minutes reduce the risk of glaucoma. A positive effect is achieved as a result of a decrease in intraocular pressure that affects the visual nerve.
  • Healing walking regulates the hormonal background of the body, normalizing the work of all systems and organs.
Give half an hour a day for a walk in the fresh air
Give half an hour a day for a walk in the fresh air

Scandinavian walking

  • This type of movement is walking with 2 sticks (like ski) in the hands. A person takes a step, starting with a stick on the surface of the earth. Sticks at the same time help to increase the length of the step and include the upper body in motion.
  • In the walking mode, there is a fairly large load. In addition, up to 90% of different muscles are involved, thus, almost all muscle groups are worked out at the same time.
  • The emphasis on the sticks allows you to absorb 25-30% of the shock moments that occur on the knee joints and the spine.
  • Scandinavian walking stimulates the functioning of the heart, saturates the body with oxygen, strengthens bone and muscle tissue.
  • Sticks for this type of walking are made of special fiberglass with a carbon fiber, which allows you to be simultaneously strong and ensure the necessary elasticity when touching the ground.
Scandinavian walking for the elderly
Scandinavian walking for the elderly

Sports walking

  • The essence of this option is that you need to move as quickly as possible without moving to running. One of the feet must constantly contact the surface of the earth.
  • The speed of movement is half the usual pace.
  • The peculiarity of the method lies in the position of the supporting leg - it is completely straightened from the moment of touching the earth to the moment of transfer of the severity of the body to it. The steps should be wide enough, and the hands are pressed to the body and bent at the elbows.
  • Sports walking, in addition to the general health effect, is an excellent type of exercise to improve posture and form beautiful outlines of the figure.
Sports walking for correction of a figure
Sports walking for correction of a figure

How much you need to walk a day to lose weight: types of walking, distance, time, load, complex of measures, tips

Walking at a fast pace for weight loss is becoming an increasingly popular means of getting rid of extra pounds. To fix the indicators, use the stopwatch and the Shagomer.

  • To lose weight in this way, you need to go through at least 10,000 steps a day, starting with small walks and gradually increasing the rate and length of the distance.
  • Having entered the rhythm, you need to walk quickly enough - 1 km in 10 minutes. For weight loss per day, you need to go in this mode up to 12 km.
  • The larger the body weight, the more calories are spent when moving. For example, a person weighing 80 kg will spend about 450 kcal/h with fast walking, and with a weight of 60 kg - about 300 kcal/h.
  • An additional load that promotes weight loss is weighting when walking. It can be heavy shoes or special foot weights.
  • One of the methods of walking to reduce body weight can be considered upward movement - uphill or up the stairs.
  • An important point in combating weight is to work out proper breathing when walking. The breathing technique with a delay is such - 3 steps in a deep breath, holding the breath by 3 steps, then exhale. This method of breathing additionally enhances metabolism and promotes fat burning.

In addition to walking, for successful weight loss, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, reducing the number of calories consumed.

  • It is not necessary to sit on a hard diet, it is better to replace the products with low -calorie.
  • Take food in small portions every 2-3 hours.
  • Refuse sweet drinks, desserts, white bread, fast food, semi-finished products, canned products, pickles.
  • Do not fry the meat and vegetables, but cook steamed or cook.
Walking at a fast pace for weight loss
Walking at a fast pace for weight loss

Walking up the stairs: benefits or harm?

Walking up the stairs is available to absolutely every simulator that allows not only to strengthen the body, but also to weight loss. Walking up the stairs has many advantages compared to ordinary walking on a flat surface:

  • Caloria consumption exceeding even indicators in running training.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, prevention of strokes, thrombosis, diabetes.
  • Strengthening and development of the muscles of the back, legs, press.

For classes, walking up the stairs is enough for 20 minutes a day.

  • Beginners should increase time gradually, starting from 3-5 minutes, increasing the load weekly.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, lifting and descent in the steps must be carried out at a fast pace for half an hour.

As with any type of physical activity, there are some contraindications for intense walking along the steps:

  • Damage to the ankle, knee or hip joint.
  • Scoliosis in a neglected form.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • The presence of serious disease of the cardiovascular system.
  • Hypertension.
Walking up the stairs - simple and effective
Walking up the stairs - simple and effective

Can pregnant women walk a lot on foot, with varicose veins?

During the expectation of the baby, the load on the woman’s body increases. Particularly noticeable change in the operation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. To improve well -being and prepare the body for childbirth, as well as further restoration, physical activity should be maintained during pregnancy.

Walking classes are the most natural and safe type of physical activity for the future mother.

  • Hiking has a good pacemaker, are the prevention of a large number of pathological conditions, for example, varicose veins, edema.
  • When walking, the abdominal muscles are strengthened, which contributes to a successful course of pregnancy and successful childbirth.

In order for walking classes to bring only benefits, some of the recommendations of doctors should be followed:

  • Start walking in a slow step over small distances.
  • Follow the posture - straighten your back and do not strain the shoulder belt.
  • Small the leg on the heel and push off with the toe.
  • Choose a walking route away from highways and noisy streets.
  • Follow your condition. If you felt fatigue, it is better to take a break to relax.
  • After a walk, you can make a relaxing bath bath or lie down by placing a pillow or a folded blanket under the foot. Such procedures will improve venous blood flow and avoid swelling.

Walking should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • With increased uterine tone.
  • Exacerbation of chronic or acute diseases.
  • Threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • Strongly expressed toxicosis.

When pain appears, tingling when walking, it is better to stop classes for a while or move only at a slow pace.

Walking is a simple and useful exercise for pregnant women
Walking is a simple and useful exercise for pregnant women

What is the best walking shoes on foot?

Shoes are the main equipment for walking, in addition, the quality of classes and your sensation depends on its convenience, so you need to take the choice of suitable shoes quite meticulously.
For comfortable walking, several factors should be taken into account when buying shoes:

  • Shoes should tightly fit the foot with ankle fixing and not sag in the heel area.
  • The insole, repeating the shape of the foot, will help to avoid rapid fatigue.
  • Please note that insole should not be glued to the sole. This is necessary for hygiene purposes - it must often be washed and dried, and after a while replaced with a new one.
  • Sneakers made with the addition of special materials provide moisture removal during class.
  • The sole should be quite elastic and flexible with the location of the bend in 1/3 of the part, closer to the toe. If when checking the bend is in the middle, walking in such shoes will be inconvenient.
  • Do not choose shoes with too smooth the sole - in rainy weather it can slide and will not allow you to feel confident.
  • Do not buy sneakers for hiking - such models are too heavy and tough for everyday walking.
  • Refuse to buy running models of shoes - in such sneakers, the body is always slightly tilted forward, so walking in them will be difficult.
  • If you take walks daily or even several times a day, purchase a special ultraviolet dryer for shoes. Such a device will help to contain shoes in order, provide the necessary disinfection and eliminate unpleasant odors.
When choosing shoes, give preference to comfort
When choosing shoes, give preference to comfort

Video: Healing Walking

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, you really need to walk. We will. Thank you)

  2. Probably all this individually (accelerated metabolism or slowed down, weight, age, etc.), but personally, I have such data are shown by simulators and gadgets (I try to indicate my parameters everywhere - height, weight, age): in 30 minutes On the Elipsoid (10-12 speed) I burn about 420 kcal, in 30 minutes of running at 10 speeds-about 350-380 kcal, in 30 minutes walk-about 120-130 kcal. I am 32 years old, height - 176 cm, weight - 77 kg. Elipsoid is perfect for home conditions. I used to have a running path, but broke. Now the Elipsoid has acquired (even issued a loan for this business ... A good costs about 30-35 thousand rubles. But I have never regretted it!). Put it in front of the TV, turn it on your favorite serial and forward 🙂 30 minutes fly, do not even notice!

  3. In the morning, I usually walk with a quick step of 5 kg as a cardio tire (just not on an empty stomach, but after a light snack with a barbotshelim with a barbolam). And after the day, how it will turn out within the day, but I try not to neglect the opportunity to take a walk once again during the break at work or until the bus stop. After all, the movement is life!

  4. Dear women and men fighting with a “sedentary lifestyle” and its consequences, in the form of excess weight and lifestyle diseases, you are trying to burn as many calories as possible, and for this you try to walk as much as possible. You come up with ways and exchange tips on the forums how to get more steps in a day: go through one stop of transport on foot, put a car away from the office, go to the store a long road, etc.
    You spend efforts and time on all this. But at the same time, without suspecting it yourself, go in the most economical way, in which a minimum of calories burns. That is, you make efforts to burn calories and save them right there. Save the same calories that you strive to burn! Some kind of cognitive dissonance.

    Walking with equipment, with the same number of steps, will burn calories many times more. With the same number of steps and many times more! Every day you will burn calories by an order of magnitude more without spending on this time, without changing the lifestyle and without making special efforts.

    Methodology Relash is your real chance to overcome the consequences of hypodynamia and a “sedentary lifestyle”.

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