The best vitamins for vitality, energy, performance to adults: list, recommendations for use, reviews

The best vitamins for vitality, energy, performance to adults: list, recommendations for use, reviews

Vitamin preparations are an excellent solution for those people who suffer from a lack of vitamins and other beneficial substances. The main thing is to take the drug after consulting a doctor and under his control in order to get a maximum benefit from the course.

Our body can function normally only if the useful substances and vitamins necessary for it are regularly obtained. Otherwise, he sends us signals in the form of constant fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, breakdown, worsening memory and working capacity.

To avoid this or correct the existing situation with a lack of useful substances in the body, experts recommend drinking a course of vitamins.

The best vitamins for vigor, energy, performance to adults: indications for use

As mentioned earlier, our body constantly needs to be fed with various vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Sometimes we get such substances in sufficient quantities from food, however, this is more an exception than a rule.

So, it is extremely important for our body to receive the following vitamins for vigor, energy, performance:

  • Vitamin A. It is important for maintaining immunity, reproductive function in women. It is also necessary for good vision.
  • Vitamin B1. Supports the work of the nervous system, improves memory and performance.
  • Vitamin B7. This vitamin takes part in the metabolic processes of the body.
  • Vitamin B8. Promotes the absorption of protein in the body.
  • Vitamin B9. It contributes to the development of such a hormone as norepinephrine in the body, it maintains the skin in normal condition.
  • Vitamin B12. Helps to overcome stress, depressive mood and condition.
  • Vitamin C. Like vitamin B9, he takes part in the production of norepinephrine.
  • Vitamin D. Strengthens muscles and bones, improves the skin.

Indications for the use of vitamin complexes and drugs are as follows:

  • Of course, first of all, this is a lack of vitamins. Such a shortage is manifested most often as an oppressed mood, a sharp change in mood, fatigue, drowsiness, worsening memory and vision, lethargy, etc.
  • Constant stress. An unstable psycho -emotional state will certainly negatively affect the general state of health, immunity
  • Chronic diseases. If a person is often sick, he has a very worsening immunity. In this case, vitamins strengthen the immune system, restore the activity of the body

The best vitamins for vigor, energy, performance for women: List

In the modern world, the role of a woman is difficult to overestimate. The fragile representatives of the fair sex manage to conduct a bunch of household chores, raise children and work in parallel. Such an active lifestyle does not always pass without a trace and sometimes vitality run out.

The following vitamins for vitality, energy, and efficiency will help to fix the situation, to regain vitality and energy:

  • "Duotov for women." This drug is universal, which means that it is suitable for women of different ages. The complex has a beneficial effect on the body: the memory and visual function improves, in addition, the condition of the skin, hair and nails is noticeably improved.
  • "Alphabet Energy." This vitamin complex improves performance, activates mental activity and improves the general condition of the body. The drug consists of 3 different tablets, each of which performs its function. The morning tablet helps the body wake up from sleep, activate its strength. Daytime - improves performance, supports high indicators of physical activity, strengthens immunity. Evening - contributes to the strength, energy spent in the day. Helps the body to plunge into sleep and rest properly.
  • "Vitrum Energy." These vitamins are recommended to be taken with prolonged exhausting physical and mental work. The drug quickly eliminates fatigue, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, takes part in the restoration of nerve cells. Also, the Vitrum Energy complex strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems.
  • "Dynamism." This complex of vitamins and minerals not only improves performance, but also increases the stress resistance of the body. In addition, the drug also improves the immune system and has a beneficial effect on female beauty (restores skin elasticity, slows down aging processes, etc.). It is also noted that during the reception of "dynamizan" memory and concentration of attention are improved.
For performance and endurance
For performance and endurance
  • "Gerimax Energy." This complex helps to recharge with vigor and energy for the whole day. Vitamins and minerals improve brain function, increase physical endurance, restore the body's protective mechanisms, and also relieve fatigue and stress.
  • "Complete super energy with ginseng." These vitamins very quickly restore strength and energy, eliminate fatigue and bad mood. The drug also helps the body cope with stress.
  • "Complivit anti -stress." A balanced vitamin-mineral complex not only restores energy, but also favorably affects the functioning of the nervous system. The drug helps relieve a sense of tension and irritability, puts in order an emotional state and quickly restores performance.
  • "Undevit." This tool actively eliminates the causes of drowsiness and fatigue, quickly restores strength and energy. Also "Undevit" improves the general condition of the body. Such a drug is perfect for women aged 50+ years.

The best vitamins for vigor, energy, performance for women during pregnancy and menopause: List

Sometimes a breakdown, loss of concentration, drowsiness and constant irritability, a woman can feel during pregnancy and menopause. We will give below list of vitamins for vitality, energy, performancewho will give you vivacity, energy and strength in these important periods of life.

  • "Alphabet Mamino Health." Such a complex improves the general condition of the woman’s body, strengthens her immunity, restores strength, and also contributes to the proper development of the fetus.
For future mothers
For future mothers
  • "Elevit Pronatal." This drug contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In the complex, all of them have a beneficial effect on the body of the future mother and child. This drug improves the immunity of the pregnant woman, relieves fatigue and promotes the rapid restoration of strength.
  • "Estrovel." This drug is necessary for women during menopause. The drug quickly eliminates or reduces the severity of the symptoms of menopause, favorably affects the psycho -emotional state of a woman, reduces the feeling of weakness, fatigue and irritability, thereby improving the body's performance.
  • "Alphabet 50+." This drug gently affects the body, eliminates fatigue, restores strength and energy. Also, the “alphabet 50+” improves metabolic processes and favorably affects the skin, hair and nails.

The best vitamins for vigor, energy, performance for men: List

Despite the fact that the men are more hardy, strong and sometimes more stress -resistant, sometimes their body needs an additional source of vitamins for vitality, energy, performancethat would improve their performance and immunity.

  • "Alphabet for men." This vitamin complex is represented by 3 different tablets, which are designed to receive at different times of the day. The morning tablet helps the body “wake up”, become cheerful, daytime - is responsible for mental and physical activity during the day, and the evening - relaxes, prepares the body for rest and at night additionally nourishes the myocardium. In addition, a complex of vitamins "alphabet for men" improves male health.
  • "The Telatita Tonic." This drug is especially popular, since it can be found in its composition 13 different and rare vitamins, 17 minerals and trace elements. Regular use of tablets helps restore strength, energy and improve the performance of a man. This vitamin-mineral complex also favorably affects male health.
  • "Duotov for men." This drug does not just make up for the body's daily need for vitamins, it also improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increases the endurance of the body during strong physical activity. A zinc, which is part of this drug, helps to restore the male function.
  • "Complete the asset." This complex of vitamins and minerals is great for people who are faced with hard mental and physical work daily. “Complete the asset” helps the body quickly restore strength after hard training, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.
  • "Biotredin." This drug has a slightly specific orientation, it is shown to take those men who often suffer from stress, have an unstable psycho -emotional state and are quickly annoyed. The drug increases attentiveness, improves memory and performance. In addition, Biotredin reduces the craving for alcoholic beverages.
From stress
From stress
  • "Doppelgerz Antistress." The very name of the drug speaks of it, “Doppelgerz Antistress” helps the body quickly and with minimal risks to transfer stressful situations. As a result, the complex improves the performance and endurance of a man.
  • "Decamevit." This drug should be distinguished among all the others, since it is more affordable than the above, but from this no less effective. Decamevit replenishes the daily need for vitamins, improves brain function, and also increases physical activity and endurance.
  • "Alphabet 50+." We described this drug earlier, it is suitable for both women and men aged 50 or more years. Such a complex is specially designed for people of this age, taking into account the needs of their body. "Alphabet 50+" gives men strength, improves performance, etc.

The best vitamins for vigor, energy, performance to adults: recommendations for use

Despite the fairly common opinion that vitamins cannot be harmful to their body, such complexes can still be harmful to a person.

In order to avoid negative consequences from taking vitamins and extract maximum benefits from them, consider the following recommendations:

  • Do not appoint vitamin complexes yourself. You can familiarize yourself with the information about the product, choose the one that in your opinion suits you both in quality and in price. However, this drug can only be taken after consulting a doctor. Oddly enough, many vitamins for vivacity, energy, performance They have a number of contraindications for admission and this fact must be taken into account.
  • Moreover, not all people need to additionally take vitamin complexes. Therefore, the doctor can direct you to tests that will show if your body has a need for vitamins and if there is, then in which.
  • If you have ignored the above advice, then at least use instructions for the drug and consultation of a pharmacist. Do not take vitamins just like that, it can harm your health.
Take vitamins correctly
Take vitamins correctly
  • Remember, different vitamins are accepted in different ways. There is no one general instruction for the use of such drugs. Depending on what elements are part of the complex, in what quantity, etc., the method of their use can vary significantly.
  • Do not use vitamins to treat some disease. Vitamins can be prescribed in a complex for the treatment of the disease, but they, as a rule, can not cope with such a task on their own.

The best vitamins for vitality, energy, performance to adults: reviews

The rest of the doubt a positive effect vitamins for vitality, energy, performance quite difficult.

Reviews of the people who accept them say for themselves:

  • Almost everyone who accepts vitamin complexes note that after 2-3 weeks they feel much better. Passes passing, fatigue, there is a desire to move, do something.
  • Sleep mode is established. It is noted that at night the dream becomes stronger, and in the morning a surge of strength and energy is felt. At the same time, in the daytime, I want to sleep much less.
  • The condition of the skin, nails and hair improves, since most vitamins have a beneficial effect on him.
  • It becomes easier to work physically, strength is enough for all the tasks.
  • Memory improves and concentration, and this, in turn, improves the results of mental work.

Video: Best Vitamins

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Comments K. article

  1. In order for vitamins to really work, you need to buy them with a complex. There are a lot of vitamin-mineral complex. I am buying an Evalaroval antioxidant formula. It also contains antioxidants, protect the body from harmful environmental influences. Helps to preserve youth and actively live for many years.

  2. For vigor and energy, some very short rating turned out, there are still drugs. I drink Starvit Vitamin Energy, it is with caffeine and ginseng, I like the last one more. This is a vitamin-toning drink, it has a good balanced composition of vitamins plus extracts of useful plants. It turns out good support for the body during colds, plus a charge of vigor in the morning, I really like it, I drink it for the last month every day.

  3. For me, the best vitamins today are loafers of Naturino. Tasty, inexpensive and the composition is excellent !!

  4. Marina, are they expensive? And I think it can also try. And to your taste, how do you like these loafers?

  5. Nika, good afternoon. No, I'm crying for packaging in the region of 65 rubles. Neturnino pastilles contain 8 vitamin, and they have 7 tastes. By the way, the composition contains natural fruit juice. So that is delicious and healthy.

  6. I can’t say anything about the vitamins, I accept Tainan Evlavarovsky to improve working capacity, for vigor, to improve the brain of the brain. I take it because the best dosage ... Well, on an ongoing basis, I try, of course, to monitor the quality and mode of sleep. This all works better now))

  7. I took glycine d3 sparkling tablets, one per day they are accepted, stimulates the brain, improve memory and performance, plus the mood is good

  8. Recently, I fell in love with vitamins in a sparkle form. Evalar “multi -fluttamines” has a great complex of vitamins and minerals hissing pills. I ordered at the phytomarket. The reception is very simple. Once a day I diluted in the water and drink enjoy. The taste is excellent, sweet and sour citrus, it’s nice to drink. The complex has a general strengthening effect, helps to increase mental and physical performance. Gives energy. After the course of admission, well -being became much better, the energy increased.

  9. From my experience, I can recommend a Lady's formula more than multivitamins. I liked them the most. For nerves in Magnesium and B6, but that is not all. There are three important elements for immunity-s, d and zinc+for hormonal background beneficial plants (thistle, echinacea). Very pleased. Mood and well -being have become better at times)

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