Is it possible to mix vitamins A and E and take together?

Is it possible to mix vitamins A and E and take together?

The benefits of the joint use of vitamins A and E.

Vitamins- this is Wonderful substances that contribute to the implementation of metabolic processes in our body. Therefore, with their lack, a large number of ailments appear that can immediately be associated with a deficiency of vitamins. In the article we will tell you whether it is possible to take vitamin A and E together. 

Is it possible to mix vitamins A and E?

Retinol and Tokoferol belong to the group of fat -soluble, that is, they are absorbed only in the fat environment. Therefore, if a girl monitors a figure, observing a diet, then most likely in the body these vitamins are not fully absorbed, and he needs tablet drugs. Vitamin A is often called vision vitamin.

It really helps to prevent the appearance of a vague picture, and stimulates the restoration of the mucous membrane of the eye. It is often prescribed for restoration, after surgery, and in some cases. Retinol is also used if there are skin problems. After all, its disadvantage causes dryness, cracking and dermatological problems. 

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Signs of deficiency of vitamins A and E:

  • Dry skin. It can appear in any zones, but most often on the face. Such people usually often use moisturizing creams, even in the hot season. The situation is aggravated in the winter, when the low air temperature, gusts of wind are observed. The skin dries quickly and cracks, tightens, delivering a lot of trouble. 
  • Vision of vision. Moreover, this happens in a spasmodic, that is, deterioration is observed almost immediately.Luckily, This is an adjustable process, and when the deficiency is replenished, vision is restored. 
  • The appearance of goose skin, as well as cyanosis. All this indicates that the metabolic processes in the skin are slow, and do not cause all nutrients. In order to replenish the deficiency, it is necessary to use the following products in large quantities: carrots, liver, eggs, butter, cottage cheese, homemade milk. 

Is it possible to mix vitamins A and E? These are companions, so feel free to take them together. Please note that dairy products that contain a lot of vitamin A are usually characterized by high fat content. Therefore, one who sits on a diet gives preference to milk or cottage cheese with low fat content, risks the risk of getting a deficiency of vitamin A. There is practically no vitamin A. in these products. 


The benefits of vitamin E

In general, this vitamin in large quantities is contained in limited products. These are mainly fat products, including ordinary sunflower seeds, Greek nuts, almonds, peanuts, as well as sunflower unrefined oil. Most contained in the oil of wheat germ. 

The benefits of vitamin E: 

  • It prevents aging, as it is a strong antioxidant. Works paired with vitamin A. Helps to saturate with energy 
  • Normalizes the work of the reproductive system in women and men, contributes to the occurrence of sexual attraction. 
  • Promotes muscle growth, both in adolescence and adulthood. Without this vitamin, it is impossible to gain muscle mass, even after taking anabolics, steroids. Successfully neutralizes the consequences of heavy physical exertion. 
  • It is used to treat heart diseases and vessels, as well as organs consisting of muscles. In addition, it contributes to the destruction of blood clots and removes toxins from the body. 
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Healthy foods

Why, and is it possible to take vitamin E along with vitamin A?

Vitamin E- this is Natural antioxidant, which is able to eliminate many ailments. The main symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are the following: 

  • Miscarriages, infertility. This is due to the fact that vitamin restores the mucous membrane and is very important for the formation of the correct development of the egg. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. Without his participation, the process is impossible, so a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. 
  • Frigidity, or insufficient sexual function. That is, a woman refuses sexual intimacy, because she is not interested in her. 
  • Heart problems. Since vitamin is actively involved in the formation of muscles, its deficiency negatively affects not only the state of biceps and triceps, but also organs consisting of muscles. This applies to the uterus, as well as the heart. 
  • Liver disease.  
  • The appearance of dark spots on the hands. They are usually called old age spots. In fact, they can occur at any age, due to the deficiency of vitamin E. 
  • The presence of white spots on the teeth, the rapid destruction of enamel.Despite the fact that vitamin E does not form enamel, he takes an active part in the processes of its strengthening and education. Therefore, with a deficiency of this vitamin, problems with teeth and their rapid destruction can be observed. In this case, you can take vitamin E along with vitamin A, due to the increase in the quiet action.

How to mix vitamin A and E?

It is worth noting that vitamin A and E are paired. The deficiency of one, may affect the digestibility of the second. That is why they are often recommended to be consumed.

How to mix vitamin A and e:

  • The thing isvolume, that without vitamin E, some components of vitamin A are absorbed quite poorly. 
  • Vitamins A and E are often prescribed to take together, which is due to their good compatibility.
  • However, few people know that in no case can you use vitamin A if there is an overabundance of vitamin E.
  • In this case, retinol will be very poorly absorbed due to an excess of vitamin E.
  • Now many companies have even developed vitamin complexes of substances that go well with each other and contribute to digestibility.

Aevit: What are they taking?

One of these drugs is Aevit. This is a combination of vitamin A and E. 

Aevit, for what they accept:

  • The presence of psoriasis and eczema. They are usually prescribed with severe dryness due to disorders of cell division. 
  • System red lupus. 
  • In the course of complex therapy with optic atrophy to improve vision. 
  • As part of complex therapy in the treatment of heart disease. These include hypertension, angina pectoris. 
  • Also often the drug is prescribed during pregnancy, or during its planning, to prepare an endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg. 

There are contraindications for taking the drug. 


  • Thyroid diseases 
  • Heart disease 
  • Thromboembolism 
  • Gastritis 
  • Cholecystitis 

Please note that an overdose can adversely affect the state of health. Vitamins accumulate, leading to poisoning. 

Video: Is it possible to mix vitamins A and E?

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