The best vitamins and multivitamins for men after 50 years: name, recommendations of doctors for use

The best vitamins and multivitamins for men after 50 years: name, recommendations of doctors for use

List of the best vitamins for men after 50 years.

The health of a man after 50 years old undergoes a number of changes. The body's need for various hormones, as well as vitamin preparations, is changing. In this article we will talk about the most necessary vitamins and complexes that are necessary for men 50 years. 

What vitamins are needed for men after 50 years?

Many believe that women after 50 years quickly age, which is associated with a decrease in hormone levels. Yes, this is true, however, hormonal changes concern not only women, but also men. The whole difference is that in representatives of the strong half of humanity, these changes occur smoothly, and not sharply, like women.

The level of testosterone falls by 1%every year, starting after 30-35 years. In this regard, libido may decrease, significant changes in spermatogenesis can be observed. To maintain a sufficient level of sex hormones, as well as normalize libido in adulthood, you can use vitamin preparations. 

The list of necessary vitamins for men after 50 years: 

  • In general, the male body throughout life needs different vitamins and their concentration. Since after 50 years there are significant age -related changes, it is necessary to increase the amount of some vitamins as part of food. Among them are vitamins of group V.
  • Men 50 years are prone to excess weight, possible overeating. Many have a beer belly. This is due to the abuse of alcohol and fatty products, but also with a decrease, deceleration of metabolism. To establish metabolism, accelerate it, We recommend that you include B2 vitamin B6 in your daily diet.
  • In addition, such components prevent the occurrence of strokes, as well as osteoporosis. An important element in the diet of a man after 50 years is vitamin A, also vitamin E. Vitamin A helps to improve vision, and tocopherol, in turn, stimulates sperm production, thereby normalizing libido. 
  • Many men after 50 years have problems with teeth, this is due to impaired calcium digestibility. In this regard, the teeth can crumble, osteoporosis will occur. Even with normal use of calcium, but with a lack of vitamin D, it will be poorly absorbed. That is why calcium is often combined with the reception vitamin d. Of course, it is quite difficult to control the concentration of one vitamin.
  • That is why men recommend comprehensive drugs aimed at replenishing the deficiency of nutrients in the body. This can be done with vitamin and multivitamin complexes. Manufacturers tried, developed a huge number of drugs for elderly men. 
Old man
Old man

Vitamins rating for men after 50 years for potency 

Men in age sometimes care about the problem of potency. That is why manufacturers took care of this problem, and developed several complexes aimed at improving libido. Basically, the composition includes not only vitamin preparations, but also L-Arginine, as well as zinc. These components improve libido, and contribute to a rush of blood, as well as increased erection. 

Vitamins rating for men after 50 years:

  1. Potential Forte. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is freely available, so there is no need to order through the Internet. The composition contains vitamin complexes, but, in addition, there are also additives, among them you can find ginseng,yohim. The composition contains Arginine, as well as zinc. It is worth noting that this medicine calms the nervous system, and also improves the body's resistance to diseases. There are 30 tablets in the package, they must be taken one capsule per day. It is recommended to take the drug with courses for 30 days, that is, one package is enough for a whole course.

    Potential Forte
    Potential Forte
  2. Vitrum prenatal forte. Many can mislead the nameprenatal, since mainly the drug is prescribed to pregnant women. However, this is not so, for men after 50, and for representatives of the stronger sex of reproductive age, this is also a very good vitamin complex. It contains vitamins B6, calcium, ascorbic acid. Thanks to all these components, it is possible to improve the state of the reproductive system, as well as to prevent complications, and potency deterioration. Despite this, the drug has contraindications, including thrombophlebitis, which is very important for elderly men. Therefore, before buying this tool, It is necessary to chat with a doctor and check for diseases that are indicated in contraindications. 

    Vitrum Podnal Forte
    Vitrum Podnal Forte
  3. Kamavit forteDespite On the name, this is not a vitamin drug at all, since it contains synthetic vitamins. However, this is a completely plant medicine, which is an addition to the daily diet of men of 50 years. The composition contains anchor, lemonnik,damian, as well asginko biloba. This is a natural aphrodisiac that improves potency. In addition, men who have a decrease in blood supply in the pelvic organs, including varicose veins, will have been useful. The drug improves well -being and stimulates the operation of the immune system. 

    Kamavit Forte
    Kamavit Forte
  4. Yochimbe Forte. This drug cannot be called full -fledgedpolyvitamin The complex, since it does not contain groups of the most necessary vitamins. Made using ginseng extract, with the inclusion of zinc, as well asselena. In addition, it contains agave extract. In general, it turns out that the drug in its composition is combined, as it contains trace elements and plant components. Thanks to this combination, it improves the state of the nervous system, stimulating motor activity, and increases the erectile function. Therefore, the drug will become ideal for womanizer in age. 

    Yochimbe Forte
    Yochimbe Forte

Please note that all drugs based on vitamins and plants for potency are not drugs. That is, they cannot completely restore the erectile function. For these purposes, Viagra is used, and other similar drugs. These vitamin complexes improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and they can really alleviate the condition with prostatitis, reduce the risk of prostate adenoma. 

Complex vitamins for men after 50 years 

Despite the fact that men are really worried about the problem of potency after 50 years, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention and their health. As indicated above, among the main problems faced by men in age, heart malfunctions, visual impairment, decrease in muscle mass, as well as general malaise. Therefore, some manufacturers have developedpolyvitamin Complexes that contain all the necessary vitamins for men of this age. 

List of complex vitamins for men after 50 years: 

  1. C.entrum Silver Man 50 +. This is a comprehensive drug, which is based on vitamins of group B, D, A. Thanks to the content of these components, there is a good effect on the eyes, heart, also the muscles of a mature man. The composition also contains vitamin D and vitamin E. Taken one tablet per day. Despite a fairly high price, in general, using such a vitamin complex is quite profitable due to the fact that there are 65 tablets in the package. Accordingly, there will be enough more than 2 months. It is even more profitable to purchase a package of 100 pieces, since 33 pieces go as a bonus as a gift. 

    Centrum Silver Man 50 +
  2. Complex V-50 from 21 century. The packaging contains 60 tablets, so it will be enough for two months. This is a vitamin supplement, which contains B vitamins among which B1, B2 andb.6. In addition, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, also calcium are contained. This is an ideal option for men after 50, since it contains all the necessary vitamins for the functioning of a male body of mature age. 

    B-50 from 21 century
  3. Alphabet for men. This drug is recommended not only by the stronger sex after 50 years, but to all men in general. As indicated in other sources, in this vitamin complex there is differentiation, that is, separation by the time of admission. In the morning, some tablets are taken, others at lunch, and in the evening the third. There are significant differences between them, since the morning tablets contain ginseng, which is aimed at improving libido. The dining tablet contains mainly vitamins of group B, magnesium, manganese, lycopine, and lutein. The evening tablet contains l-carnitine and folic acid, chrome, biotin. Thanks to this separation, vitamins are better absorbed and work. That is, 3 tablets must be taken per day. In the package of 60 tablets, respectively, one box will be enough for 20 days. The price of the drug is quite affordable. 

    Alphabet for men
    Alphabet for men

The best vitamins for men after 50 years: name

The names of vitamins for men after 50 years:

  1. Duvotit For Men. The packaging contains 30 tablets, which are enough for a month of admission. The composition contains tocopherol, ascorbic acid, folic acid, as well as many minerals. In addition, there is vitamin E, as well as B. Due to this, it is possible to improve the reproductive function of a man, improve potency, and also prevent osteoporosis, due to the high content of calcium and magnesium. Contains vitamin D, which improves calcium absorption. 

    Duvotit For Men
    Duvotit For Men
  2. OLIMP vita-Min plus Maine. This is a drug that is a mixture of vitamins with medicinal herbs. It contains the main vitamins necessary for a mature man.Besides, They contain ginseng,luthein, and hyaluronic acid. The composition contains antioxidants that have a good effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the contentlutheina and hyaluronic acid, the functioning of the muscles, as well as vision, improves. Vitamins have a positive effect on the state of a man’s libido. Take one tablet per day. 

    OLIMP Vita-Min Plus
  3. Velmen Tricholodzhik. This is a drug, the main purpose of which is to improve hair growth, and prevent their loss. At the age of 50, many men are concerned about the problem of hair loss, so they try to suspend the problem in different ways. This is a vitamin preparation, which includes vitamin D3, beta-carotene, Tocopherol, a lot of trace elements. In addition, silicon dioxide, lysine, methionine and plant extracts are included. Thanks to plant additives, it is possible to improve hair growth, and to prevent their loss. In general, the drug can even be taken if there are no problems with hair loss, because it is a multivitamin complex that improves the state of health of a man, and stimulates the operation of the immune system. 

    Velmen Tricholodzhik
    Velmen Tricholodzhik

Vitamins for men after 50 years: reviews

Reviews about vitamins for men after 50 years: 

Alexander, 53 years old. For a long time took vitamins an alphabet. I did not notice a significant result, the reception of 3 tablets per day is very inconvenient, especially if you are at work at this time. It is much more convenient to take one tablet per day. He took the complex for 2 months, the condition as a whole improved, but did not notice obvious results. 

Evgeny, 51 years old. He took Velmen Tricholojik for 2 months. The hair stopped falling out, a new fluff appeared on his head. I believe that the drug is generally effective, because the hair has become more stringent and strong. Dandruff decreased, indeed the condition of the scalp has improved significantly. The mood increased, and in general, well -being. I will continue to purchase this drug. 

Sergey, 57 years old. For a month he took the drug Yohimbe. I read that the composition contains extracts of plant grasses, some trace elements. I can say that the drug improves potency. In addition, the number of urge to the toilet during the night decreased. I began to sleep much better. In my opinion, the drug also calms the nervous system. I recommend these vitamins to everyone. 

Please note that doctors recommend comprehensive multivitamin preparations that contain the necessary vitamins, as well as trace elements. Basically, their composition is approximately the same, there may be differences in the form of herbal additives. Usually, after 50 years, ginseng, ginko biloba and folic acid are included in the extract. There are no significant differences in multivitamin preparations. 

Video: Vitamins for elderly men


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Comments K. article

  1. My husband has osteoporosis and this prompted me to read the forums, and consult with doctors. T.K. The initial stage everything came down to the choice of vitamin, and I found them! Complex "Male Longevity". Prevention from osteoporosis and in general all age diseases. There is almost any pharmacy, and on the Internet does not glow like the rest. Apparently, when the quality is high, marketing is useless.

  2. Oh, damn it, it looks like a cheap advertising move, but male longevity vitamins are really good. I also vote for them

  3. Thanks for the useful recommendations! Of course this is very important .... But at this age, the problems with potency for every second and simply vitamins will not help, unfortunately. In such awkward situations, the effect of sildenafil helps me out. The doctor prescribed ... He has normal the price, by the way. Highly recommend.

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