What to cook from scraps of lavash, fat, pork, fish, sausages, biscuit, dough, toast bread, chicken?

What to cook from scraps of lavash, fat, pork, fish, sausages, biscuit, dough, toast bread, chicken?

Recipes for making delicious scraps.

Good housewives never throw away the remnants of dishes, even if there are not many of them. In this article we will tell you what to cook from scraps of various types of food.  

What to cook from lavash scraps?

Lavash is rightfully considered an Armenian dish. These are fresh white bread, which is served in the form of a cake made of wheat flour. The homeland of the dish is the Caucasus, Iran, Afghanistan, as well as other Asian countries. In England, Lavash is called Armenian bread or Armenian cake. 

The first references to Lavash were found among the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Persians. American kitchen experts believe that Lavash was first made in the Middle East. It was from those times that Lavash began to be considered an Armenian dish, although it is not known to the end in which country this fresh bread was first prepared. 

Now thin lavash is used in the preparation of various dinners, baking with sweet and salty filling, lasagna. However, often during the preparation of these dishes there are scraps that are sorry to throw away. Over time, they lose their softness, because the water evaporates. As a result, pieces of dry cakes are obtained.

What to cook from lavash scraps:

  • If the product is dried, do not be upset. The simplest option for its “disposal” is the preparation of breadcrumbs.
  • They are prepared not only from ordinary yeast bread, but also by raping down the dried pieces of lavash.
  • But if the pieces are fresh, you can cook delicious chips. 

Lavash scrap chips


  • The remains of the lavash
  • 100 ml of olive or vegetable oil
  • Spices
  • Salt
  • Dried garlic
  • Dill

Lavash scrap chips, recipe:

  • It is necessary to cut the remains of the lavash into thin squares, or triangles. Choose a shape, depending on the size of the remains. Try to have the same size, otherwise, in the process of preparation, some pieces can burn, and the rest will remain not dried. After that, put the prepared lavash in a regular plastic bag, pour in vegetable oil, add spices and salt.
  • It is best to use Provencal herbs, or dry greens during cooking. It is necessary to tie the knot on the bag and shake it thoroughly. It is necessary that panning, as well as vegetable oil along with spices, be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the pieces.
  • Put the blanks on the baking sheet, evenly distributed them so that in every place there is approximately the same lavash thickness. Put in the oven and cook at a temperature of 200 degrees, for 7 minutes. After that, remove the chips from the oven, mix, put for another 3 minutes in the furnace. Try not to immediately put maximum heating, but gradually increase it. It is necessary that the chips do not burn, but evenly dried and become crispy. Such a dish goes well with beer, complement the viewing of any interesting film or series. 

Breakfast from lavash scraps

You can prepare not only classic chips with spices, but also supplement them with cheese and ham. This is a gourmet dish that resembles pizza. 


  • Pita
  • 150 ml of sour cream
  • 60 g of ham
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • One large egg
  • Spices
  • Salt
  • Greens

Breakfast from lavash scraps:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to turn the egg into a lush foam. However, you do not need to achieve persistent peaks. Enter sour cream and add salt. It will turn out to be peculiarsource-Yaic sauce that needs to be lubricated with lavash.
  • Put the lavash on a baking sheet, apply prepared sauce with a brush. Grind the ham on a grater along with cheese. Put the cheese with ham on top of the prepared pieces and put in the microwave or in the oven for 7-8 minutes.
  • Thus, you will get a very tasty, unusual dish. It will not be very crispy, but with a piquant taste. A great option for snacks for the festive table. If you like spicy dishes, you can cook chips with garlic. In the article on our website You can find many options for cooking lavash dishes. 

What to cook pork from scraps: roll recipe

You can cook a huge number of different delicious dishes from pork scraps. The main advantage of such meat is in its cost. On the market, you can purchase a huge amount of such meat at a price 2 times lower than the tenderloin. We offer to make pork rolls with mushrooms. 


  • 700 g of porktwist 
  • Two bulbs
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 300 g of champignons
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sleeve for baking
  • Salt
  • Spices

What to cook pork from scraps, roulette recipe:

  • It is necessary to prepare the meat in advance. It is best to marinate him in vinegar with onions. Enter a tablespoon of vinegar in 100 ml of water, add a little salt and pepper. Pour the meat with the resulting solution and leave for 2 hours.
  • After that, you can start cooking the dish. Dry the pieces with a paper towel and put a thin layer into a baking sleeve with an even thin layer. The sleeve should be cut to get a film.
  • Put the fried champignons along with the onion on top. Cross the cloves of garlic on top. Enter salt and spices on top of a layer of mushrooms with onions. Using a baking sleeve, roll a tight roll, tie the edges. You can tie with a thread so that the roll in the preparation process does not fall apart and does not deform. Place in the oven, heated to a temperature of 210 degrees for 40-50 minutes. After 50 minutes pass, you can remove the film and cook another quarter of an hour in the oven to get a brush. 

This meat is also great for cooking, as it contains a lot of fat, which makes cutlets and meatballs juicy and soft. 


What to cook from troughs of fat: Rouletfast recipe

On the market you can purchasecutting The fat, which is a thick layer of the skin and fat. There is such a fat because of the stiffness and a large number of skins. Therefore, we offer to prepare a roll. 


  • 700 g of thin fat with a skin
  • 700 g of chicken hips or a landfill
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Sleeve for baking
  • Garlic
  • Greens

What to cook from trunks of fat, roulette recipe:

  • It is necessary to separate the bones from the hips and beat off the resulting pieces of meat. It is necessary that they become flat. Lay out on the table the prepared layer of fat with the skin. It is best if its thickness is very small.
  • Put the prepared and beaten pieces of chicken on top. Add salt, spices. It is necessary to evenly rub with spices the inside and skin on top. Grate the garlic on the grater, finely chop the greens, put on top of the meat. Pressing, it is necessary to twist a tight roll. Be sure to tie it with ropes so that in the process of baking it does not fall apart.
  • Place in the sleeve for baking, tie the edges and cook for about 60-90 minutes. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the fat. Small rolls made of thin fat are prepared for about one hour. If the rolls are dense and thick, it will take an hour and a half. This is a great alternative to sausage, as well as various meat products for sandwiches. Such a dish will be appreciated by men who love fatty products. 

What to cook from chicken scraps?

Very tasty dishes can be prepared from chicken scraps.

What to cook from chicken scraps:

  • Of course, the classic is ordinary cutlets and various meat dishes.
  • Also, from chicken scraps, you can prepare a delicious goulash in sour cream or tomato sauce.
  • Despite the low cost of Kurinatwist, from it you can prepare dishes that will become crown dishes on the festive table. 

Fingers of chicken scraps

Below we offer a recipe for chicken fingers. 


  • 300 g of chicken skin
  • 700 g Kurinatwist
  • Garlic
  • Spices
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • Greens
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Fingers of chicken scraps, recipe:

  • It is necessary to lay out pieces of chicken skin on the table, thoroughly washing it and cleaning it. Take pieces of chickentwist, put it on the board, cover it with cling film, beat off a little. It is necessary to get flat even pieces resembling layers.
  • Put the obtained layers on chicken skin, forming from each to a finger. On top of chickentrim It is necessary to lay out the strips of cheese. Do not forget to salt, pepper, add greens to the middle. Turn into rolls.
  • This must be done in such a way that the cheese is hidden deep inside, and covered with skin on top. Thus, during frying, he will not be able to flow out of the roll. Cut with a toothpick. Heat the pan, and put the prepared fingers in the egg, plan in crackers. Fry in hot vegetable oil. 

Chopped cutlets from chicken scraps

Quite tasty, unusual are chopped chicken cutlets. 


  • Po -kilogram is chickentwist 
  • Two chicken eggs
  • 50 g of flour
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • 50 ml of fat mayonnaise
  • Three large bulbs
  • Garlic
  • Oil for frying

Chopped cutlets from chicken scraps, recipe:

  • It is necessary to cut the chickentrim On small pieces. As a result, cubes should be obtained in size about 1 by 1 cm. The smaller the pieces, the better. It's okay if the cutlets will come across the skin, it will give the dish softness and juiciness. Clean the onion of the husk and chop into small pieces. It is necessary that they be very thin and give juice in the process of preparation.
  • Remember, you can’t cut the onion into large pieces, since during the frying they will not be prepared, they will crunch on the teeth. Mix chicken cubes with onions, add mayonnaise, eggs, salt and pepper. Add grated garlic and enter the flour.
  • Do not be alarmed, you do not need to achieve dense minced meat. It is necessary that the dough resembles a thick sour cream. Heat the vegetable oil and straighten the mass into the pan directly with a spoon. As a result, you will get cutlets with torn edges. In order for the onion and meat to prepare well, it is necessary to fry the cutlets for 4 minutes on each side, and then hold under the lid, for another 7 minutes. 

What to cook from scraps of biscuit: pies recipe

After preparing the cakes for the celebration, screening of the biscuit remains. You should not be upset, because even from biscuit crumbs you can make unusual, delicious desserts. We offer a recipe for very tasty cakes. 


  • Milk chocolate tiles
  • 300 g of biscuit crumbs
  • 100 g of nuts
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 20 ml of cognac
  • 100 g of condensed milk

What to prepare from scraps of biscuit, pies recipe:

  • It is necessary to fry peanuts or nuts in a hot pan, fall asleep with sugar. It is necessary to make a rather dense mass that evenly envelops nuts. Put the grill on a plate greased with oil, and let it cool.
  • Grind the resulting mixture in a blender until a crispy crumb is obtained. Mix biscuit baby with nuts, add cognac and condensed milk. As a result, you should get an unusual dough. Roll up balls from it, and place in the freezer.
  • It is necessary that the cookies freeze a little. Melt milk chocolate in a saucepan, and when the cakes harden, dip them in a chocolate mass. Put it on parchment paper or foil again, place in the refrigerator. It is necessary that the chocolate is frozen. 

What to cook from scraps of salmon: paste recipe

We rarely think that semi -finished products are not as cheap as they seem to be at our cost. After all, a kilogram of sausages costs approximately like a kilogram of minced meat or a kilogramabders salmon, or other red fish. If we compare the benefitsabders and sausages, the product of meat processing loses. After all, abdomen contain unsaturated fat omega acids, and contribute to the growth of muscle mass. What can not be said about cheap sausages. Below we offer a recipe for paste with red fish. 


  • 300 gabderssalmon 
  • Spaghetti or pasta
  • 50 ml of cream
  • 50 ml of white dry wine
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Spices
  • Vegetable oil

What to cook from scraps of salmon, paste recipe:

  • It is necessary in vegetable oil to fry the prepared pieces of salmon or salmon. They should first be cleaned from the skin and cut into cubes.
  • Enter grated garlic, and when the abdomen will flush on fire for about 2 minutes, you need to add white wine with cream. It is necessary that the sauce boils for 4 minutes. Boil spaghetti or paste in advance until cooked.
  • As soon as the abdomen become soft and tasty, enter the prepared paste, mix, cover with a lid and hold on fire for another two minutes. At the very end, add grated cheese, chopped parsley.
  • Cover again and hold on fire for about a couple of minutes. It is necessary that the cheese be melted. This is a great option for a romantic dinner for two. 
Pasta with salmon
Pasta with salmon

What to cook from sausage scraps?

After the festive feast, a large number of sausages remain.

What to cook from sausage scraps:

  • Usually they are "utilized" in pizza, or a hodgepodge
  • Baking
  • Salads
  • Omlet, fried eggs
  • Soup with sausage

Roses from sausage scraps


  • 250 ml of milk
  • 25 g of pressed fresh yeast
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • Flour
  • A little salt
  • 20 ml of sunflower oil

Roses from sausage scraps, recipe:

  • It is necessary to prepare the dough. Heat milk to a temperature of 33 degrees and dilute the yeast in it, add sugar. Leave for about 20 minutes so that dense foam forms on the surface.
  • After that, enter salt, sunflower oil and pour into flour. It is necessary to knead the soft dough. Leave to rise for two hours. It is necessary to roll out the layer and cut it into strips about 4 cm wide. The length of each strip is 20-25 cm.
  • Now put the slices of sausage at a distance of 1 cm from each other, roll in the form of a roll. Lubricate the surface with yolk and bake in the oven for 25 minutes.
Sausage roses
Sausage roses

Salad of sausages

For those who do not like to spend their time on cooking, we offer to make a simple salad of sausages. 


  • 300 g of sausage 
  • 300 g of fresh cucumbers
  • Dill and parsley
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 300 g of corn
  • Mayonnaise
  • Garlic

Salad of sausage scraps:

  • Grind the sausage, put on the onion in vinegar with sugar for an hour.
  • Mix the sausage with onions, add boiled corn, enter cucumbers chopped into straws, as well as egg slices.
  • Drive the garlic ongarlic codesAnd enter the resulting mixture. Season everything with mayonnaise.
  • You can supplement the salad with crackers from white, wheat bread. 

How to make a snack cake from scraps of toast bread?

The simplest option for “disposal” of the residues of toast bread is the preparation of breadcrumbs. Dry the remains of bread on a baking sheet in the oven, and pull out to get a baby. Store in a tightly closed glass dish. Thus, panning crackers do not dive. You can cook homemade, delicious crackers, from which there is much more benefit than from purchased. To do this, cut bread into small pieces, sprinkle with your favorite spices, dry in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees, constantly stirring. The remnants of toast bread can be supplemented with any salad, having previously dried bread. 

Oddly enough, but from the remainstoast Bread can be prepared very tasty snack dishes. It can be served not only for breakfast to its households, but also for the festive table. 


  • 300 gtoastof bread 
  • Two eggs
  • Butter
  • 200 g of sour cream
  • Ham
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Vegetable oil

How to make a snack cake from scraps of toast bread:

  • It is necessary to prepare a toaster bread and turn it into a baby. This can be done with a meat grinder or grater. Enter eggs, sour cream, butter and mix into it. Enter ham sliced \u200b\u200binto thin slices.
  • Fry the onion in vegetable oil until a golden crust is formed. Enter the resulting mass. It is best to bake such bread in silicone form, greased with oil and sprinkled with crackers. In the context, very beautiful bread with pieces of ham is obtained. You can supplement such bread with fried champignons. 
Operational cake
Operational cake

What can be prepared from scraps of puff pastry?

After preparing festive pastries, small scraps of puff or yeast dough often remain. It is quite simple to process them.

What can be prepared from scraps of puff pastry:

  1. One of the simplest options is the use of puff pastry for the preparation of snacks. To do this, cut the dough into long, thin strips. Put pieces of dough on the table, sprinkle them with grated cheese. Take long skewers that are used in the preparation of barbecue. Wrap the prepared dough with cheese on them. Put in the oven for about 15 minutes. It is difficult to call this dish full, but the children will appreciate it.
  2. You can use the dough remains to make delicious cookies. To do this, cut the residues of the dough into pieces. It can be stripes, triangles or mugs. After that, grease with an egg and sprinkle with sugar. Send to the oven for about 10-15 minutes. The surface will be browned, it will become golden. 
The dough sticks
The dough sticks

Many interesting articles with recipes can be found on our website:

Do not rush to throw away the remnants of food. Sometimes you can prepare a lot of unusual, festive dishes from them.

Video: Delicious scrap dishes

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