How to properly cook frozen chicken, meat: tips, step -by -step recipe. Do I need to defrost frozen meat, chicken before cooking broth?

How to properly cook frozen chicken, meat: tips, step -by -step recipe. Do I need to defrost frozen meat, chicken before cooking broth?

Instructions for the preparation of frozen meat.

Modern housewives do not have much free time, it often lacks it for the most necessary. Due to large workloads at work and at home, some women forget to put the meat in the refrigerator for the night, for defrosting. Therefore, in the morning they stand in front of the dilemma, defrost the meat, or immediately, in a frozen form, throw it into the water. In this article we will tell you how to properly cook frozen chicken or meat.

Is it necessary to defrost the meat before cooking, is it possible to quickly defrost the meat?

If you want to cook boiled chicken fillet quickly, while you do not have time for defrosting products, you can throw meat immediately into boiling water and cook it until cooked. However, if you do this, the broth will turn out to be cloudy, and the meat is hard. In the process of exposure to boiling water on the fiber of frozen chicken or pork, a large amount of water is released, which seeps between the fibers and flows. As a result, minimum substances in the broth, and the meat is dry. Therefore, if you want to prepare a useful dish for the whole family, preliminary defrosting is needed. For these purposes, you can use several methods.

Is it necessary and how to defrost the meat before cooking, is it possible to quickly defrost the meat:

  • A rather unusual method is the use of a hairdryer. In this way, it is better to defrost the anthrakot, or cue ball, which is cut into pieces. It can be steaks. Use cold air, keep the hair dryer at a distance of about 30 cm from the carcass. You will have to defrost the meat for about an hour.
  • A good way of defrosting is to withstand at room temperature. Put the product in the container, pour it with water and wait until the meat thaws.
  • There are methods that allow you to quickly defrost the meat, but they, like cooking in boiling broth, contribute to the destruction of nutrients and worsening the properties of meat. This is a defrosting in hot water and using high temperatures.
  • If you use hot water during the defrosting process, then a dense film of boiled fibers may appear on the surface. Before cooking, it is best cut off. Otherwise, it will prevent the correct preparation of the product.
  • Some use a water bath. To do this, a piece of meat is laid out in a colander, which is located on a pan with boiling water. In the process of such defrosting, it is impossible to adjust the temperature, so there is a chance that the meat will overheat, as a result, you will get a piece of “rubber sole”. If you cook the broth from such meat, then you will not receive benefits. You can use a double boiler, the result is almost the same as during the use of a water bath.
  • For defrosting, hot air and heat are used. If you place the meat near the battery, or heat the hot air from the hair dryer, get extra problems. The meat thaws much faster, but the growth of pathogens that are inside will also accelerate.

How to cook frozen chicken fillet?

Chicken fillet is a common dietary product used to prepare salads and as an addition to vegetables. Often it is acquired by people who follow their nutrition. This is a great alternative to a meat dish for children. It is not always possible to purchase chilled products, so you have to use frozen. It is advisable to think about cooking in advance, and defrost at room temperature or on a shelf in the refrigerator. The method of quick defrosting of chicken fillet should be excluded. This is a low -fat product, it in its composition practically does not contain fat inclusions. Therefore, the product itself is not very juicy.

How to cook frozen chicken fillet:

  • If you immediately dip the frozen chicken fillet in boiling water, or in cold water and put on fire, then get a rubber piece similar to paper, which cannot be chewed. Therefore, we recommend that you take care of cooking in advance. What to do if you could not defrost the meat?
  • So that in the process of cooking, all the juice does not come out of the product, and it remains still juicy, you can resort to cunning. Pour a little butter into the pan and heat it to hot. It is necessary that it becomes a little smoking.
  • Put a frozen piece on one side, hold in a pan for about two minutes, turn over to the other side, and fry for a couple of minutes. You, as it were, seal the juice inside and interfere with its flow during cooking. Now you can safely dip the fried piece in boiling water and cook according to the recipe.

Is it possible to cook frozen chicken soup?

In the traditional chicken broth, the main ingredient is laid in the water in cold form. For these purposes, it is better to use the back, wings, or parts where there are bones. In this case, the broth will really turn out to be rich.

Is it possible to cook frozen chicken soup:

  • What to do if there is no time to defrost the chicken? Please note if you immediately put a piece of meat in cold or hot water, get a muddy broth with white flakes. You can remove foam and filter the broth, but you will not achieve the result.
  • It is such a reaction that is given by a frozen chicken without defrosting. The broth will turn out not the most delicious. To avoid such consequences, and cook delicious broth, despite the frozen meat, you can resort to cunning.
  • It is necessary to pour chicken with cold water, put on fire and wait for boiling. Drain all the water along with the foam, and rinse the chicken that was in boiling water with cold water, removing the remains of the foam. Take new water into the pan, boil it, and lower the prepared chicken.
  • Of course, it may seem to many that such a broth will become completely low and non -nuclear. In fact, this is not so. In the process of the first minutes of cooking frozen fillets from the fibers, almost all the water is washed out, and the dirt, which is located on the surface of the chicken. All valuable, nutrients located in bones and skin are still preserved.

Why can't you cook frozen chicken without defrosting?

Chicken is a healthy product that is mainly used for the preparation of salads and first dishes. In preparation for the holiday, some housewives do not have time to completely defrost the product.

When you can not cook frozen chicken:

  • If it does not completely fit into the pan
  • If you need meat without peel to prepare a dish
  • If you are going to fry or extinguish pieces

Why you can’t cook frozen chicken without defrosting:

  • If you are going to boil chicken for soup or salad, then preparing it in frozen form is allowed. Nothing terrible will happen, but the product will lose part of its beneficial properties and juice. Please note that such meat can be very dry. Try not to use defrosting in hot water during preparation, as this will make the meat dry.
  • Fast defrosting using the microwave is not suitable. The fact is that the microwave defrosts the meat not evenly, but in sections. Be prepared if one part is slightly prepared, and the second contain ice. In the microwave, it is very difficult to achieve uniform defrosting, due to the features of its work. When using this device, it is necessary to turn the chicken pieces every 2 minutes so that all the zones are thawed.
  • As indicated above, to prepare broth from frozen chicken, it is necessary to drain the decoction, wash the meat and re -pour cold water. Only in this broth can chicken be prepared. Otherwise, you will receive a muddy broth that is not quite suitable for cooking soup. If you are still interested in meat, and you need to preserve its rich taste, then it is worthwhile to defrost the product in advance. Or to do, as indicated above, after frying a piece on both sides in vegetable oil.

How to cook frozen meat, beef?

Beef is a very useful food with a large number of vitamins, trace elements. It is suitable for children's diet. However, the main problem of the product is that in the process of preparing and boiling, such meat acquires rigidity. Boil the frozen beef so that it is soft, it is quite possible. To do this, you need to know some secrets.

How to cook frozen meat, beef:

  • Before cooking, the meat must be defrosted by slow defrosting, that is, on the shelf in the refrigerator. The longer the meat will defrost, and the lower the defrosting temperature, the more juice inside it will contain.
  • Throwing the meat must be boiled. If you put in cold water, the beef will be stiff, and the broth is cloudy. If it is not possible to pre -defrost the meat, you can resort to cunning. Cut it into pieces weighing about 300-500 g, grease it with olive oil and only then lower it into boiling water. Olive oil forms a film on the surface, which prevents the flow of juice.
  • Thus, the meat will turn out soft, despite freezing. During thawing, the juice will not flow into the water, while the meat will remain juicy. Keep in mind that preliminary freezing extends the cooking process. On average, for a piece weighing 500 g, you will need 2 hours. It is necessary to cook the product without a lid, over low heat.

How to properly cook frozen meat, pork?

If it is not possible to defrost the meat even by quick ways, including the microwave, you can use our tips.

How to properly cook frozen meat, pork:

  • Rinse the meat with slightly warm water, and get wet with a paper towel. Next, lubricate the pieces with olive oil and place on a dry, hot pan, for about 20 seconds on each side.
  • Please note that there is no need to achieve a rosy crust. It is necessary that the edges of the meat, its surface, are slightly whitewashed. This is a sealing layer that prevents the flow of juice. Such meat must be boiled exclusively in boiling water.
  • In no case, such a piece is not immersed in cold water. Thus, you will be able to maintain the taste of meat, but the broth will not be so rich. This method is suitable exclusively for the preparation of second dishes, but not for soups and broths.

Can you cook frozen meat without defrosting?

Cooking in frozen meat products is not prohibited, but several problems are associated with this.

You can cook frozen meat without defrosting:

  • During cooking, dirty, muddy foam will be constantly formed. The broth will contain white flakes and fibers. Indeed, with a strong temperature difference, the fibers and nutrients are destroyed, the meat is rubber.
  • In the process of cooking a frozen piece, first of all, thaws the outer layer and only then the inner. Thus, a piece of meat will be unevenly prepared. The outer part will be cotton and crumbling, and the internal part will be dense and rubber.
  • If you want to cook delicious broth and juicy meat, it must be thawed without fail by cold defrosting.

Do I need to defrost the meat before cooking soup?

The method of freezing meat is significantly affected. If it was frozen in industrial conditions, you have already acquired a frozen piece, then the meat will turn out more juicy. In industrial conditions, a quick method of freezing is used, as a result of which juices do not have time to turn into crystals. At home, the process of freezing the piece takes place for a long time. All the juices that are between meat fibers turn into crystals.

Do I need to defrost the meat before cooking soup:

  • This is not necessarily, but will affect the taste of the dish. In the process of quick defrosting, crystals again turn into a liquid and flow from the fibers. This is the main disadvantage of cooking meat, which is frozen at home.
  • If you want to cook delicious, transparent broth, you need to defrost the meat. As indicated above, when using a frozen piece, a muddy broth with a large amount of dirty foam is obtained. To lighten it, it is necessary to drain the first broth and pour repeatedly hot water.

If you forgot to put the meat in the refrigerator for the night, and you need to quickly defrost the product, you can resort to the trick that the cooks are used. It is necessary to fill the product with cold water and let stand. It takes about 2 hours to thaw the meat. Do not forget to change the liquid every 20 minutes, as soon as the water becomes ice. After 3 hours, you can use meat for making broth. You can use warm water that does not destroy muscle fibers. Please note that the water temperature should be in the range of 15-18 degrees. Pour the semi -finished product with water and change every 15 minutes. Defrost will occur in about an hour and a half.

Want to freeze products in the freezer? Then you will be interested in articles on our website:

Video: How to cook frozen meat?

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