What does black -colored feces mean in women, men, children: harmless causes, which is indicated, a sign, a symptom of which disease, treatment

What does black -colored feces mean in women, men, children: harmless causes, which is indicated, a sign, a symptom of which disease, treatment

What to do if feces are black? From this article you will find out why this happens, and whether it is necessary to sound the alarm.

The smell, color of feces can say a lot about human health. Black feces do not always indicate serious problems, this is due to the use of certain foods or drugs.

Read on our website an article about laxatives, fruits and vegetables for constipation, for weight loss. You will find useful information and a list. Choose products, use them regularly and get rid of constipation forever.

But still, it is worth paying attention to the color of the chair, because thanks to this, you can notice deviations in health while. For example, if a person has oncological diseases that occur in a chronic form, with their exacerbation, feces are also painted in a dark shade. This article describes the causes of the dark color of feces, and you will also find out what diagnosis and prevention are carried out. Read further.

The normal color of feces in an adult

The normal color of feces in an adult
The normal color of feces in an adult

The color of feces in a healthy person varies from light brown to a dark shade, and may vary depending on the type of food. This color is ensured by undigested particles of food and bile, which is processed by the intestines. A normal chair in a healthy person should be “decorated” and regular.

Every adult should know what color shade of excrement is the norm for him, and therefore it is very difficult not to notice specific deviations.

Can there be black feces?

Color of feces
Color of feces

Excrements of adults are an important health indicator. By the shape, size and color of the masses, you can understand how the digestive tract works. Usually, feces contain 75% liquids and the rest 25%:

  • Undigested fibers
  • Mucus in small number
  • Combination of living and dead bacteria

Any changes - color, texture, can indicate the availability of problems in the work of the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs. The feces can be black, if the person used blueberries on the eve, took activated coal tablets and other drugs/products that can “paint” excrement in a dark shade.

Why is a person’s feces: harmless reasons, what is this talking about?

Human feces can be given by specific foods if you consumed them the day before. He can acquire a black shade. These are harmless causes, and if you used the day before the problem, such products, then you should not worry. For example:

If we analyze what a person used the day before, you can immediately identify the cause. It is not necessary to sound the alarm if the feces are painted in a dark shade after food of specific products/drugs, this should not be alarming, and when you exclude them from the diet, the chair will gain a normal shade.

It's important to know:

  • Also in excrement, intersperses of dark color can be found, which outwardly have similarity with worms, but these are not worms. These are particles of undigested products.
  • Therefore, there is also no reason for consulting a specialist.
  • And helminths and pinworms have a completely different color, feces can be yellow or white.

Now you know what the dark color of feces is talking about if you ate some berries, fruits, vegetables or other products yesterday or the day before yesterday. Excrements and medicines can also be painted. Read further.

Black color in feces: drugs staining feces, the effect of iron, de nol, sorbifer, etc.

Black color in feces can be due to drugs
Black color in feces can be due to drugs

The feces are stained in dark color due to taking specific drugs. Funds for cure and preventive measures of anemia, in most cases, have iron in their composition, and it gives excrement black. A similar effect should be expected from taking activist. coal, vitamin complexes, they contain bismuth. If you find that the excrement has become darker, it is worth studying the instructions for the drugs that have recently been taken. After making sure that the whole point is this, you can calm down, because they do not carry out any harm to health.

There are many drugs staining feces. You can ask the doctor about this effect if the doctor prescribed you this or that drug. As mentioned above, do not forget about the effect of iron preparations, for example, Sorbifer and etc. De-Nol Also paints feces, and this is the norm.

IMPORTANT: It must be borne in mind that drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), as well as anti -inflammatory drugs, do not affect the change in the shade of excrement. But at the same time, they can provoke bleeding inside the body - intestines. If the presence of a black stool is associated with the use of these drugs, it is urgent to go to the hospital for a consultation with a specialist.

Black feces in an adult man, women: what disease is a sign?

Black feces in a woman
Black feces in a woman

Above the text, harmless causes of black feces were described. Now let's figure out what pathology a change in the color of feces in adult women and men can be. The appearance of the black color of feces indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • Oncological processes -cancer of the stomach, esophagus, 12-pimp intestine. Their symptoms are manifested by a periodic change in the shade of excrement and vomiting with blood.
  • Haemorrhoids - The inflammatory process in hemorrhoids. The reasons for its appearance are the most diverse: regular constipation, sedentary lifestyle, raising a heavy burden. Hemorrhoids can manifest itself in the form of a small flowing stream of blood outside the feces, and feces can remain cinnamon. This factor misleads a person.
  • Colitis - inflammation of the colon. Its main reason is the presence of bacterial infection, severe stress, intoxication with chemicals. Bright signs of colitis are constant urge to the toilet, staining feces in black, elevated body temperature, abdominal pain.
  • Varicose veins of the esophageal canal. Symptoms - a feeling of dull pain in the chest, nausea, black chair, sharp weight loss.
  • Bleeding in the digestive tract Often it is a manifestation of a complication of stomach ulcers. Symptoms - a change in the consistency of feces and their coloring in black, strong nausea, deterioration of overall well -being.
  • Diverticulitis - rapid inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Current pathologies also affect the change of shade of feces.

Food intoxication is one of the causes of problems with feces. Various bacteria and viruses may be the reason. They can penetrate the body with dirty, stale or poorly cooked foods. Symptoms of food intoxication: nausea, vomiting, liquid chair.

It's important to know: Some varieties of poisoning can cause chronic enteritis and dysbiosis. Do not pull with advice to a specialist with growing symptoms of any of these diseases. With pain in the abdomen, the appearance of dark feces, other discomfort and poor health, contact the hospital, to the doctor!

Video: Black feces - reasons for what illness

Feces of black and green color: Causes

Black-green feces can be a sign of bleeding of the upper departments of the digestive tract and advanced dysbiosis. In the complex, this leads to the fact that the food is not completely digested, causing the process of suppuration and fermentation in the intestines. Here are a few reasons for the appearance of excrement of this color:

  • Hepatosis, cirrhosis, fibrosis. The decay of hemoglobin occurs in the liver. Completely oxidized iron compounds gain a dark shade, and underlaid - green. Therefore, feces gain black and green in these and other pathologies.
  • A complication of stomach ulcers or a 12-peretnial intestine will come to feces black and green color. If this symptoms are detected, it is necessary to contact the clinic - a general practice or gastroenterologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, take the necessary tests on the recommendations of the doctor.
  • Bilirubin compounds give green color to excrement. They oxidize to a brownish shade that stain feces in the usual color. If the inferior digestion process or a lump of food moves extremely rapidly on the intestinal tract, Bilirubin will not have time to turn into brown compounds. Therefore, it will be removed from the rectum in a constant form, and the feces will acquire a dark green tint.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Green feces: Causes

Green feces can appear for a completely simple reason - eating, in which there are green dyes, they are not digested in the stomach. And it is important to know, the more such products have been eaten, the more intense the color of the feces. The greenish shade of the chair can provoke:

  • Leaf cultures
  • Black Lacurine
  • Caramel with dyes
  • Sea varieties of fish
  • Red meat
  • Cereals and muesli

The green color of the chair may indicate the presence of problems in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Dysbiosis
  • Inflammatory process in the small intestine
  • Long treatment with antibacterial therapy

At the same time, feces, in addition to green, have an unpleasant odor.

Pathological reasons:

Also, a similar color can be traced with inflammation of an infectious nature, for example, with an acute form of enterocolitis. Against this background, such symptoms develop:

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Tall t ° body

In children, things with a chair are a little different. Read further.

Chair, black feces in a child: Reasons

Chair, black feces in a child
Chair, black feces in a child

More often, black feces in children do not pose any danger to their health. Almost black and viscous stools of only born babies are meconium, and this is a normal phenomenon.

Read on our website an article on what chair should the newborn have. You will learn about norm and pathologies.

If the excrement is painted in a dark color in an older child, then it is worth remembering what products were used by the baby the day before. The cause of the dark chair may be:

  • Blueberry
  • Bananas
  • Blackberry
  • Drugs and other productsthat tend to influence the color of feces

Do not worry, especially if the baby behaves actively, there are no changes in his mood and well -being.

If such a symptoms such as soreness in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, dizziness, are manifested foamed chair - It is important to urgently get advice from the pediatrician. In young children, this symptoms can manifest itself extremely difficult, so parents need to carefully monitor the health of the crumbs. If the plus to this, T ° of the body also rises, then call an ambulance.

Video: Black feces in a child - from what is a dark chair?

Chair, feces dark black during pregnancy: the symptom of what diseases in a pregnant woman

Future mothers often have problems with stool. Therefore, black excrement can indicate the presence of a serious pathology, and, on the contrary, cannot be particularly dangerous. Such changes make future mothers be wary. In addition, during pregnancy it is undesirable to take medications, since they can negatively affect the health of the baby.

The reasons that can lead to such a phenomenon during pregnancy and which are important to take into account and seek help are infections in the intestines and various inflammations in this area. This symptoms can be a sign of such diseases in a pregnant woman:

  • Chronic gastritis
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Pathologies of the duodenum

With these diseases, there may be internal bleeding. This leads to the development of additional symptoms:

  • Pale skin
  • Sensation of weakness
  • Tachycardia
  • Cold sweat in the face
  • Dizziness

If, in addition to the detection of black feces, no symptoms are concerned anymore, there is no reason to manifest anxiety. It is worthwhile if there are chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, and it is advisable to undergo an additional medical examination.

Also, feces are painted in dark black during pregnancy due to taking various vitamins, which include iron. In addition, women try to enrich their diet with raw fruit and vegetable fruits, which also contain iron. With the oxidation of this substance with gastric juice, the feces acquires a dark shade.

The feces became almost black and liquid after alcohol: why?

People who often abuse alcohol are observed in their own chair at once, or a couple of hours after drinking the next dose. So, the feces became almost black and liquid after alcohol, why? Feces of a dark shade can be in the following two cases:

  1. After eating red wine.
  2. Bleeding from the stomach or intestinal tract. Alcoholic drinks contribute to the exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract.

With erosive gastritis, the thinned shells of the esophagus are easily injured by pieces of poorly processed food. Due to abundant bleeding, feces gain the color of tar.

Diagnostics if black feces

Feces black
Feces black

If the cause of black feces lies in food, after the exclusion of some products from the diet, the chair should become normal. If the problem is maintained, it is worth consulting a certified specialist, and for his purpose, undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

About problems in the functioning of food. The tract can be judged by the black color and smell of feces. So, the smell of feces can talk about the following problems with the digestive tract:

  • Sourish - dyspepsia, lack of enzymes.
  • Putrefactive - inflammatory, chronic processes of the colon.
  • With a runaway - Lack of bile in the body, the operation of the digestive system is impaired.

For diagnostic measures, it is necessary to donate blood to determine the level of hemoglobin. Its decrease may indicate the presence of internal bleeding. To identify the general clinic, according to the recommendations of a specialist, it will be necessary to take additional tests. This will assess the state of internal systems and the potential danger of bleeding of certain organs.

To conduct an additional series of studies, the passage is assigned:

  • X -ray
  • MRI
  • Ct
  • Diagnostic probe

These methods allow you to determine with the greatest accuracy the presence or absence of pathologies in the patient's body. In case of confirmation of the diagnosis, the specialist selects the methods of influence on the main reason.

What to do if staining feces in black occurs: treatment

If the reason lies in the recent use of products with coloring pigments, it is enough to exclude them from your diet, additional treatment is not required. What to do if there is a constant (every day for a long time) staining feces in black?

  • In case of serious problems, surgical intervention is prescribed if the patient’s condition cannot be stabilized without this.
  • Before arrival, the patient is forbidden to give water and food, he should provide a lying position and complete peace.

In the presence of serious pathologies, a specialist may prescribe medication or surgery. Whatever treatment, in any case, you will have to adhere to dietary nutrition with minimal calorie content and observe strict bed rest. The remaining recommendations will be voiced by the specialist, after familiarization with the results of the examination.

When is it necessary to sound the alarm and call an ambulance?

There are such cases when, if black is found in black, it is dangerous for health to apply to the clinic, it can be life -threatening. People who have some chronic diseases, the manifestation of dubious symptoms, the presence of dark feces are urgent treatment for honey. help. When is it necessary to sound the alarm and call an ambulance?

  • So, black feces should alert in the presence of cancer of the large intestine. If the chair does not normalize for 2-3 days, and at the same time a person did not use foods with a painting feces, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.
  • The presence of cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis in chronic form is also the reason for contacting a specialist for a further adventure of medical examination and prescribing treatment.

It is worth knowing: If a blood test showed the presence of anemia, and the chair has become dark, you need to consult with the attending physician. Perhaps this is a side effect of taking some drugs.

Call an ambulance immediately if there is additional symptoms in the form of vomiting, nausea, and fever.

Video: Blood in feces - what to do?

Surgical treatment when black feces

If you find a black feces, it is worth knowing that this may indicate the presence of oncology. An operation, laser and radiation radiation is prescribed as a treatment. As auxiliary therapy, medicines are prescribed.

At 1 and 2 stages of cancer, drug treatment is prescribed, with a beam, and there is an opportunity to do without the intervention of a surgeon. In the late stages, in most cases, surgical treatment is required, but after a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of other treatment methods. If they are inactive, only the operation remains.

Treatment with folk methods if feces are painted black

Treatment with folk methods if feces are painted black
Treatment with folk methods if feces are painted black

Traditional medicine, if feces are painted black, will help eliminate the root cause of the appearance of a dark feces. If this factor is provoked by the use of certain foods, it is recommended to temporarily exclude them from your diet and observe their body. Otherwise, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination to clarify the cause of black feces with the subsequent passage of the course cure.

In the presence of gastritis, traditional medicine recommends using:

Herbal infusions based on chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow:

  • Mix one part of these herbs.
  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the collection, pour a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Cool, strain through a gauze section and take 1/3 of Art. - 3 p. in a day.

Freshly prepared potato juice:

  • Wash potatoes (1 pc.), Clean it from the peel.
  • Rub on a fine aroll board and squeeze the juice.
  • Drink half a glass - 2 p. a day after eating.

Green apples:

  • These fruits are useful in baked form.
  • Wash, put in shape and put in an oven. If desired, you can sprinkle the sah. sand (a little) or pour honey. But you can do without it.
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes. at 180 degrees.
  • Cool and consume 1-2 apples an hour after eating.

Flax seeds:

  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of seeds clean from impurities and all kinds of garbage.
  • Pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 8 hours. You can make a mixture at night to use it in the morning.
  • Use 1 tbsp. The resulting liquid before meals.
  • If it is not possible to use a thermos, pour the mixture into the jar, cover it with a lid, wrap it in foil. Now wrap the jar in the foil in a towel and wrap it in cellophane. The effect of such a device with a jar will be like a thermos.

Important: Do not rely only on the effect of treatment with folk methods. Their combination is more effective with the medicines that the specialist will prescribe.

If the chair has not normalized within a few days, do not delay the passage of a medical examination. Perhaps there are serious health problems that have not shown themselves until the current moment.

Prevention of diseases that can cause black feces

Only regular medical examination helps to avoid serious violations in the work of internal organs. Any disease is easier to prevent in the early stages of its development than to allow its development to critical situations, when only surgical intervention can be the most effective treatment. Prevention of diseases that can cause black feces:

  • Planned examination - It needs to be held twice a year, if you need additional tests, the specialist will say this after the next appointment.
  • Pathology in the body of children They proceed several times faster than that of the formed adult. If initial signs are detected, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician.
  • Women should at least 1 p. Visit a gynecologist in the year To exclude various sexual diseases that can find a chronic form of course.

Additional recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle:

  • Minimize the use of food that can affect the color of feces.
  • Remove high -calorie dishes from the diet.
  • Eat strictly at the same time without overeating.
  • Do not eat semi -finished products, fried, spicy food.

If you adhere to the right lifestyle and do not violate the planned visit to a specialist, in the future this will help prevent various kinds of complications. Timely contact the doctor if there are any health deviations, do at least light physical activity, eat correctly and abandon bad habits. All this will help to avoid the occurrence of pathologies with the gastrointestinal tract and other organs that can cause the appearance of black feces. Good luck!

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