Foamed chair in a child: causes, treatment. Why a foamy stool on breastfeeding?

Foamed chair in a child: causes, treatment. Why a foamy stool on breastfeeding?

The causes and methods of treating a foamy chair in a child.

The birth of a child, especially the first -born, is a great joy for parents. However, along with this joy, many worries, troubles, and anxiety come. One of them is a disturbance of digestion, as well as a stool in the baby. In this article we will tell you what to do if the child has a foamy chair. 

Foamed stool on breastfeeding: Causes

Almost all the parents of the infants who are breastfeeding are faced with such a problem. If it appears rarely, unsystematically, from time to time, while the child feels well, is distinguished by excellent appetite, does not act up, no need to see a doctor. This sometimes happens, and may depend on changes in the diet of the mother. Usually a foamy chair in infants who feed on mom's milk can appear for the following reasons.

Foamed stool on breastfeeding, reasons:

  • The use of a large amount of anterior milk. This is a liquid substance that is full of water, but contains a small amount of enzymes and lactase.
  • Accordingly, the child eats only the front milk, it may not eat up, he does not have enough nutrients, as well as lactase, which is mainly contained in posterior milk. Therefore, in no case should you give the baby the second breast if it did not reach the first.
  • Do not alternate the chest and give them to one feeding. Let the child devastate one breast in one feeding, and in the second another. This will allow you to use not only the front milk, but also the back, which is more fat, and is saturated with enzymes. 
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I have a stomachache

Why is a foamy chair in a child after the introduction of complementary foods?

The fact is that in most cases, no one makes such a diagnosis of dysbiosis for up to six months. Initially, the intestinal cavity in the baby is sanitized, there are no bacteria at all.

Why a foamy chair in a child after the introduction of complementary foods:

  • It is for these purposes that the child after birth is immediately applied to his mother’s breast. He, along with a portion of colostrum, as well as when licking halo, receives the first portion of bacteria that populate its intestines and multiply there.
  • It happens that these bacteria multiply very slowly in the stomach, which can cause digestion. Typically, such children are not fed with medicines, but on the contrary, they express the front milk, and give exclusively the rear. This is done to quickly saturate the intestines of the child with useful microorganisms, as well as lactase. 
  • Early introduction of complementary foods. Children under 6 months old, which are breastfeeding, are not recommended to give complementary foods. All the necessary substances, fats, proteins, carbohydrates are in mom's milk. No mashed potatoes, vegetable soups will make up for the deficit.
  • Therefore, if such a reaction is observed, give up the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing complementary foods. Most often, mothers want to immediately transfer the child to adult food after 6 months, so almost every day new products are introduced into the menu.
  • You can’t do this. Usually a new product is introduced in the amount of one per week. Moreover, this is done exclusively in small portions to track the reaction of the intestines of the crumbs to such innovations. Adhere to the schedule of complementary foods, be sure to consult with your pediatrician. 

The child is a foamy chair for a month, what to do?

A woman who breastfeeding a baby must adhere to a corresponding diet. Remove red vegetables and fruits from the menu, whole, fat cow's milk, yeast, minimize the intake of gluten in the body, as well as white flour products.

A child's foamy chair for a month, what to do:

  • These ingredients can provoke a foamy chair. Especially often this happens after eating butterflies, or pies. The yeast enters the child's body with his mother’s milk, and begin to multiply inside the stomach. 
  • A foamy chair in the baby indicates that fermentation processes occur in his intestines, with the release of gas bubble. It is necessary to find which bacteria or microorganisms, perhaps products, could cause such a pathology.
  • At the age of 6 months in infants, this happens often, especially if they are tormented by colic and tummy hurts. In this case, make tummy massage more often, apply a warm diaper to it, as well as give products that remove extra gases from the child’s body. You can find out about these drugs here. 

When is a foamy chair in a child considered a pathology? 

There are several signs that indicate that it is necessary to contact a doctor. Not always foamy chair- this is Option of the norm, most often speaks of the opposite. 

When a foamy chair in a child is considered a pathology:

  • If a foamy chair is observed for several days in a row 
  • If the child, along with such a chair, feels bad, naughty, squeezes his legs to his stomach 
  • If the child has a temperature, vomiting is observed 
  • If the chair is characterized by green, it has interspersed mucus, this indicates a possible infection 

This usually happens if complementary foods are introduced, or mother did not wash her hands or chest before feeding. In the hands, pathogens are often preserved, which may not be harmful to an adult, but will become dangerous for the baby. A foamy chair often indicates a viral or bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract. It is together with a foamy stool that an increase in temperature, diarrhea with green intersperses, as well as mucus is often observed. 


Foamed chair in a child 5 years old: Reasons

A foamy chair is found not only in infants, but also in babies who go to the garden. Indeed, the period from 2 to 6 years is one of the most responsible, since it is at this time that the child can begin to hurt a lot.

A foamy chair in a child is 5 years old, what to do:

  • This is due to the fact that in the garden the child is faced with a large number of new bacteria, which are not always friendly in relation to the body. Children who only go to the garden can often suffer from colds, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If at this time the child began a liquid, foamy chair, this indicates the process of infection. Most likely, the child did not eat quality food. Observe the baby.
  • If at the same time a liquid chair, watery, with an unpleasant putrefactive smell or sour, is an occasion to contact a doctor. Very often adenoviruses show themselves. The child may have enterocolitis, or serious poisoning.
  • Often, after such a stool, the temperature may increase to critical norms. Therefore, in no case do not delay, be sure to contact the doctor. 
The kid is sleeping
The kid is sleeping

Foamed chair: treatment

In the treatment of antibiotics, drugs are prescribed to lactiala or lactovite. With bacterial ailments that are associated with staphylococcus, or other bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed, which are also combined with drugs containing lacto and bifidobacteria. Sometimes Bifidumbacterin is prescribed with them. 

Foamed chair, treatment:

  • If a foamy chair is observed in a infants against a background of insufficient amounts of enzymes and healthy microorganisms that help digestion of food, prescribe bio-gay drops. These are bifidobacteria, which contribute to the improvement of the stomach and populate it with useful microorganisms. Bifidumbacterin, Lactiala, Linex can also be prescribed.
  • Such drugs are prescribed even for infants. If a foamy chair is provoked by complementary foods, new products are put off for some time. Nothing terrible will happen if you enter a new product not in a week, but in two. The reaction of the child can be unpredictable to a specific product. Often indigestion arises due to potatoes.
  • It contains a lot of starch and, in general, it is difficult enough for the child's body. A foamy chair - a reaction to apricot, pear mashed potatoes. These are useful fruits, but they can also give a serious load on the baby's stomach. In no case, with the introduction of complementary foods, do not give adult products from your table. The child’s stomach is not ready to digest such food.

The temperature and foamy chair in the child - what to do?

If the foamy chair is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, while the child has temperature, malaise, weakness, then he must be shown to the doctor, and do not self -medicate.

The child’s temperature and foamy stool, what to do:

  • In each case, after receiving the results of the analysis, the doctor himself will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • In no case do antibiotics give from such a symptom. They may not only help help, but exacerbate the situation even more. 
  • Saving the child with water. If he tears, let's from a syringe or spoon.
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I have a stomachache

The treatment of a foamy stool is carried out depending on the cause that provoked its occurrence. If it is viral enterocolitis, then antiviral drugs are prescribed, such as groprinosine. 

Video: Foamy chair in a child

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