Which is better - a simple Finnish sauna, hammam, a Russian bathhouse or an infrared sauna: how does it work, what to choose?

Which is better - a simple Finnish sauna, hammam, a Russian bathhouse or an infrared sauna: how does it work, what to choose?
What is the good Finnish or infrared sauna, Russian bath or hammam? There are many differences, more in the article.
If you think about buying a home sauna or want to open a business and engage in commercial recovery, then facing a choice - order a classic Finnish sauna, a Russian bath, Turkish hammam or an infrared sauna. Common to all these types is that they positively affect the physical and mental health of a person. All these types of baths are pampering visitors with their unique atmosphere. But each of them is individual and is not suitable for everyone.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Massage in the bath, bath massage with a broom: the technique of Russian massage with a broom, types of bath brooms". You will learn a lot of useful information about aromatherapy and the best massage oils for a bath massage with brooms, and also how to use it correctly?

This article describes these types of baths. You will also find out what is better. The benefits, influence on the body and the disadvantages of each of the baths will be described. Even if you just want to visit the steam room, but you can’t choose from the presented steamers, then after reading the article, you can decide. We will help you choose. Read further.

Finnish sauna: How does it work?

Finnish sauna
Finnish sauna

The heat source is the heater. How does such a sauna work?

  • The air heats up in the sauna up to 90–100 ° C.
  • It is very dry (therefore it is sometimes called a "dry bath"), humidity about 3%.
  • Watering stones for a sauna, you can increase humidity up to 20%.

A special species of the Finnish sauna is a biosauna. It uses a special bio-plate with an evaporator, into which you can pour aromatic ingredients (aromatherapy). The biosaun is heated to a lower temperature, about 65 ° Cand thanks to the evaporator - it has higher humidity, in particular about 30-60%.

It is also important and the time of preparation for the sauna. It must be understood that in the case of a Finnish sauna, the entire volume of air in the room should be heated. Therefore, it is important to select the furnaces of the corresponding power for each size of the cab. Thus, the heating time is about 20-45 minutes from the moment the furnace is turned on. After this time, the sauna is ready for use.

The recommended length of stay in the sauna - about 10 minutes.It depends on each of us, here it is good to give sensations to our own body. The sauna should be accompanied by cooling, ideally fast, and then relaxing to relax the body. Therefore, there should be a pool with cold water inside, and benches or sofas, on which you can sit and relax. The whole procedure can be repeated 2-3 times.

Influence on the sauna on the body:

  • It was proved that regular visit to the sauna increases immunity and, therefore, is a good prevention from influenza or colds.
  • Thanks to stay in the sauna and sweating, toxins are excreted from the body, the activity of the heart, lungs and liver improves.
  • The sauna is suitable for general strengthening of the body, cleanses the skin, helps with weight loss and as the prevention of cellulite.
  • In addition, the sauna causes endorphins, which are hormones of happiness into the body.
  • In the sauna you can relax and forget about problems and worries.


  • Such a steam room is not suitable if you are being treated for increased blood pressure, epilepsy, or if you are in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  • In general, the Finnish sauna is not suitable for people who do not like elevated temperatures if you have non -healing open wounds or inflammatory diseases.

Let's look at the truth - such a Finnish steam room is classic, beautiful, but more expensive than infrared - both its acquisition and operation. The disadvantages can also be more complex maintenance and the need for a ventilated room.

Infrared sauna: How does it work?

Infrared sauna
Infrared sauna

Special infrared emitters emit rays that almost do not heat the air in the sauna, but penetrate deep into your body and, thus, directly heat it. Air temperature in the area 30-60 ° C.. How it works?

  • Due to heating of the tissues of the body, severe sweating appears, and since the temperature in the cabin is low, this method of the sauna, more sparing for the body.
  • If high -quality heaters are used in the infrared sauna, then it is ready to work a second after turning on, that is, immediately.
  • Conventional radiators heat up in a few minutes.
  • This fact significantly affects the energy intensity.
  • Buying a cheap infrared sauna over time can become more expensive due to electricity accounts.

The work cycle in the infrared sauna can be extended up to 20-45 minutes Thanks to a more favorable temperature. After that, the body should recover and rest. The procedure should not be repeated, but you can use the sauna several times a week (but always once a day).

How does the body affect? Explanation:

  • The infrared sauna is suitable for those who do not like elevated temperatures in the Finnish steam room.
  • Infraparilka can visit asthmatics, allergies or people who have blood pressure above 140/100.
  • If you play sports, this type of steam room is perfect before a sports performance. It warms up the muscles and improves their elasticity.

Infrasauna will help perfectly with joint pain, minor skin diseases, treats scars, eczema, acne. Particular warmth in this steam room relaxes the respiratory tract, improves skin elasticity and removes pollution. It works well if you also want to lose weight and as the prevention of cellulite. Heat relaxes the respiratory tract and relieves fatigue, improves sleep.


  • The infrared sauna is not suitable if you are being treated from articular or infectious disease.
  • Like the Finnish sauna, its use is not recommended for expectant mothers in the first trimester.

A visit to an infrared sauna is also not suitable for patients with hemophilia. Now let's compare several types of baths. Read further.

Than the Finnish, infrared sauna is better - which is better: the main difference in the warm -up

All for a bath or sauna
All for a bath or sauna

In a regular Finnish steam room, a sauna stove is used as a heat source. Why is she good?

  • Currently, these rooms make mainly electric ones and they have convenient sensory control.
  • But the real connoisseurs of the sauna like to heat the stove only with wood.
  • Electric canine heats air and skin. Humidity can be adjusted with water that should be poured on stones. Steam is formed that increases humidity.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Essential oils for baths and saunas - disinfectant, soothing, therapeutic, tonic, exciting". You will learn about the methods of application, recipes of aromatic mixtures, important rules of use.

The main difference between the Finnish sauna in the warm -up:

  • The infrared sauna uses the same radiation that is created by special emitters.
  • The air almost does not heat up, but infrared radiation penetrates into your body and heats deeper not only the surface of the skin, as in the Finnish sauna.
  • In the infrared cabin there are modern high -quality spotlights that can produce almost the entire range of such radiation. Your body warms up to a depth of a few centimeters.

This is a very interesting sensation, incomparable. Therefore, connoisseurs of the Finnish steam room will not understand fans of infrared, and vice versa.

Finnish sauna or Russian bath: which is better?

Finnish sauna or Russian bathhouse
Finnish sauna or Russian bathhouse

Our people are used to visiting an ordinary national bath. It is good in both the soul and the body. But now the Finnish dry steam room is also popular in our country. There are distinctive features, although many do not notice them. So what is better - the Finnish sauna or Russian bath? This is the main differences:

Dry steam:

  • In the Finnish steam room, it reaches only 20%, in the Russian bath - much higher, 70%.
  • Therefore, in our traditional steam room, the whole body warms up well, all harmful substances are better removed along with later.
  • In the Finnish sauna, it will be difficult for people with pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Dry air leads to swelling of the mucous membranes, coughing and even cramps will appear.


  • In the Finnish steam room, it is better. The ventilated system is the main part of the entire structure.
  • The pressure of the air is supplied, both indoors with steam and outside. Therefore, the air is well heated and at the same time dry.
  • Hot steam rises to the ceiling coating, and the floor remains cool.

Architectural features:

  • The Russian bath is built from logs and timber.
  • The tree affects all organs and systems, the body, in general. Visually, such a building also looks more attractive.
  • An integral part of the Russian steam room is a dressing room and a paired room.
  • The steam room is made with a low ceiling and minimum size in the area. So it is necessary that the room heats up well.
  • The stove is installed between the steam room and the dressing room. It is made of stones that warm up to high temperatures. Due to the fact that water needs to be poured on them, you can adjust vaporization and temperature in the entire room.
  • The Finnish steam room is also small and is built from a log.
  • The stove in such a sauna looks like a stove in a Russian bath.
  • The steam room is smaller in size, when compared with the Russian bath. Ventilation is special - the air is supplied forcibly.
  • The bathhouse uses a barrel, as well as a river, a lake or another pond, which is located next to the structure. In the sauna - an ordinary small pool.

What is useful:

  • The bathhouse has hot steam that affects all systems and organs of the body: it cleanses pores, rejuvenates, accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation and relaxes.
  • In the sauna, dry steam affects well and heals the genitourinary system. Such an atmosphere is also useful for the nervous and respiratory systems: expands blood vessels, helps to accelerate blood movement, helps relieve symptoms with psoriasis, urticaria and other rashes on the skin, improves the condition of the mucous membranes, and strengthens immunity.

If we talk about the dangers, then it also exists for the Finnish sauna and the Russian bath. It is better not to enter such rooms:

  • Women who expect a child
  • People with cardiovascular diseases
  • Suffering from increased blood pressure
  • With oncopathologies
  • After the operations

You should not go to the sauna or bath after classes with any physical education - fitness, exercises on simulators, running, etc., do not have to eat a lot before the procedures. Eat in 2 hours. Before going to a bathhouse or sauna, use a special felt cap to protect your head, but do not sit on the shelves, but better lie down and relax.

Hamam or Finnish sauna: which is better?


The steam room is the best place to relax the nervous, heart and vascular systems of the body. Pores are cleaned, dead cells are removed, toxins are excreted. In addition to the Russian bath, the most popular paired are Turkish Hamam and the Finnish sauna. Which is better, how to decide on a choice?

The fact that the Finnish steam room was described above. It helps to relax, fight stress, relieve fatigue, train blood vessels and improve the operation of the immune system. Turkish boor is steam room with "soft" and wet steam. The temperature in such a steam room reaches only 45-50 ° C. The air here on T ° is very delicate, so the Turkish steam room can be visited by ladies in a position, people with heart diseases, with skin problems and various inflammatory processes.

Hamam's benefits are as follows:

  • Muscles warm up, the exchange process is accelerated
  • There is a struggle against stress, full relaxation
  • Body systems are cleansed of toxins, blood circulation improves

Hamam has a good effect on the skin, removing inflammation. If there are symptoms of diseases of the respiratory system, it is recommended to give preference to the Turkish bath, since its couples not only heal, but also rejuvenate. After the study in the hall, it is also good to go to hammam to relax and relax.

The Finnish sauna with a pool, a Russian bath from a bar, boor or infrared sauna: what to choose?

So what to choose? Finnish with a pool or an infrared sauna? Russian bath or hammam? Decide to each of you. Some like the whole ritual of the sauna, the smell and sound of cracking firewood in the furnace, a whistle of birch brooms, a jump in the pool with ice water. If you are, then choose a Finnish sauna or Russian bath.

If you do not have enough space in the steam room, you do not like high t ° and dry air, if you treat the sauna as normal body and mind, if you play sports, go to the infrared sauna. You can also give preference to the Turkish hammam.

And most of all you will help you in choosing if you can see the Finnish and infrared sauna in one place. Visit a Russian bath and go to the boor. This is the only way to make a choice and determine what you like more and which is better.

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