Bath brooms: what are they, how to choose the right? The benefits and effectiveness for the bath of birch, eucalyptus, linden, alder, grass, bamboo, oak, coniferous, maple, grass, from fruit trees and shrubs: description

Bath brooms: what are they, how to choose the right? The benefits and effectiveness for the bath of birch, eucalyptus, linden, alder, grass, bamboo, oak, coniferous, maple, grass, from fruit trees and shrubs: description

In this article we will talk about what bath brooms are. Perhaps this information is useful to those who want to please themselves with bath procedures.

Do you know that the first mention of the bath and its benefits dates back to the 6th millennium BC? Even then, people knew that such a pastime was beneficial to both the body and the mind, adds attractiveness. But all this benefit will remain a dream, if he neglected the selection of the most important component of bath traditions - a broom!

Types of brooms for a bathhouse
Types of brooms for a bathhouse

Birch bath broom: benefits, features

Counts One of the best options. To a large extent, because finding such branches is completely simple. And, of course, due to the amazing feature clean the body Both from the inside and outside. The first is possible thanks to the inhaled pair, the second - thanks to contact with the skin.

Important: Birch branches are also famous for flexibility. But they are only when they are cut and dried according to all the rules. For example, young leaves are preferred no larger than 30 mm.

The leaves of this tree have an amazing composition of carotene, phytoncides, hyperoside, saponina. You can also add two to this list varieties of acids - Betuloretine and well -known ascorbin.

A broom from birch leaves is a great idea for those who want to get a maximum benefit in the bathhouse
A broom from birch leaves is a great idea for those who want to get a maximum benefit in the bathhouse

Birch buds is able to bring no less benefit. They have resins, flavonoids, essential oils. Therefore, if when choosing a look falls on a broom with a kidneys, you can safely take it. They, together with the leaves, are excellent clean the skin.

Birch brooms strongly advise for those people who suffer rash, have pustules and wounds. Including great assistance is provided suffering from bronchitis, muscle pain.

Birch leaves are characteristic tight adhesion to the body. This allows them to absorb sweat better, and at the same time with it, slags that are excreted from the body. Pores as a result are cleansed by 100%. The skin is better absorbing the benefits of substances obtained from other herbs in the process of bath procedures.

Important: it is for the indicated reason that it is preferable to use a birch broom at the first stage of visiting the bath.

Leaflets in a banner birch broom should not be large
Leaflets in a banner birch broom should not be large

Dube bath broom: features, efficiency

Such a broom is also often used. Especially praised him owners of the skin of a fat type. What is not surprising - it is enough to recall the composition of oak leaves. There are there Quercitrin, quercetin, essential oils, tannins. The entire indicated assortment helps to make a fairly capricious skin -prone skin elastic, cleansed, gives the long -awaited dullness.

In addition to everything written, such a broom is extremely Useful for various skin diseases. It significantly improves blood circulation and p ogulates reduce blood pressure.

A significant advantage of oak leaflets is that they are large and dense. It means that heat will be held better.

Important: however, the leaves should not be too large and having a dark shade. Otherwise, they will not be able to stay on the branches for a long time.

No need to pay attention to brooms consisting of thick branches. Despite the fact that the oak is firmly associated with massiveness, it is worth keeping in mind that looking for brooms preferably, consisting of thin branches. They grow at the bottom of the tree, and are the most flexible. Massage, which is done with such twigs, will be the most sparing and bringing an amazing effect.

Oak brooms for a bathhouse
Oak brooms for a bathhouse

Bann Venik from Eucalyptus branches: uniqueness, benefit

About 3% of the components of eucalyptus leaves are essential oils. That's why with colds The use of this plant for useful inhalations and rinses is often advised. In bath ceremonies, eucalyptus will also benefit with similar problems. Especially if before massage rogue a broom to the nose and mouth For a few minutes, breathing in the aroma of leaves.

Often, to increase the benefit to the eucalyptus broom, add more Mint, sage, chamomile, wormwood. In addition, they slightly dilute the originally tart aroma of eucalyptus.

Important: however, everything is good in moderation, because not everything is able to withstand such an abundance of aromas without headache. Therefore, in this sense, it is worth approaching the choice carefully.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to shade of a broom. It is better to get a grayish right away. But a rich green can be bought. A similar broom clearly at the end of the drying has retained useful properties.

The eucalyptus bath broom, ideally, should have leaf -green leaves
The eucalyptus bath broom, ideally, should have leaf -green leaves

Bann Venik from linden branches: features, benefits

The aroma of linden at the time of flowering extends to an impressive distance. They can enjoy them and treat various colds. However, list of ailments,in the treatment of which it is recommended to use linden, quite wide:

  • Problems with the nervous system
  • Headaches happening with a small interval
  • Skin problems from Sype to the wounds
  • Stones formed in the gall bladder, kidneys

In order for the leaves to act properly, they should be attach to the face, body for a while. Moreover, of course, not dry, but already steamed.

What is useful can be found in these leaves? Protein, carotene, essential oil, vitamin E, Titicalin. In other words, those soothing and helping to fight bacteria substances that are necessary for healing the body.

It is noted that a broom in which there are dried flowers, It smells at times better. Although the time of collecting raw materials in the practical benefits of the wonderful dough does not affect in any way.

Important: if you want to use a bath broom in the best Russian traditions, you should definitely pay attention to this option. Lipa was used in Russia from ancient times to create houses, utensils.

Linden broom for the bathhouse
Linden broom for the bathhouse

Juniper's bath broom: feature, efficiency

Like any coniferous plant, juniper is a real storehouse essential oils. But this is not all: in addition to oils, juniper contain components with bactericidal property, as well as organic acids And a whole set of the most diverse vitamins.

To such a component of the bath procedure, you should pay attention people suffering from inflammation in the respiratory tract, skin problems. Also, a juniper spruce broom is useful suffering about gout, rheumatism, edema.

For a long time familiar with bath art, people strongly recommend purchasing a juniper assistant and those who want arrange a massage session. If you use a broom as a litter in bath procedures, this effect will not be long in coming.

Important: ideally suits lovers of hard brooms. It’s not like an oster as it can introduce herself, but has a certain thoroughness.

For this reason, it is not worth using a spruce in dry form as a massager. Like long -cut branches - it is important to clarify when they were prepared. The overdled juniper promises to be extremely prickly.

Juniper broom for the bath - moderately prickly and very useful
Juniper broom for the bath - moderately prickly and very useful

Bann Venik from Canadian maple branches: effect on the body, uniqueness

This type of broom is less popular in our country, but from this it is no less useful. He Heals wounds, cleanses, relieves inflammation and pain. And can also be useful as excellent strengthening immunity and tonic assistant.

Especially at such a broom, it is recommended to take a closer look at visitors to the bathhouse, suffering from rheumatism, gout, osteochondrosis. Its treating properties are due to the presence tannins, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, carotene.

Pay attention to those the leaves that are prepared in the beginning, in mid-summer. Such leaflets have a light green shade and a small size. It is at that time that they are most importantly connected to the branches.

Important: such a broom will last longer and more efficiently, without scattering after the first minute of use.

In addition to a good effect, a maple bath assistant may like the convenience of use. He flexible and sufficiently. The leaves are dense and large - this will allow the heat spread qualitatively on the skin.

Maple bath broom will perfectly distribute heat over the body
Maple bath broom will perfectly distribute heat over the body

Branch Brump from coniferous spruce branches: uniqueness, exposure

Not only coniferous shrub, but also coniferous trees can come in handy for bath lovers. For example, fir, spruce, cedar Great health. But only if the branches were prepared shortly before the event. Therefore, if a broom is bought, and not harvested independently, you must definitely ask the seller how the goods have long been made.

Resins, essential oils, vitamin C - This is what can help any body. Even if a person does not have any diseases, he will receive excellent prevention of respiratory diseases. The fact is that the twigs of needles are able to disinfect air. As well as calm the nervous systemBy saturating the air with a beautiful aroma.

Separately, it is worth saying about people suffering problems with the spine and joints. Small needles provide problem massage to problem areas.

Important: for this, a broom must be pressed as tightly to the skin as tightly as possible. Literally a few minutes later the body begins to get used to it.

Spruce bath broom
Spruce bath broom

Olkhovy bath broom: benefit, feature

Such brooms can easily be found in the northern regions - the area of \u200b\u200bthe growth of the tree. Why is it causing a stir among the northerners? Due to the composition: Olha contains mass acids, tannins, fats, vitamins C and PP, carotene.

Due to all of the above, such a broom has disinfectants relieves inflammation. It is proved that such a device can be used if there are not only inflammations or acne, but also wounds that cannot disappear for a long time.

It is recommended to take a closer look at the Olkho Benka Owners of oily skin prone to frequent sweating. However, people with dry skin can find an advantage: elimination of small wrinkles, smoothing the integument, their acquisition of elasticity. There is a kind, a rejuvenating effect.

Important: it is necessary to take into account the fact that many beneficial substances are activated only after steaming leaves and branches.

ALHA bath broom helps to cope with multiple skin problems
ALHA bath broom helps to cope with multiple skin problems

Bath brooms of fruit trees, shrubs: features, benefits of rowan brooms, cherries, currants

Such bath accessories are not very popular. And, it must be noted, in vain, because the branches and leaves gathered from such raw materials give awesome aroma and mass of vitamins. In addition, the twigs of such trees and shrubs are relatively thin and flexible - this means that they the skin is most delicious as possible.

The raw materials are like this:

  • Rowan - useful for those people who want to regain themselves performance. It is proved that even relaxing bath procedures will cheer up and give strength to working exploits in the event that a rowan broom was carried out.
  • Cherry - From ancient times it was considered healing. Its leaves have fitoncides - The real antibiotics of natural origin. It is also proved that steaming using such a broom enhances the production of sex hormones Both men and women.
  • Currant - It is a storehouse of useful substances and essential oils. Venik from it it will facilitate discomfort with gout and rheumatism, cleanse the skin.

Important: if you want to sweat properly, currant broom - what you need! During this process, its leaves perfectly absorb sweat.

A bath broom of leaves and branches of currants and birch trees - a great blow to ailments
A bath a broom of leaves and branches of currants and birch - a great blow to illnesses

Herbal bath brooms: features, efficiency of rim, wormwood, tansy, nettles

Such brooms not only use for massagebut simply hang in the bath as excellent aromatherapy. It is proved that grass brooms are highlighted when heated is substances that clean the respiratory system And, as a result, the circulatory system.

What are they?

  • From mint - As a rule, such menthol brooms are not sold on their own, but are a composition of various plants. It is proved that mint calms and even rejuvenates. As well as it expands the vessels, fights with bacteria, facilitates breathing in case of asthma.
  • From wormwood - It is worth taking a closer look at her suffering from diseases of the liver, stomach, joints, gall bladder. Widely known bitter aroma improves breathing process, If there are problems with him.
  • From tansy - She is useful with head and rheumatic pains, discomfort with menstruation. If available chronic ailments associated with liver or genitourinary system, it’s also worth paying attention to this grass.
  • From nettle - are strongly recommended for those who overcome chronic fatigue. If fatigue is associated with physical exertion, nettle enches the pain in the muscles. She is heals inflammation And wonderful Improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, enhances metabolism.

Important: do not be afraid of burns - after soaking, nettles will not unbearably burn the skin.


Bamboo bath broom: exposure, features

A fairly exotic option, but, nevertheless, enjoying great love among banners. They claim that such a broom is successful draws all kinds of pains. For example, in the spine, joints, ligaments, muscles. This is real full massage!

In addition to this main advantage, the bamboo broom will give others. For example, cleanses the skin of toxins, reduce stretch marks, improve blood circulation. As well as strengthen the heart and blood vessels, which will serve as an excellent prevention of many diseases.

Important: you need to keep in mind that bamboo does not need to be steamed. He is immediately ready to use, which can significantly save time.

Bamboo bath broom - exotic and useful
Bamboo bath broom - exotic and useful

Basic rules for choosing bath brooms

What should you pay attention to when choosing a broom?

  • The best sizes -This is a fan in the range of 500-550 mm and the base of about 100-110 mm.
  • It is preferable to find out When exactly the raw materials gathered. From ancient times, this was done for the most part in June - its beginning or middle. The time of day also matters. So, in the early morning time you can’t do this, because the dew has not yet dried up. For a similar reason, it is impossible to collect plants in rainy weather - raw materials must certainly be dry.
  • Thicker branches should be located in the middle of the broom, And thinner - respectively, along the edges.
  • Should inspect and twine, which is ligated by a bath accessory. It is preferable that it be made from flax.
  • It is advisable to ask about where exactly the brooms were stored. Our ancestors did this in a dry hay. If the owner did not have the opportunity to find a hay pile, he could well put dry grass on some shelf, then plunging a bath belonging into it.

Important: a storage room must be unfamiliar with humidity and have good ventilation.

Bath brooms should be stored in a dry ventilated room
Bath brooms should be stored in a dry ventilated room

Improved blood circulation, purification of pores, acceleration of metabolism, excretion of harmful substances, strengthening immunity and elimination of infections - this is not even a complete list of the results of the action of a broom for a bathhouse on the body. Of course, under the conditions when it is selected properly. We hope that our article helped in this.

Small video about the types and purpose of bath brooms:

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