Massage in the bath, bath massage with a broom: the technique of Russian massage with a broom, types of bath brooms. Aromatherapy and the best massage oils for a bath massage with brooms: how to use it correctly?

Massage in the bath, bath massage with a broom: the technique of Russian massage with a broom, types of bath brooms. Aromatherapy and the best massage oils for a bath massage with brooms: how to use it correctly?

Instructions for massage in the bath. A review of oils and brooms for a bath massage.

Rest in the bath is considered one of the most beloved for Russian inhabitants. After all, it has long been accepted in our country on certain days of the week to visit the bathhouse. This was associated with cleansing, as well as cleanliness. We recommend that you connect the pleasant with useful, go to the bathhouse, massage. In this article, we will tell you how to massage in the bathhouse, we will consider several types and techniques.

Types of bath massage

The main massage techniques in the bathhouse:

  • Classic, Russian massage with a broomwho combines light overwhelming and patting in itself.
  • Bamboo massage, It is carried out using special bamboo sticks that are filled with stones. These sticks resemble canes and roll from one part to another. Usually specialists are carried out. It is often called samurai massage.
  • Self -massage. It is carried out independently, most often women in order to fight cellulite. It can be carried out using cans or special bath brushes, which are worn on the hand and equipped with thick rubber or wooden teeth.
  • Sports massage. It is carried out using special foam mats, as well as a broom. One broom must be put under the head, and the second under the feet. Curtained foam or rubber rugs are placed under the elbows and knees. Further, rubbing is carried out, massage is quite energetic. The front part of the body, that is, hands, stomach and hips, as well as legs, is immediately massaged. After that, a person turns on his stomach and massage the back, arms, buttocks, as well as the back of the thigh, caviar. After that, dousing is carried out with cold water. This kind of massage helps to be saturated with strength, as well as to cheer up somewhat.
  • Foam massage. He came to us from Turkey, he is often carried out in Turkish hammams. It is carried out after a person is steamed in a bathhouse. He goes to the bench and begin to rub it with a special mitten, which is made of rough fabric. This is done in order to cleanse the skin of dirt, and also help to open up to pores. Next, a special mitten from goat wool is put on. Massage is carried out. After that, a large amount of soapy water is poured, which foams well. Further, the goat is massage. Soap water turns into lush foam, the massage is very pleasant, relaxing. After that, the person rested, relaxed.
Massage in the bath with a broom
Massage in the bath with a broom

Russian massage technique in the bath with a broom

The most common option is the use of a massage broom. For this, a birch, oak or linden broom with leaves is used. It is dried, soft enough. Before carrying out the procedure, it is soaked for several hours in hot water. Thus, the vine becomes elastic, soft and easily amenable to bending, will not break.

Massage Instructions:

  • Initially, a person lay down on his stomach. Hands stretch along the body, then, the masseur picks up two brooms, one in each hand and begins the light stroking of the feet, caviar, buttocks, back and hands.
  • Further, exposure intensifies. Rubbing with stronger pressure must be carried out. After that, light grunts begin. It is necessary to whip in the back of the back, arms and buttocks, the upper thigh, IRC, as well as the feet. In no case should you beat in the lower back, as well as under the knees. There are a lot of nerve endings in these areas. If you damage them, you can significantly aggravate the situation. Perhaps some serious disease will develop.
  • Next, it is necessary to turn the person on the back and put one hand on the heart, the second in the groin. Next, light rubbing, patting are carried out. You can whip in the chest, arms, legs, as well as feet, in the abdomen. In no case can you beat women with an effort on the chest, as well as the inside of the thigh. These areas are very sensitive, you can cause serious harm.
  • Massage ends with rubbing. It is necessary that the massage therapist takes a broom in one hand, and press on it with his second hand, thoroughly, rubbed in a circular movement in a circular movement. In one procedure in the bath you can lose about 2 liters of sweat.

What happens to a person during massage with brooms? The fact is that blood flow is enhanced, pores under the influence of temperature, high moisture expand. Thus, the speed of decay and elimination of harmful substances from the body increases. It is much faster.

Foamy massage in the bath
Foamy massage in the bath

Brokes for massage in the bath

If you make a classic massage with a broom, you must initially determine the tool that you will carry out the procedure. There are several options for brooms:

  • Birch. Well suited for massage in the bath. The twigs are flexible, but do not break even with sufficiently strong blows. The leaves contain vitamin C, a large number of essential oils. Therefore, during massage, a significant amount of nutrients penetrates the skin. This kind of brooms are used if you have skin problems. Because they help to clean it, and also contribute to the healing of the wounds.
  • Linden broom Strengthening, as well as anti -inflammatory. It is used if there is some kind of rash, dermatitis or unknown rashes on the skin.
  • Oak broom It is considered the most durable, because it may be enough for several campaigns in the steam room. He captures a lot of heat, fuels it. At the same time, the leaves contain many tannins that are effective for dermatitis, as well as various skin diseases. This broom is best suitable for oily skin owners. Very often used combined options that consist of fake, birch, as well as oak branches.

Despite all the benefits of this procedure, there are certain categories that should not do massage. You can not do massage with brooms in the event that there are swelling on the legs, as well as open wounds on the body. Do not drink alcohol in the bathhouse. Vitamin tea, as well as honey and herbal decoctions, will be best. Do not go to the bathhouse more than 2 times a week. In addition, contraindications to visiting the bath are cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy, as well as varicose veins.

Bath massage
Bath massage

Aromatherapy and massage oils for a bath massage with brooms

You can diversify the procedure using aromatherapy. It is carried out using essential oils or herbal decoctions. There are several options for oils. Special, already finished mixtures of essential oils are sold in supermarkets. Special oil oils usually include fir oil, chamomile, as well as eucalyptus. They help improve breathing, and also heal wounds on the body, heal, add energy.

Herbal decoctions are often used for the procedure. For this, rather concentrated solutions are prepared, which are then diluted with water and poured directly onto hot stones. It turns out steam with therapeutic impurities, which can improve the respiratory and cardiovascular, as well as the nervous system.

Bath massage
Bath massage

In no case can you have aromatic manners to drip on stones in the bath. Because this is fraught with a fire. It is better to purchase a special aroma lamp or breed oil in water and shake well before pouring on the stones. It should be understood that essential oils are quite concentrated and therefore can turn out to be dense and heavy steam with a strong smell. Which will be hard to inhale. Do not overdo it, only 1-2 drops for the period of stay in the bath are enough.

Aromarinations can be used for massage. It is usually carried out using special cans, as well as bamboo sticks. It is not recommended to combine massage with brooms with oils. Because the leaves of linden, oak, as well as birch contains many tannins, phytoncides, which also saturate the skin with useful substances. Before using specific essential oil, it is bred with the base. It can be olive or coconut oil. Only after that is massage using cans, brushes or goat mittens.

Massage in the bath
Massage in the bath

Massage in the bath is a very pleasant and useful activity. Stell yourself, study several techniques and do not overdo it.

Video: bath massage

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  1. I love the fenced-so-body body massage in Hamam, especially once a month with a friend we come to the spa Sunny Sun on Kutuzovsky and we are Baldey)) What is this pleasure, simply cannot be conveyed in words)) This procedure for deep cleansing, detoxification and relaxation of the body. Unescruded bliss, it seems that you are losing weight and getting younger for two .. fly. I highly recommend and advise you to try, you will also become fans of this case.

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