What is the difference between a bath from the sauna: comparison, difference. Bath or sauna: what is better to build in the house?

What is the difference between a bath from the sauna: comparison, difference. Bath or sauna: what is better to build in the house?

In this article, we will consider the difference and similarity of the bath and sauna. We will select the best options for construction and at home.

The bath takes its roots from ancient, even primitive times. Each country and each nation has a ritual of visiting a bath, of course, its own. And what a huge glory of the Russian bath, one might say, throughout the world. But the Finnish sauna has recently begun to gain popularity among lovers of "strict." But, unfortunately, the majority does not even understand their differences (and they are), so we will delve into this question in more detail.

What is the difference between the bathhouse and the sauna: comparison, difference

To begin with, I wanted to slightly recall the history of the emergence and development of these steamers. We made a reservation that the baths used the Scythian and Indian tribes, as well as the countries of the ancient East.

A few interesting historical facts in which the differences between the bath and the sauna can clearly be distinguished.

Russian bath:

  • In Greece, the well -known Hippocrates of the bathhouse prescribed it as a treatment. After all, it was believed that healers were hiding in hot stones. By the way, in those days the name was a little different - thorny.
  • But the Roman baths were very famous (they were made according to one sample with Greek thorns). They had a chic design inside. Marble, mosaic, columns and sculptures, as well as many jewelry made of gold or silver - not only the body, but also the soul should have rested in the bathhouse.
  • And in Muslim countries, the baths had such a direct purpose as washing the mud. Moreover, they were categorically against European baths. Indeed, in the water that did not flow, it was impossible to wash, since dirt accumulated in it.
  • Russian baths are also intended for bathing, but also have additional quality - rest and relaxation. Yes, they also carried a healing effect. By the way, in Russia, stone baths were much smaller than in Europe. But wooden baths were more in demand by the population.
The influence of a bath and sauna on a person
The influence of a bath and sauna on a person

Finnish sauna:

  • Naturally, it has roots in Finland. Yes, it was from there that popularity went to the sauna. By the way, the Finnish people in almost every house had its own sauna.
  • Interesting! Finnish residents have Russian roots, or rather from Western Siberia. And to be even more accurate, then from the Khanty-Mansiysk district (meaning the current name of the territory).
  • If we talk about the date, then the story of the sauna begins later for a whole millennium (even more). The first saunas were registered in 1800 (this is an approximate date). They were mainly public use. But since 1950, the saunas have become a necessary attribute of each house, and after 10 years, even in apartments, one could allow you to have such a miracle - structure.

So what's in common in them?

  • If we talk about their similar line, then they wash in both rooms. By the way, now cosmetologists recommend any procedures (for example, masks) to do a steamed face. Why? Yes elementary! After all, the pores are revealed, easier to clean and better absorb and absorb nutrients.
  • So the skin of the whole body becomes much cleaner and pleasant to the touch after good steaming. By the way, sweat, human skin is also cleared of keratinized cells. Yes, not only from various pollution.
  • And the important quality of both designs is treatment. Heat helps to get rid of many ailments (including colds).

Important: but you can visit a sauna or bath only at the initial stage of the disease. And, in no case, do not visit such places with a temperature above 37 ° C. In this case, the bath (or sauna) only aggravate the condition. Therefore, stay at home and lay down in bed.

  • An important plus of such procedures (and it is also common) is the yield of unnecessary toxins and toxins from the body. Maybe in the days of Hippocrates they did not yet know about such terms, but practice showed that a person felt better.

And now we will touch The main difference:

History, development and origin are only a small part of their difference. More precisely, they are not so significant. But the most noticeable (by the way, on the human body this is also reflected) such a feature as humidity. Yes! It is in it that the whole essence is hidden.

  • In the bath, the humidity is increased. Its minimal value is 50%, and the maximum is 90%. Also, do not forget that the temperature should be high. Or rather, 60-80 ° C.

Important: the thermal conductivity of wet air is much higher than that of a dry environment. Therefore, sweat flows with a stream, and does not evaporate.

  • Also do not forget about the time. In the bath, in the steam room itself you can be 25-30 minutes, but breaks can be made for only 15-20 minutes.
  • And what are the indicators in the sauna? The same is warm, but the humidity does not reach 20%. But the temperature can reach the scale of 110 ° C, and and only 130 ° C. Many wonder how at this temperature a person is generally in such a room, and even treated. But the secret is just that very low humidity. Therefore, such hot temperature is well tolerated.
  • It is impossible to be in the sauna for a long time, since for a long time dizziness and even nausea can cause. The first time (meaning, the first session) should be no more than 10 minutes. And if you first, in principle, went to the sauna, then at all 5 minutes.
  • The breaks should be much longer-30-40 minutes. Therefore, the design features of the sauna are different. But more on that later.
The influence of a bath and sauna on a person
The influence of a bath and sauna on a person

And now we will touch the topic of the difference in the influence of the bath and sauna on human health:

The fact is that some diseases prohibit visiting such institutions. Yes, most often, these will be diseases of the heart and its system. Indeed, at high temperatures, the heartbeat and pulse become more frequent, and the heart receives a large load.

  • Any skin ailments, of course, will act as restrictions. The point is not only that the patient's condition can worsen, but you can infect others with crazy ease.
  • We have already made a reservation that the flu or neglected forms of colds also indicate that the visit should be postponed.
  • But doctors more recommend visiting the bathhouse more. Not everyone. If everything is fine with your health, then choose a place that your soul wants. For example, with some diseases of the heart, the bath can be periodically visited.

And this is what:

  • in the bathhouse, the environment is closer to natural conditions, so it is easier to tolerate
  • the bathhouse wins due to wet air, which warms up the whole body well
  • for many, dry air can cause dry mouth and even sore throat
  • but wet air has less chance of causing cramps or accelerating the heartbeat
  • and the well -known broom helps to improve blood circulation and even makes a kind of body massage

How is a bath and a sauna arranged, what is the difference?

We have already found out that the differences between the bath and the sauna are in the air itself. In the first case, the air is very wet and warm, but in the second option, the environment is very dry and even hot. But there are also constructive differences.

How is the bathhouse.

  • The first thing you should turn to, is the number of rooms. The bathhouse consists mainly of the steam room itself (it is soap) and the dressing room. The second option acts as a locker room or, as they say, rooms for relaxation. That is, in the dressing room you can drink warm tea (or, how to love most men, drink cold beer) and chat with friends in breaks between the steam room.
  • Be sure to be performed by their wooden rocks. What they will be - this is already a personal choice. Suitable for such purposes is the most oak, aspen and larch. But the inexpensive option - pine breeds, reduce the service life of the steam room itself.
  • Ventilation in the bath is more natural. Previously, for example, gaps were left between the logs so that natural ventilation would take place. Or all rooms had windows that served for ventilation.
    • It is also important that any ventilation system should have a valve. That is, it should regulate the temperature and prevent its too low indicators.
  • The heart of the steam room itself is stones. It is they who create high temperature. And adding water to them creates that very humidity. There are several options for furnaces in the bath.
    • The open furnace already by name speaks for itself. That is, the stones are placed in a stove (in a glutened state) without a damper. This option is more suitable for public baths, since this design helps heat the room several times a day. And he does it very quickly, but also cools down. And the temperature in the furnace reaches a maximum of 200-300 ° C.
    • A closed oven must have a door. That is, stones are smoked in it up to 400-500 ° C, and then open the damper. To heat the room. The plus of it is that such a stove cools for a very long time - about two days. Of course, in order to take a steam, on the second day it will not be enough. And to warm such a stove at least 3 hours before the procedure.

Important: water should always be watered on the stones. With a certain frequency, to maintain the necessary moisture and heat, respectively.

  • Moreover, before, baths have always been installed next to reservoirs. But how, after a hot steam room, you must definitely plunge into cold water. To harden the body. And there is even an old Russian tradition - to run out after the bath into frosty snow. But the presence of a pool in the bath is not necessary. More precisely, it used to be like that. Today, baths are also designed with pools or small fonts.
  • And, of course, a broom. Without it, the bathhouse will simply stop being a bath. Do not forget to steal it well before the procedure in warm water. Broat strokes act as a massage and help pores to open better, and also contribute to sweating.
    • By the way! The impact force does not greatly affect. It is much more important which tree to take as a basis.

What are the secrets of the sauna design?

  • The architecture itself initially requires three premises - this is a steam room, a dressing room (or a rest room) and a shower (or pool). After the sauna, you must take a cool shower or plunge in the pool.
  • The steam room herself has significantly smaller dimensions than in the bathhouse.
  • But the dressing room should not just be a locker room. It should have tables and chairs for relaxation, because the time of breaks is much longer. Some even install massage tables to relax even more.
  • If we talk about materials, then they, in principle, are the same as in the bath. Therefore, this item is to their common features.
  • Ventilation in the sauna must be mandatory, but by forced principle. That is, cracks or sliding windows are not suitable. By the way, the ventilation itself inside and outside the steam room has the same pressure.

Important: in the sauna, hot and dry air is at the top of the room. Therefore, the ventilation itself must be placed higher. For a bath, it can be at a distance of 1 meter from the floor.

  • The stoves and the location of the stones are also different. The fact is that in the sauna stones are placed on top of the stove, and not inside. It is also important that the number or mass of stones directly depends on the volume of the steam room. After all, it needs to be well and fully scored.
    • By the way, recently in the saunas, electric furnaces are used. This is much more convenient, because they constantly maintain the desired temperature. Moreover, there is no need to remove smoke gases, and the heating process itself goes much faster.
  • And remember our broom. In the sauna, it is strictly forbidden to use. From such a high temperature, it can dry and break. But this is still half a worm. Breyfly strokes can cause burns or even injuries. By the way, do not forget to remove all the metal jewelry. For the same reason. After all, the metal heats up very quickly.

The difference between the Russian bath and the Finnish sauna: comparison

We have already examined the difference between the bath and the sauna in general. The Russian bathhouse and the Finnish sauna have the same distinctive features, so we will not go deeper, we will only summarize.

  • Yes, honorable, the first place is moisture:
    • In the Russian bath, the optimum temperature is 70 ° C, with air humidity-70-80 %
    • But in the sauna, the temperature can reach 130 ° C due to dry air (10-15%). The dry air, the higher the temperature can be kept
  • The time of stay, of course, loses the sauna, since its interval can be only a maximum of 15 minutes. But in the bath, though half an hour can be steamed. And to relax, on the contrary, there are enough 15 minutes in the bath, and the sauna will take at least 30 minutes.
  • We also examined the design features, so we will not stipulate again. In this they also have significant differences. And most importantly - this is a stove (location of stones) and ventilation.
Finnish sauna
Finnish sauna
  • And now an indispensable attribute of the Russian bath is a broom. We have already mentioned that in the sauna it is forbidden to use. And in a Russian bath - a broom acts as if a highlight. And I would like to pay attention to what it is made of and which is better to choose.
    • Birch broom is more suitable for light massage. And the substances that make up birch leaves help to reveal the pores and prepare the body for subsequent procedures. It also helps to fight eels and acne, and also, it is written out against stretch marks.
    • Oak broom has anti -inflammatory properties and is great for oily skin, making it elastic. Since, it has a denser texture and volume, it is more pumping steam to the body. By the way, oak branches also help reduce blood pressure.
    • A broom from eucalyptus branches, of course, helps in the fight against colds and serves to prevent them. But that's not all. It will help to cheer up and relieve fatigue after a hard working day.
    • The aspen broom is mainly aimed at eliminating microbes and bacteria, as well as to increase immunity. It still helps to eliminate depression and restore strength.
    • The linden broom helps to relax and relieve nervous tension. Also, it charity affects those who have diseases with kidneys or urinary system. And in its leaves there is vitamin C, which increases immunity.
    • A broom from Canadian maple has an analgesic and general strengthening effect. It is indispensable for those who have problems with the back or joints. And also, it helps with various skin injuries.
    • Coniferous brooms are very useful, but require accurate use. For the first session, you do not need to take it and you need to beat it with such a broom very gently. As a broom from alder and juniper, it also serves for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases and disinfects the room.
    • There is even a broken broken broom. It, in general, helps to get rid of fatigue and relieve muscle pain. But the body should get used to the blows of such a broom.
    • This is not the whole list of all possible brooms for the bath. We indicated only the most popular.
  • Now let's get back to the sauna. The broom is not used in it, yes. But then you can and should use aromatic oils. It is necessary to water a few drops right on the seat. They can also be completely different.
    • For example, eucalyptus oil, as with a broom, serves to prevent colds and fights with microbes
    • But the orange helps to restore strength and awaken
  • Also in the sauna, massage helps to relax perfectly, you can do peeling or mask. In the bath, such procedures are now also carried out, but initially they were not used.
  • And we also highlight one nuance - how to behave in a steam room.
    • In the bathhouse in the steam room you can move, communicate and beat each other with a broom
    • In the sauna, you need to sit or lie calmly. You can talk, but hot dry air can interfere with this a little. Especially those that are rarely in the sauna. By the way, you also need to breathe deeply and evenly so that it does not become bad

Bath or sauna: what is better to build in the house?

We have already mentioned that in Finland almost every house has its own sauna. This is as an indispensable attribute of any room. If we talk about the benefits, then the sauna and the bathhouse are equally useful for our body. But here are the elderly or with heart problems, it is better to opt for the bath.

  • It is important that your house has a place, or rather in the yard. And here is a small aspect that faces the builders. The bathhouse can only be built in a private house, because it requires considerable dimensions. I mean, in comparison with the sauna.
    • Here it can be made small and compact. Purely for personal use. Moreover, today there are portable electric booths that are installed even in the apartment.
  • Also, for the bath, you need to choose a suitable even surface where there will be a foundation (by the way, it should be a strip or columnar). The room itself should be well -insulated and insulated. It is necessary to provide proper ventilation and equip the bathhouse with a stove. Yes, the stove is very important for building a bath, because it is it that sets the desired temperature and humidity.
    • The sauna also needs these parameters, but the stove can be gas or electric, which a little simplifies the task.
  • But here the sauna requires sewage products. If possible, then you can install the pool. And in both cases. But for a home sauna, a shower is quite suitable.
    • For a bathhouse with this item, it is a little easier - there can be a natural reservoir or a well nearby.
    • Important! The bath need to be built at a distance from other rooms by at least 10 meters. There are no such requirements for the construction of the sauna. Perhaps that is why Finnish residents love to put her in each in the yard.
  • If we talk about materials, then building a sauna or bathhouse in the yard is a costly affair. The tree should be of high quality in both cases. But, since the sauna is slightly smaller in area, for it the consumption of materials will be small. Compared to the bath.
Building a bathhouse in the house
Building a bathhouse in the house

Interesting! For example, a Turkish bath is made of marble. Yes, not the way we are used to. It has a slightly lower temperature than in a Russian bath - 50 ° C. But the humidity reaches a 100%icon. Such a room is heated by a steam boiler, which is located outside. And the circulation of warm air is carried out through the walls and floor. It is usually very spacious, it has large stone sunbeds, a pool and running water for washing. It looks gorgeous and rich, but for us hammams (as they call it) - a slightly exotic steam room. And so, by the way, it costs much higher than our wooden baths.

  • And yet, the sauna can be bought already ready. No, today you can order a bathhouse on the market. Turnkey, for example. But, we repeat once again, the sauna is much less dimensional. So, her price is lower. And so, for a decent order. Plus, you can install even in the apartment.

Important: the bath is always in a separate structure.

I also wanted to add a few words about choosing a tree. It is it that affects the life of the sauna or bath. And also, speaks of her utility. Indeed, a fungus often starts in a wet or warm room.

  • The larch wins among all representatives. She is not afraid of high temperatures (does not dry out) and does not bloom from great moisture. Some note that it is not too convenient in laying, but the price is quite acceptable.
  • Such popular breeds as coniferous trees will give a wonderful aroma. But so, somewhere for six months. They can begin to rot from high moisture, so they need to be constantly processed. But from too high temperatures they will begin to “cry”. The pluses can only be attributed to the cheapness. Yes, this is the most inexpensive material (for example, larch 2 times more expensive).
  • The oak finish looks very beautiful and rich, and the tree also emits a lot of useful aromatic oils. But it is too heavy, which complicates the possibilities of installation. And price! She really bites. As an option, it can be combined with other breeds.
  • It tolerates moisture and temperature changes well. But in our regions it has a slightly sky -high price. By the way, the aroma of cedar in some can cause allergies.
  • For decoration, baths and saunas are also recommended to take aspen. But it also has a high price and inconvenient in processing and installation.
  • But it is better to refuse birch and linden immediately. They are very quickly darkened, afraid of moisture and large temperature changes. And also, often and molds are often and quickly subjected. Even with proper care. Although the price of such breeds is low.

A sauna or bath is already your personal choice. If there are health problems (as a contraindication), then you can not visit any of the steamers. But in this matter the bathhouse is more loyal. But on the economical side and, let’s say, the possibility of building it, the sauna wins. After all, it is more compact and can be built in any room. You can afford the bathhouse only in a large area.

Video: The difference between a bathhouse and a sauna

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