Can I go to the bathhouse and steam with a cold? Treatment of a cold in the bath: tips, contraindications for visiting a bathhouse

Can I go to the bathhouse and steam with a cold? Treatment of a cold in the bath: tips, contraindications for visiting a bathhouse

The article has detailed information about whether it is possible to steam in a bath with colds. You will also learn how to properly conduct the treatment process in the steam room.

It has long been cleaned in Russia not only from various ailments, ailments, but also rested with a body, soul. A visit to a steam room was a whole procedure. After a bath treatment, they drank tea from the collection of herbs and ate natural honey. Now this tradition is not forgotten either.

After all, people know that with the help of a paired bath you can get rid of bad thoughts, forget about stressful situations and even improve their health. If you visit the steam room in time, then you can cure the disease in one day. But you can not always go to the bathhouse with a cold. Next, we will find out the details on this issue.

Bath during a cold

If the viral or bacterial infection has just begun, then you need to immediately visit the steam room. No need to wait until the cold starts to overcome you. At the first symptoms:

  • personing in the throat
  • nasal congestion
  • lomatom in connective tissues
  • weakness

Get to the bath. It is desirable to use brooms from various materials, such as needles, eucalyptus, linden. Get aromatherapy if possible, and then - drink healing tea insisted on herbs.

Crembus treatment in the bath
Crembus treatment in the bath

Treatment of colds in the bath: tips

It is very important to follow the rules of the procedure. With the manifestation of colds, you should not do hardening procedures. Do not make contrasting dousing with cold water. For a weakened body infection, this is excess stress, which will only aggravate the patient's position. At the end of steaming in the bath, wash with pleasant warm water. Put on a terry sheet or a dressing gown, arrange your rest over a cup of tea. The more you drink, the better. The ailment will leave your body faster.

Drink not only tea with herbs, you can drink ordinary purified water. Add citrus and other healthy fruits to the diet, where there is a lot of vitamin C. It is useful to eat raspberry, currant jam and honey.

The skin after the bath is also cleansed of all bacteria and rejuvenated. Due to the action of high temperatures and peculiar massage with brooms Activation of blood circulation occurs, the metabolism in tissue cells improves, the pleasant heat warms the joints and organs. Therefore, after this procedure, the general condition is improved, and the immune system is restored.

The patient must control his condition while visiting the steam room. To extract maximum benefits from the process, you need to warmly warm up. But you do not need to load the body with excessive effort. After all, if you overheat, you can only aggravate the situation. Immunity, so, gives all its strength to combat infection, so it is not necessary to overload the body with a hot park.

Try to go to a warm bath, but not already filled with hot steam. Gradually increase the temperature and do not sit right near the heat source. When you feel that you can already leave the steam room.

It is not at all necessary to fulfill your usual norm for staying in the steam room. It is enough to steam 15-20 minutes, and maybe less. Much depends on the individuality of the body. If your condition does not improve from the process, but rather it gets worse, then leave the steam room.

IMPORTANT: When a person feels malaise, then the pressure can sharply decrease after the bath. To correct the situation, you must either cause an ambulance or drink natural coffee - depending on the condition of the patient.

The benefits of the bathhouse for flu
The benefits of the bathhouse for flu

From the above information, such conclusions are obtained:

  1. A visit to the bath should be carried out only when the infection has not yet spread in the body.
  2. You can still go to the steam room after the cold has retreated. When body temperature is already 36.6, but there is a slight malaise or cough.
  3. In no case do not visit the steam room at elevated body temperature.

How to steam in a bath with a cold?

Ordinary steam in the steam room has a therapeutic effect on the human body. But pairs with the aroma of therapeutic plants are even better, because it contains phytoncides, fatty oils, which favorably affect the patient's condition. To get such a fragrant steam, you will need to pour a phytochi on not too hot stones.

How to steam with a cold?
How to steam with a cold?

What brooms are used in a bathhouse from a cold?

Also, in order for the treatment procedure in the steam room to be more effective, for pairing, you need to use brooms. Massage with brooms has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients. The process enhances blood circulation in the vessels, accelerates the metabolism, promotes sweating, as a result - leaching of toxins, toxins from skin cells occurs. For the procedure, it is better to select a broom with knowledge of the matter.

  • Lime brooms stimulate the sebaceous glands well on the surface of the skin tissues. Also, after massage with this broom, you will feel a pleasant source and relaxation. The nervous system will calm down.
  • A birch broom is recommended for bronchitis. With the help of massage, you can improve the discharge of sputum from the bronchi. If you are tormented by joint pain, muscles also use this “tool”.
  • Veniki from various types of needles (fir, juniper, spruce) effectively stimulate sweating, are air purifiers in the bath. They kill all microbes.
  • If you are haunted by sore throat, a dragging around a runny nose, dry or wet cough, then take an eucalyptus broom for massage procedures. With the help of it, you can disinfect air and inhalation. To do this, just steal it, bring it to your face, and then breathe a panacea. A very effective remedy paired with a bathhouse.

When is it better not to visit the steam room in the bath?

Despite all the beneficial properties of the bath in the fight against colds, this process also has contraindications. First of all, it is impossible to go to the steam room with temperature in any case. When the flu or acute respiratory infections has already spread throughout the body, treatment should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. The bath saves the patient only with the initial symptoms of the disease. With it, you can only stop the disease and strengthen the immune system. And after the acute period of the disease has passed, you can also go to bathe in the bathhouse.

When is it better not to steam in a bathhouse with a cold?
When is it better not to steam in a bathhouse with a cold?

Contraindications for visiting a bathhouse

  1. Increased pressure or hypertension is an occasion to abandon the steam room so that there is no crisis.
  2. Disruption of the thyroid gland-hyperthyroidism can provoke tachycardia in the bath due to high temperature.
  3. Do not go to the steam room if a person has a stomach ulcer. There is a great risk of internal bleeding.
  4. With oncological pathologies, you also can not go to the bathhouse.
  5. Skin diseases (eczema, lichen, streptoderma and others) are an occasion to stay at home.
  6. Patients with herpeviral infection should not visit the steam room.
  7. Patients with vegetovascular dystonia also do not tolerate heat. In the bathhouse, fainting often occurs.

As you can see, before starting treatment in this way, you should take into account all the pros and cons. Not always the process of cure for colds in the bath may be effective. In some cases, it is better to go to the doctor.

Video: Treatment of colds in the bath - benefits and harm

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