What is the difference between table wine from dry, dessert, semi -sorting and ordinary wine: why is the table wine so called?

What is the difference between table wine from dry, dessert, semi -sorting and ordinary wine: why is the table wine so called?

An inexperienced consumer is usually lost in the names of wines. There are canteens, geographical, dry, sweet, etc.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Rules for choosing good wine: List".

Below you will find interesting and useful information about how table wine differs from semi -sweet, dessert, dry. Read further.

Why is the table wine so called?

Dining wine
Dining wine

Dining wine is wine without an indication of origin. This is the name of the lowest quality wines. They are not subjected to special quality testing. Before the introduction of the regulations for regulating the winery market in 2009, such drinks were called canteens. Now they are called "without indicating the place of origin." For table drinks, spelling on the label is optional.

It is worth noting that a very expensive high-quality wine drink may include a table guilty, which for some reason cannot be officially recognized or does not meet the criteria of such recognition (for example, the manufacturer mixes grape varieties that are traditionally never mixed).

Each country has its own laws of regulation of the quality of wines. But, as a rule, wine drinks include wine:

  • Without specifying variety and crop
  • Without limiting productivity on hectare
  • From raw materials from different places

Additionally, to the designation "Dining Wine" can be added "White" or "Red". Minural productivity is usually allowed 9,000 kg of grapes per hectare or 6750 liters of wine per hectare. Sometimes the maximum increase in alcohol fortress is regulated 2.0% in volume, sometimes 2.5% in volume. The maximum alcohol content after fastening in a white table wine is 12.0 % vol., In red - 12.5 % about.

In Russia for internal use, the concept "Dining Wine" It is preserved. It should be benign and fortress not higher than 14 °. There are no other special requirements for it.

What is the difference between dining wine and dry?

Dry wine means "Ugly". It is worth noting that with alcohol fermentation, sugar crystals do not turn into alcohol by 100%. Therefore, even dry wines contain a specific amount of residual sweetness. This indicator can be close to zero. But according to the official legislation of most countries, dry non-carbonated wine may contain up to 3-4 g of sugar per liter (0.3-0.4%). Its fortress is 8-11 degrees. Wine can also be recognized as a dry sugar content, but provided that its acidity is at least 7 g. The reason for this is that a drink with severe acidity does not seem so sweet. In terms of the content of sweets between dry drinks and semi -sweet, semi -dry wines are located - with a sugar indicator from 4 to 18 g/l.

In sparkling wines, not only high acidity, but also carbon dioxide reduces sweetness perceived to taste. That is why sparkling wine is called dry, if it contains from 17 to 32 g/l of residual sweetness.

  • During a detailed examination, the term “dry wine” seems strange, because wine is a liquid, and moisture cannot be dry.
  • The explanation lies in the technological process of production.
  • During alcohol fermentation, sugar crystals turn into alcohol, so wine with a small amount of sweets always contain more alcohol than drinks with severe residual sugar. And since alcohol removes moisture from the environment, the term “dry” acquires meaning.

If we consider the differences, then it is worth noting that Dining wine can be dry. But these are different names. Dining wine It is determined by the region, by the composition of the drink, by the method of production. Dry wine It is characterized not in quality, but in sweetness.

What is the difference between table wine and semi -sweet wine?

Dining rooms and semi -sweet wines
Dining rooms and semi -sweet wines

Half -sweet wine always contains more sweets than dry or semi -dry wine. However, it contains less sugar than a sweet drink. In Germany and Austria, wine is considered semi -sweet if they contain from 18 to 45 g/l of sugar crystals (1.8-4.5%). Wines with a large amount of residual sugar should be recognized as sweet. Sometimes wine drinks with a content of sweets are considered semi-sweet, while their fortress is 9-13 °.

  • White wines are almost always made semi -sweet.
  • The main reason for the popularity of semi -sweet white wines is that they contain more acid.
  • This makes the sugar less noticeable because acidity complements the taste impression of sweetness with pleasant freshness.
  • Sweetness is less welcomed in red wines, although there are fans of red sweet wines.

As a rule, semi -sweet wines have a relatively low alcohol content. The explanation for this is simple: in the process of fermentation, the drink, sugar crystals turn into alcohol. If you stop fermentation prematurely in order to preserve more sugar in wine, the alcohol content will be lower.

Pointed drinks, such as champagne, are classified somewhat different from the point of view of their sweets. The carbon dioxide contained in sparkling wines additionally reduces the sensation of sweetness in taste. Therefore, it is not surprising that sparkling wines are rarely without residual sugar.

What is the difference between table wine and semi -sweet wine?

  • Typically, fastened wines contain little sweets and more alcohol (17-20%), and dessert, on the contrary, sweet with smaller alcohol (12-17%).
  • Dining (natural). The manufacturer does not add alcohol artificially to table wine.

This is the main difference. It is worth noting that fans have both semi -sweet wine drinks and dining rooms. Below even more interesting information. Read further.

What is the difference between table wine from dessert?

Dessert or sweet wine is called drinks with pronounced sweetness. Sweet drinks are traditionally placed on the table to the dessert or cheese at the end of the celebration, and they no longer relate to the dining rooms. This is the main difference.

Dessert wine can be fortified (liquor) or drinks if the sweetness in them has formed naturally based on sugar contained in grape clusters. Residual sweetness in dessert drinks is formed for two reasons:

  1. Wine yeast fungi die due to the high alcohol content or sweets in the susl.
  2. Arming stops with a winemaker earlier how all sugar is transferred.

This can be done artificially by adding 96% of alcohol or condensed fortified wort, which kills yeast, and further converting sweets into alcohol does not occur. The share of sugar in dessert drinks reaches 14-17%, and the fortress can be 20 degrees.

What is the difference between table wine and ordinary, simple wine?

Dining wine is a low -quality drink. According to the legislation, an indication of its origin is not required, which is why it is ordinary or simple wine. The point is that there are no terms “simple” or “ordinary” wine. The term "dining wine" existed officially only in the countries of the European Union until 2009. Currently, table, ordinary and simple wine is everyday drinks served to the table. As concepts, they exist only as a tradition.

What is the difference between table wine and geographical origin?

Dining wine
Dining wine

Geographical or local wines are made of grape varieties growing in a particular place. If these are not table wines, i.e. They relate to loot or collection, the label will certainly indicate the region of grape collection and the year of the harvest. This is the main difference.

Above, we presented the main differences in cheap table wines and more expensive drinks of the 1st and 2nd categories, as well as the classification of wines by sugar content. It should be borne in mind that all these indicators are regulated by the legislation of each country separately.

Video: [Dining Wine]. What does it mean and can you drink?

Video: Types of wines: the simplest classification

Video: What is the difference between expensive wine and cheap

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