Rules for choosing good wine: List

Rules for choosing good wine: List

Want to learn how to make a choice of good wine? Read the article.

Good wine can be a great addition to dinner and decorate the evening. But wine differs from each other with endurance, sugar content, grape variety and many other factors.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to open wine without a corkscrew?". You will find 14 best ways.

How to understand a huge assortment and choose good wine, among the abundance of tastes. The easiest option is sommelier services. However, it is expensive and not always possible. In this article we will tell you about the rules for choosing good wine. Read further.

Sommelier: Who is it?


Sommelier is a specialist in the issues of buying, storage, as well as the supply of wine to the table. Among other things, the duties of sommelier include the preparation of a wine card, tasting and providing consulting services for choosing a drink, as well as its proper serving to the table. A good sommelier knows how to heat or cool the wine before use, how to beautifully uncorn the bottle, in which glass to pour a drink, and also with which dish combines one or another variety of the drink.

However, sommelier services are mildly, not cheap. For those who do not have a financial opportunity to contact specialists, there are several rules that will help you choose good wine on their own.

Rules for choosing good wine: List

Good wine
Good wine

Before talking about the rules for choosing a good wine, you should remember three key parameters of this drink:

  • What grapes the wine is made of

Despite more than 8,000 existing grape varieties, those that are called technical go for the production of wine. The most popular by many for many: Merlo, Shiraz, Cabernet Sovignon, Chardon.

  • In which region the grapes were grown

Popular grape varieties are grown around the world. Although, there are regions specializing in certain varieties.

  • Wine rating

Wine rating helps to determine the quality and dignity of the drink. However, a high rating does not guarantee that the chosen wine will appeal to the buyer with his taste.

Here are also rules and tips - a list:

  • Learn to understand the taste of the drink

The tasting of several varieties of wine chosen by any similar attribute will allow you to compare them and formulate for themselves the most liked wine style.

  • Read what is written on the label

It contains all the information necessary to identify wine. There are several key points that you need to pay attention to:

  • Grape variety from which a drink is created. Wine can be either made of one grape variety, or mixed from several. Therefore, before buying wine, you need to study all the differences between the varieties of the fruit.
  • Mark of the wine and the name of the manufacturer. This information is always present on the label. Knowledge of this parameter is necessary in order to determine the rating of the drink. There are thousands of winemaking companies in the world. At the same time, hundreds of manufacturers, with different levels, can produce wine with the same name.
  • Harvest year. This parameter can also be called “vintage” or “Millesim”. There is a “vintage” table, but you need to know it only when buying the wine of the highest category. And this will not be needed by a simple layman, all the data knows the sommelier. Do not buy wine, on the label of which there is no year year.
  • You need to know which dishes combine a specific vine variety

Another article on our website describes, how to choose the right wine for dinner or dinner, what dishes, what wine is suitable.

  • The order of tasting

Having mastered theoretical knowledge, you can try to carry out a tasting. To do this, you need several varieties of wine. Here are the tips:

  • Choose the right glasses
  • Control the temperature of the wine supply
  • The room in which the tasting is held must be well ventilated
  • The glass needs to be filled no more than a third
  • Keep the glass during tasting you need to by the leg

After a tasting, you can put all the rates of grades, on a 5-point scale, or distribute in places. Next, you need to look at the ratio of estimates with prices. For fixing, you can repeat the tasting, after previously wrapping the bottles in some paper and mixing.

Wine boutique
Wine boutique
  • It is important - where to buy wine

You can buy wine even in a regular supermarket. To do this, you just need to find a product that is suitable in price and quality. However, retail chains are not famous for a large assortment of this drink. More suitable places in order to purchase wine are noteecs and wine boutiques. Many Enothecs are owned by wine trade companies that supply them with a full range of products - from the most expensive, to more democratic. At the same time, prices in such institutions are far from always higher than in supermarkets.

However, the best way to acquire wine is to buy it from importing companies directly. These companies supply buyers with the most complete and accurate information about their products.

  • You need to know the wine ratings

Not all good wines have ratings, but most for sure. There are a huge number of ratings, but the most popular are "Wine Advocate" and "Wine Spectator". Both have their own sites, as well as mobile applications. "Wine Advocate" specializes exclusively in expensive wines, therefore it is a less democratic resource than "Wine Spectator". Both services are used 100-point scale. In the event that wine is cheaper 1500 rubles has an assessment from 85 points and above, it is worth buying it.

  • It is necessary to determine the purpose of the purchase

This is important if:

  • As a gift When buying wine as a gift, you need to know and take into account the tastes of the one to whom it is intended. However, if this is an unfamiliar person, then difficulties may arise. In such a situation, you need to focus on the fact that women are more sensual natures than men. This affects taste preferences. When buying wine for a woman, it is worth giving preference to sparkling varieties, as well as white and fruit-berry red. Men like bright sensations, so they prefer red wines. Therefore, you can choose the wine of the Surez or Cabernet-Savignon. When buying white wine, it is worth paying attention to the content of alcohol and exposure in an oak barrel.
  • For dinner There is a huge amount of literature on the combination of wine with food. But there are not so many basic principles.

Here is their list:

  1. Light white wines, especially those that are designed in oak barrels, are ideally combined with white fish, seafood without sauces and vegetable salads.
  2. Saturated white wine with an oak exposure is combined with pork, white meat and a bird.
  3. Light red berry wine without oak exposure is suitable for the same dishes as the rich white.
  4. Saturated red wine having an oak exposure is perfectly combined with dense food, such as lamb and steak.
  5. The main rule that you need to know so as not to make mistakes is the more juicy and dense food, the more saturated the wine supplied to it should be. To food having a light shade, you need to serve white wine, to dark dishes - red.
Bottles of good wine
Bottles of good wine
  • Pay attention to the design of the bottle and its appearance

Having determined the purpose of the purchase and the price category, you need to pay attention to the bottle itself. Important indicators of the appearance of the bottle, when buying wine are:

  • The integrity of the label

To get started, pay attention to the label itself. If it is shaved, dirty or ragged, then the wine was stored incorrectly. Suns on the bottle indicate a careless handling of wine. Inaccurate and inattentive handling of wine can also affect storage, which is very harmful to products.

  • Excise stamps

In Russia, there is an EGAIS system (unified state automated information system). This system is intended to control the movement of alcohol products in the country.

  • Information on the label

It contains complete product information. Therefore, buying wine, it is worth paying her special attention. Also, do not be shy about asking for help from consultants. They will help in choosing wine and tell all the necessary information.

  • Pay attention to the color of wine

When buying wine, you can not always see its color, but at the first opportunity, you should pay attention to this indicator. There are a couple of important points:

  1. With age, red wines begin to light up, and the whites are dark.
  2. Seeing red wine on the shelf with an exposure of 1-2 years and having a brown color, it is not worth buying such products.

The question of which wine is good is sacred and able to return to the land of any expert. And the answer is banal: good wine is the one that gives pleasure.

Video: How to choose wine? Rules for choosing wine in the store. Sommelier advice

Video: How to buy wine in a store?

Video: Learning to understand the wines

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