What is the best way to feed the cucumbers for active growth and a good harvest?

What is the best way to feed the cucumbers for active growth and a good harvest?

What fertilizers to feed cucumbers? Is it possible to do without chemical fertilizers? Nitrates in cucumbers.

What is the best way to feed the cucumbers for active growth and a good harvest? The question is appropriate where the soil is poor on the basic elements necessary for plant growth:

  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Nitrogen.

Is there a need for top dressing on rich soils? In their desire to get maximum crops, many gardeners forget that with an excess in the soil of mineral fertilizers, vegetables may contain an increased content of nitrates. Why do you need such non -useful vegetables on the table?

What is the best way to feed the cucumbers for active growth and a good harvest?

What is the best way to feed the cucumbers for active growth and a good harvest if the soil is poor? The easiest and most effective way is to feed nitroammophos. Dilute 1 matchboxes of this mineral fertilizer in 10 liters of water and pour your beds with cucumbers from the watering can. You will see the effect of such watering after 2-3 days.

How to determine - do plants need top dressing? It is necessary to feed plants if:

  • For years you have not brought any fertilizers into the soil.
  • With sufficient watering, the plants look pale and lag behind in growth.

Do not forget that plants can be inhibited from pests and diseases. If you do not protect your cucumbers from these misfortunes, getting a good harvest will not work even with good watering and fertile land.

Mineral fertilizer - on the left and potassium fertilizer for cucumbers - in the middle
Mineral fertilizer - on the left and potassium fertilizer for cucumbers - in the middle

The schedule of top dressing of cucumbers can be the same as below. Although it can and should be adjusted. The definition is what exactly the cucumbers need to feed the process of thin and creative.

  • The first top dressing is even before planting seeds. Use compost as a soil for planting seedlings.
  • The second top dressing is mineral. Try to feed the cucumbers with nitrofois, nitroammophos or other mineral fertilizer.

Nitroammofoska is a more concentrated fertilizer than nitrofosk. To feed the cucumbers, both fertilizer is suitable.

  • Around mid -July, cucumbers in the open ground begin to need potassium. Carry out a second top dressing and additionally add to it potassium fertilizers.
  • Recent top dressing can be carried out in the form of spraying with organic fertilizers, not under the root. This is especially true in August, when the weather is cold and plants do not so actively drink water from the soil.

How to feed the cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow?

Cucumbers - plants are not eternal. And the closer the end of the fruiting period, The more cucumber leaves turn yellow. And the more their skin is bitter.

Take a look at the next package of seeds. This is a hybrid variety and it indicates the fruiting period until September. That is, if you planted cucumbers in May, then in September you will inevitably encounter yellowing of plants.

Leaves of cucumbers turn yellow, the time when it should happen
Cucumbers turn yellow, the time when it should happen

But sometimes the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow - how to feed them in this case, and why does it turn out that cucumbers dry out much ahead of time?

You can feed the cucumbers complex mineral fertilizers. But, if your cucumbers turn yellow, do not get very carried away by the selection of options. Do not lie in the ground with mineral fertilizers with buckets.

Cucumbers are just the vegetable that absorbs nitrates like a sponge. Therefore, use only one complex mineral fertilizer.

Fertilizer Solution almost completely duplicates the composition of the popular Nitroammofoski. It has nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which helps the cucumbers to absorb other nutrients. The schedule for the use of mineral fertilizers during fruiting is one watering in 7-10 days, and the dosage of fertilizer is 7-15 g per 10 liters of water. If you have cucumbers, do not feed them more than the necessary. Probably the reason is something else, except for a lack of minerals.

Cucumbers can be difficult in a greenhouse
Cucumbers can be difficult in a greenhouse

We told how to feed the cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow. In addition to mineral fertilizers, you can use natural ones. Manure, compost and ash, all this is also very useful for cucumbers. Fertilizing with such fertilizers, vegetables also do not need to be too often, do this once a week, or even less often.

For what other reasons do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

  • The most common reason is irregular watering. If you cannot water your cucumbers more often than once a week, then the ovaries will yellow inevitably. In this case, you have to either not plant cucumbers, and give preference to more hardy cultures: carrots, beets, corn. Fertilizers will help solve the problem only partially.
  • The heat is another reason because of which the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers. And nothing can be done with her. Is it to stretch substituting grid. But then you will have to do it every day. Remove her closer to the evening. Otherwise, there will be little benefits for plants.
  • Now is the frequent reason why the ovary of cucumbers is yellow - very fruit -bearing hybrid varieties. At one point of growth, five or even ten cucumbers can grow. The plant cannot provide such a number of fruits with nutrition and begins to turn yellow. Cut the excess leaves with the secateur, and collect the cucumbers on time.

Video: The leaves of cucumbers turn yellow - how to feed and what to do?

How to feed cucumbers in open ground: the best methods

The question is how to feed the cucumbers in open ground is more difficult than it seems. Why? Because in order for vegetables to grow well, you need not only to pour mineral fertilizers into the ground, but to turn the poor soil into a fertile one.

It is necessary to give the Earth as many nutrients as you took from it. Better more.

You can feed the cucumbers in busted soil with manure and compost. Try to add more organic fertilizers to the ground. There are practically no restrictions with the number of plant fertilizers. But with litter and manure, be more careful. They can oversaturate the earth with nitrates. Chicken litter more concentrated in the content of minerals than cow.

Cucumbers do not tolerate summer heat. If you have such an opportunity, plant cucumbers near shrubs. For example, currants or raspberries. They will give a natural shadow, and cucumbers will bear fruit longer.

Interesting neighborhood of cucumbers and corn
Interesting neighborhood of cucumbers and corn

How to feed the cucumbers with yeast?

Yeast is very interesting top dressing for vegetable crops, which is easy to use at home. In general, yeast is not a feeding for cucumbers, but a growth stimulator. The yeast makes the organic matter in the soil, it is destroyed faster and the elements useful for plants are released naturally.

To feed cucumbers with yeast, dilute a small pack of dry yeast (10 grams) in a three -liter jar of water. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the solution. Leave the yeast solution to infuse from 3 to 12 hours. Then dilute the fermented solution in 20 liters of water and water the cucumbers under the root on wet ground.

Yeast top dressing is considered a powerful growth stimulant. That is, the leaves and stems of plants actively grow from it. For weakened cucumbers, it suits the best. But the potatoes should be watered with this is definitely not worth it.

Video: yeast top dressing for cucumbers

Feeding cucumbers and nitrates

In this article, we talked a lot about the fact that feeding cucumbers, we need not to overdo it with fertilizers, so that there are no too many nitrates in the fruits.

  • Because of what fertilizers in cucumbers can there be many nitrates? First of all, it is a solution of urea, nitrofosk and nitroammofosk. These fertilizers are designed for that so that nitrates fall into the soil. Plants need nitrates, as people need air, but the whole question is in their quantity.
  • Why are nitrates dangerous? Nitrates can turn into nitrites. And these compounds are carcinogens, they can cause poisoning.
  • How to protect yourself from nitrates? Remember that nitrates turn into nitrites in contact with air. That is, if you drink freshly squeezed juice, then it will be less dangerous than the one that stood in a glass of half a day. And just cut cucumbers in a salad is more difficult to poison than already weathered.
How to determine the level of nitrates in vegetables?
How to determine the level of nitrates in vegetables?
  • How to measure the level of nitrates? Nitratomomer is a very useful device in any house. But his price is not very low. Such a device, as in the previous photo, costs from 5,000 rubles. He has the programs for the content of nitrates for different foods. Some models of nitratomers are able to measure the level of radiation and evaluate the composition of the water.
  • How to avoid increased nitrates in vegetables from the garden? It is enough to follow the instructions of fertilizer manufacturers. Do not use several mineral fertilizers in one area at once. In order for the level of nitrates in cucumbers to go off the way, it is necessary to literally pour a jar with a concentrated solution of urea under a plant bush.
  • Is it possible to determine the number of nitrates in cucumbers in appearance? We believe that yes it is possible. Most nitrates in large and beautiful fruits. In particular, in large greenhouse cucumbers who sell in winter. But in them, the number of nitrates usually does not exceed the norm. The risk that there will be many nitrates in small homemade cucumbers is close to zero. Especially if these cucumbers are slightly twisted and not too beautiful.

Video: measure the level of nitrates in cucumbers

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