More than 50 doctors' tips for good health, longevity, so as not to get sick. 20 tips for children's health. 12 tips for women's health

More than 50 doctors' tips for good health, longevity, so as not to get sick. 20 tips for children's health. 12 tips for women's health

The human body is considered a complex biological machine, if it is correctly controlled, it can last a very long time. As Eastern philosophy shows, the mind and body of people are interconnected, the “vital energy” is based on traditional oriental medicine - it is 2 beginning: one yin, another Jan.

Jan - is responsible for the tough, as well as the active masculine principle. Yin is a passive, malleable, female beginning. If something went wrong in the body, do not rush to take medicines-first go to the massage. Thanks to it, manifestations of a depressive state are reduced, pain is relieved. If you do not like to be treated, massage is contraindicated to you, then the following tips for good health will help you.

Health tips: Dr. Pilyulkin lessons

Health tips from Dr. Pilyulkin:

  1. Eat useful products. Your well -being, general health, will depend on how you eat how you eat. If you strive for a healthy lifestyle, then for you the main role is played not by the amount of food used, but by its quality, the amount of nutrients in food.
  2. Domest. If you do not have a healthy sleep, you will never have good health. It is on it that your rhythm depends on the day of the day, as well as the state of mind. When you sleep, complex processes are carried out in the body - nutrients are absorbed, the energy necessary for the operation of the nervous system is accumulated.
  3. Do sports, physical education, hardening -one of the very useful Health tips. To strengthen health, it is not enough to eat enough. You must also temper your own body, play sports. To begin with, pour water in the morning with water, the temperature of which is +18 ° C. Your body will receive a large amount of energy, cheer you up. Also, physical activity positively affects the body. Thanks to them, you will avoid many diseases, extend your life and youth.
  4. Worry less. In the life of any person there are moments when he is very worried, nervous, he is disturbed by stress, depression. To avoid the influence of such situations, do Relaxation technique. Suitable respiratory gymnastics, regular charging. All these events will improve health, and therefore your body will better cope with stress.
  5. Take care of herbal medicine. Put your own attention to the following - when you suddenly get sick, do not buy drugs that are sold in pharmacies. Treat herbs. Natural means are well perceived by the human body. The main thing is to know what contraindications they have. Many plants contain useful substances that help during a variety of diseases. If you accept them correctly, you can not get sick for a long time.
  6. In winter, be on the street more. On skating rinks, sports fields that are open, the risk of getting an infection is minimal. Viruses develop in a room where hot and dry. Winter coolness does not suit them. If you jump in the snow, ride a sled, put on waterproof pants.
  7. Drink decoctions made from berries. For the prevention of colds, doctors are advised to drink hot drinks. So, for example, tea is suitable for which you can add: lemon, cranberries, raspberries, black currants. Brew the berries with boiling water, drink the resulting drink to strengthen immunity. In such a drink a lot of vitamin C, Tea helps to cope with stress, increase the antiviral activity of the body.
  8. Use whenever possible wet wipes. Do not neglect the rules of hygiene, since the virus can be transmitted through dirty hands. Bacteria live mainly on a solid surface (handles in transport, handrails in buses). When a person touches such a surface, microbes fall on his hands. Wash your hands with soap every time you come from the street.

Health tips from Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin gives the following health tips that allow him to preserve:

  1. Nutrition. Chew the food thoroughly so that you can "drink" it. Eat soups, salads, fish (necessarily a side dish). Do not drink food with water, because it dilutes gastric juice, the body is not able to digest food. Less eat animal products (maximum volume 23% of the total amount of food).
  2. Breath. Do this: inhale a little, exhale slowly. Of course, this technique does not begin to help immediately, you need to wait.
  3. Water. Drink 2 liters of water per day, you can even more. Get a habit of yourself: in the morning before meals, drink 1 cup of pure water. The professor also advises, do not drink alcohol with other drinks. So that you have less a hangover in the morning, drink 2 glasses of water before drinking drinks. Put water on the table (juices and fruit drinks are not suitable). After the holiday, drink another 1 cup of water.
  4. Movement. Ideal exercise (according to the professor) - squat. Squat at least 100 times per day (if you can). Start doing the exercise gradually, over time increase the load. It helps to avoid heart attack, stroke, improves the operation of the circulatory system.

Dr. Myasnikov - Health tips, by a healthy lifestyle

  1. Proceeding the pharmacy drugs. Hanging pills that anesthetize for the human body. Because of them, the load on some organs, for example, on the liver, intensifies. Because of such drugs, sometimes occur complications, internal bleeding. They are also considered dangerous antidepressants.
  2. Eat In small portions, but more often. Dr. Myasnikov believes that the perfect diet is fractional nutrition. He claims that with the help of such a diet you can to disperse metabolism. Do the first meal from 7 to 9 am. Feel no later than 6 o’clock in the evening. Thanks to fractional diet, you will not starve throughout the day. You will decrease your appetite, and therefore you will stop overeating.
  3. Follow your personal hygiene -extremely important Health advice. When you visit some kind of public place, after it, be sure to wash your hands. Also suitable antisepticwhich can be bought at any pharmacy.
  4. Follow calorie content of food, which you use. For a woman, the norm is considered to be 1800 calories per day. In addition, butcher advises to use less salt, sugar, white bread, pasta, sausage. The following products are considered useful for the prevention of colds: vegetables, fruits, wine (better red), fish products, nuts (different types), garlic.
  5. Do not eat red meat that has passed processing. Exclude from your own diet red processed meat (especially sausage). It contains a lot of salt, as well as taste amplifiers, soy.
  6. Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. Myasnikov claims that 50 ml of alcohol reduces every day every day The risk of developing chronic diseases. And vice versa, if you drink 150 ml or more daily, then you risk getting sick. Pitch for lunch on a glass of red wine - In this case, you will receive the maximum benefit. It is important to monitor the quality of the drink!

Be healthy without doctors: an hour of useful tips for health

To be healthy without doctors, adhere to the following tips:

  1. The first advice is for health - drink a lot of water. We need water so that the body works correctly, toxins come out of it, metabolic processes function normally. Drink water regularly to replenish the necessary volume of moisture in the body. Thanks to water, you will get rid of excess weight, cleanse your own body.
  2. Eat fruits regardless of the time of the year. The fruits contain vitamins, minerals. Therefore, they are able to replace any drugs, even vitamins in tablets or syrup.
  3. Eat vegetables. They, like fruits, improve human health. Eat vegetables every day, make salads from them, you can even make a special diet based on vegetables.
  4. Eat the products bright. Such products contain a large amount of antioxidants. These substances are considered an excellent material to strengthen health. Thanks to antioxidants, free radicals are eliminated from the body that are harmful to cells.
  5. Love yourself. Just think how much do you love yourself on a 10-point scale? If you were able to score only 5 balls, then think about why? If you do not love yourself, others will also cease to treat you well. Treat yourself positively, try to find in yourself the qualities for which you can love or value you.
  6. Run without shoes. Scientists were able to prove that the Earth has a positive effect on the feet. Try it yourself.
  7. Do not communicate with people that you do not like. A good mental state of a person is the key to good health. Do not keep people with negative energy around you, they will poorly affect your condition.
  8. Get rid of all the negative. Try to listen to your own thoughts, mood. Noticing that you constantly have bad thoughts, the mood spoils, correct the situation in the opposite direction.
  9. Try to eat raw foods -definitely complex Health advice. Raw food positively affects the human body. Thanks to this nutrition, health improves, a person becomes energetic, light, vigorous, calm.
  10. Eat healthy products. Hungry at work, eat some kind of fruit. You can also eat a handful of nuts.
  11. Do not communicate with smoking people during their smoking. Standing near a person who constantly smokes, your body also gets some kind of portion of smoke. Seek such people.
  12. Do not smoke. Everyone on the planet knows how harmful smoking is for the body. Overcome this traction, exclude a bad habit from your own life.

    The incentive to quit
    The incentive to quit
  13. Carry a small bottle of water with you. If necessary, you will replenish the water balance of your own body. You will also save money, as you do not have to purchase water in the store.
  14. Say no at the right time. If you do not want to eat, but someone offers you, politely refuse. It will be much better than you agree, and then you will suffer from overeating.
  15. Cook your favorite dishes. If you yourself cook food, follow what ingredients you add. Also monitor the quality of the products after their final preparation.
  16. Follow the posture. Thanks to good posture, breathing improves, you become a healthy and attractive person.
  17. Do not copy anger in yourself. Throw it away as soon as possible. Anger, which finds a way out is more useful for human health than restrained discontent inside.

Health tips from a doctor for newborns

Health tips from a doctor for newborns:

  1. Feed the newborn only breast milk. If there is no such possibility, replace it with a mixture. This is permissible if you do not have milk. The mixtures do not replace the nourishing of breast milk. Since they do not contain some beneficial substances necessary for the children's body.
  2. Reasonably accustom the baby to use additional food. Do not give the baby too sweet dishes. An older child can be given soups. Thanks to them, a child’s chair is normalized, he will not have constipation.
  3. If you feed the newborn only breast milk, follow your own nutrition. Eat that's right, varied. In this case, the children's body will receive all the necessary products.
  4. Bathe More often the peanut, change his linen, follow the purity of his toys. Cool the baby. Bathe it in water, the temperature of which is +24 ° C-37 ° C. If there is water Too warm This will negatively affect the heart and blood vessels of the baby, his health.
  5. Do not feed the baby by the clock. This will only harm him, provoke early obesity, feed the baby at his request and demand.
  6. Make sure that the newborn sleeps indoors with air temperature +18 ° C. Open the window, every evening, before laying the child to sleep in order to ventilate the room. Do wet cleaning.
Sleep in a ventilated room
Sleep in a ventilated room

Doctors' advice for parents of kindergarten for good health, health tips in preschool educational institutions

Health tips in the preschool educational institution:

  1. For your child to be healthy, he had strong immunity, make sure he adheres to a certain regime of the day.Teach your child to build his own day Alternate rest and work.If the child does not have the daily routine, his nervous system worsens.
  2. Children who go to kindergarten is useful healthy sleep. Also accustom the baby every day in the morning do exercises -this is extremely popular and good Council for the health of babies.
  3. Make sure the child every day brushed his teeth, washed, smiled. Also will not become superfluous hardening.
  4. Walk more often with your child Especially when you return from a kindergarten. Dress the baby, given the weather. It is impossible for the child to freeze or he was too hot. Explain to the baby that he should fullly walk, be under the sun (until 11 a.m. and after 16 hours). The child should strive to temper his own organism. Bring it to the sea, make you walk barefoot, walk in the fresh air at least half an hour.
  5. After a walk, force Wash your hands (Necessarily with soap). Tell the child on the rules for the prevention of infectious diseases.
  6. Make sure the child observed the diet.Give the little one a lot of fruits. Also useful are considered fish products, seafood, dairy products - All that contains a lot of vitamins that are useful for the body of elements.
  7. Teach a child to strictly observe hygiene and purity requirements: rooms, things, linen, the whole body. The kid must put things in order in the room, do this with adults.
  8. Explain to your child how to behave in the house, in a public place. Performing them, he will avoid situations that are dangerous to health.
  9. Read with your child magazines and newspapers about the features of children's development, how to correct your own health -health tips that are indicated in print publications may seem more significant to the child.

Tips for frequent children for health

  • The body of each child is vulnerable when the period of development of colds and SARS occurs. The virus enters the children's body at any time.
  • Therefore, for some time do not lead the baby to places where many people accumulate. Especially if your little one is less than a year old.
  • If your child is often sick, take care in advance about strengthening its immunity.

The following tips for the health of children will help you with this:

  1. Physical education, sports. The most effective method that helps to increase immunity is physical activity. Write down the child for some kind of sport, play active games with him, do charging together in the morning. Teach the baby to lead a mobile lifestyle from an early age. If the child has any pathologies, consult with the children's doctor.

  2. Daily walks on the street. If your child is often infected with colds, do not close him at home. For good health, an important role is played by a walk in the fresh air along with active games. Walk with the baby regardless of the weather. Even if you notice snot with your son or daughter, do not refuse a walk. The only restriction is high temperature. In this case, the baby is better to lie in bed.
  3. Hardening. From an early age, teach a child to love a healthy lifestyle. A great option is hardening. Air or sunny bathrooms, dousing with cool water, bathing in the sea or river, the use of cool drinks or ice cream are suitable. Carry out the procedures carefully. Do not immediately move on to active actions, accustom the child to hardening in stages.
  4. The correct diet. Give the baby dishes rich in carbohydrates and fiber, nuts, dried fruits, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, sour milk products, fish, meat products.
  5. The cleanliness of the room, hydration of air. Regularly carry out in children's wet cleaning (do not use household chemistry). Support the desired humidity level in the room - at least 50% and a maximum of 70%.
A sick child
A sick child

Health tips if head hurts

Specialists in such situations give the following health tips if the head hurts:

  1. Massage. Scientists have proved that if a person often has a headache, he does massage several times a week, he weakens the attacks, and over time they disappear at all. Massage will help you restore blood supply in your head, relax your body.
  2. Stretching. Pain from tension appears when blood stagnates in the collar area, after which the muscles begin to flow, “stomake”. Remove your neck, raise your head to the top, then lower it, direct it to the left and right side. In the end, write a circumference in the air with your head. After each movement, stretch your neck, fix it and your head in the starting position for a few seconds.
  3. Warm/cool. With pulsating pain, attach a wet towel or ice to the temples. If the pain is pressed, attach something warm on the back of the head.
  4. Calm atmosphere. Highlight for yourself after work “unloading” minutes (approximately 20 minutes), turn on pleasant and calm music, control your breath. Learn for a short period of time to throw out all extraneous thoughts out of your head at home.
Where does it hurt?
Where does it hurt?

Health promotion tips, immunologist's tips for often sick

Health promotion tips, immunologist's tips for often sick:

  1. Replace lemon with fish. We all know that the functioning of the immune system is violated when the body has little vitamin D. The ideal method to compensate for it is to use seafood.
  2. Do not use antibacterial soap. The skin, as well as mucous membranes are the protective barrier of the body. When you wash your hands with antibacterial soap, violate this protection.
  3. Refuse pharmacy vitamins. Include in the diet fresh fruits, vegetables. They have much more vitamins than in pharmacy drugs.
  4. Carry out vaccination in a timely manner. Vaccination is an ideal method that allows our body to resist viruses and serious diseases.
  5. Be optimist. Scientists have proven that because of stress people are more likely to get sick. Tune in optimistic, look at the world positively, you will stop often getting sick - this is one of the main health tips.
For immunity
For immunity

Women's health: Specialists' Councils

Tips for specialists for the health of women:

  1. Conduct the examinations regularly. Check pressure, donate blood, track the level of hemoglobin and cholesterol. Once every six months, donate blood for biochemistry, check hormones, do ultrasound and x -ray.
  2. Domest. The optimal period of sleep is 7 hours. Also ventilate the room before bedtime, go to bed on time, often walk in the fresh air, change regularly bedding, buy the most comfortable mattress And pillow.

    For sleep
  3. Move a lot. Engage in physical education, gymnastics, sign up for fitness or simple aerobics.
  4. Make the right diet. Eat those products that contain phytoestrogens. They support a normal hormonal background.
  5. Follow the skin. If you are 40 years old, less under the direct sunlight. Ultraviolet destroys collagen, makes the skin dry. Due to ultraviolet rays, age spots occur.

Women's health after 50 years: Health tips

Women's health after 50 years old - Health tips:

  1. Exclude bad habits. Alcohol, as well as nicotine, significantly exacerbate signs of menopause.
  2. Describe your own regime of the day. Highlight the time to fully rest. Otherwise, you will feel tired, angry, irritated more often. Plan business correctly.
  3. Walk every day. Do not run marathons, just walk. 30 minutes in the evening.
  4. Sign up for the gym. Go to training 3 times a week. Just do not fall into extremes, work with moderate weight, ask the coach to help you.
  5. Reduce meat consumption. Choose vegetable food. It accelerates metabolism, provides the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  6. Cope with stress. Try to calmly cope with all the difficulties, do not exacerbate them, do not wind yourself up. Remember important health tips - all diseases from the nerves and your task to get rid of them.
  7. Visit the sauna. Thanks to the steam room, you will get rid of toxins, improve blood circulation. Add a contrast shower, wipe yourself with ice.

Salvation from stress

Salvation from stress

Tips so as not to get sick, tips to maintain health

Tips so as not to get sick, tips on maintaining health:

  1. Control the dream. People who sleep less than 7 hours are sick many times more. Can't get enough sleep on weekdays? Roll in bed on the weekend. After a working day, relax in a pleasant setting.
  2. Do not adhere to a strict diet in winter. In winter, the body tries to make stocks that protect it from the cold. By depriving yourself of these reserves, you will harm the immune system.
  3. Follow the size of the portions - health council,which is not easy to implement. Due to the excess of fat, the immune system weakens, and due to a large volume of proteins, the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys are overloaded.
  4. Eliminate negative emotions. The risk of getting a cold or influenza increases significantly, if you are constantly worried, you have a bad mood.
  5. Be an active person. Engage in an active lifestyle. Experts also recommend sex more often. Thanks to increased libido in the blood, the number of antibodies increases.
  6. Take care of hardening. Cold shower, plus contrasting bathrooms - this is stress for the human body. But doctors argue that such procedures are useful, since because of them there are many protective antibodies in the body.

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Video: Simple health tips

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful tips !!! They will not be superfluous, that's for sure. From myself, I can say that of vitamins there is nothing better than vitamins of Immuno. And tasty, and useful, and the shape is cool. They please both children and parents ..)) We have not been sick with them for a long time. This is what quality and good composition mean))

  2. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    Thanks for the advice, I adhere to many principles myself. My aunt works as a therapist, recently, by the way, she also improved qualifications , she often gives useful recommendations that help maintain health.

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