60 tips how to become better internally and outwardly, in relationships, friendship, communication? How to become better in 30 days?

60 tips how to become better internally and outwardly, in relationships, friendship, communication? How to become better in 30 days?

Want to become a successful person? To do this, sometimes it is enough to do several ordinary actions that we will tell you about in the article.

To get started, take the first step. Thanks to him, you will improve and develop.

Motivation to become better

  1. Set yourself the main goal - this ismotivation to become better . If you know your goal, you can succeed. Ask yourself exactly what you want to succeed in becoming better. Perhaps this applies to work, relationships, hobbies, or at the same time in everything? You will not achieve the goal without motivation. The better you are motivated, the higher the chance that you can realize the plan.
  2. Give sound the target as real. Save your goal correctly, replace the unknown conditional to the valid, consisting. So you will begin to motivate yourself, focus on the main goal. Suppose not “I want a car”, but “I have a car.”
  3. Form a positive environment. In addition to a clearly formed goal, a close environment may be affected by luck. If there are like -minded people in this environment, they also motivate you, support you in difficult moments. You have a good influence on these people, since for them you are also a like -minded person.
  4. Use singing for motivation. Want to strengthen relations with loved ones? Participate in group singing. Scientists were able to prove that Singing helps relieve stress, anxiety, pain. When a person is happy, his performance increases.
  5. Focus on the benefit. Take the sheet, describe in detail the benefits necessary to achieve the goal - it is she who will begin to motivate you. Ask yourself how your life will improve, you will become a sufficient person, get acquainted with pleasant people, visit various countries, expand your own horizons.
Useful tips
Useful tips

How to become better and more successful?

  1. Plan. How to become better and more successful? Use every moment in order to reflect on what you can achieve. Make something, change something. When you come to specific actions, you will know where to start, how to do it further.
  2. Bring any business to the end. Every successful and rich man always tries to bring his own affairs and undertakings to the end. Of course, stops, difficulties happen. But do not give up half the way and do not throw your dream if you are difficult.
  3. Work on errors to become better. Errors also occur often and not only with you. But thanks to them, you can find a successful solution that will be correct, will raise to the top of achieving the goal.
  4. Do not despair. Only losers despair, lose hope, do not believe in their own strengths. The lot of successful is to be an optimist, with the hope of looking into the future.
  5. Do not look at those who are to blame for your mistakes.Do not look for the perpetrators - this is a bad tone. Analyze failures, draw the right conclusions, only then you will become stronger and more successful.
  6. If necessary, start first. Let you make a few attempts, but each time the errors will be less and less, and more and more experience. So achieving success is more real.
  7. Do the work gradually. Do not try to do everything right away. First, do one thing, then the following, be guided by the plan created.
  8. Work daily at a certain time. Warn your relatives that you will work, for example, from 18:00 to 21:00. At this time, no one should bother you.
  9. Take care of your own time. Cross out of life everything that prevents you from working. So you will have a sea of \u200b\u200bfree time to fulfill the plan.
  10. Rest. Do not overwork. Sometimes it’s useful to just lazy, do nothing. Go walk, go to the cinema, listen to pleasant music.

How to become better and kinder?

  1. Empathize. How to become better and kinder? Read the emotions of other people, express sympathy if a person needs it. Let it initially be mechanically for you, you will begin to feel and understand others over time.
  2. Do not answer sharply. Put yourself in the place of your interlocutor and imagine how he feels at such a moment. Take a look at the situation from the other side. Thus, you will become less irritable, answer kindly.
  3. Write down in the evenings every day 3 thanks People who came to your aid. If you do not find such a person, then you simply do not find something good in yourself.
  4. Give loved ones communicative pleasures. For example, pleasant compliments are suitable. After them, you can notice what experiences your interlocutor experiences, people will become more open to you. In addition, you will hear pleasant words in response that you will raise your mood and self -esteem.
  5. Take good with your family and friends. Flow your eyes to some shortcomings that your loved ones have. Smell at the moment when you need to give advice, but nothing can be changed. Be less irritable, do not break into loved ones, even if your day was difficult enough.
be kinder
be kinder

How to become better in relationships, friendship?

  1. Encourage each other. How to become better in relationships, friendship? Find out from your beloved what he wants to be better. Encourage his successes in this area. So you can help him become better in your hobby, develop and succeed.
  2. Do not repeat the mistakes that were in the past. Remember what happened to you in the relationship that was in the past? What situations do you have now? Work out each such aspect. Maybe you do not warn your partner that your plans are changing, you are late home, forget about instructions. Work out and exclude negative aspects from a new relationship.
  3. Try to improve together. There are different changes in long -term relationships. If one of you changes one, it will affect your relationship with a partner. Changes are carried out by all events that occur, for example, moving to another city, other work or the appearance of a child. Constantly speak with your loved one about changes. Discuss with each other all good and bad effects on your relationship. Such actions will strengthen relationships.
  4. Listen. Listen to everything that your loved one tells you, pay more attention to the words of the partner. When you talk, follow the words, as well as non -verbal communication. Look into the eyes of a partner, do not turn away from him. It is often important to speak in silence, without phones in the hands, and the TV included in the room.
  5. Express your emotions. Open your loved one, share your own fears, experiences, feelings with him. Make more from the second half, less he will take part in your life. A partner cannot read your thoughts, guess desires.
  6. Empathize. You will strengthen your relationship, begin to better understand each other better. Show empathy, listen to your partner, understand it. This behavior will help you solve many problems, cure emotional wounds, become the best for a man.
  7. Farewell. Sometimes it’s hard to accept the fact that a loved one looks at the world differently, your perceptions are varying. Do not take revenge on your partner, do not strive for retribution, do not prove your case. Learn to smooth out sharp corners and find compromises.
  8. Be friendly. Be kind to your beloved even in difficult situations. Goodwill is always useful. Good deeds affect people's happiness.
  9. Be grateful. Gratitude and positive energy flows positively affect health, exclude depression, strengthen immunity, and make relations better. Be grateful in a relationship. Thanks to your beloved for everything, for example, for the fact that he is always there.
  10. Love yourself. Despite the fact that this item is the last, it is very important. After all, only if you love yourself, others will love you.
It is important to improve in relationships
It is important to improve in relationships

How to become a best friend?

To become a best friend and keep friendship for years:

  1. Find time to meet a girlfriend. Family, work, husband - this is all and much more can take a lot of time. Be sure to find time to see a girlfriend. At least for a couple of hours, get out of the house, stay together.
  2. Take a girlfriend what she is. A girlfriend will never convert you to your own patterns. Therefore, understand and accept a friend with her shortcomings and positive qualities, respect her choice, even if you are not sure that he is correct.
  3. Store secrets. Share with the best girlfriend to everyone, for example, your own plans, fantasies. Talk about your feelings, unrest. Do you want a friend to trust you? Know how to keep her secrets.
  4. Listen, understand. Sometimes every person wants to speak out. Manage to become a “vest” for a girlfriend so that she can cry. Listen to it, do not criticize, do not use phrases like: “I warned you”, just sympathize. Hear on time her misunderstanding, resentment. Let her explain the situation, get rid of experiences.
  5. Be around in difficult times. If your girlfriend starts difficult times, postpone your own affairs. Meet her, listen, comfort, develop together a plan that will help “conquer the world”.
  6. Rejoice for a girlfriend. Perceive the achievements of a girlfriend as yours, praise her, say compliments.
  7. Share a positive. Does your girlfriend have stress? Sympathize with her, help. If she has constant depression, talk with her friend, give her a sea of \u200b\u200bgood emotions. Consider this, look at the good moments every time in any situation.
  8. Be objective. Every friend wants to hear objective judgments from a native person. The more serious the topic will be, the more important your opinion will be for a friend. Never flatter, do not deceive.
  9. Know how to forgive. A person is not able to do only good deeds. If your girlfriend was mistaken in something, regrets what she did, forgive her. Find out right away, talk, tell us about your own feelings. Understand your girlfriend why it happened to her, forgive her, forget the grudge so that she does not break your friendship.
And in friendship
And in friendship

How to become better outwardly: you began to look better?

  1. Study fashionable new items. View popular magazines. Thanks to them, you will know about all new hairstyles, makeup, which is today popular and other fashion trends. You can buy optimal trend new products for you in the near future.
  2. Find out what structure your hair has. You may like your girlfriend's hairstyle. This does not mean at all that it will also look at you. As a rule, it depends on what structure the hair has. Straight and curly curls keep their shape differently.
  3. Choose a haircut that is right for you. So you will undoubtedly become better outwardly.
  4. Use cosmetics that emphasizes beauty, masks shortcomings. Cosmetics is considered a powerful means of beauty. But do not hide yourself under the makeup and do not drive into yourself the framework of fashion. Since not all fashion trends in makeup are suitable for you.
  5. Clean the skin regularly. When you wash, use cleansing agents. Choose those that are suitable only for your skin type. Do this once a day, in the evenings before bedtime.
  6. Choose a good wardrobe. Emphasize your own ideal parameters, hide the undesirable. Choose the colors that are best combined with the color of your eyes and hair.
  7. Follow the state of your things. The washed, ironed clothes look better than dirty things lying in the corner of the bedroom. It doesn't matter what things you decide to choose. First, make sure they look good.
Follow the trends and choose the optimal for yourself
Follow the trends and choose the optimal for yourself

How to become better in communication?

  1. Retell. Open any blog, find an article, select several paragraphs from it. Read them, retell to someone out loud (you can even yourself). Next, read a couple of paragraphs, retell them and so on. So your memory will become better.
  2. Continue someone else's thought. Turn on the TV or any video on the Internet. After 30 seconds, turn off the sound. For 30 seconds, try to develop the thought of the person you listened.
  3. Give a small lecture. Perform the exercise with a partner. Choose some object that is near you, tell your loved one about it. For example, how this subject appeared, for what purpose it is needed in the room. If you regularly practice, learn to talk beautifully, describe, explain.
  4. Talk to reflection. Look at your image in the mirror. Come up with something in your mind, develop the thought out loud. Slowly, go from one thought to another, tie them together. After some time, you can make a coherent story on absolutely any topic very quickly.
  5. Speak with your mouth full. Do not pay attention to etiquette in this case. Put the nuts for the cheeks. Speak the words as clearly as possible. Try to say several sentences, tongue twisters. So you can improve diction.

How to become better in 30 days?

You think it is impossible to become better for so much time? Very simple, you just need to fulfill these tips:

  1. Use affirmations for happiness. In the next month, use more such words so that they cause you and others a smile.
  2. Every day try something new. You can have some kind of hobby, hobby, or even a new friend. When you can taste, new impressions will open the door to the big world of other opportunities that will radically change your life.
  3. Do disinterested acts daily. Positively influencing the life of others, you also change your own life. Do the disinterested deeds more often, this will help loved ones become happier.
  4. Every day, devote a little time to your hobby. Do not forget to devote at least a couple of hours of a hobby that you really like. Thanks to him, you will become much better.
  5. Keep a positive mood. You will have good thoughts, look at the world positively, get many opportunities that you can use in the future.
  6. Exclude bad habits. Try to get rid of at least some of them for a month - a night zhor, smoking, the use of obscene words - Down with!
  7. Watch the TV less. Choose another entertainment for yourself. Look at the world, enjoy nature, rejoice at what life offers you.
  8. Every day read or see what inspires you to new achievements. Watch the video that motivates, or read some useful quotes, posts, stories for inspiration.

    Books how to become better
    Books how to become better
  9. Every day in the morning, do what you begin to smile and keep your mood for the whole day. Watch an interesting video on the Internet, a funny comic book, find fresh jokes. Thanks to a healthy laughter, the mind is stimulated, energy reserves are replenished.
Regularity and gradualness is important
Regularity and gradualness is important

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Video: How to become better and live better?

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