What is love for love, and why is it so dangerous? Love spell on love: the types of what is carried out on, the consequences for the lovedled and turning. How to independently remove a love spell from yourself, how to protect yourself from a love spell: instructions

What is love for love, and why is it so dangerous? Love spell on love: the types of what is carried out on, the consequences for the lovedled and turning. How to independently remove a love spell from yourself, how to protect yourself from a love spell: instructions

In this article, we will talk, which is a love spell and why it is so dangerous.

The modern reality is that today not everyone is ready to fight for their own, love in the usual ways. Some try to buy it for money, others get it with deception, and others resort to magic. However, few people think that the lie is opened sooner or later, the money can end, and magic will leave traces. In particular, the consequences of a love spell are seriously manifested, which not everyone thinks about.

What is love for love, and why is it so dangerous?

What is a love spell?
What is a love spell?

When the girl conducts a love spell rite, trying to tie her beloved, she thinks little of what he is. In fact, this is a very strong magic that affects a certain person and changes his feelings.

As a rule, love spells are used to force a person to love. We are talking about conspiracies that everyone knows. They can be done on things, alcohol, photo or personal items. At the same time, not always a love spell is made only on men.

In rare cases, people think about the ritual itself and its consequences. After all, bewilderment suggests that the will of the other will be suppressed, and the magic itself does not apply to the bright. That is why a serious reckoning awaits her. So it’s worth thinking many times before starting something at all.

If there is no other way out, then do not be too lazy to study the features of the rituals, as well as their possible consequences. And it’s better to turn to a professional who knows better what and how to do. If you decide to take a chance and do everything yourself, then follow all the instructions and rules clearly. Only a competent approach will help you achieve the goal and protect yourself from the consequences.

What are love spells for love: views

Types of love spells
Types of love spells

Before you understand directly in the consequences of a love spell, you need to understand which category it can be attributed to. There are only two types of love spells:

  • Weak. They provoke great interest from the victim. She begins to miss, languish, think about her supposedly true love. Usually, in such a situation, the consequences are not very serious, because the magic is called up for a person to decide on the decision, and does not tie him.
  • Strong. Call a uncontrolled attraction to a conspiracy that has read. The consequences can be extremely unexpected and you can never say for sure how everything will turn out. Often, the passion is very strong and the victim does not even find the strength to resist it. Basically, such love spells are made by harsh people who are used to achieving their own ways.

What specifically to make a love spell, everyone decides for himself. But you must always remember that love of violence does not tolerate, although it may need help. It is better to try to draw attention to yourself in natural ways, and if the relationship is long, then you should become more attentive and caring.

What is the love spell on love: implementation

Introduction of a love spell
Introduction of a love spell

Each love spell involves a certain implementation program. The turning person transfers his desire to be near. More precisely, even imposes it.

Often, a personal thing, a pet, jewelry, photo, food and so on are used as a transmitter. The most powerful conspiracies are made on personal things, in which there is the necessary energy. They allow you to make a rite to get a quick result.

By the way, sleepy and drunk people are the most defenseless before magic.

Why are love spells: reasons

Despite the fact that the love spell is a dangerous magic, it is done very often. And sometimes it is even useful to resort to the help of higher powers. If everything is done correctly, then the consequences can be avoided. These situations include:

  • The desire to always be next to the object of adoration. Often, free people simply do not see anyone around them and they may not even notice that someone fell in love with them. This situation can last endlessly and therefore it is quite realistic to use a weak love spell to just pay attention to your side.
  • The presence of a competitor. If you have competitors and someone is trying to take your loved one, then you can also resort to a not too strong love spell to help a person make a choice.
  • A husband or wife left. Here the love spell can help return the relationship, but provided that the feelings have not yet quite cooled for both. For many years, husband and wife are accustomed to each other and stop seeing the object of adoration. Thus, a love spell can also return passion.
  • Long loneliness. People cannot always live alone and therefore can resort to love spell. But it’s not worth it to turn hard, because the consequences, again, can be very bad.

In each of the described situations, there is a reason for a love spell and it is quite justified. Therefore, the reckoning will not be too serious, or maybe it will not be at all. Moreover, the rite of good motives is performed.

When you can not make a love spell: reasons

Why not make a love spell?
Why not make a love spell?

Before carrying out the ritual, it is important to disassemble the reasons where it is definitely not worth doing. There are many good arguments that can cause refusing such actions:

  • The love spell does not give true love. Yes, magic will help to get a person against his will, but only this does not mean that he will really love you. No wonder they say that “you won’t be forcibly sweet”, here is the same situation here. While the love spell acts, the person will show you love, but only somewhere inside he will clearly hate you.
  • The result of a love spell can never be predicted. It happens that he does not even work, because a person loves another. At the same time, terrible things can happen to a person - troubles, illnesses and so on.
  • You can not carry out rituals simply out of interest and thoughtlessly. Often this leads to deplorable consequences, and for the most turning.
  • You can’t still apply a love spell just to take revenge. According to the laws of magic, all this will return to you. You can not even doubt it.

Remember one more very important rule: Do not change the fate of people. When you try to bewitch someone, you change his fate. As a result, he will be with you, but will change completely. Someone becomes angry, someone loses interest in life, drinks, becomes limp and so on. As a result, you will be disappointed, and getting rid of magic will be extremely difficult. Ultimately, your fate and other person will be changed, and even relatives and children will have to pay for mistakes.

What can be the consequences of a love spell for a loved one - are they dangerous?

The consequences of a love spell
The consequences of a love spell

The action of any love spell involves a violation of the human energy field. That is why very unpleasant consequences arise. They always appear after the influence of strong magic. As a rule, they are visible to everyone, even relatives, because human behavior changes greatly:

  • The lovedled constantly reaches for the one who conducted the ceremony. And although he understands his head that not everything is in order, he can not do anything.
  • A person experiences a sexual attraction only for the turning person. That is, he completely cools to the current partner. This consequence is noticed almost immediately.
  • Interest in life is lost. The attitude to life in general or to loved ones often changes. A person becomes apathetic, he is not interested in anything at all and it is easy to manage them.
  • The character changes very much. When the will of a person is suppressed, he tries to fight this. Therefore, often a loved one shows aggression, hot -tempered and can even commit violence.
  • The ability to love disappears. If earlier he was caring, kind and tender, then all this goes away. After all, all feelings are concentrated on the object of desire.
  • Often a love spell affects health. At the same time, this will not necessarily manifest only in diseases, spleen, and so on, the thread can even lead to death. By the way, the same thing can affect the one who made a love spell.

What are the consequences of a love spell for the turning person - are they dangerous?

What is the danger of a love spell?
What is the danger of a love spell?

As a rule, when the ceremony has already been conducted, then suddenly the realization comes that the result is not at all the one that I wanted to get. And this is already the reckoning for their actions.

It is undoubtedly when a person turns, he dreams that his love will be pure and elevated. But in the end, he receives a zombie person who is completely dependent on his desires. And since the person is no longer the same as he was, the feelings quickly pass.

It must be remembered that changing someone else's fate, a very big responsibility is liable to the ceremony. So it will not work to avoid the consequences, even if energy protection was imposed.

An energy rollback often harms the contractor. Moreover, this concerns not only a physical plan, but also moral.

When a person forcibly binds another, then aggression can manifest itself in him, and in relation to loved ones, and not just a partner. Moreover, it is difficult to call relationships ideal when people love each other only externally, and inside everything boils from hatred.

Love spell - consequences
Love spell - consequences

This condition provokes endless conflicts and quarrels. Partners are not inferior to each other in anything and therefore cannot find compromises. And this is also a reckoning.

Moreover, there are other consequences for the tossing:

  • Health problems. Moreover, no examinations find problems
  • Great difficulties with finances and constant bad luck
  • Insomnia and nightmares

Despite everything, the most terrible consequence for everyone is unpredictability. As we have already said, one can never say exactly how the love spell will behave. Moreover, reckoning can also not be overtaken immediately. And this is very bad, because this can make the following generations pay on accounts.

It is also important to note that the ritual closes the real fate and the one who tossed it will never meet his man. That is, the contractor will never be able to get away from the victim, because he will have to pay for it.

To understand what the consequences of a love spell for you can be, if you want to leave, you will have to try and find a good magician who will help you in this matter, and also tell you how to get rid of a love spell. Although, you can do this yourself.

How to remove a love spell yourself: instructions

How to remove a love spell?
How to remove a love spell?

When a lovedled person changes a lot, it is better to get rid of magic and remove it. After all, this can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

In general, of course, it is better to entrust this matter to an experienced magician, but if there is no time in search, and the situation is getting worse, then you can try to cope on your own. You will need a church candle and small salt for this:

  • Bather a candle and pour a little salt into a large spoon
  • Bring a spoon to the flame and see over it
  • Repeat:
How to remove a love spell?
How to remove a love spell?
  • After that, pour the salt on a small plate, and put a photo of a loved one on top
  • Do not look away from the photo and imagine how he returns home
  • Read the conspiracy three times and extinguish the candle
  • Keep the picture under the pillow until you get the desired result

How to protect yourself from a love spell?

Women know more about love spells than men and therefore they are always one step ahead. Many try to protect their men. They know very well the danger of love spells, and therefore put protection. Thus, men can act to protect their wife. For guard:

  • Go out and find a deserted place
  • Draw a circle on the ground and stand in the center
  • Close your eyes and say:
Protection against love spell
Protection against love spell
  • Repeat words three times
  • After that, bow in each direction and leave

Remember that you need to behave kindly with your beloved. From love, people often lose their heads and therefore go to various madness. This applies to magical actions. Only units think about real consequences, if suddenly the ritual is carried out incorrectly, and indeed made.

Often you have to suffer in innocent people. After all, even the weakest and lightest magic is subtle matter. In the hands of an inexperienced person, she can do a lot of harm, and she will also have to pay for her. So magic should be used only in exceptional situations when there is simply no other option.

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Comments K. article

  1. The love spell should do a professional practitioner. Since doing what you have no idea about, you risk very much. Yourself, with your well -being and the life of relatives. You will definitely give more than you purchase. And you will pay for a long time. It is better to contact the master.

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