50 tips on how to become a successful student for children. How to help the child be successful at school: tips for parents

50 tips on how to become a successful student for children. How to help the child be successful at school: tips for parents

You can not believe those people who claim that learning is an easy job. However, there is nothing too complicated to clutt the lessons without problems, it is only important that such problems excite not only parents, but also the students themselves.

It does not matter if you study in the elementary grades or senior. Thanks to our advice, you will always be successful in studying, regardless of the age and level of education. To study, you will need only desire, a clear plan, skills.

Motivation of a successful student: the main condition for successful learning

  • While the student himself does not want to study, no modern teaching methods will help.
  • Why is this happening? Can you just be lazy? Maybe. But laziness is only a consequence and result. The main reason lies as follows - the student does not have motivation.
  • You still could not understand why study is needed at all? In this case, the desire to learn will never appear. And you will not reach successful studies.
It is important to motivate the child
It is important to motivate the child

To become a successful student, you will need our tips and certain arguments for motivation. There may be several of them:

  1. A certain complex of knowledge that are confirmed by the certificate of performance - the best ticket to the world of adult life and opportunities. Of course, even a successful graduate does not have a complete guarantee that he will fall into a decent company with a high salary. But getting to the work that you like and is close in spirit, with a decent payment and a social package, without special knowledge, is almost impossible. Especially in such conditions where there are a lot of competitors.
  2. If for some reason you do not like the circle of people who surrounds you, thanks to the knowledge gained, you will diversify your interests, break out of this society.
  3. You yourself do not know what kind of knowledge you can come in handy in the future. The more useful information you receive during your studies, more opportunities that you will not get into trouble. You will never miss what will be important and interesting to you.
  4. And most importantly, today to be a bad student is no longer fashionable. The norm is when the student studies well, understands at least a pair of school subjects. It is considered to be a successful student fashionable, prestigious and stylish occupation.

Successful student rules: TOP-9

  1. Learn and develop in what you like. Each person has some aspirations, wishes. Therefore, we better learn the knowledge that fascinates us. Let your friends learn a foreign language. If you are drawn to the technique or you like to sew clothes - act, given your own interests. Each person has his own certain talent.
  2. Be constant. Basically, this principle is applied in successful studies - it is better to teach a little, but to do it more often. Draw to your studies at least 30 minutes every day. So you will achieve more than you will do only 3 times a week.
  3. Concentrate. To become a successful student It is important to focus on time - this is the desired nuance. Create ideal conditions, for example, silence, loneliness. Disconnect the phone, hang a sign on the door where it is written that you cannot be disturbed.
  4. Drink into the essence, the root of the subject. So you activate the mind, memory. In some cases, mechanical memorization helps. But do not replace them with an understanding of the common essence of the subject itself.
  5. Create visual images in your head. Those images that are much brighter, faster are remembered. Therefore, if possible, clearly present the necessary information.
  6. Retell what you learned. Tell the learned subject to mom or dad. When a person explains himself, he understands better.
  7. Use knowledge in practice. There is no sense if you do not use your knowledge in life. If you understand that the subject being studied will be useful in the future, you will begin to absorb it better.
  8. Do not be lazy to study. If you are too lazy to defeat one or another object, remember what Bovuy said: “Not all minds die from wear. Many "rust" because they are not used. "
  9. Do not give up your studies. During your studies, you might think that nothing comes out with you. Study is given slowly, and the result is bad. But this is perhaps only the machinations of your laziness. Every time you feel that you are giving up, remember why you are doing this.
It is important not to be lazy
It is important not to be lazy

TOP-6 qualities of a successful student

There is several evidence that it is precisely the character traits that form performance. We list the main qualities of a successful student:

  1. Lessiness. The character trait to love and correctly evaluate life - it sounds unconvincing in the world of marks, but love and safety are able to nourish many qualities necessary for good studies. This quality implies the following - you must be an open person who is ready for interaction. Rejoice in training, communicating with others, your achievements and society of friends. It all nourishes your confidence and curiosity while studying.
  2. The ability to think adequately. For many years, this quality has been considered the basis of successful training. Thanks to him, you think freely, realistically, you are a more creative person, do not face depression and anxiety.
  3. Self -discipline. Scientists were able to prove that this quality of character helps the child to control his own impulses that improve health, internal harmony in the future.
  4. Honesty. Students who say: “I was able to learn some kind of natural science well”, analyze my own knowledge as follows: “I know everything about photosynthesis, but I’m not sure that I was able to master the atom and its structure.” Honesty is important to yourself, because in issues of knowledge it will help you identify your weaknesses and pay attention to them. Thanks to her, you will build an excellent relationship with teachers, mentors. Honesty attracts confidence.
  5. Courage. The study of something new is a meeting with something unknown. Successful students are also afraid of this, but are able to cope with their fear, concentrate. Faced with failure, repeat the attempt. So you will safely follow school life.
  6. Kindness. Pupils who study well are kind to themselves. They know for sure that training is sometimes difficult, and they are not always clear to them. However, such students try to adhere to “necessary” thoughts, encourage themselves, move on. Thanks to kindness, you will attract other people, reinforce your experience with their support, will work productively in the company of classmates.
A kind child is a good student
A kind child is a good student

How to become a successful student at school?

  1. Title the items necessary for study, the office. Make individual notebooks for all subjects, make sure that you have all the training supplies, throw out things that you do not need.
  2. Prepare your workplace. Highlight the place in the apartment, which will be yours where you will do your homework.
  3. Prepare training books in advance. Often teachers give the students the right literature, which will be needed in the next academic year. Collect the necessary books in advance. View them. So you will understand what structure they have. Read the first chapters of these books, even if this teacher did not ask. Take additional literature. You will need this literature for extracurricular study. Thanks to her, you will understand the subject.
  4. Talk to the teacher what he expects from you. Talk about all subjects with teachers. What does the teacher pay special attention to? How will you improve the marks? Does the teacher encourage additional work? If you know these features, you can understand what exactly to pay attention to when learning.
And what does the teacher expect from you?
And what does the teacher expect from you?

Memo how to become a successful student

  1. Be careful. How to become a successful student? First, study each teacher. You must understand who you will agree with, with whom this will not be. Also get acquainted with classmates. Some classmates are able to help in study, while others will only distract. Pay special attention to the class teacher. It is on this teacher that will depend a lot.
  2. Work. It is a pity, but many children relax, begin to be lazy during their studies. The perfect method to overcome laziness - do not postpone lessons for later. Do your homework on time, for this you will receive rewards from parents and teachers.
  3. Be curious. Teachers love when students are interested in their subject. Ask more questions to teachers, ask for additional literature. For such work, you will receive advantages. The teacher will celebrate you, encourage you. Sit in the lessons with interest, look at the teachers, nod him when the teacher says something, write down notes in a notebook.
  4. Keep calm. For most children, classes are stress. Strong loads, a large number of lessons, a lot of homework. Do not respond acutely to the problems that you have. Find a lesson that will distract you, calm you down. Sign up in a circle, find a passionate hobby, for example, modeling from dough, sports and so on.
  5. Make useful acquaintances. You can’t do without them. Get your "" person at school. When controversial situations arise, this person will tell you what you should do, it will help yourself.
  6. Take care of the time. Remember your day, fix what you did, indicate how much time you spent on a particular task. In the evening, watch the records. Thanks to this note, you will learn to cherish your own time. In addition, you will develop the correct daily routine and delete unnecessary classes, replacing them with useful ones.
  7. Lay at the time that is allotted to complete homework. If you learn to the 8th grade, you will have enough 2 hours 30 minutes. If you study in high school - 3 hours 30 minutes.
  8. Make lessons from 16 hours and ending at 19 hours.
  9. Before you do homework, ventilate the room, prepare a desk, remove all the extra, that which can distract you.
  10. Rest between the completion of tasks for 5-15 minutes.
  11. Turn into the work quickly. So, for example, charging, performed in the morning in front of the school. Thanks to her, you will be awake all day, maintain performance.
  12. Follow your health, eat correctly, get enough sleep, organize your regime, strive to achieve goals.
For success
For success

How to help the child become a successful student: tips for parents

Many parents do not know what to do so that their children are successful students. The following tips will help you with this:

  1. Support the child in his desires. The child, regardless of age, wants to be accepted. The desire to accept, love is the main needs of not only children, but also parents. The child must freely fulfill himself, be independent in his desires. Do not direct it to the goals that seem to you most important. The hobby of the child may seem wrong to you, but he will still look for this important for himself, his own development. Listen to your child, listen to him, support in study and new endeavors.
  2. Encourage children's achievements, do not scold if the child was mistaken. The child must believe in his own strength, in this you must help him. After that, he will feel that he will cope with many difficulties on the thorny path of education.

    Help your child
    Help your child
  3. Create such conditions so that the child gets used to independence. Many parents make a mistake when they help their son or daughter make lessons so that they do not make many mistakes. If you insure the child, he will not be able to do something on his own in the future. They learn from mistakes.
  4. Teach a child to social skills. Talk to your child, talk to him. Teach him to express his own feelings, respect the surrounding interlocutors. Follow the child’s speech so that he speaks properly, build proposals, forms his thoughts. Give him the opportunity to speak out. Discuss with the teenager the situation that happened to him. Find out the details, his attitude, build a friendly dialogue, just spend more time with your child.
  5. Teach a teenager to navigate the world of information so that he checks it, structures. One of the important skills is the opportunity to quickly process information. To know where to find this or that information, to write it down correctly is the initial step to successful studies. Your child must also decipher the information received, structure and analyze data, tables.

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