Why a girl, a woman suddenly suddenly stopped talking, writing, calling as before: what's the reason, what to do? Why, because of what a girl, a woman stops communication without explanation and visible reasons?

Why a girl, a woman suddenly suddenly stopped talking, writing, calling as before: what's the reason, what to do? Why, because of what a girl, a woman stops communication without explanation and visible reasons?

The reasons why the girls cease to communicate.

Human relationships are a complex thing. Sometimes it is completely difficult to find a topic for conversation. Often, it would seem, stable couples part due to banal and trifling reasons. Moreover, the girl becomes the initiator of the rupture of the relationship.

Why, because of what a girl, a woman stops communication without explanation and visible reasons?

If it seems to you that the girl began to communicate with you less often, then ask her right for what reason. Do not come up with yourself, as you can make a mistake.

Reasons options:

  • Resentment. For some reason, a young person is angry. Moreover, the reason may be very simple. There are people who are very simple to offend, since they themselves do not mind playing the role of the victim. In this case, the girl should leave, because games with resentment will continue forever.
  • Different interests. This happens after a short communication or first date. The girl does not see the future in your relationship. The couple should look in one direction.
  • Workload. Usually, the fair sex warns that they will be busy. The guilt may be work, study or family affairs.
  • The desire to part. This is of course not the best way to stop relations, but many girls and men resort to it. They just stop calling and writing to each other without warning. It happens too. Therefore, if the partner does not get in touch and ignores your messages, do not insist.
Why, because of what a girl, a woman stops communication without explanation and visible reasons?
Why, because of what a girl, a woman stops communication without explanation and visible reasons?

What to do if a woman, the girl stopped communicating sharply, write, call?

It is necessary to analyze the situation. If this is a dating period and you are not together for so long, continue to further show the initiative. If together for a long time, both partners should show the initiative. At the early stage, the initiator is usually a man, but with the girl’s interest, communication becomes equivalent. Everyone wants to communicate and write, call each other.

What to do:

  • Initially, you need to find out what happened. You can find out through friends or ask the girl. Perhaps she has problems at home or at work and now her thoughts are busy with troubles.
  • Try to maintain communication in every way. But do not impose. Constantly write and be interested in business.
  • If the girl answers very dryly, reduce communication, but continue to write once every 1-2 days.
  • If a girl does not answer your messages at all, then most likely she is not ready to communicate and continue her relationship. Leave her alone.
  • It is best to meet and talk heart to heart. Of course, there is a category of girls who do not like to say directly that they are not interested in communication. In this case, the constant ignore says that the lady does not want to continue communication.
What to do if a woman, the girl stopped communicating sharply, write, call?
What to do if a woman, the girl stopped communicating sharply, write, call?

The girl stopped writing first, less and less began to communicate, call, answer in correspondence: what to do?

There are many reasons why communication becomes less often or completely ceases. First of all, this is a loss of interest. Perhaps the girl herself wants communication to come to naught. In this case, she will not call first. Only dry communication on the phone can be expected from her.

What to do:

  • In no case should you stop communication. Thus, you will show that you do not care. Perhaps the girl wants closer communication, and waits for you to take the first step.
  • Also do not strain. That is, you do not need to call her 5 times a day. It should be unobtrusive communication. A pair of phrases per day is enough for the girl to understand that it is not indifferent to you. For example, “Like a Day” or in the morning a message “Good day”. The lady will understand that you do not care and are interested in how she is doing.
  • Do not run and come home to the girl. This is very intrusive. There are times when a girl is not ready to communicate with you.
  • If you want to talk, but the girl does not answer calls, come to her work or meet at the university. Just do not roll up scenes and find out the relationship in public.
The girl stopped writing first, less and less began to communicate, call, answer in correspondence: what to do?
The girl stopped writing first, less and less began to communicate, call, answer in correspondence: what to do?

As you can see, the girl’s silence does not always speak of her indifference. Perhaps she has trouble or she wants to rest.

Video: The girl stopped talking

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  1. Yes, they are not a wonderful floor, disgusting. Some are normal, some are not. I disagree. There will be all -born girls on the road of life, who will first communicate with you normally, and then leave and say, for example: “Yes you are a gondon”

  2. I agree with the posts from above and such all -born among women are generally full, of course there is the norms of the girl with whom it will be clear something or not to spend their time they can even be capable of you, even to say right, “Sororyan, only friendship” or “Sorry you are sorry” You don’t catch me ”)) The problem of women is that they think that they supposedly choose someone, etc. In fact, we solve, choose and show the initiative. If no one approaches to the woman, she will remain with her stupid sterotypes, templates, requests, expectations, pride and cats in the moonlit case. All the “proud and independent” women advice - come to your mind and finally begin to understand that no one owes nothing to anyone. Moreover, tolerate dumb and unnecessary frost in correspondence, when everything was fine before. It is easier to find the one that can take at least 5 minutes a day to the answer and finds the strength and brains normally to write that it is tired, there are some problems, will not be able to get in touch, etc. than this uncertainty and dumb frost.

  3. A very good comment that can be turned into an article no worse than we read now.

  4. This is called shorter splendor. Support for all and everything around the special atmosphere of girls development. The guy is everywhere and all should. The girl as an infantile child only chooses. This is her main “invented” task. Previously, as the guys were chosen, but now all the "heroes". No one is equal to anyone. All independent and independent. Replacing roles and so on.

  5. Evgeniy
    The answer is the bomb, you definitely need to be a female psychologist !!!

  6. And you did not think that the girl herself is in love and afraid that if she begins to communicate, then he will reveal herself ..
    My chosen one is generally older than me and is also married.
    And when I see him, or I am nearby, I have a feeling that the language is numb and except "Hello!" And "for now!" I can't utter a word ..
    But with what warmth these basic words of greeting and farewell come out of my lips ..

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