Folk puzzles with answers for children and adults - the best selection: 135 riddles

Folk puzzles with answers for children and adults - the best selection: 135 riddles

A selection of folk riddles for children and adults.

Folk riddles are a great way to have fun with the family. With their help, you can use long autumn and winter evenings. In addition to the entertainment function, such verbal puzzles can be used for educational purposes. If there are children in your house, you can always use folk riddles, as one of the ways to get acquainted with the outside world. The most pleasant thing is that in this case the training will take place in a playful way.

Folk riddles for adults

Folk riddles for adults

Adults, just like children like to spend time with benefit. For this, folk riddles were invented. For a modern person, certain answers may seem difficult as some words are no longer used in everyday life. Therefore, to solve such verbal puzzles, it will be necessary to connect all your knowledge.

Folk riddles for adults:

  1. You take a look - you cry, but there is no more beautiful in the world. (Answer - Sun.)
  2. Above Babkina hut hangs bread. (Answer - month.)
  3. White carrot grows in winter, in the spring disappears without a trace. (Answer - icicle.)
  4. Running, running - he will not run out. (Answer - river.)
  5. At first it is green, then white, then blue. (Answer - currants.)
  6. Among the yard there is a shock, in front of a pitchfork, a broom behind. (Answer - cow.)
  7. Without hands, without an ax, a hut is built. (Answer - bird nest.)
  8. There are a pitchfork, a rake on the pitchfork, above the rake of the sapun, above the sapuna gag, above the outfit field, and behind the field is a dense forest. (Answer - man.)
  9. Under the bridge, bridge, under the city, settlement, two pipes were trumpeted, two candles glowed, two sables played. (Answer - lips, teeth, nose, eyes, eyebrows.)
  10. I will open a stable, I will release a herd of white sheep. (Answer - mouth, teeth.)
  11. In the spring it amuses, colds in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in winter. (Answer - wood.)
  12. An iron nose in the ground has grown, digs, digs, loosen the ground. (Answer - plow.)
  13. Krivogogi disheveled, toothy will cheat. (Answer - Soha and harrow.)
  14. Little Dorotheiko is underfalled short. (Answer - sheaf.)
  15. No windows or doors are full of flocks of swans. (Answer - cucumber.)

Russian folk riddles with answers

Russian folk riddles with answers

Old Russian riddles are very interesting. Yes, it is likely that they will not be able to solve them the first time, but by connecting all your knowledge, it will be possible to correctly answer the verbal puzzle.

Russian folk riddles with answers:

  1. Tolsta’s mother, daughter is red, the son of a brave man went under heaven. (Answer - stove, fire, smoke.)
  2. Water, chopped, torn, twisted and put on the table. (Answer - tablecloth.)
  3. I was in a fire, I was in a circle, fed one hundred goals, became old - I began to swaddled, threw it out of the window - and did not fit the dogs. (Answer - Pit for cooking.)
  4. Liska fled near the forest close, jumping along the tops of the trees, did not step on the ground - not to catch up, not to see. (Answer - Sun.)
  5. As he enters the house - you will not drive a stake, but the time comes - he himself leaves. (Answer - Ray of the Sun.)
  6. From a high road, the bull -hooded goby looks. (Answer - month.)
  7. Grandfather Bridge is a bridge without an ax, without a bit. It turned out the bridge strong, but only one winter stood. (Answer - ice)
  8. There was lanky - it was bogged into the damp ground. (Answer - rain.)
  9. Twelve eagles, fifty -two galks demolished one egg, and left it in one nest. (Answer - year.)
  10. The Black Cow has overcome the whole world, drove people into the yards and huts. White came - she raised the whole world. (Answer - night and day.)
  11. He feeds everyone, both old and small, but she does not ask, only she gives everything. (The answer is the Earth.)
  12. They drink my blood, my bones are burning, they beat each other with my hands. (Answer - birch.)
  13. Do not break the pot - you won’t eat porridge. (Answer - walnut.)
  14. What you love, you can’t buy it, and what you don’t like - you won’t sell it. (The answer is youth and old age).
  15. Lies a deck in the middle of the swamp - does not rot, does not dry. Only sometimes the white light is shown. (Answer - language.)

Folk puzzles with answers about animals

Folk puzzles with answers about animals

Folk riddles with answers about animals:

  • Bel, like snow, put on like fur, walks on shovels. (Answer - goose.)
  • The brothers stood on stilts, looking for food along the way. On the run, on the go, do they not get off the stilts. (Answer - cranes.)
  • He walks on the ground, does not see the sky, nothing hurts, and everything groans. (Answer - pig.)
  • There are wings, but it doesn’t fly, there are no legs, but you will not catch up. (Answer - fish.)
  • In a cramped hut, the old woman canvas woves. (Answer - bees.)
  • Who in the forest without axes builds a hut without corners? (Answer - ants.)
  • Flies - howls, sits down - the earth is digging. (Answer - beetle.)
  • In front of the wire, back to Vilt, a towel from below. (Answer - Swallow.)
  • The farm helps us and willingly populates his wooden palace. Dark bronze ... (Answer - Squarer.)
  • All migratory birds are black, cleans the arable land from worms. Back and forth on the arable land, and the bird is called ... (Answer - rook.)
  • Knocking - my head hurts, not knocking - hungry. (Answer - woodpecker.)
  • In a deserted taiga, a pot is standing. It always boils in the afternoon, quietly seething at night. (Answer - anthill.)
  • Not a tailor, I don’t sew clothes anyone, but all my life with needles walks. (Answer - hedgehog)
  • Not a ride, but with spurs, not a watchman, but the whole village wakes up. (Answer - rooster.)
  • The hut is crazy, the permanent people live in it. Day and night work. (Answer - hive.)

Folk sayings

Folk sayings

Folk sayings-mystery:

  1. Ah, don't touch me! I will burn you without fire. (Answer - nettle.)
  2. Without windows, without doors, a chapel of people is full. (Answer - pumpkin.)
  3. Without arms, without legs, and climbs uphill. (Answer - dough.)
  4. Without a tongue, without a voice, and everything to small children will tell an interesting fairy tale. What's this? (Answer - book.)
  5. The white awl was stitched by the earth, all drilled. (Answer - wheatfold.)
  6. White peas on a green leg. They stagger in the wind. (Answer - lily of the valley.)
  7. White sheep runs around a candle. (Answer - verba.)
  8. The white pebble melted, left traces on the board. (Answer - chalk.)
  9. The white animal in the snow wrote a message. The red -haired message read, and she easily found a white animal. (Answer - Hare and Fox.)
  10. In a small nut, a cheerful green beauty stands like a picture. (Answer - Christmas tree.)
  11. In the field of earrings on thin legs. (Answer - oats.)
  12. In the spring - in a colored sundress lies, in winter - sleeps in a white shirt. (Answer - field.)
  13. In the spring it dresses in green, in the fall it removes everything yellow. (Answer - forest.)
  14. All of gold is cast, stands on a straw. (Answer - Kolos.)
  15. The wave roared for a hundred sat down, for a hundred rivers. People heard and hid the huts. (Answer - thunder.)

Folk riddles for children

Folk riddles for children

Absolutely all the kids are terrible forki, and therefore do not be afraid to make them folk riddles. True, keep in mind that some words may not be familiar to the baby at all, and in order for him to cope with the task, he will need to help him. You can, for example, make subscription cards. More precisely, pictures that lead to the desired answer.

Folk riddles for children:

  1. Through the scout two brothers of the twin lives. But as they do not try, they do not see each other. (Answer - eyes.)
  2. Bloods ride near the barrel. One huge, the rest are small. (Answer - pig and piglets.)
  3. He lives in the white world, but as soon as the sunlight sees and inhale the air, he will die quickly. (Answer - fish.)
  4. The forest of the second - the forest will quickly get and will become food, but a month later the young forest will stand in the same place. (Answer - haymaking.)
  5. Oak socks are flying, flying and saying: “That's it! That's it! " (Answer - threshing by chains.)
  6. Baba Yaga, with a pitchfork leg, all the light feeds, and herself always remains hungry. (Answer - Soha.)
  7. The more I go back, I spin, the more I get into. (Answer - spindle.)
  8. A pig fled, a golden back, a linen tail. She ran into the mink and disappeared somewhere. (Answer - needle.)
  9. She was born in the water, but was afraid of water. As soon as it gets into it, it immediately disappears without a trace. (Answer - salt.)
  10. It doesn’t bargain, does not bite, but does not let it into the hut. (Answer - castle.)
  11. The very naked, and the shirt after the bosom. (Answer - candle.)
  12. Where is the water worth a pillar in winter and in summer? (Answer - well.)
  13. Sito Svito at four corners, on a hundred legs, on seven humps. (Answer - peasant hut.)
  14. A lively living woman on a living chair sits. (The answer is a child on the knees of an adult.)
  15. What is easy to wear and difficult to count. Even with the help of strangers. (Answer - hair.)

Russian folk riddles about plants

Russian folk riddles about plants

Russian folk riddles about plants:

  1. The scarlet, sugar, caftan green, velvet. (Answer - ripe watermelon.)
  2. The green calf is tied with a rope, lies on its side and gets fat. (Answer - cucumber.)
  3. The golden sieve of black houses is full. (Answer - sunflower.)
  4. Red matryoshka, white heart. (Answer - raspberries.)
  5. Egor is standing in Red Ermolka, whoever passes, every bow serves. (Answer - strawberries.)
  6. Black, small, sweet - cute guys.  Under the green leaves hides . (Answer - blueberries.)
  7. The Fedosya is sitting on the bed, having blossomed the will. (Answer - onions.)
  8. Mala baby, a golden corn. (Answer - millet.)
  9. As on the field, on the mound there is a chicken with earrings. (Answer - oats.)
  10. Small, remotely through the ground passed, he found a red hat. (Answer - mushroom.)
  11. Cossacks stand, they are white caps. (Answer - mushrooms.)
  12. Small went into the ground, came in a blue hat. (Answer - flowering flax.)
  13. In winter, with a gray beard, in the summer the new grows up, falls away in the fall. (Answer - deciduous forest.)
  14. The ball was growing, the wind blew - and the ball flew away. (Answer - dandelion.)
  15. No one scares, and all trembles. (Answer - aspen.)

Folk asses about clothes and jewelry

Russian folk riddles

Folk asses about clothes and jewelry:

  1. It’s not the same, but you need the same baby and dead and good fellow. (Answer - shirt.)
  2. On the way, I walked, I found two roads. I had to run away on both my legs at once. (Answer - pants.)
  3. There is a head, there is no brain, ears are - there is no hearing. There is a back - there is no belly. (Answer - bast shoes.)
  4. Two roads came, went to both. (Answer - boots.)
  5. I walk on my head, albeit on my feet. I go barefoot, albeit in boots. (Answer - a nail in boots.)
  6. Rids, blushes, climbs on the leg. (Answer - red stockings.)
  7. Under the forest, forest, colorful wheels are hanging, girls are painted, well done they tease. (Answer - earrings.)
  8. Tolsto Svito, a hundred times overwhelmed. Someone guesses one hundred rubles, who does not guess, to that one hundred lashes. (Answer - beads.)
  9. Five closets, one door. (Answer - gloves.)
  10. He goes to the forest - he looks from the forest. He goes from the forest - he looks into the forest. (Answer - Kitamka.)
  11. What kind of friend, without whom a man will not leave the hut? (Answer - hat.)
  12. The secret pantry with all the new thing: there are matches, and tobacco, and a copper nickel. (Answer - pocket.)
  13. Two araps, relatives of his brother, knee -deep, everywhere with us are walking and protecting us.
    (Answer - boots.)
  14. A little Danilka hangs on a loop. (Answer - button.)
  15. I will wear it - the rim will become, take it off - the snake will fall. It does not give heat, but without it it is cold. (Answer - belt.)

Ancient folk riddles

Ancient folk riddles

Ancient folk riddles:

  1. A coil rolled, neither a beast, nor a bird, nor a stone, nor water - you will never guess. (Answer - Earth.)
  2. They beat me, pound me, turn, cut me - I endure everything and cry with all good. (Answer - Earth.)
  3. You can’t catch up with the Batyushkin’s horse, you won’t close the box to Matushkina, you won’t slide the tape. (The answer is the wind, the sky, the road and the earth.)
  4. One pours, the other drinks, the third turns green and grows. (Answer - rain, earth, bread.)
  5. The dawn-carrier, the red girl, walked around the field, dropped a tear, saw a month-did not say, the sun saw-it raised. (Answer - dew.)
  6. Comovato, nostril, and Gubato, and Gorbato, and dimly, and sour, and fresh, and tasty, and red, and round, soft, and firmly, and broken, and black. (Answer - loaf.)
  7. White Belyanka walked in the field, came home - she went in her arms. (Answer - wheat bread.)
  8. The teeth walk, the crests wave, the codes run around the field like a boy under a machine, they cut their ways. (Answer - harvest.)
  9. What sea is a breeze behind the village? In it, waves can be assembled, put in a bag.
    (Answer - field.)
  10. Sutul, hunchback, in front of swing. The whole field will overwhelm, come home, will go through the cracks. (Answer - sickle.)
  11. Who eats hay without mouth, with three teeth? (Answer - forks.)
  12. I am dawn in time, collecting time. I am fed myself and feed others. (Answer - plowman.)
  13. On the field, the horses are picked up on the frame. They eat silk grass, drink remote water. (Answer - sheaves.)
  14. There is a pillar in the field, at the pillar - a hundred brushes, at the hands - a hundred culsa, at the ring - a hundred lashes.
    (Answer - stog.)
  15. I got up from the ground - I became a hut. And the owner is, but does not live at home. (Answer - Copline.)

Folk riddles in fairy tales

Folk riddles in fairy tales

You can introduce a child to fairy tales with the help of folk riddles. If your baby is not very diligent, you can always interest his riddles from fairy tales.

Folk riddles in fairy tales:

  1. He left his grandmother, and left his grandfather. He sang songs under the blue sky, for the fox he became dinner. (Answer - Kolobok.)
  2. The temper is angry, the color of the Ser, he ate seven goats. (The answer is the wolf and the seven goats.)
  3. Grandma grabbed her grandfather tightly: “Oh, I can’t pull it out, help, children!” Good assistants will soon run up, win the stubborn general, friendly work. (Answer - turnip.)
  4. The guy sits on the stove, eating kalachi. He rolled around the village and married the princess.
    (The answer is in general command.)
  5. The sister's Alyonushka took the brothers of the bird. She played with her girlfriends, Brother Vanya blinked. (Answer-geese-swans.)
  6. Misha goes through the forest, carries the box on her back - the grandfather Masha baked pies with his grandfather. The intractable Misha around the finger circled! (Answer - Masha and the bear.)
  7. What kind of guest to the house came to three forest bears? I ate, drank, slept in three beds, and the owners returned - barely carried away my legs! (Answer - three bears.)
  8. Everyone has a wife as a wife, he has a frog. But in the end, Vanyushka will be happy about this. (Answer-Tsarevna-Snow.)
  9. Remember the fairy tale quickly, the character in it is a boy Kai. The queen is snowy, the heart froze, but the girl, tender, did not leave the boy. She walked in the cold, snowstorms, forgetting about food, bed. She went to the aid of a friend. What is his girlfriend's name? (The answer is Gerda from the Snow Queen.)
  10. My mother was born from a beautiful flower. Good, baby is simple! With an inch was a baby. If you read the fairy tale, you know what your daughter was called. (Answer - Thumbelina.)
  11. Like a woman, Yaga has no one leg, but there is a wonderful aircraft. Which? (Answer - stupa.)
  12. Here is a completely inseparable, short question - who put a wooden nose in an inkwell? (Answer - Pinocchio.)
  13. The swamp is her native house. Water is going to visit her. (Answer - Kikimora.)
  14. The evening would soon come close, and the long -awaited hour came to go to a fairy -tale ball in a gilded carriage! No one in the palace will know where I am, how I am called, but only midnight will come, I will return to my attic. (Answer - Cinderella.)
  15. A middle -aged man, with such a beard. He offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina, and in general for all people he is a notorious villain. Does anyone know who this is? (Answer-Karabas-Barabas.)

Video: Russian folk riddles for children according to the picture with answers

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