TOP-65 tips for love and happiness. Tough love tips that work according to psychologists

TOP-65 tips for love and happiness. Tough love tips that work according to psychologists

There are couples on which you want to look for a long time - they are happy, between a man and a woman respect, love, tenderness. Wise couples, like good wine - love and relationships even after years become stronger, spouses reveal feelings and emotions that are much deeper than before.

We will reveal you simple secrets of how to build relationships, to cultivate love that brings only harmony in relationships.

First love: tips

Tips for first love:

  1. You are faced with the fact that parents do not accept your first feelings and relationships? Take the position of neutrality. Do not conflict with your parents, do not devote much to your own experiences. By developing relationships, take care so that they do not affect other areas of your life. Pay attention family, school, friends, household chores.
  2. Do not plunge completely in relations with your soulmate, do not lose your individuality. You may think that this is impossible. However, complete dissolution in a love relationship can push a loved one from you.
  3. Are you completely confident in your own feelings? Do you know that your second half loves you too? Fight for your love - this is the main advice. Do not fight for those relationships in which only you love - this is not worth it, since you risk losing good relations with your family.

Teenage love: tips for parents

Tips for teenage love:

  1. Communicate with your child on an equal footing. The tone will work, but only in the opposite direction from you.
  2. Let the child understand that you understand him.
  3. Do not make fun of the child, do not make fun of his feelings. Take the child with all respect, since he is still vulnerable and vulnerable.
  4. Do not scream, do not be aggressive. Calm down, hold back your own feelings. Do not forget that rudeness can cause the child the same reaction.
  5. It is possible that the second half of your child is not perfect. But do not be very critical, as this can cause him a protest. The child will protect his feelings, which he will only intensify.
  6. Do not talk about the object of hobby for something dismissive, offensive - You can humiliate the child. Speak only the best - so you will increase trust.
  7. Do not forbid your child to meet with his object of adoration, Also in a rough form. This will lead to the opposite result. All because everything that is prohibited is fascinating even more.
  8. Do not conduct an obsessive lecture on sexual relations with your child when you learn about his love. It will only cause him excessive interest or offend his feelings.
  9. Invite the second half of the child home for dating. With this method, you can learn more about a person, about his qualities. Allow them to meet at home so that the children do not look for random and dubious shelters for meetings.
  10. Tell us about your own first relationships to find mutual understanding with the child -this is beautiful Advice about love your child. But do not warn him so that he does not do the same, because it runs your life once. Tell the child how you coped with the problem, turned circumstances to your own benefit.
  11. Let the teenager himself figure it out if he is disappointed in them. Let it come only from him. Thus, the child will feel that he himself can understand such situations, make decisions.
In teenagers
In teenagers

Unrequited love: advice

Tips for unrequited love:

  1. Cry - This is the very first advice with unrequited love. Thanks to tears, you will get rid of a stressful state. Get reduced, shout, throw out the pain that you have accumulated inside.
  2. Pity yourself, cry into a vest for a friend, mom. But do not bring it to the habit, such a mood can be no longer than a week.
  3. Take care of your own appearance, try to increase your self -esteem. You are worthy of something more than your beloved.
  4. Hate your beloved.
  5. Look at what happened to you, with a smile on the face. After some time, when you recall these feelings, you will also always smile.
  6. Do not think about the person you love.
  7. Get to know someone. So you switch to another person.
  8. Take care of some kind of hobby. Devote the hobby all the time that you will have free.
  9. Share your own spiritual unrest with loved ones. After a while, you will feel better, you will get rid of spiritual experiences.
  10. Understand, only time allows you to get rid of unrequited love, forget about the unfortunate relationship.
Take a step towards a new happy life
Take a step towards a new happy life

Tips on how to find love

Tips on how to find love:

  1. Eliminate the negative. Do not think that people are bad, the family is a difficult job. Changing such bad beliefs for good ones, you will begin to notice all good things, for example, good human qualities. Then it will be so - there will be more good in you, you will meet more good people.
  2. Forget about past experience in a relationship. Do not live the past. If earlier you had a bad relationship, because of which you were only bad, rethink for what reasons this happened. Make conclusions, thank life for the experience that was presented to you. Next time you will not make mistakes, your relationship will be stronger.
  3. Love yourself -important advice,which will help to find love. Remove all masks, open for love. Believe that you are a good, kind, happy and wonderful person. When you love yourself, you will also love the whole world around the world and people, nature. You are love itself.
  4. Be an open person. Be open to everything that happens in your own life. Do not be afraid that something will not work out for you, you will not want to understand, you will not find love. Open to the world, he will reciprocate.
  5. Take care of what you love. In home bustle, people do not have time to do what they like. You do not forget that you should be happy. The favorite pastime will be your hobby, then your favorite work, which brings excellent income. The desire to find your own love is present, but you do not notice it. You concentrate less on it, and life itself selects the perfect pair.
  6. Do not chat much about your love, relationship. Do not forget that happiness loves silence. The same applies to love. Do not tell anyone about your feelings. Now there are few people who really can be happy for you.
  7. Eliminate obsessive thoughts. To find love, do not look for it. Take the search only superficially, do not focus on this, eliminate obsessive ideas to find love. Let go of the situation itself, do not think about love, she will find you herself.
Find love
Find love

We attract love: tips

Tips for attracting love:

  1. Change yourself. Learn to be responsible for your own failures. Only losers complain about evil rock or failure. People who are successful, independently build their own life. They do not stop there, they quickly solve problems. If you can’t attract love, change your appearance. Take care of yourself, put the figure in order, change the wardrobe.
  2. Review your views on life, behavior. Appearance, of course, is only part of what helps attract love. You will have to completely change your own behavior, for example, become a good interlocutor, study the main rules of ethics, follow what you say. Do not scream during the conversation, because due to active gestures, obscenely speech with a person is not always pleased to speak.
  3. Believe in your happiness -one of the important tips for love.Let statistics show that in most cases the couples are divorced, but without faith, you will not receive happy relationships and love.
  4. Remove sexual energy. Do you want intimacy? Men feel it good. They will begin to surround you with their own attention.
  5. Do not press the soulmate. Do not consider all men as a potential spouse. Men do not like women who have hypertrophied syndrome.
  6. Do not rush the events that you develop. Love is not considered competitions who will be the first to run to the registry office. Everyone becomes happy in its time, therefore, do not take what happened is losing tactics.
Attract love
Attract love

Love at a distance: tips

Tips for love at a distance:

  1. Do not be intrusive. A common mistake is the confidence that if there is a distance between you, you can compensate for this with regular calls, communication on the Internet. Don't do that. You and your partner will quickly get tired of such a relationship, because they take a lot of effort, time. The partner will think that you are a terrible owner, will begin to “choke”. Less does not mean worse.
  2. Imagine that Separation is your new life. Separation for a serious relationship is good. Think not about the fact that separation, like a curse and a source of suffering. Think that such a relationship is your General test. It can rallymake you closer.
  3. Agree on the boundaries and rules "on the shore". This applies to any romantic relationship. Sometimes it happens that the girl has already come up with the names of their joint children, and her beloved thinks that there is only a correspondence on the Internet between them. Agree with a partner, what is really the relationship between you.
  4. Come up with your joint rituals. So that there is live communication between you, do not move away from each other, just come up with your rituals. It can be some traditions, for example, every day tell how your day has passed, exchange photos, audio or videos.
  5. Use the video link -useful modern Advice about love. Not every person likes to use video links. But this convenient way does not need to be ignored. Let you not be pressed to each other, but look in your loved one in the eye. Take time to communicate every day, so that it is convenient for you and your partner.
Use the video link
Use the video link

How to admit love: Tips

  1. Do not think for a long time about how to admit love. Just tell me about feelings without waiting for a suitable case. Especially if you feel that your partner also loves you.
  2. It is not necessary to talk about love. Declare your own feelings with some actions. Be attentive to your loved one, support him, take care, give good emotions, encourage your partner. This is the only way he will notice that you have a reliable support.
  3. Replace the words with a manifestation of your feelings using facial expressions or gestures. Often people notice a strong sympathy when a person looks into their eyes or just smiles.
  4. Admit love using a passionate kiss. Do this by creating a romantic environment.
  5. Speak compliments. Admire your loved one, point to his positive qualities, do it sincerely. Just do not overdo it, as it may look like praise, love dependence.
  6. Present a surprisewhich will become a kind of subtext, hiding feelings and your love. Invite your beloved to the theater or to the restaurant.
  7. Be tender. Your partner will soon understand that you love him. Praise your favorite once again, hug.
  8. Write a letter about love -delicate and touching Advice about love. Expand your own soul, tell us about everything that is hidden in your soul. Use email or write a message by phone.
A letter about love
A letter about love

Tips on how to preserve love

Tips on how to preserve love:

  1. Calmly solve conflicts. Scandals often arise between spouses. This is a normal phenomenon. Do not forget that the differences in the views adds intrigue in love. But only when the scandals arose are solved successfully. Unresolved quarrels eventually cause severe damage to partners. In such situation keep relationships difficult. Find a compromise, listen to your loved one, understand his desires.
  2. Do not criticize your loved one. Any criticism kills feelings. Even if you think that you are beneficial, criticism still provides poor effect on humans. If you want your relationship with your partner to be harmonious and happy, control your criticism. Do not indicate to your beloved to his bad qualities, do not change a person, he himself must wish it.
  3. Do not be jealous. Jealousy is considered uncertainty, anger and envy. Get rid of jealousy, otherwise you will not keep love. Think about why you are jealous? Maybe you are afraid that the partner will leave you. Love yourself what you are. So you will become more confident, happy.
  4. Respect your loved one. Partners must respect each other. Especially when they have any problems. Some people who have been married for a long time perceive their partner for granted. They do not show love, do not care about a loved one, cease to respect him. If you are constantly busy with something, find a moment to understand what exactly the partner needs. It will do yours a joint life is happier. Do everything possible so that your beloved feels that you respect him, take care.
  5. Trust your beloved -this is important Advice about love. Work on your trust. Each relationship is based only on trust, which is mutual. But this is only if your partner does not cheat on you if you are completely sure of him. To come to this, be open to each other, do not store secrets.
Save love
Save love

How to return love: Psychologist's advice

  1. Torn the merger. Create a relationship where you are, it is and the distance that allows you to make personal space in a relationship. So the partner will be more interested in you.
  2. Restore trusting relationships -important Advice about love. When the beloved does not fulfill his own promises, trust disappears. Therefore, if you do not trust your loved one, then you need another person. The main problem here is the disappeared intimacy, the warmth in the relationship. The couple begins to be healed when it feels security, Listen to a partner, do not criticize him, do not blame him.
  3. Accept new obligations. Trust between partners is restored when they accept new obligations. Perhaps you need to conduct an audit in a relationship, notice the meaning in joint movement.
  4. Build dialogue. The easiest method to confirm that you heard a partner is to repeat his words. So you will put yourself in the place of your beloved. You will quickly notice magical changes in relationships. Since one of the main problems in the married couple is as follows-someone says little, and someone is a lot. Comers your conversation, put in touch with each other.
  5. Solve problems together. For example, express gratitude to each other, always travel together, spend the weekend in the family, go shopping, clean the houses together and so on.
Return love
Return love

Tips for happiness and love

  1. Get up in the morning with a smile. Think about what will happen to you today. Rejoice at every little things, positive emotions, a joint weekend.
  2. Try to have only to be next to you bright, good people with a great mood.
  3. Be interesting to yourself. Develop, daily learn about something new. Do not forget: a person who is not bored alone will be interesting to a partner.
  4. Do what allows you rejoice, love a loved one. Of course, there are such things or events that cannot be avoided. There are people with whom there is no desire to meet. Try to find something good in such people. You will soon begin to notice that your partner treats you better, your mood has improved.
  5. Do not doubt that you are an exceptional person. Any person is considered unique, he deserves love. Try to be proud of yourself, love your image. Only good changes will happen to you.
  6. Dream of relationships, love - advice that will help attract love. You can draw in your head all the details of your happiness, representing them colorful, bright. Imagine a loved one whom they would like to see near yourself.

Useful tips on the site:

Video: 15 hard tips about love that work

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  1. The author of unrequited love can become mutual. And your loved one can never be hated

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