How to learn a woman to love herself, respect and be sure - advice, important steps to self -improvement

How to learn a woman to love herself, respect and be sure - advice, important steps to self -improvement

For many centuries, women have achieved emancipation and, although now many professions that were previously considered purely “masculine” have mastered women, the beautiful half of humanity as it was and remains a weak sex. A woman is more vulnerable, more sensitive and usually not so easily adapted to the realities of today.

Everyone knows that the life path is not always and not for everyone was lunged with fragrant rose petals, sometimes one has to walk along thorns. How can you not break, survive and prove first of all to yourself that you are worthy of love and respect? And in addition, it still happened that in the modern world suddenly there are no more important criteria in human life than personal growth and spiritual self -development.

How to learn a woman to love herself, respect and be confident?

  • Often from the lips of media personalities, we hear assurances in the need to love yourself, and then everyone around you will love you. And we look at them on the other side of the screen and think about this: “I would be your appearance, moral and material well -being! Then I would reason in the same way. But, unfortunately, I have not been given all this. ”
  • It would seem that it’s easier - to love yourself. However, it is not enough for a person who has a lot of complexes: “Appreciate and love yourself, loved one!” So that all this mechanism, as if under the influence of some trigger, earned.
The love of others begins with self -love
The love of others begins with self -love

So what needs to be done in order to gain self -confidence? First of all, read, delve into and follow our recommendations!

Feel yourself uncertainty? Reveal that she is hiding behind

  • It is infinitely difficult to achieve success in development, to acquire better qualities, to give flights to aspirations and dreams if you feel a lot of shortcomings (and often far -fetched ones). But what if for a moment to abstract from all this and come up with yourself that you have high self-esteem, experience love and are quite ready to change your life, love yourself?
  • Such reasoning should cause you a whole flurry of feelings. Listen to them and try to understand what you personally want from those that have opened, albeit so far in fantasies, opportunities? How to overcome self -doubt? Not everything is as simple as it seems, this is a huge work on yourself.
  • In some cases, some inconvenience can be experienced. The result can be different and all attempts to change themselves can end as a victory and defeat. The role of low self -esteem is high, because it is protective reactionfor the fear of obtaining a refusal of anything.
  • Denying our own advantages, we allow ourselves to exclude all attempts in order to change the situation. For this, cliches are already prepared, such as: “I do not shine with beauty, it is impossible to fall in love with me. Who needs me? " or “In this work they will definitely refuse me, because I do not know English.” And at the same time, your conscience is calm, you can continue to “lie on your side” comfortably, since because of the “objective” circumstances you are far-fetched, you will not get the desired result.
  • Of course, many of us wish stability, and changes and unknown often scare. But with all this only development, forward movement They will help make life better and better.

Determine where self -doubt came from

  • Often, in the question why does self -doubt appearmakes itself to know an early childhood. If the family was accepted often criticize your daughter and compare her with other girls (not in her favor), then, for the most part, she will suffer from low self -esteem in adulthood.
  • And with the same soreness to respond to critical remarks of friends, acquaintances or colleagues. But it should be remembered that in nature there are no people endowed with only advantages. There are more than the disadvantages of everyone, but not everyone is hung up on this.
  • With them, these shortcomings, it is quite possible and necessary to live and develop, but at the same time stop blaming themselves for them. Finally learn treat yourself with respect!
Identify the source of uncertainty
Identify the source of uncertainty

Do what you like

  • Do you lack positive emotions? But they are very an important component in increasing self -esteem. If life gives you pleasure, then at this moment you are satisfied with yourself.
  • Find the mass reasons for small and great joys. It is worth signing up for any courses that are important for you, go to a disco, swim, ride a bicycle, take a foam bath in the evening, and in the morning to prepare your favorite cheesecakes for breakfast.
  • Maybe there will be new classes for the soul that will please you, help you love yourself - think about it. You need to use any opportunity to life was filled with pleasure and new skills.

Do not forget to praise yourself as often as possible

  • Often, having made this or that mistake, we reproach ourselves for it, but this usually does not bring positive results. Try to find this replacement - praise yourself for achievements, even small. For example, you often allow delayed work, and today you came on time. Praise yourself: “I am smart, I are distinguished by responsibility and discipline, I am among good employees,” and the next day you yourself will not want to linger.
  • This must be put into the rule, in the real canon of your life - completely exclude evil or humiliating thoughts in relation to oneself. Yourself, beloved, can only be encouraged and praised, because without believing your strength, you can’t significantly raise self -esteem and become more confident.
Praise yourself
Praise yourself

You need to plan your life

  • Take a sheet of paper and write on it all things that you need to do for week, month, year, Or maybe more. This may include points that concern work or study, new hobbies, relationships And anything else.
  • And then the word "need to" Change to "I want". Is it possible to carry out such a manipulation on all the written points of your plan? Or there are points in it that there is no desire to implement, but it is “necessary”? In this case, it is worth crossing them from the list. It is worth replenishing your vocabulary with words-assistants: "I want"; "it's important for me"; "I need it" And often repeat them.
  • For obvious reasons, you will still need to work. But if you do not have a desire to learn, for example, to knit or embroider, then let yourself do not do this now, perhaps not time.
  • Why not do those matters from which the soul becomes warmer? Move on the points of the list, trying to fulfill all the intended, and do not forget to praise yourself for success. You will be very surprised by your achievements if you do what you like. And any achievement will make it possible to experience pride in their successes and love yourself.
Plan your life
Plan your life

Convince yourself that you love yourself

  • There are times when you feel sad. And then the smile, the straightened shoulders and the straightened back help to cope with it. The same parallel can be drawn in the situation with self -esteem.
  • Imagine that you are experiencing love. Would you in this case with self -eating? Will you allow others and continue to manipulate yourself? Will you agree to anything less than you expect? The level of self -esteem It will rise instantly if you feel like a person who respects your desires and behave accordingly.

Evaluate your achievements at a high level

  • Everyone is striving for something, and everyone wants to approach the ideals unattainable for him, to love themselves. So we take an axiom - you, as well as everything around, are not perfect. But this cannot serve as a reason to diminish their achievements. You should develop skills in yourself sober assessment of their victories And, based on this, Set new goals.
  • Give yourself an assessment (honestly answer the question): "What am I?" (cheerful/sad), (generous/greedy), (active/lazy), (open/arrogant), etc. Next, it should be placed near each item Plus or Minus. Think about which of the minuses you can turn into a plus by raising your own the level of self -esteem.

Make a comparison of the two approaches: “I visited the gym for a long time, sat on a diet, and just lost 10 kg. And my friend Tanya continues to be more slender than me, ”or“ During this time I got rid of 10 extra kg, I am a big clever who has a special willpower. ” Here you don’t have to think about which of these two phrases a woman will say, who loves herself - of course, the second.

Believe that you are doing everything right

  • Do not guess what others need. “What is expected from me? How to do the right thing so that everyone is satisfied? " Listen to yourself and understand how you really want you.
  • And remember that there are no correct or wrong solutions. There are those who go in unison with your inner desire, and those that contradict him.

Remember: to increase self -esteem, it is important to believe in yourself, to love yourself.

Remember how you defend your boundaries

  • Do not allow the people who surround you to show you neglect. Do not tolerate humiliation from them. Determine the personal boundaries and let everyone know that they should not be violated. But at the same time, remember that the rest also have their own boundaries. You should learn respecting them, not to allow insulting to themselves.
  • If you are not enthusiastic about how you have acted with you, they should tell them about it. Maybe a person is simply not aware that he had wounded your pride for something.
  • Share what you consider to be important for yourself, and call your response to your response interlocutors or partners. Are you offended by your young man late for a date? Do not blow throughout the evening, but explain directly what hurt you for the living. If after that he will allow himself delay, then it is worth considering whether you need such meetings, because they undermine your self -esteem.
Defend your boundaries
Defend your boundaries

Do not be afraid to express your opinion

  • This is one of the most problematic tasks, because your own opinion can it hurts to hurt a person. Entering the controversy, be ready for this. It may happen that on some issue there is no its opinion. To have it, you need to develop, learn a lot of versatile information, read more, learn about the new, communicate with outstanding people.
  • Drop to the side of laziness study the most diverse questions and phenomena. When a person read and informed, then they communicate with him with great interest. And if your opinion is confirmed in addition to the arguments, then it is necessary with it will be considered.
  • In disputes, as in other life areas, they win more confident people. It is only learn to love and respect yourself How immediately people around you will relate to you the same way.

How to raise self -esteem to love yourself: 5 steps

Why do you need to think and evaluate yourself adequately? Yes, in order for harmony to arise among themselves and the world that surrounds you. And in this, effective practices will help us, designed to arouse respect for you.

To raiseself -esteem, you should go through several stages, i.e. How to fix it step by step. There are five steps that will help a woman to love herself:

  1. You need to behave as if you already had a high self-evaluation. Look from the side of the behavior of a woman emitting confidence in their own strength. Most likely, it looks stylish. Great makeup, hairstyle, fashionable clothing, flying gait. So, you should definitely visit a similar image! In order for self -esteem to increase, a woman should try to change her image, dress in new stylish clothes, buy elegant shoes, choose another aroma of perfume for herself. And you will certainly feel what is inside you, over time will adapt to your new appearance - a positive dynamics has started!
  2. You need to imagine one of the best and happy versions of oneself. You an impeccable appearance, among colleagues you enjoy authority, you do not have spiritual, intellectual, emotional, material problems. At the same time, it is worth taking a walk, fixing this feeling in memory. You will certainly like yourself in this state, looking at yourself as if from the side. And when you suddenly find yourself in a situation that threatens the fall of your self -esteem under the pressure of evil critics - remember that your future is fine It has a place for self -esteem, which means that it exists in real time.
  3. Look at yourself in love with your eyes. Your loved one is usually just closed by your gaze. In him - tenderness, love, hope The fact that everything will be fine with him. Every small detail does not bypass your attention, for you every it wrinkle, gestures and body (often very distant from the ideal) - charming. So for what such reasons do you not look at yourself in the same way? Recreat this feeling of love and the unconditional adoption of a person you adore as he is, and look at your mirror reflection.
  4. What you like - do, and what does not give you pleasure - do not do it. It is simple and difficult at the same time. If you do what you go out perfectly or you are surrounded by people with whom you are pleased to communicate with, then you have only positive emotions. It helps even better raise self -esteem. Try to exclude all the negative, not related to survival issues and satisfying the main needs. If it is difficult for you, find a minute in order to renounce all kinds of problematic moments and just enjoy peace.
  5. In love with yourself you need to go to the end. In no case should you give up your positions, no matter what happens to you: you suddenly they became poor, filled, lost weight or some difficulties in work arose. Do not stop love! If you begin to be tormented by weaknesses and errors, confront this. And do it as if you are staring up a person who is very dear to you.
Raise self -esteem
Raise self -esteem

Nobody gave anyone such rights - to crush or change you for himself. And the only woman with whom you must compare yourself is you yourself until recently. Only in this way can you see the growth of your “I” and decide what steps still need to be taken in order to fully begin to value and respect yourself.

Video: 5 ways to raise self -esteem

What does it mean to love yourself?

  • This is the same feeling as love for another person. Only the direction is different - inside yourself and for yourself.
  • It is expressed in caring for yourself. You need to think About your health, eat good and right, instill a set of good habits, do good for yourself.
  • Constantly yourself to hear and listen is to love yourself. Dive the time to relax from daily routine cases, heavy thoughts, monotonous work.
  • Cognition of the new will give you Feeling of excitement and self -confidence. Find for yourself an outlet take care of dancing, painting, yoga.
  • Friendship with itself includes the encouraging, delight with his successes, recognition of his individuality and faith in further success.
  • The ability to forgive yourself, getting rid of weaknesses, past mistakes, fears.
Love yourself
Love yourself

In order for a woman to learn how to love herself to concentrate on trust in herself and the universe:

  • She has no desire to take something from her neighbor or dispose of someone's life at her discretion.
  • Such a person knows how appreciate your own and other people's time, can respond with a refusal to someone's request, not offending the petitioner and not experiencing guilt for a forced refusal.
  • She emphasizes her The strengths and take into account the dignity of the rest.
  • She does not fall to the abuse and condemnation of the actions of other people.
  • Loving person is inherent Bowling and harmonious, he successfully protects his personal boundaries and respects strangers.
Usefulness in the end
Usefulness in the end

Love for yourself - This is a complete awareness and acceptance of himself as a person, which makes it possible for a person to feel his inner well -being. Surrounding are drawn to people who love themselves due to the fact that they come from them warmth, kindness, love.

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Video: How to love yourself and accept yourself?

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