How to choose the right mattress for a double bed, given its size? Which mattress is better to choose: unilateral or bilateral, spring or without springs, with which filler, cover, what rigidity, which manufacturer: tips

How to choose the right mattress for a double bed, given its size? Which mattress is better to choose: unilateral or bilateral, spring or without springs, with which filler, cover, what rigidity, which manufacturer: tips

In this article, we will consider which mattress it is better to choose for sleep and comfort.

Every day all people spend for about 8 hours in a dream. The health of a person depends on the convenience and arrangement of the mattress, his mood in the morning and performance for a whole day. Buying a normal bed is only half the problem.

It is also necessary to choose a high -quality mattress, since in case of error, pain in the body and ridge, insomnia, and even an allergic reaction may occur. It is very difficult to make the purchase correctly. In appearance, all mattresses are quite similar, but they can differ significantly. For example, by type of filler, the presence of springs and other parameters.

How to choose a mattress for a double bed, given its size?

In order not to make mistakes while choosing a mattress, consider the following important rules:

  • First measure the inner length of the bed, then measure its width.
  • If you have purchased a new bed, you must get a passport in addition to it. It is in this passport that manufacturers are indicated by all the necessary indicators of the furniture element.
  • Immediately decide which mattress on stiffness you want to buy.
  • Do you want to purchase a combined model, or at once 2 small mattresses? So that you do not notice a special difference, buy a pile in advance.
The choice of mattress
The choice of mattress

When you measure the bed, you can get non -standard data. For example, instead of a 2 m long bed, you will get a 2 m 1 cm product. This is not scary at all. As a rule, such a small difference is considered normal. However, if the difference is more than 2 cm, then order the mattress. Otherwise, your acquisition will slide into the opening or not fit on the bed.

Which mattress is better: a spring or a model without springs

The main feature of each mattress is the presence or absence in the block with the springs. Both the first and second option is suitable for relaxation.

A mattress with springs

This design can be the following types:

  • With a dependent block with springs (Bonell mattress)
  • With an independent block with springs

Mattress that has dependent spring block, about 6 decades are made. The peculiarity of such a product - the springs inside each other are attached. For manufacturing, as a rule, a cold steel wire is used. Springs of this type are in the form of a cone or cylinder.

With springs
With springs
  • The main advantage of such designs - They are much cheaper, but at the same time are considered very durable.
  • The springs may have some disadvantages. For example, since the springs are interconnected, the pressure on some elements can cause an instant “answer” to the rest. This is especially noticeable on double products, especially if sleeping people have a significant difference in weight.
  • In addition, the mattress with springs begins to be poured over time, especially in the central part. As a result, you can get a not comfortable place, but a kind of hammock. If you are interested in an orthopedic mattress, thereby getting a healthy sleep, then this option will not suit you. Such a mattress can be applied in a summer cottage.
  • Mattress that is equipped independent spring block - This is a design with unrelated springs. Each spring in such a mattress has its own fabric cover. The advantage of the product - springs are able to adapt to sleeping people, and the presence of the case eliminates the risk of creaks. This mattress perfectly supports the ridge and takes its shape.
  • The next positive side of the mattress is its highest quality, plus a relatively low cost.

A mattress without springs

These designs have one or more layers that are made of natural or artificial material. At the same time, the rigidity of mattresses, respectively, is also different.

Without springs
Without springs
  • The most affordable and inexpensive option is a non -free model that has a foam rubber as a basis. Initially, on this mattress you will be very comfortable, but over time it will bend.
  • A mattress manifests itself much better than itself, in which foam is mixed with various additives, for example, with latex. This product has increased elasticity and long life.
  • However, the most durable can be safely called a mattress, which is fully made of natural latex. It is elastic, elastic, does not cause allergies.

Double bed mattress: fillers

The filler is a special material thanks to which the mattress is elastic and hard. Natural fillers are considered the most ideal. They “breathe”, can withstand increased loads and have high wear resistance. Such elements are expensive when compared with artificial fibers. But if your weight is above 100 kg, then you better choose a natural filler.

The most popular today are the following natural fillers:

  • Latex. For the manufacture of this material, rubber tree juice is used. This material is quite elastic, elastic, it is able to pass air and maintain the spine. Latex, as a rule, is used in cases if it is necessary to give the product the desired softness.
  • Coconut Koyra. For the manufacture of this filler, coconut fibers are used. This filler is considered more tough than latex. The quality of the product depends on the thickness of this filler. For example, if the thickness of the material is 1 cm, then the mattress will turn out not very hard. If the thickness of the filler is 3 cm, then the product will be very rigid. Koyra does not absorb the smell and moisture, it does not cause allergies, plus passes the air well.
  • Horsehair. This filler is as follows: horse hair is cleaned and pressed. The material is considered quite rigid, elastic and wear -resistant. However, it is slightly inferior in stiffness to the previous filler. It is used, as a rule, for the manufacture of expensive products.
  • Sisal. It is used to fill mattresses very often. It is wear -resistant, durable, moisture evaporates well from the material.
Fillers for the mattress
Fillers for the mattress

Of the artificial fillers, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Poliuretan foam. Simply put, this is an ordinary foam. This filler is used for both expensive and cheaper products. Foamen can have a different thickness, density, and quality of execution. But at the same time, each option has good elasticity and breathability.
  • Hollofiber. This material in its own operational properties is not inferior to natural fillers. The composition of the material includes small spirals that hold heat well, do not absorb moisture and extraneous smells, do not deform for a long time, have excellent breathability.
  • ORMAFOAM. This filler is very hard, has a porous structure, it passes the flow of air well.
  • Memororforms. This filler is adjusted to the shape of the human body, plus it gives back pressure to a person during sleep.

Also used, but in rare cases, felt, woolen fibers, strutofiber and other materials.

Case for mattress: Views

The case for the product choose the one that is made of durable and strong material so that it is wear -resistant and passes perfectly the air. As a rule, it is made of cotton or linen fabric. But there are models that are made of artificial materials, for example, from polyester. However, the most ideal option is mixed fiber, for example, Jacquard. The composition of this fabric contains cotton threads and polyester.

Many manufacturing companies also use a special impregnation as an addition, which protects the mattress from insect penetration, from fire. The material ornament can also be different, but it does not play an important role for the product itself.

Today on sale you can find a removable or non -removable cover.

  • Removable. The most tightly adjacent to the mattress, and therefore is considered the most ideal option. Taking to the mattress in addition to a sulfound, you can easily and quickly remove and clean it. Many covers can have a small layer of filler, as a result of which they adjust the rigidity of the product.
  • Non -removable. It is difficult to rent this case at home, and therefore it will be difficult for you to clean it.

How to decide on the rigidity of the mattress: tips

The rigidity of the product should maintain a sleeping ridge, so that in a dream he takes the correct position. When choosing a mattress, consider the following points:

  • Soft mattress Suitable for people who have little weight, and people with a spinal disease. As a rule, the filler in such mattresses Latex or Hollfiber, sometimes orthopedic foam. The more filler over the springs, the softer the product.
  • Middle-fierce mattress. Suitable for people who have medium complexion. This design is considered universal, it contains a combined filler of various rigidity.
  • Hard mattress. On such a mattress, large people can sleep. A conceived such product has an enhanced spring block so that the mattress can withstand strong loads.
Upholstery for the mattress can be different
Upholstery for the mattress can be different

During the selection, also consider your wishes. But, if you have different stiffness requirements with the second half, you should consider the following tips:

  • A mattress of different stiffness. In such a product, as a rule, a spring block and filler are in different halves. Such models are radically different.
  • A mattress that has a Dual Spring spring block. The product is equipped with a double spring block, where the springs have a different diameter. If you plan to purchase a mattress for a small person, then an external spring with a large diameter will work in the design. If you take a mattress for a large person, then the load will switch to both external and internal springs.
  • Want to choose the perfect option? Then purchase 2 single mattresses that have clearly defined indicators, combining them into one design.

Which mattress is better to choose: one -sided or bilateral?

Many mattresses presented in stores are one -sided. But some manufacturing companies also make bilateral products. In such mattresses, the parties can have different coatings, and therefore they are considered comfortable during application regardless of the season. The most common side is the “winter”. It is equipped with a woolen layer and a soft filler. The “summer” side is covered with hygroscopic material, which intensively passes the air.

If you are worried about joints and ligaments, then you should definitely purchase a similar mattress. The design of this mattress perfectly supports the musculoskeletal system, repeats the shape of the body, prevents the risk of numbness of the limbs. In order for your health to never fail you, choose any mattress at your discretion: double or single. It will become a prevention for various diseases that directly touch the back.

Mattresses can be one -sided and bilateral
Mattresses can be one -sided and bilateral

Orthopedic mattress It has the following advantages:

  • It prevents spinal diseases, supports it during rest.
  • Since the mattress has an orthopedic effect, the body is correctly and naturally located on it. Therefore, when you rest, you can always get enough sleep, restore strength after work, and therefore you will feel great throughout the day.
  • The mattress cures certain serious diseases, for example, diseases of the nervous system, headaches, diseases associated with joints and so on.
  • Modern orthopedic mattresses are considered completely fireproof. In addition, they are treated with drugs that prevent the formation of a dust tick. Plus, such designs cannot absorb moisture, “breathe” perfectly and ventilate.

Which company mattress is better to choose?

The name of the manufacturer is, of course, the quality of the product. At present, no one will risk their own reputation. Therefore, you can easily trust the next manufacturers and brands:

  • Askona. This domestic company has long been releasing mattresses that have or do not have spring. Absolutely all the goods are certified.
  • Mediflex. The next company operating in the Russian market. She produces orthopedic mattresses of the highest quality.
  • IKEA. This company makes quality goods, and therefore it never needed additional advertising.
  • Dormeo. Italian company producing mattresses in a wide variety.
  • ORMATEK. This company is considered one of the large firms in the domestic market. She releases mattresses of different designs.
Popular manufacturer of mattresses
Popular manufacturer of mattresses

When choosing a mattress, you must definitely test it: check the product for quality, for what rigidity it has. If the mattress is not very comfortable, you will notice it almost immediately. Remember, the mattress is one of those elements on which you better not save your own finances. After all, the quality of sleep and your mood will depend on him.

Video: How to choose the right mattress?

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