Green asparagus dishes: soup, vegetable stew, panini, risotto, casserole. Steaming recipes, in a slow cooker, fried in a pan

Green asparagus dishes: soup, vegetable stew, panini, risotto, casserole. Steaming recipes, in a slow cooker, fried in a pan

Asparagus is a perennial plant having juicy shoots. It is they who are used for food. But, for therapeutic purposes, other parts of this plant can be used. The benefits of asparagus were known in antiquity. But, they began to use only recently as a food product.

Types of asparagus

For some reason, many in our country believe that asparagus is an aristocratic product whose relatives are truffles or blue cheeses. This is not so, although these products have a certain kinship. The thing is that French culinary specialists made a popular asparagus. Yes, it is the gastronomic culture of France that we owe not only the truffles and famous Roquefort and Camamber cheeses, but also the recipes for making asparagus.

White asparagus. One of the most expensive types of this product. It is grown without access to light. Due to the complexity of the process, the cost of white asparagus is very high. It is rich in phosphorus, vitamins A, C and group B, as well as calcium and potassium.

Green asparagus. A more affordable product. And as scientists recently found out, more useful. Although this did not affect the delicacy price. Green asparagus costs cheaper than a white aristocratic asparagus.

Violet asparagus. A fairly rare type of asparagus. Like a white asparagus, it is grown most of the time without light, but periodically open access to the sun's rays. Which allows the purple asparagus to be painted in this color. Although when heat treatment, the usual green color returns it.

Beaver asparagus. Office beans is a very popular food product. Although there is nothing to do with a real asparagus. The bean asparagus contains a lot of amino acids important for humans and is close in composition to meat and fish.

Sea asparagus. A plant that grows in coastal marshy areas. It contains a large amount of iodine and is useful with a deficiency of this compound.

Soybean asparagus. Another variety of asparagus, which has nothing to do with the plant. It is made from soy milk foam, which is formed when this product is heated. Soya asparagus is very popular in Asian cuisine.

Asparagus soup recipe

Soups that include asparagus are very popular in Italy, France, England and other European countries. Below is a recipe for a soup from Italian cuisine.

And it is called such a “Minestron” soup.
And it is called such a “Minestron” soup.
  1. The asparagus (400 g) must be removed rude parts, and cut the rest into pieces of 1 cm
  2. We do the same with green patch beans (300 g)
  3. Clean potatoes (1-2 pcs.) And cut it with average cubes
  4. We rub Parmesan (120 g) on \u200b\u200ba grater, and with canned beans (100 g) we drain water
  5. In the stewpan, heat olive oil (4 tbsp. Spoons)
  6. Put the chopped onions (1 head), garlic (3 cloves) and 5-cm pieces of celery (4 stems) there
  7. Stew vegetables for about 10 minutes, and then add potatoes, green beans and grated parmesan
  8. Stew for another 5 minutes
  9. Add broth (1.5 liters) to vegetables, canned beans and bring the contents of the pan to a boil
  10. Reduce fire and cook for another 20 minutes
  11. When vegetables begin to boil add frozen green peas (300 g) and asparagus
  12. Cook for another 7 minutes, remove from the stove and add the crushed greens of the basil and parsley (2 tbsp.
  13. Before serving, the soup should brew for 10 minutes
  14. To the table, such soup needs to be served with garlic toasts

In such soup, you can add Brussels cabbage cut into 4 parts.

Asparagus stewed with vegetables in the oven: Paradise

  1. If you do not know what to cook with asparagus, bake vegetables in the oven. To do this, take your favorite vegetables. Their number does not matter. After preparing such a dish, pour them with sauce and serve to the table hot.
  2. Cut broccoli, carrots, colored cabbage, potatoes and pulp of pumpkin.
  3. In asparagus, we cut off the lower rude parts of the stem
  4. Boil vegetables steamed before the state of half -consumption
  5. In the middle pan, we melt the oil (165 g)
  6. Remove from heat and add nutmeg (0.25 tsp) and asaphetida (0.25 tsp)
  7. Add flour (165 g) and warm milk (1.25 l) to the sauce, and mix until smooth
  8. We put the sauce on fire and bring to a boil
  9. Fire must be reduced and boiled for about 1 minute
  10. During this time, you need to add pepper (0.75 spoon), salt and grated cheese (175 g) to it
  11. We put vegetables in a baking dish, spray them with oil and sprinkle with cheese
  12. Bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 25 minutes
  13. Serve to the table with the sauce

The number of ingredients for the sauce is indicated from the calculation of 2 kg of vegetables.

Steamsparge: Recipe

With an egg Pashot and bacon
With an egg Pashot and bacon

Steam products retain almost the entire vitamin-mineral composition. The asparagus is a very useful product and in order not to “lose” this benefit to cook asparagus for a couple of things. The time of such cooking depends on the age of shoots. The older they are, the more time you need to cook asparagus.

  1. The asparagus must be thoroughly washed and cleaned
  2. If the shoots are too large, then they need to be cut into pieces
  3. You need to pour water into the pan, and install a grid for cooking on top
  4. Of course, if you have a double boiler, this will greatly facilitate the cooking of asparagus
  5. Put the pan on the fire, and put the asparagus on the net
  6. After the water boils the asparagus, you need to 5-6 minutes

The asparagus prepared in this way can be used by a side dish for the bird. And you can pour sauce and serve with an egg-paste.

Panini with ham and sweet pepper

Panini is an Italian variety of sandwiches. But, unlike classic sandwiches, special heating presses are used in the preparation of panini. If you do not have such panin-press, then do not despair. You can cook this delicious appetizer and using improvised devices.

  1. We smear one side of the slice of bread with olive oil, and the second mustard
  2. We put the boiled asparagus, strips of fried sweet pepper, thinly chopped ham and a slice of cheese parmesan on the mustard.
  3. We put the second slice of bread on top
  4. Fry panini in a hot pan from both sides

Important: since panins are prepared in special presses, at home this appetizer can be prepared by placing a load when frying on such a sandwich. For example, a pot of water.

Asparagus in a slow cooker

The asparagus can be prepared in a slow cooker
The asparagus can be prepared in a slow cooker

For this purpose, it is best to choose a green variety of this vegetable. Below is a very popular asparagus recipe for cheese sauce.

  1. The green asparagus (18-20 pcs.) Must cut off rude ends, clean (if required) and rinse under cold water
  2. The stalks of asparagus must be placed in a steam capacity for steam
  3. Pour cold water (500 ml) into a slow cooker, add lemon juice and salt
  4. We put the bowl with asparagus in a slow cooker and spray it with lemon juice
  5. Close the lid, turn on the "steam" mode and cook for 20 minutes
  6. The readiness of the asparagus is determined by bright saturated green color
  7. In a pan, we melt butter (1 tbsp. Spoon) and pour fat cream (100 ml)
  8. Stir and after a minute we pour hard cheese in a fine grater into the sauce (70 g)
  9. We lay hot asparagus on plates, sprinkle with ground pepper (pinch) and pour cheese sauce

This dish can be prepared for a romantic dinner. It goes well with white wine.

Fried asparagus with an egg in a pan: an omelet with asparagus and tomatoes


Omlet with fried asparagus in Italy is called frittat. This dish is very popular in this country is very simple to prepare. Such an omelet for breakfast will help to forget about the feeling of hunger before lunch.

  1. In asparagus (600 g) we remove the hard parts of the stem and cut into a 2.5-cm pieces
  2. Cut the bell pepper into strips, chop the onion arbitrarily
  3. Pour water into a stewpan (1 liter) and bring to a boil
  4. Put the asparagus, onions and pepper in the water and cook 2 minutes
  5. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and put vegetables there there
  6. Put the tsukkini slices on top
  7. The width of the ring should not exceed 5 mm
  8. Beat eggs (10 pcs.), Cream (1 cup), ground pepper, finely chopped parsley and salt
  9. Pour vegetables with this mass, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven

Asparagus with mushrooms

This dish can be cooked in just 15 minutes
This dish can be cooked in just 15 minutes

For this recipe, Shiitak mushrooms were selected. They go perfectly with asparagus. If you bought these mushrooms in a dry form, then first soak them. For this purpose, it is advisable to fill the mushrooms with water and leave it overnight.

  1. In a large pan with thick walls, we melt olive oil (3 tbsp.
  2. We spread the asparagus (450 g), chopped green onions (4 pen) and slices of Shiitaka mushrooms (200 g)
  3. Fry the contents of the pan until the asparagus becomes soft and crispy
  4. Add chopped ginger (2 teaspoon), garlic (4 cloves) and sesame seeds (1 teaspoon) and fry the vegetables for another minute
  5. Add water (2 tbsp. Spoons), mix and pour soy sauce (1 teaspoon) and sesame oil (1 teaspoon)
  6. Salt, mix and immediately serve to the table

Risotto with asparagus

Risotto is a very popular Italian rice dish. There are a great many recipes for this dish. You can cook it with asparagus. It is believed that if you can cook risotto correctly, you can consider yourself a skilled culinary specialist.

  1. Cut on cubes onions (1 pc.) Fry in butter
  2. Then we fill up the rice of Arborio (1.5 cups) in the pan and fry it for two minutes over medium heat
  3. Pour wine (0.5 cups) in rice, stir and let it evaporate
  4. Then pour the chicken broth (750 ml) one half
  5. Each next shelter of the broth must be poured after the previous one is evaporated
  6. Dick (500 g) is boiled in any available way
  7. In order for it to preserve the color, after cooking it needs to be immersed in cold water for a minute
  8. Add oil (30 g) to rice, sliced \u200b\u200basparagus and grated Parmesan (50 g)
  9. We increase the fire and mix
  10. Before serving to the table, sprinkle with the remnants of Parmesan (50 g)

Asparagus with bacon recipe

Another simple dish that can be cooked in minutes
Another simple dish that can be cooked in minutes

It can be served to the table if friends or relatives suddenly came to you. To prepare it, you will need the average shoots of green asparagus and several strips of bacon.

  1. The asparagus must be washed and lowered in boiling water for 5 minutes
  2. Then it needs to be removed from the water and put on a napkin so that excess water leaves it
  3. Cut the bacon with thin 1-2 centimeter stripes
  4. Bacon needs to wrap the asparagus as shown in the previous photo
  5. Cold the baking sheet with olive oil and spread the asparagus with bacon
  6. We bake in the oven for about 5 minutes and turn the asparagus
  7. Instead of the oven, you can use the pan
  8. The readiness of this snack is determined by red crispy crust

Casserole with asparagus

A casserole with asparagus is quite a hearty dish. Especially if there are mushrooms, meat and cheese. Therefore, it is best to eat such a dish in the morning. For example, at breakfast.

  1. Asparagus (500 g) cut into pieces 2 cm wide
  2. Cut champignons (200 g) with plates and fry with crushed garlic in butter
  3. Add asparagus to mushrooms and fry until cooked
  4. Add boiled meat (300 g) sliced \u200b\u200bin cubes
  5. We season with your favorite spices and mix
  6. Beat eggs (8 pcs) and milk in a separate bowl (600 g)
  7. Lubricate the baking dish with butter and spread thin slices of bread to the bottom
  8. We put half the fried ingredients on bread and sprinkle with grated cheese
  9. Pour half whipped eggs and repeat the layers
  10. We put the shape in the refrigerator for 8 hours
  11. Then we cover the top of the casserole with foil and bake for about 1 hour
  12. We extract from the oven and let it brew for 15 minutes

Spaghetti with asparagus

Paste Primaver
Paste Primaver
  1. Grind the garlic (2-3 cloves), add salt, pepper and grind in a mortar
  2. Mix the crushed garlic with yogurt (150 g) and lemon juice (3 tbsp.
  3. For taste, you can add a mixture of Provencal herbs or basil
  4. We pour the sauce into a container with a closing lid and put in the refrigerator
  5. In asparagus (150 g), cut off the lower 1-1.5 cm of the stem and wash under running water
  6. Boil water and boil the asparagus for 3-4 minutes
  7. We transfer it to ice water for 3 minutes and throw it to a colander
  8. Cut the stalks of asparagus into two parts
  9. Boil spaghetti (250 g) in the traditional way and throw it back on a colander
  10. Warm butter in a pan and shift spaghetti there
  11. Shake the pan and add the asparagus and a little water
  12. We boil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, add grated cheese (50 g) and remove from heat
  13. Spaghetti sauce with asparagus is watered before serving to the table

Asparagus with meat

This dish will especially appeal to your men. After all, his main ingredient, in addition to asparagus, is meat.

  1. Pork cutting (2 pieces) 1.5 cm thick is washed under running water and put it on a paper towel
  2. Когда лишняя вода сойдет перекладываем мясо на разделочную доску, солим, перчим и посыпаем прованскими травами
  3. We wrap it in a dietary film and beat off a hammer
  4. We pour each piece of meat with olive oil and clean the refrigerator for 1-2 hours
  5. Clean the asparagus (16-20 stems) and cut off the rough part of the stem
  6. Rinse and boil for 3-4 minutes in boiling water
  7. Then we place it in ice water and throw it on a colander
  8. We heat the pan and fry the meat in vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side
  9. Then we remove the fire for a minimum and cover the pan with a lid
  10. Turn it over periodically and Tomim 10 minutes
  11. We spread the asparagus on a plate, pour pepper and spray with lemon juice
  12. Near the asparagus we put pieces of fried meat

Pork roll with asparagus

And such rolls can decorate the festive table
And such rolls can decorate the festive table

But why wait for the holidays if they can be done right now.

  1. Boil the asparagus (8 stems) in the traditional way
  2. We beat off escalopes (4 pieces) as in the previous recipe and salt
  3. We put on each piece of meat in a piece of sausage (4 pieces), cheese (4 pieces) and asparagus (2 stems each)
  4. We turn the meat with a roll and fasten it with a toothpick
  5. Mix flour with salt and roll rolls in it
  6. In a pan, heat the cream (2 tbsp. Spoons) and vegetable (1 tbsp. Spoons) oil
  7. Fry the rolls on each side until cooked
  8. In the stewpan, boil white wine (3 tbsp. Spoons) and add butter (1 tbsp. Spoon)

Add water in which the asparagus was cooked (a little) and water the finished rolls with the sauce

Asparagus with cheese

Cheese in almost every recipe accompanies asparagus. But, you can prepare a delicious snack based on only these two ingredients. Onions and spices do not count. This simple dish is suitable for a snack, a buffet or a family breakfast.

  1. Boil the asparagus (500 g) and place it in cold water for 2-3 minutes
  2. We bind the stalks of asparagus (3 pcs.) Features of green onions (4-6 pcs.)
  3. Squeeze the garlic (2 cloves) through the press and mix it with olive oil (2 tablespoons), salt and spices
  4. Lubricate the bread with garlic oil and lay out the bundles of the asparagus on top
  5. Cover with cheese (150 g) and place on a greased baking sheet
  6. We heat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the "sandwiches" for about 10 minutes

Asparagus stew in sour cream

This hearty and healthy dish can be used independently or as a side dish. For example, with fish. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.

  1. We clean the asparagus (500 g), cut off the hard parts and cut into small pieces
  2. Fry the asparagus in butter, salt and sprinkle with spices
  3. Add water and bring to readiness
  4. In a separate frying pan, mix butter, flour (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), milk (0.5 cups) and sour cream (0.5 cups)
  5. Add grated cheese (200 g), nutmeg and pepper
  6. Pour the asparagus with the finished sauce and stew for 2 minutes

Tunets and asparagus salad with feta

And with this light salad you can decorate the dining table or use it as the main dish at breakfast
And with this light salad you can decorate the dining table or use it as the main dish at breakfast
  1. Boil the asparagus (50 g) and cut the stems into small pieces
  2. We tear the salad leaves (150 g) with our hands, and cut the tomato with slices
  3. Add to vegetables of canned tuna (95 g) and chopped feta cheese (40 g)
  4. Twist the salad with olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon), add balsamic vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon), pepper and salt
  5. Mix and serve to the table

Salmon baked with asparagus in the oven

A very tasty dish can be made of salmon and asparagus baked in the oven. It can decorate the festive table or be used during a romantic dinner.

  1. Mix the zest of one lemon with olive oil (2 tbsp.
  2. We cut the lemon into slices and put it aside
  3. We spread asparagus (20 stems) on one side of the baking sheet and pour olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon)
  4. Sprinkle the asparagus with salt (0.75 tsp) and pepper (0.5 tsp)
  5. Lubricate the second part of the baking sheet with oil and lay out the salmon fillet (4 pcs. 200 g) with a skin down
  6. Fish meat must be sprinkled with salt (1 teaspoon) and pepper (0.5 tsp)
  7. We place a baking sheet to the middle position of the preheated oven (220 degrees)
  8. We bake fish with asparagus for 12-15 minutes
  9. If salmon is prepared faster than asparagus, then it must be put on a plate to continue the baking of the asparagus
  10. In order not to cooled salmon before the preparation of asparagus needs to be covered with foil
  11. We spread the fish and asparagus on plates and spray with oil with lemon zest
  12. We lay out lemon slices on plates and serve to the table

Chicken with garlic, fried potatoes and asparagus


Another dish that will not leave indifferent everyone who will try it. Ground is prepared and will be appropriate for a large family holiday.

  1. We heat the grill to the average temperature and bake potatoes (700 g), wrapped in foil
  2. We remove the potatoes from the grill, but leave it in foil
  3. Lubricate the lattice with olive oil and increase the grill temperature
  4. Mix olive oil (3 tbsp. Spoons), garlic (3 cloves), vinegar (2 tbsps of tablespoons), thyme (1.25 cups), salt and pepper
  5. We beat off the chicken fillet (700 g) and fill it with marinade for 10 minutes
  6. Dick (700 g) is doused with olive oil (1.5 teaspoon), salt and pepper
  7. Cook on grill until soft, periodically turning over
  8. We free the meat from the marinade and fry until cooked on each side
  9. Warm potatoes put in a bowl and mix with olive oil
  10. Add salt, pepper, chopped asparagus and garlic sauce.
  11. Serve chicken chicken with asparagus and potatoes, decorate Timyan's twigs


  1. Mix white wine (0.25 cups), Dijon mustard (1 tbsp. Spoon), salt, pepper, sugar (pinch) and chopped garlic (1 tsp)
  2. Slowly pour olive oil (0.75 cups) and mix in a blender

How to delibe to cook dry asparagus?

Dried asparagus today can be bought in almost every large store
Dried asparagus today can be bought in almost every large store

She has nothing to do with the plant. Its basis is soy. There are a lot of vitamin B and carotene in dried asparagus. This product can be considered dietary.

Dried asparagus can be boiled, fried in fruit, put out with vegetables and meat. Before preparing dishes from this product, it must be soaked in warm water. For hot dishes you need to soak at least an hour, and for cold - 8 hours.

Dry asparagus in Korean

  1. Soaked asparagus (200 g) cut into strips
  2. Add crushed garlic (1 clove), chopped sharp pepper (1 pc.) And carrots (1 pc.) Ground grater
  3. Sprinkle the asparagus with the coriander and water it with warm olive oil
  4. You can enhance the taste due to vinegar and soy sauce
  5. We put the bowl with asparagus in the refrigerator for 2 hours

Dry asparagus salad

  1. Sharp chopped by mugs (600 g) pour water and soak for 3 hours
  2. From tomatoes (4 pcs.), Remove the peel and finely cut
  3. Grind the onion (2 bundles) and put everything in a bowl
  4. From the asparagus you first need to drain excess water
  5. Boil the eggs (2 pcs.) And cut them into two parts
  6. We chop the protein finely, and rub the yolk through a strainer
  7. Mix the grated yolk, yogurt (1 cup) and mayonnaise (4 tbsp.
  8. Add wine vinegar (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), lemon juice and mustard (2 tbsp.
  9. Knead until smooth and add sugar, salt and pepper
  10. We lay out the mass in salad bowls and water it with egg sauce
  11. Sprinkle with chopped protein and decorate with greens of parsley

Fried asparagus with onions

  1. Asparagus (200 g) pour boiling water and leave to cool
  2. Then we drain the water, rinse and fry
  3. Onions (1 pc.) And garlic (2 cloves) chop and also fry
  4. Mix the ingredients and add pepper and salt

Recipes with asparagus: tips and reviews

Nina. I love asparagus very much. Real asparagus, not bean or soybean. It taste like broccoli and tsukkini. I boil it steamed, and then water it with the Dutch sauce. Such a dish can be served with fish or chicken fillet. Try it.

Marina. And I like the raw asparagus. The stems are crispy and very tasty. But, if the asparagus quickly fry according to the technology of the laundry, nothing should happen too.

Video. Delicious asparagus - the best vegetable side dish recipe

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