Light salad with chicken, with chicken, Venice, for the winter: the best recipes

Light salad with chicken, with chicken, Venice, for the winter: the best recipes

Recipes for salads with asparagus.

Asparagus is a very tasty product that can become an ingredient in the mass of salads. Let's analyze these recipes in more detail.

How to make a salad of dry, pickled, soy, with cucumbers and octopuses? Asparage sauce: recipe

Asparagus is considered a indoor plant. The people call him asparagus. Since ancient times, people have known about the useful properties of this culture. It contains a large number folic acid. This substance is especially useful for pregnant women. Also, the use of asparagus positively affects the functioning of the intestines, the operation of the cardiovascular system, and blood coagulation.

There are a lot of recipes for making this plant. It is used both in dry and pickled form. Next, you will learn many detailed recipes with asparagus, octopuses and cucumbers.

The asparagus can be deliciously supplemented with the sauce, which consists of:

  • 50 g cream and oil
  • 2 yolks
  • and lemon juice with mustard - 1 tsp
Tender asparagus in creamy sauce
Tender asparagus in creamy sauce

Next, you need to melt the oil and beat the yolk with cream, juice and mustard. Mix all the components and pour the finished asparagus. The delicate taste of asparagus and the thin creamy taste of the sauce will not leave indifferent even the most refined gourmets.

Lean salad with asparagus

You can add onions, carrots, tomatoes or strawberries to such salads. The above recipe should be considered general. Add all these additional ingredients in accordance with your taste. General ingredients:

  • Asparagus - 0.5 kg
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Vegetable oil
  • Additional products (green onions, salad, carrots, tomatoes, beans or strawberries) - 200 g


  • Cut the asparagus with bars of 3-4 cm. Warm in a little salted water
  • When it cools down, add lemon juice
  • Line in sunflower oil one of the ingredients you have chosen
  • Mix with asparagus
  • Decorate the finished mixture with lemon slices
Lenten asparage salad
Lenten asparage salad

Salad with asparagus and chicken

The composition of the salad includes:

  • Asparagus
  • Green pea
  • Cucumbers
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • Green onions
  • Chicken fillet
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Tomatoes
  • Ground pepper
  • Lemon


  • Cut the onion in small pieces
  • Peel the asparagus, pour with boiling water
  • Boil chicken fillet and put in pieces in a dish
  • Sprinkle green peas from above
  • Cucumber, tomato and onions cut and add to everything
  • Prepare the sauce from oil, lemon juice and salt
Kurita's asparagus salad
Kurita's asparagus salad

Salad ready!

Soycal salad

For such a salad you will need the following ingredients:

  • Coriander - 1 tsp
  • Lenten oil - 150 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Sauce
  • Vinegar
  • Garlic is a couple of cloves
  • Onion
  • Carrots - 1 pc
  • Salt
  • Soy asparagus - 300 g

The preparation itself consists of such stages:

  • Place soy asparagus in warm water. After 6 hours, take it out and cut into the bar 5-7 cm.
  • Cut the carrots or grate (as more prefer), add salt, sugar, vinegar and sauce, mix
  • In a heated frying pan brown onions and garlic cloves
  • Until the oil has cooled, pour it into the carrots. After mix everything with asparagus
Salad with soy asparagus
Salad with soy asparagus

Give me a snack to brew. The asparagus will bring all the aromas into itself and will delight with an unusual taste.

Video: Soy's salad and carrot

Salad from cucumbers of asparagus and octopus

If you wanted something exotic, then you can cook such a salad. To do this, you will come in handy:

  • Octopuses - 400 g (it is better to take canned)
  • Asparagus - 200 g
  • Cucumber
  • Celery (taste)
  • Lenten oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Ginger and herbs

The cooking process is simple. First of all, take care of cucumbers, herbs and celery. Rinse all this, dry with a paper towel and cut it. Prepare the sauce from oil, soy sauce and ginger. Put everything in the salad bowl, add octopuses, pour the sauce and mix. Salad ready.

Naval salad with asparagus
Naval salad with asparagus

Salad from asparagus for the winter: recipes

The asparagus can also be mothballed for the winter. There are many recipes. Canned asparagus without additives - This is the easiest recipe. For him, you need a minimum set of products: asparagus (400 g), water (500 ml) and vinegar with salt.

Preparation instructions:

  • Prepare the asparagus: rinse, dry, cut
  • Sterilize the banks and fill them tightly with beans
  • Prepare the fill - boil water and add salt
  • After pour the jars after this solution

After sterilization (about half an hour), preserve asparagus. Put the banks in a warm place for a day.
Another delicious workpiece will be sysparage beans in sauce.The sauce in this recipe is prepared from tomatoes. They give asparagus a sweet taste.

For this salad, you will need tomatoes (0.5 kg), asparagus beans (0.6 kg), sugar and salt (to taste). Preparation:

  • Rinse the beans, dry in a paper towel and cut
  • Fold them in sterilized jars
  • Wash the tomatoes in cold water, pour boiling water. After remove the skin from them and beat in a blender
  • Boil it, add sugar and salt
  • Pour the beans with the resulting sauce
  • Sterilize the banks for about 20 minutes
Harvesting with asparagus for the winter
Harvesting with asparagus for the winter

How to cook a dry asparagus salad?

You will need to prepare such a salad:

  • Dry asparagus - 300 g
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • Tomato
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise or olive oil

Directly preparation process:

  • Take dry asparagus and soak in water for 6 hours. Periodically change the water.
  • After that, it needs to be boiled. Drain the water, and rinse the asparagus in a colander under running water.
  • When it becomes at room temperature, cut into strips
  • Cut the tomato and bell pepper and add to the asparagus
  • Season the salad with mayonnaise or oil
  • Garnish with herbs on top
Dry asparagus salad
Dry asparagus salad

Pickled asparagus

For asparagus, you can use any marinade. In this recipe, the marinade will be vinegar, spices and oil. The plus of such a salad is that it can be prepared in advance. Compound:

  • Vinegar - 50 ml
  • Office beans - 400 g
  • Olive oil - 30 ml
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Greens
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sour cream
  • Spices to taste


  • wash the asparagus and dip in boiling water for 1 min
  • dry with paper towels
  • prepare the marinade - mix vinegar, spices, salt and sugar
  • pour this asparagus and put in a cold place
  • at this time, you can prepare a sauce for the future salad - garlic, dill, ground pepper and salt. Add sour cream
  • take out a barred asparagus and pour on the top with the cooked sauce
Delicious salad of pickled asparagus
Delicious salad of pickled asparagus

Venice salad from asparagus

This salad has many cooking options. What do not add to it, it always turns out tasty. It is even suitable for the festive table. This Venice salad recipe includes the addition of asparagus. You can add your ingredients to taste. Set of products:

  • fresh asparagus (to taste)
  • chicken fillet - 250 g
  • egg yolks in the amount of 3 pcs
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • fresh mushrooms - 300 g
  • corn - 200 g
  • cheese
  • potato
  • bulb
  • salt, pepper, lean oil


  • Boil fillets and potatoes, cut into cubes
  • Clean the onion of the husk, cut the rings and throw it into a preheated pan
  • Add mushrooms pre -sliced \u200b\u200bby stripes. Do not forget to stir
  • Put the potatoes and chicken in the bowl, attach a bow with mushrooms to them
  • Drain the water from canned corn and sprinkle it with a salad
  • Grate or chop cucumbers; Do the same and with yolks
  • The cheese should be solid varieties. Grate it too, sprinkle on top
  • The salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise. If you do not use it, you can leave the salad to leave it without refueling. He will not be dry anyway
In the salad of Venice Asparge will add a highlight
In the salad "Venice" Asparge will add a highlight

Asparage sauce: recipe

Exercise beans goes well with any sauce. Therefore, it will not be difficult to pick up the sauce to your taste. Here is some of them:

  • The lightest asparagus sauce can be prepared for you from sour cream and ceiling garlic. Take any proportions to your taste


  • hold the egg yolks above the water bath, stirring
  • Add preheated low -fat oil (200 g). Salt and pepper
  • The sauce is ready

Cottage cheese and cream sauce:

  • take 250 g of cottage cheese (it is better to take home), beat in a blender until a homogeneous mass, add 300 g of cream
  • It can taste in the composition of herbs, greens, salt and pepper
Asparagus under the sauce

Asparagus is an amazing product that will be a great addition to many salads. We hope that thanks to our recipes, you will replenish your notebook with several more wonderful options.

Video: Mushroom sauce to asparagus

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